This file is used to list changes made in each version of the netdev cookbook.
- Full provider coverage for Juniper switches running on the Junos platform.
- Chef handler used to commit pending Junos candidate configuration changes at the end of a Chef run.- Full Test Kitchen support including Serverspec integration test coverage.
- Converted all LWRPs to HWRPs
- Rubocop style checking
- Add netdev_group provider for Juniper devices.
- Add support for Juniper devices running BSD10 based JUNOS images.
- Add support for MX series Juniper device.
Bug fix:
- Issue 7 ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments(2 for 0) error is coming while running chef for occam device.
- Issue 9 Chef client run throws error on JUNOS device when it is triggered second time.
- Issue 10 Chef client run fails with "Netconf IO timed out while waiting for more data" error on JUNOS MX device.
- Issue 11 For netdev_group resource action :delete is not working as expected on a specific scenario while invoking the template based chef recipe.
- Issue 12 Chef client run fails while configuring interface with speed 10m on MX device.
- Issue 13 Configuration database is not open Error is thrown if same recipe is invoked again via Chef JUNOS Client.
- Issue 14 TypeError: can't convert nil into String is thrown if the JUNOS configuration format mentioned in the template file is invalid.
- Issue 15 Chef is not throwing the proper warning message while deleting a netdev_group which is protected.
- Issue 18 If apply-group configuration it deleted, it is not configured during second Chef client run.