local_random is a wrapper for the standard library's <random>
that provides thread-local seeding and a straightforward interface suitiable for
basic, non-cryptographic uses.
Mini-examples, generate a number between 0 and a maximum (inclusive):
#include "local_random"
using namespace local_random;
// ...
int x = generate_random_number(10);
float y = generate_random_number(10.0);
auto rng = random_number_generator(10);
int z = rng();
...there are plenty of things you can tune, but that's the basic idea! Each function or function object has a thread-local engine that's seeded the first time it's used. Reads from the PRNG are mutex-guarded.
Features: - self-seeding (per-thread) - thread-safe - flexible parameters - multiple interfaces (functions, classes) - straightforward use
if you want to build the tests.
To build:
No build is necessary, the library is header only.
To build examples:
cd examples make
To build tests:
The unit tests use Catch2
. The Makefile looks for Catch2 in CATCH2_DIR, which
defaults to "deps/Catch2/single_include" in the test directory.
A note on this project:
This is a fork of a random library developed for Ceph. I was the original designer and implementer, but this project would not have been possible without generous input from members of the Ceph community (especially Casey Bodley (@cbodley) and Adam Emerson (@adamemerson)).
I have forked this work in order to provide a standalone library suitable for uses outside of Ceph.