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Background Subtraction and Detection

LRM Assignment

Execution Instructions

Use conda to create a new environment and activate it.

conda create -n lrm python=3.6 anaconda
conda activate lrm

Navigate to src in the parent folder, and run the following.

cd LRMtest/src

Additional Tunable parameters:

'-i','--input',   default = '../data/challenge_clip.mkv', help='Path to source video'
'-o','--output',  default = '../data/result_clip.mp4',    help='Output file path and name'
'-f','--frames',  default = 1,                            help='Number of frames to use for background'
'-w','--width',   default = 450,                          help='Resize width keeping aspect ratio'
'-p','--rho',     default = 0.2,                          help='Background model averaging weight,i.e. bg(t) = p*I(t) + (1-p)*bg(t-1); range(0,1)'
'-t','--th',      default = 20,                           help='Threshold for blob detection; range(0,255)'
'-m','--minb',    default = 1000,                         help='Minimum blob size for detection; range(0, w*h)'

Implementation Details

- Rescale to 450 
    Resize the frame to (w,h) -> (450, x) keeping aspect ratio.

- Preprocess
    Gaussian and Median blur each frame to remove small artifacts and noise.

- Background Subtraction 
    Compute a model of the background usnig the first 'f' frames.
    Implent on of the following two techniques to maintain a dynamic background model.
    - Weighted Running Average: 
        bg(0) = I(0)
        bg(t) = p * I(t) + (1-p) * bg(t-1)
        Here 'p' is the weight factor betwen 0 and 1.
    - Gaussian Mixture Model Estimate per pixel

- Detection 
    - Clean smaller artifacts that surface up post background subtraction 
      using erosion and dialtion techiques such as Opening and Closing.
    - Detect Blobs:
        Given the blob size range, (from minb to 2/3 of image size), find the connected 
        components using an 8-grid conenction. Each independent connected componet is a blob,
        and therfore an object candiate.

    - Get Bounding Rectangle:
        From the connected component mask, get the bounding rectangle using openCV.
        Rescale the bounding rectangle to the original frame size.
        Plot rectangle on the orignal frame.  

Observations and Comments

  1. Background Subtraction: I started by implementing a simple Weighted Running Average method to compute the background mask. An alternative way was to implement the Gaussian Mixture Model estimation per pixel using EM, The current video seems to do alright with a Weighted Running Average so I did not go ahead with GMMsbut it would work better for more complex/ dynamic scenes.

  2. Detection: Since the task only allows me to use numpy and opencv basic tools, not even standard convolution from scipy and certainly not any neural nets, I am limited to using standard statistical functions form open CV, so I went ahead with background subtraction, thresholding, erosion-dilation, and blob detection using connected components to give rough estimates of blobs in the foreground area.

  3. Future Considerations: 

    • New blobs once detected, could be tracked using optical flow, and also matched with new detections every few frames, etc. in order to remove redundancy.
    • The performance could be improved for detecting top view of human heads by template matching for circular head like objects, for example using edge detection in the foreground area blobs.
    • A neural-net trained to detect top-view humans would definitely perform the best. For example, lightweight networks like YOLO or mobilNet finetuned for top view.
    • Traditional techniques like HOG features or Haar Cascade features trained to specifically detect top-view humans would do better than what I have implemented.
  4. Current implementation failure cases:   

    • When groups of people walk close by, it detects them as a single blob, so not very useful for counting.   
    • Trailing shadows show up and expand blobs, this could be improved by ignoring shadows, some work in Fourier Domain could help in this task.
    • There are more false positives in the scene since this methodology has no understanding of Human body structures, it just works with new pixels in the scene. As a result, the detection is solely based on contrasting pixels with respect to the background and the thresholds we set. No feature extraction or shape matching is performed currently.


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