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The development repository for the Chef Extension available through Azure


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Azure resource extension to enable Chef on Azure virtual machine instances.


  1. It can be installed through Azure RESTFUL API for extension
  2. The execution output of the scripts is logged in the log directory specified in HandlerEnvironment.json
  3. Status of the extension is reported back to Azure so that user can see the status on Azure Portal

Platforms and version its supported:

Platform Version
Ubuntu 16+
Windows 2008r2 +
Centos 6.5+
Debian 7,8
Oracle 6.8+

Microsoft Windows Images

The extension is tested against the offical Microsoft images on Azure listed below. If you have issues and you're using a different Windows image please provide that information in any issues filed.

Version Image

Note: Windows Server 2008 R2 gives timeout error intermittently while installing extention when using ASM command Set-AzureVMExtension. But it works successfully with other ASM commands and Xplat commands.

Azure Chef Extension usage:

Options that can be set in publicconfig.config
  "client_rb": "< your additions to the client.rb configuration >".
  "runlist":"< your run list >",
  "validation_key_format": "< plaintext|base64encoded >",
  "bootstrap_version": "< version of chef-client >",
  "daemon": "< none/service/task >"
  "environment_variables": {
    "< comma separated list of key-value pairs >"
  "chef_daemon_interval": "< frequency at which the chef-client runs as service or as scheduled task >",
  "custom_json_attr": {
    "< comma separated list of key-value pairs >"
  "bootstrap_options": {
    "chef_node_name":"< your node name >",
    "chef_server_url":"< your chef server url >",
    "validation_client_name":"< your chef organization validation client name  >"

client_rb: Set this option to specify additional configuration details for the chef-client. Additions are appended to the top of the client.rb file. Refer to client.rb

run_list: A run-list defines all of the information necessary for Chef to configure a node into the desired state. It is an ordered list of roles and/or recipes that are run in the exact order defined in the run-list.

validation_key_format: Specifies the format in which validation_key is set in the privateconfig.config file. Supported values are plaintext and base64encoded. Default value is plaintext.

bootstrap_version: Set the version of chef-client to be installed on the VM.

daemon: Supported only on Windows extension. Configures the chef-client as service or as scheduled task for unattended execution. Supported values are none, service and 'task'. Default is service. none prevents the chef-client service from being configured as a service. service configures chef-client as a service. task configures chef-client as a scheduled task for defined interval. Default value is 30 mins.

environment_variables: Specifies the list of environment variables (like the environment variables for proxy server configuration) to be available to the Chef Extension scripts.

chef_daemon_interval: Specifies the frequency (in minutes) at which the chef-client runs as service or as scheduled task. If in case you don't want the chef-service or scheduled task to be installed on the Azure VM then set value as 0 in this field. At any time you can change the interval value using the Set-AzureVMExtension command with the new interval passed in the publicconfig.config file (pass 0 if you want to delete the already installed chef-service on the Azure VM). Default value is 30 minutes.

custom_json_attr: Specifies a JSON string to be added to the first run of chef-client. For e.g we can pass policy_name, policy_group and tags in key-value pairs format. Refer to Genrate Policyfile

bootstrap_options: Set bootstrap options while adding chef extension to Azure VM. Bootstrap options used by Chef-Client during node converge. It overrides the configuration set in client_rb option. for e.g. node_name option i.e. if you set node_name as "foo" in the client_rb and in bootstrap_option you set chef_node_name as "bar" it will take "bar" as node name instead of "foo".

Supported options in bootstrap_options json: chef_node_name, chef_server_url, validation_client_name, environment, secret

Note: chef_server_url and validation_client_name are mandatory to pass for the node to bootstrap.

publicconfig.config example:

  "client_rb": "chef_server_url  \"\"\nvalidation_client_name   \"some-org-validator\"\nclient_key    \"c:/chef/client.pem\"\nvalidation_key    \"c:/chef/validation.pem\"",
  "validation_key_format": "plaintext",
  "environment_variables": {
    "variable_1": "value_1",
    "variable_2": "value_2",
    "variable_n": "value_n"
  "chef_daemon_interval": "18",
  "daemon": "none",
  "chef_package_path" : "C:\\Users\\azure\\chef-client-14.12.9-1-x64.msi",
  "CHEF_LICENSE" : "accept-no-persist",
  "custom_json_attr": {
    "container_service": { "chef-init-test": { "command": "C:\\opscode\\chef\\bin" } },
    "policy_group": "azuregrp",
    "policy_name": "azurepolicy",
    "tags": ["tag1","tag2","tag3"]
  "bootstrap_options": {
Options that can be set in privateconfig.config
  "validation_key": "<your chef organisation validation key as a JSON escaped string>",
  "secret": "<your encrypted data bag secret key contents>",
  "chef_server_crt": "<your ssl certificate for validation with chef server as a JSON escaped string>"

chef_server_crt : Set this option to provide certificate for ssl validation during bootstrapping, It saves the certificate in /etc/chef/trusted_certs or C:/chef/trusted_certs.

Note: For passing multiple certificates with chef_server_crt option, use -----END CERTIFICATE-----\n to separate multiple certificates. This will create different certificates in trusted_certs directory.

Example :

{"chef_server_crt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----"}

Following are the References to doc for different Azure command line tools

  1. Azure portal
  2. Azure Powershell cmdlets
  3. Azure Xplat CLI
  4. Knife Azure Plugin

Powershell script to try Azure Chef Extension by using Set-AzureVMExtension cmdlet:

$vm1 = "<VM name>"
$svc = "<VM name>"
$username = "<username>"
$password = "<password>"

$img = "<your windows image>"

$vmObj1 = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $vm1 -InstanceSize Small -ImageName $img

$vmObj1 = Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -VM $vmObj1 -Password $password -AdminUsername $username –Windows

# use the shared config files
# ExtensionName = ChefClient(for windows), LinuxChefClient (for ubuntu and centos)
$vObj1 = Set-AzureVMExtension -VM $vmObj1 -ExtensionName ‘ChefClient’ -Publisher ‘Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure’ -Version 1210.12 -PublicConfigPath '<your path to publiconfig.config>' -PrivateConfigPath '<your path to privateconfig.config>'

New-AzureVM -Location 'West US' -ServiceName $svc -VM $vObj1

# Look into your hosted chef account to verify the registerd node(VM)

Updating Extension manually

  1. Suppose you have a VM with extension version 1205.12
  2. $vmm = Get-AzureVM -Name "<vm-name>" -ServiceName "<cloud-service-name>"
  3. Update to latest version- Ex- 1206.12
$vmOb = Set-AzureVMExtension -VM $vmm -ExtensionName 'ChefClient' -Publisher ‘Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure’ -Version '1206.12' -PublicConfigPath 'path\\to\\publicconfig.config' -PrivateConfigPath 'path\\to\\privateconfig.config'

Update-AzureVM -VM $vmOb.VM -Name "<vm-name>" -ServiceName "<cloud-service-name>

ARM commands for Azure Chef Extension

  1. Please refer of creating the ARM template files.

  2. Find below some advanced options that can be set in the Azure ARM template file azuredeploy.json:

  • environment_variables: Specifies the list of environment variables (like the environment variables for proxy server configuration) to be available to the Chef Extension scripts.
  • bootstrap_channel: Specify the channel for installing chef client version from stable, current or unstable release channel.
  • chef_package_path: chef_package_path allows installing chef-client from local path. We provided this option so that user is able to install chef-client from the local path. This feature mainly added where there is restrictions on internet access. But also note azure extensions itself has limitations in respect of network access please refer to this link which explains this in details.
  • CHEF_LICENSE: Affected product versions which require accepting the CHEF EULA license (requires chef 15 + ). Set CHEF_LICENSE with either of these values accept, accept-silent or accept-no-persist. Refer to CHEF EULA license
  • hints: Specifies the Ohai Hints to be set in the Ohai configuration of the target node.
  • chef_package_url: Specifies a url to download Chef Infra Client package (.msi .rpm .deb) and subsequently install. Example: "chef_package_url" : ""

Note: Set these options under properties --> settings section of the Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions resource type as shown in the below example:


  "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
  "name": "[concat(variables('vmName'),'/', variables('vmExtensionName'))]",
  "apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview",
  "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
  "dependsOn": [
    "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', variables('vmName'))]"
  "properties": {
    "publisher": "Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure",
    "type": "LinuxChefClient",
    "typeHandlerVersion": "1210.12",
    "settings": {
      "bootstrap_options": {
        "chef_node_name": "[parameters('chef_node_name')]",
        "chef_server_url": "[parameters('chef_server_url')]",
        "validation_client_name": "[parameters('validation_client_name')]"
      "runlist": "[parameters('runlist')]",
      "validation_key_format": "[parameters('validation_key_format')]",
      "environment_variables": {
        "variable_1": "value_1",
        "variable_2": "value_2",
        "variable_3": "value_3"
      "chef_daemon_interval": "18",
      "daemon" : "service",
      "chef_package_path": "/tmp/chef-14.12.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm",
      "CHEF_LICENSE" : "accept-no-persist",
      "custom_json_attr": {
        "container_service": { "chef-init-test": { "command": "C:\\opscode\\chef\\bin" } }
      "hints": {
        "public_fqdn": "[reference(variables('publicIPAddressName')).dnsSettings.fqdn]",
        "vm_name": "[reference(variables('vmName'))]"
    "protectedSettings": {
      "validation_key": "[parameters('validation_key')]",
      "chef_server_crt": "[parameters('chef_server_crt')]",
      "secret": "[parameters('secret')]"
  1. Refer code written below
Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName <subscription_name>

$pathtemp='path/to/azuredeploy.json' # Refer above mentioned #1 and #2
$pathtempfile='path/to/azuredeploy.parameters.json' # Refer above #1 and #2

New-AzureResourceGroup -Name '<resource_group_name>' -Location '<location>'
New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment -Name <deployment_name> -TemplateParameterFile $pathtempfile -TemplateFile $pathtemp -ResourceGroupName '<resource_group_name>'


Note: If there are more than one extensions in your ARM template then sequencing of the extensions may be required to avoid conflicts. Add the Chef Extension at the end as the run is likely to be longer.

Azure Chef Extension Version Scheme


The version scheme is moved to 1210.12.100 after the version 1210.12.5.1. This is done since extension version and chef-client version are decoupled.

Extensions versions are specified in 4 digit format : <MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BuildNumber.RevisionNumber>, where major version is freezed as 1210. If backward incompatible changes are made, MinorVersion is increased by 1. If a backward compatible functionaly is added, BuildNumber is increased by 1. If there is no patch applied, then RevisionNumber is not set. On applying patch, initial RevisionNumber is set to 1000. After that extension's RevisionNumber is increased by 1 for consequent patches.


1. When a patch is applied to extension-
Current Extension Version is 1210.12.100

# After applying patch, RevisionNumber is set to 1000
RevisionNumber = 1000

New Extension Version will be 1210.12.100.1000

# If another patch is applied, RevisionNumber is incremented by 1
RevisionNumber = 1001

Hence Extension Version will be 1210.12.100.1001

Old Version Scheme


Previously the extension version was coupled with the chef-client version. Extension versions were specified in 4 digit format : <MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BuildNumber.RevisionNumber>, where major version was freezed as 1210.

Chef-Client versions are specified in 4 digit format: <MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchVersion-RevisionNumber>. Example: chef-client 12.4.1-1

The Extension Version Scheme was as follows:

  • Extension Major version is freezed as 1210.*.*.*
  • Extension Minor Version = Chef-Client's Major Version
  • Extension BuildNumber = Chef-Client's Minor Version
  • Extension RevisionNumber = Chef-Client's PatchVersion * 1000
  • When a patch is applied to extension, extension's RevisionNumber is increased by 1.


1. When Chef-Client Version Changes-
Current Chef-Client Version is 12.4.1

# Extension's RevisionNumber is Chef-Client's PatchVersion * 1000
Current Extension Version is 1210.12.4.1000

# Chef-Client version changes
After new Client-Client Version 12.4.2 is released

New Extension Version will be 1210.12.4.2000

2. When a patch is applied to extension while Chef-Client's version is same-
Current Chef-Client Version is 12.4.1

# Extension's RevisionNumber is Chef-Client's PatchVersion * 1000
Current Extension Version is 1210.12.4.1000

# After applying patch to Extension increase extension's RevisionNumber by 1
New Extension Version will be 1210.12.4.1001


We tag the extension with every extension publish. We have started tagging from extension 1206.12.3.0. Prior to that tags are not available. Before tagging we update the README(if required), CHANGELOG and RELEASE_NOTES.