Lua and GLSL driven performance tool for VJs and Visual Artists
WARNING: This project is not currently fit for public consumption! If it interests you, shoot an email to [email protected] and ask about how to help.
VJ and visual artist Danimal (Hackpoetic) -
Dependencies include
- cmake
- Boost ("system" and "filesystem")
- OpenCV
- yaml-cpp
- OpenGL
- RtMidi
The installation command for ubuntu looks like the following:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-filesystem1.67-dev libboost-system1.67-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libopencv-dev libsfml-audio2.5 mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglfw3-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglew-dev libtclap-dev librtmidi-dev libsfml-dev
After building the source and having the binary available, create a directory somewhere on your system to represent your project.
In the root of it check out our sibbling shader repository in a directory called "shaders" and the sibbling repository for controlers (midi and joystick) which can be called "controllers"
git clone [email protected]:chao-mu/vidrevolt-shaders.git shaders
git clone [email protected]:chao-mu/vidrevolt-controllers.git controllers
Right now the biggest thing we need is people using it, finding pain points, and filing tickets on github for bugs and feature requests.
Hashtag your posts #vidrevolt
- (Unused Include Files)