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Erlang Generic C Node Server

Table of Contents

A behaviour that ties together Erlang's gen_server with Erlang's C nodes.

C nodes are a way of implementing native binaries, written in C, that behave like Erlang nodes, capable of sending and receiving messages from Erlang processes. Amongst the ways of interfacing Erlang with C, C nodes are the most robust: since the nodes are independent OS processes, crashes do not affect the Erlang VM. Compare this to a NIF, for example, where a problem in the C code may cause the entire Erlang VM to crash. The price to pay is, of course, performance.

Making C nodes work with Erlang, however, is not a simple task. Your executable is started by hand, and has to set up communications with an existing Erlang process. Since the executable does not know where to connect to in advance, the necessary parameters have to be given to it in the command line when the C node is started. Once all of that is done, the C node enters a message loop, waiting for messages and replying to them. If the computations it is performing take too long, the calling Erlang process may infer that the C node is dead, and cut communications with it. This is because Erlang will be sending TICK messages to the C node to keep the connection alive. The only way around this is to make the C node have separate threads to deal with user-generated messages and system-generated messages. The list does go on.

This module, and its accompanying library, libgen_c_server.a, hide this complexity and require the C node implementer to define only the equivalent gen_server callbacks in C, and a gen_c_server callback module in Erlang. Within the C callbacks, the developer uses the ei library to manipulate Erlang terms.

Inspired by Robby Raschke's work on interfacing with Lua.


  1. Write a C node
  2. Write an Erlang callback module with gen_c_server behaviour.
    • Call c_init from init, and c_terminate from terminate.
    • Forward handle_info to c_handle_info if desired.

We will start with the Erlang callback module description, since this part should be more familiar to Erlang users.

Erlang: The Behaviour

If you are not familiar with the standard gen_server behaviour, please take some time to study it before tackling this one. The description that follows relies heavily on describing gen_c_server in terms of gen_server.

We will describe how to write the C node in another section. In this one, we'll describe the behaviour functions and callbacks. In what follows, Mod will refer to the Erlang module implementing this behaviour. That module's definition will contain something like this at the beginning:


The c_node/0 Callback

The callback module should define a c_node function, which returns a string with the path to the C node executable.

c_node() ->

The Internal Server State

In gen_server, the internals of the server implementation are completely hidden. In gen_c_server, however, there is one bit of internal server state that gets passed around in some functions. The internal server state is a tuple {State, Opaque}, where State is the equivalent to gen_server's state, and Opaque is something internal to the gen_c_server. This tuple is passed in to every callback that normally takes in a state argument. Those callbacks should also return a {NewState, NewOpaque} instead of the simple state value.

The reason this has to be exposed is because, in callbacks such as init/2 and terminate/2, the callback has to ask the server to talk to the C node, and the Opaque structure gives gen_c_server the information needed to do so. This will become clearer when we document the callbacks below, but now you know the reason why Opaque will pop up here and there.

Starting the Server, and the init/2 Callback

In a gen_server, the callback module needs to implement a init/1 callback, which is called by the various server start functions. In gen_c_server, this function takes an extra argument, Opaque, representing the internal state of the server.

It is the job of this init/2 callback to initialize the C node, and it can do that by a call to gen_c_server:c_init(Args, Opaque), where Args is an arbitrary value (usually the same as the first input argument), and Opaque is the second input value to init/2. The function will start the C node and call its gcs_init function. Depending on what it returns, c_init will return one of

  • {ok, {State, NewOpaque}}
  • {ok, {State, NewOpaque}, hibernate | Timeout}
  • {stop, Reason}
  • ignore

The meaning of those is similar to the usual gen_server expected returns from init/1, except they need to include the Opaque parameters in the state.

The init/2 callback should return one of those values too, so its simplest implementation, if the Erlang portion does not care about state or massaging the Args parameters, is

init(Args, Opaque) -> gen_c_server:c_init(Args, Opaque).

Of course, the function is free to modify the input Args, or the State returned by c_init. What it should not do is mess around with the Opaque parameters.

Lastly, there is a c_init/3 function that takes as its third argument the "spawn type" for the C node. The possible values are spawn_executable and spawn. The first is the value c_init/2 uses. The second is useful when the C node executable is wrapped in a shell script.

Stopping the Server, and the terminate/2 Callback

The logic behind the init/2 callback applies verbatim to the terminate/2 callback. In gen_server, the callback takes in the Reason and the State, and does whatever it needs to do to clean up. In gen_c_server, there are two differences:

  • The terminate state argument is instead {State, Opaque}, for reasons described above.
  • The callback should call the gen_c_server:c_terminate function, which will take care of calling the C node's gcs_terminate function, and shutting the C node down.

The c_terminate function accepts the same parameters as terminate/2, so the simplest callback implementation is

terminate(Reason, {State, Opaque} = ServerState) ->
  gen_c_server:c_terminate(Reason, ServerState).

Synchronous Calls to Erlang and the C Node

Synchronous calls to the Erlang callback module are done by calling gen_c_server:call/2. The Erlang callback handle_call/3 is called, and again it takes in a {State, Opaque} tuple instead of gen_server's single State. When it returns new state, it must return it in the form {NewState, Opaque}.

The Opaque value would only be useful if the handle_call/3 callback could call the C node somehow. Currently that is not possible, but by having the parameter there we can add the functionality without breaking backwards compatibility.

Synchronous calls to the C node are made via the gen_c_server:c_call/2 function, which calls the gcs_handle_call C node callback. This callback does not receive the {State, Opaque} tuple, since it doesn't need Opaque for anything. Instead, it simply receives the State.

Asynchronous Calls to Erlang and the C Node

Asynchronous calls follow the same logic as synchronous ones, except that call is replaced by cast: The gen_c_server:cast/2 function calls the handle_cast callback which gets {State, Opaque} and needs to reply with {NewState, Opaque}. Asynchronous calls to the C node are done with gen_c_server:c_cast/2, and call the C node's gcs_handle_call callback with State.

Out-of-Band Messages

Lastly, out-of-band messages are always passed on to the Erlang module's handle_info/2 callback, which, as usual, gets the {State, Opaque} tuple as the state argument. The callback can pass the message on to the C node by calling gen_c_server:c_handle_info/2 with the same arguments as its input, which will result in a call to the C node's gcs_handle_info.

Callback Summary

  • init/2
  • terminate/2
  • c_node/0
  • handle_call/3
  • handle_cast/2
  • handle_info/2

Function Summary

  • start/3, start/4, start_link/3, start_link/4: These are completely equivalent to gen_server's functions of the same signature.
  • stop/1: Terminates the server, including shutting down the C node.
  • call/2, call/3
  • cast/2
  • c_init/2
  • c_call/2, c_call/3
  • c_terminate/2
  • c_cast/2
  • c_handle_info/2

C: Writing a C Node

A C node is written by implementing the necessary callbacks, and linking the executable against libgen_c_server.a, which defines main() for you. When implementing callbacks, the rule of thumb is this: for each callback you would implement in an Erlang gen_server callback module, implement a gcs_name function in C instead. This function takes in the same arguments as the Erlang callback, plus a last ei_x_buff* argument where the function should build its reply (when a reply is needed). The other arguments are const char* pointing to ei buffers containing the arguments themselves. C node callbacks that receive a state receive State, not the {State, Opaque} tuple the Erlang callbacks receive. (The Opaque argument is necessary in Erlang so the C node can be called, so it is useless inside the C node itself.)

A full C node skeleton thus looks like this:

#include "gen_c_server.h"

void gcs_init(const char *args_buff, ei_x_buff *reply) {

void gcs_handle_call(const char *request_buff,
                     const char *from_buff,
                     const char *state_buff,
                     ei_x_buff *reply) {

void gcs_handle_cast(const char *request_buff,
                     const char *state_buff,
                     ei_x_buff *reply) {

void gcs_handle_info(const char *info_buff,
                     const char *state_buff,
                     ei_x_buff *reply) {

void gcs_terminate(const char *reason_buff, const char *state_buff) {

Let's see how this looks like in a C node that simply counts the number of calls made to each function. (This C node is included in the source distribution of gen_c_server, as one of the tests.) In this C node, We make use of an utility gcs_decode function which is provided by the gen_c_server library, that allows us to decode ei buffers in a sscanf-like manner. Consult the header file for more details.

#include "gen_c_server.h"

 * Utility function that encodes a state tuple based on the arguments.
 * The state is a 3-tuple, { num_calls, num_casts, num_infos }
static void encode_state(
        ei_x_buff *reply,
        long ncalls,
        long ncasts,
        long ninfos)

 * Initialize the C node, replying with a zeroed-out state.
void gcs_init(const char* args_buff, ei_x_buff *reply)
    /* Reply: {ok,{0,0,0}} */

 * When called, increment the number of calls, and reply with the new state.
void gcs_handle_call(
        const char *request_buff,
        const char *from_buff,
        const char *state_buff,
        ei_x_buff  *reply)
    long ncalls, ncasts, ninfos;

    /* Reply: {reply,Reply=NewState,NewState={ncalls+1,ncasts,ninfos}} */

 * When casted, increment the number of casts, and reply with the new state.
void gcs_handle_cast(
        const char *request_buff,
        const char *state_buff,
        ei_x_buff  *reply)
    long ncalls, ncasts, ninfos;

    /* Reply: {noreply,NewState={ncalls,ncasts+1,ninfos}} */

 * When info-ed, increment the number of infos, and reply with the new state.
void gcs_handle_info(
        const char *info_buff,
        const char *state_buff,
        ei_x_buff  *reply)
    long ncalls, ncasts, ninfos;

    /* Reply: {noreply,NewState={ncalls,ncasts,ninfos+1}} */

 * We don't need to clean anything up when terminating.
void gcs_terminate(const char *reason_buff, const char *state_buff) { }

Once you compile (with the appropriate flags so the compiler finds gen_c_server.h and ei.h) and link (with the appropriate flags to the linker links in libgen_c_server, erl_interface, and ei libraries) this node, you can define a simple Erlang callback module as follows:

-export([c_node/0, init/2, terminate/2, handle_info/2]).

c_node() -> "/path/to/my/c/node/executable".
init(Args, Opaque) -> gen_c_server:c_init(Args, Opaque).
terminate(Reason, ServerState) -> gen_c_server:c_terminate(Reason, ServerState).
handle_info(Info, ServerState) -> gen_c_server:c_handle_info(Info, ServerState).

With that, you can now:

{ok,Pid} = gen_c_server:start(my_c_server,[],[]),
{1,0,0} = gen_c_server:c_call(Pid,"Any message"),
ok = gen_c_server:c_cast(Pid,"Any old message"),
{2,1,0} = gen_c_server:c_call(Pid,"Any message"),
Pid ! "Any message, really",
{3,1,1} = gen_c_server:c_call(Pid,[]),

Note that the Erlang shell has to have a registered name, which means you have to start it with either the -name or -sname options passed in. This is because the C node needs a registered Erlang node to connect to.


Currently, not all replies from the callback functions are accepted. In particular,

  • gcs_handle_call can only reply {reply,Reply,NewState}, {reply,Reply,NewState,hibernate} or {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState}.
  • gcs_handle_cast can only reply {noreply,NewState}, {noreply,NewState,hibernate} or {stop,Reason,NewState}.
  • gcs_handle_info can only reply {noreply,NewState}, {noreply,NewState,hibernate} or {stop,Reason,NewState}.


In a Unix system, typing ./gradlew install should do it. Type ./gradlew tasks to get a list of available build targets.

A makefile is provided with convenience targets used during development. The ct target, for example, sets up and tears down epmd automatically so that tests can be performed. make shell will bring you into an Erlang shell with the correct paths set for interactively testing things.

Compiling on Windows

Download the latest pthreads-win32 pre-compiled ZIP. Unzip it into a pthreads-win32 directory at the root of your checkout of this project. This should allow you to build with the Gradle script.