A successful git branching model
"From the classic CVS/Subversion world I came from, merging/branching has always been considered a bit scary (“beware of merge conflicts, they bite you!”) and something you only do every once in a while."
"[...]with Git, these actions are extremely cheap and simple, and they are considered one of the core parts of your daily workflow...Version control tools are supposed to assist in branching/merging more than anything else."
- 'essentially no more than a set of procedures'
- Central "truth" repo
- Display image
- Developers can all have their own remotes, or share branches on the origin
Main branches
- Master reflects production-ready code
- Every push to master condsidered a new release
- Develop reflects on-going development, for the next release, also called the Integration Branch
- Develop is where nightly builds come from
- When Develop is stable nough for a release, we make our way down to Master
Supporting Branches
- Feature, Release, Hotfix
- Special only in a policy sense; still just git branches