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E-Mail Notifications

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  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Using Built-In Email Services

If you are using one of the following Buil-In E-Mail services, then setting up this notification service has never been easier. If your provider isn't on the list and you'd like to request it, just open up a ticket and request it. However, if your provider isn't on the list you're not out of luck. Custom email servers are a little bit more complicated, but still work. See the section under this entitled Customer Servers).

The following syntaxes work right out of the box:

  • mailto://{userid}:{password}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}
  • mailto://{userid}:{app-password}

Secure connections are always implied whether you choose to use mailto:// or mailtos://

Note Google Users using the 2 Step Verification Process will be required to generate an apppassword from here that you can use in the {password} field.

Note Fastmail Users are required to generate a custom App password before you can connect it up to send email to (from a 3rd party tool like this one). You must assign the SMTP option to the new App you generate. This Fastmail portion of this plugin currently supports the following 116 domains. Just make sure you identify the email address you're using when you build the mailto:// url and everything will work as intended.

Using Custom Servers Syntax

If you're using your own SMTP Server or one that simply isn't in the Built-In list defined in the previous section then things get a wee-bit more complicated.

First off, secure vs insecure emails are defined by mailto:// (port 25) and mailtos:// (port 587) where mailtos:// will enable TLS prior to sending the user and password.

If your SMTP server is identified by a different hostname than what is identified by the suffix of your email, then you'll need to specify it as an argument; for example:

If you want to adjust the email's ReplyTo address, then you can do the following:

You can also adjust the ReplyTo's Name too:

  • mailtos://userid:[email protected]?[email protected]&name=Optional%20Name Since URL's can't have spaces in them, you'll need to use '%20' as a place-holder for one (if needed). In the example above, the email would actually be received as Optional Name.

Here are some example syntaxes you can use when doing the custom approach:

  • mailto://{userid}:{password}@{domain}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}@{domain}:{port}?smtp={smtp_server}
  • mailto://{userid}:{password}@{domain}:{port}?from={from_email}&name={from_name}

Some mail servers will require your {userid} to be your full email address. In these cases, you'll need to specify your username in the url as an attribute like so:

  • mailto://{password}@{domain}:{port}?user={userid}

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
userid Yes The account login to your SMTP server; if this is an email you must specify this near the end of the URL as an argument.
password Yes The password required to send an email via your SMTP Server.
domain Yes If your email address was [email protected] then is your domain. You must provide this as part of the URL string!
port No The port your SMTP server is listening on. By default the port is 25 for mailto:// and 587 for all mailtos:// references.
smtp No If the SMTP server differs from your specified domain, then you'll want to specify it as an argument in your URL.
from No If you want the email address ReplyTo address to be something other then your own email address, then you can specify it here.
to No This will enforce (or set the address the email is sent To). This is only required in special circumstances. The notification script is usually clever enough to figure this out for you.
name No With respect to {from_email}, this allows you to provide a name with your ReplyTo address.
timeout No How long to wait for your SMTP server in seconds before giving up. The default is 30 seconds. If you want to adjust the timeout, simply specify it as an argument on your URL.
mode No This is only referenced if using mailtos:// (a secure url). The Mode allows you to change the connection method. Some sites only support SSL (mode=ssl) while others only support STARTTLS (mode=starttls). The default value is starttls.

To eliminate any confusion, any url parameter (key=value) specified will over-ride what was detected in the url; hence:

  • mailto://usera:[email protected]?user=[email protected]: the userid of foobar would over-ride the userid usera specified. However since the password was not over-ridden, the password of pass123 would be used still.


Send a email notification to our hotmail account:

# It's really easy if you're using a built in provider
# Built-In providers look after handling the little details such as
# the SMTP server, port, enforcing a secure connection, etc
apprise mailto:///example:[email protected]
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