Take a series of ply files and produce a digital elevation map
pip install plyflatten
This package comes with a command-line tool:
$ plyflatten --help
usage: plyflatten [-h] [--resolution RESOLUTION]
list_plys [list_plys ...] dsm_path
plyflatten: Take a series of ply files and produce a digital elevation map
positional arguments:
list_plys Space-separated list of .ply files
dsm_path Path to output DSM file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--resolution RESOLUTION
Resolution of the DSM in meters (defaults to 1m)
Try using it on the test data provided with the repository:
plyflatten tests/data/{1,2}.ply out.tiff --resolution 2
To work on this project, install the development requirements by running:
make install
The tests can be run with:
make test