{% hint style="info" %} plugin-wells 4.0.0 minimum version required {% endhint %}
Live provides the capability to correlate wells with symmetric association.
First add one or more correlated wells at well parameters tab:
By typing a text it is possible to associate multiple wells with current well then it is possible to save:
In example, when the Well ABC as a correlated with mywell, then mywell will be listed as a correlated well of Well ABC:
To remove a correlated well click on the trash icon of the specific correlated well you want to remove and confirm. The the symmetric correlation will be removed from both wells:
By using the map widget it is possible to plot the coordinates of the wells to see related wells:
{% hint style="info" %} plugin widget-maps 1.1.1 required for visualize the map on the dashboard {% endhint %}
The query below renders the wells correlated to the well whose id is 261, for example.
=> og.wellById("261")->correlatedWells:seq
|> og.wellById(_$)
|> (_->location, _->description, _->wellId) every min
=> @chain
location->latitude as lat,
location->longitude as long,
description->name as asset,
'well' as asset_type,
description->name as caption,'
'#/wells/'+wellId$+'/parameters' as link
) as tooltip