Optionally, the launcher allows to execute a file after you press the "Run server" button. To enable this functionality, you have to setup next parameters in properties/config.properties file
Furthermore, if you need to execute a file via console, for example batch or script files, then enable next parameter:
The launcher allows to execute servers through terminal parameters without user interaction with the interface.
Accepted parameters are: For example
java -jar SimpleKF2ServerLauncher.jar --pp platformName/profileName [platformName2/profileName2 ... ]
NOTE: [ ] means that these parameters are optional
- This command executes one or multiple servers, one per platformName and profileName.
- The plarform/profile names must be separated by whitespace.
- The platform names must exist in launcher's database. Valid values are: Steam and Epic.
- The profile names must exist in launcher's database (case sensitive).
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