diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0960c012ca..209f3c3e0b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Raspberry Pi Zero 用 CHIRIMEN の OS イメージを作成するためのツー
現在、Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) をベースにした Raspberry Pi Zero 向けのイメージのみサポートしています。
[pi-gen](https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-gen) をもとに構築されています。
+## リリース方法
+新しいバージョンを指定し「[release ワークフロー](https://github.com/chirimen-oh/chirimen-lite/actions/workflows/release.yml)」を実行することでリリースされます。
## Dependencies
pi-gen runs on Debian-based operating systems released after 2017, and we
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ dosfstools libarchive-tools libcap2-bin grep rsync xz-utils file git curl bc \
gpg pigz xxd arch-test
-The file `depends` contains a list of tools needed. The format of this
+The file `depends` contains a list of tools needed. The format of this
package is `[:]`.
## Getting started with building your images
@@ -45,163 +49,163 @@ your build.
## Config
Upon execution, `build.sh` will source the file `config` in the current
-working directory. This bash shell fragment is intended to set needed
+working directory. This bash shell fragment is intended to set needed
environment variables.
The following environment variables are supported:
- * `IMG_NAME` (Default: `raspios-$RELEASE-$ARCH`, for example: `raspios-bookworm-armhf`)
+- `IMG_NAME` (Default: `raspios-$RELEASE-$ARCH`, for example: `raspios-bookworm-armhf`)
- The name of the image to build with the current stage directories. Use this
- variable to set the root name of your OS, eg `IMG_NAME=Frobulator`.
- Export files in stages may add suffixes to `IMG_NAME`.
+ The name of the image to build with the current stage directories. Use this
+ variable to set the root name of your OS, eg `IMG_NAME=Frobulator`.
+ Export files in stages may add suffixes to `IMG_NAME`.
- * `PI_GEN_RELEASE` (Default: `Raspberry Pi reference`)
+- `PI_GEN_RELEASE` (Default: `Raspberry Pi reference`)
- The release name to use in `/etc/issue.txt`. The default should only be used
- for official Raspberry Pi builds.
+ The release name to use in `/etc/issue.txt`. The default should only be used
+ for official Raspberry Pi builds.
-* `RELEASE` (Default: `bookworm`)
+- `RELEASE` (Default: `bookworm`)
- The release version to build images against. Valid values are any supported
- Debian release. However, since different releases will have different sets of
- packages available, you'll need to either modify your stages accordingly, or
- checkout the appropriate branch. For example, if you'd like to build a
- `bullseye` image, you should do so from the `bullseye` branch.
+ The release version to build images against. Valid values are any supported
+ Debian release. However, since different releases will have different sets of
+ packages available, you'll need to either modify your stages accordingly, or
+ checkout the appropriate branch. For example, if you'd like to build a
+ `bullseye` image, you should do so from the `bullseye` branch.
- * `APT_PROXY` (Default: unset)
+- `APT_PROXY` (Default: unset)
- If you require the use of an apt proxy, set it here. This proxy setting
- will not be included in the image, making it safe to use an `apt-cacher` or
- similar package for development.
+ If you require the use of an apt proxy, set it here. This proxy setting
+ will not be included in the image, making it safe to use an `apt-cacher` or
+ similar package for development.
- * `BASE_DIR` (Default: location of `build.sh`)
+- `BASE_DIR` (Default: location of `build.sh`)
- **CAUTION**: Currently, changing this value will probably break build.sh
+ **CAUTION**: Currently, changing this value will probably break build.sh
- Top-level directory for `pi-gen`. Contains stage directories, build
- scripts, and by default both work and deployment directories.
+ Top-level directory for `pi-gen`. Contains stage directories, build
+ scripts, and by default both work and deployment directories.
- * `WORK_DIR` (Default: `$BASE_DIR/work`)
+- `WORK_DIR` (Default: `$BASE_DIR/work`)
- Directory in which `pi-gen` builds the target system. This value can be
- changed if you have a suitably large, fast storage location for stages to
- be built and cached. Note, `WORK_DIR` stores a complete copy of the target
- system for each build stage, amounting to tens of gigabytes in the case of
- Raspbian.
+ Directory in which `pi-gen` builds the target system. This value can be
+ changed if you have a suitably large, fast storage location for stages to
+ be built and cached. Note, `WORK_DIR` stores a complete copy of the target
+ system for each build stage, amounting to tens of gigabytes in the case of
+ Raspbian.
- **CAUTION**: If your working directory is on an NTFS partition you probably won't be able to build: make sure this is a proper Linux filesystem.
+ **CAUTION**: If your working directory is on an NTFS partition you probably won't be able to build: make sure this is a proper Linux filesystem.
- * `DEPLOY_DIR` (Default: `$BASE_DIR/deploy`)
+- `DEPLOY_DIR` (Default: `$BASE_DIR/deploy`)
- Output directory for target system images and NOOBS bundles.
+ Output directory for target system images and NOOBS bundles.
- * `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION` (Default: `zip`)
+- `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION` (Default: `zip`)
- Set to:
- * `none` to deploy the actual image (`.img`).
- * `zip` to deploy a zipped image (`.zip`).
- * `gz` to deploy a gzipped image (`.img.gz`).
- * `xz` to deploy a xzipped image (`.img.xz`).
+ Set to:
+ - `none` to deploy the actual image (`.img`).
+ - `zip` to deploy a zipped image (`.zip`).
+ - `gz` to deploy a gzipped image (`.img.gz`).
+ - `xz` to deploy a xzipped image (`.img.xz`).
- * `DEPLOY_ZIP` (Deprecated)
+- `DEPLOY_ZIP` (Deprecated)
- This option has been deprecated in favor of `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION`.
+ This option has been deprecated in favor of `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION`.
- If `DEPLOY_ZIP=0` is still present in your config file, the behavior is the
- same as with `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION=none`.
+ If `DEPLOY_ZIP=0` is still present in your config file, the behavior is the
+ same as with `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION=none`.
- * `COMPRESSION_LEVEL` (Default: `6`)
+- `COMPRESSION_LEVEL` (Default: `6`)
- Compression level to be used when using `zip`, `gz` or `xz` for
- `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION`. From 0 to 9 (refer to the tool man page for more
- information on this. Usually 0 is no compression but very fast, up to 9 with
- the best compression but very slow ).
+ Compression level to be used when using `zip`, `gz` or `xz` for
+ `DEPLOY_COMPRESSION`. From 0 to 9 (refer to the tool man page for more
+ information on this. Usually 0 is no compression but very fast, up to 9 with
+ the best compression but very slow ).
- * `USE_QEMU` (Default: `0`)
+- `USE_QEMU` (Default: `0`)
- Setting to '1' enables the QEMU mode - creating an image that can be mounted via QEMU for an emulated
- environment. These images include "-qemu" in the image file name.
+ Setting to '1' enables the QEMU mode - creating an image that can be mounted via QEMU for an emulated
+ environment. These images include "-qemu" in the image file name.
- * `LOCALE_DEFAULT` (Default: 'en_GB.UTF-8' )
+- `LOCALE_DEFAULT` (Default: 'en_GB.UTF-8' )
- Default system locale.
+ Default system locale.
- * `TARGET_HOSTNAME` (Default: 'raspberrypi' )
+- `TARGET_HOSTNAME` (Default: 'raspberrypi' )
- Setting the hostname to the specified value.
+ Setting the hostname to the specified value.
- * `KEYBOARD_KEYMAP` (Default: 'gb' )
+- `KEYBOARD_KEYMAP` (Default: 'gb' )
- Default keyboard keymap.
+ Default keyboard keymap.
- To get the current value from a running system, run `debconf-show
- keyboard-configuration` and look at the
- `keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap` value.
+ To get the current value from a running system, run `debconf-show
+keyboard-configuration` and look at the
+ `keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap` value.
- * `KEYBOARD_LAYOUT` (Default: 'English (UK)' )
+- `KEYBOARD_LAYOUT` (Default: 'English (UK)' )
- Default keyboard layout.
+ Default keyboard layout.
- To get the current value from a running system, run `debconf-show
- keyboard-configuration` and look at the
- `keyboard-configuration/variant` value.
+ To get the current value from a running system, run `debconf-show
+keyboard-configuration` and look at the
+ `keyboard-configuration/variant` value.
- * `TIMEZONE_DEFAULT` (Default: 'Europe/London' )
+- `TIMEZONE_DEFAULT` (Default: 'Europe/London' )
- Default keyboard layout.
+ Default keyboard layout.
- To get the current value from a running system, look in
- `/etc/timezone`.
+ To get the current value from a running system, look in
+ `/etc/timezone`.
- * `FIRST_USER_NAME` (Default: `pi`)
+- `FIRST_USER_NAME` (Default: `pi`)
- Username for the first user. This user only exists during the image creation process. Unless
- `DISABLE_FIRST_BOOT_USER_RENAME` is set to `1`, this user will be renamed on the first boot with
- a name chosen by the final user. This security feature is designed to prevent shipping images
- with a default username and help prevent malicious actors from taking over your devices.
+ Username for the first user. This user only exists during the image creation process. Unless
+ `DISABLE_FIRST_BOOT_USER_RENAME` is set to `1`, this user will be renamed on the first boot with
+ a name chosen by the final user. This security feature is designed to prevent shipping images
+ with a default username and help prevent malicious actors from taking over your devices.
- * `FIRST_USER_PASS` (Default: unset)
+- `FIRST_USER_PASS` (Default: unset)
- Password for the first user. If unset, the account is locked.
+ Password for the first user. If unset, the account is locked.
- Disable the renaming of the first user during the first boot. This make it so `FIRST_USER_NAME`
- stays activated. `FIRST_USER_PASS` must be set for this to work. Please be aware of the implied
- security risk of defining a default username and password for your devices.
+ Disable the renaming of the first user during the first boot. This make it so `FIRST_USER_NAME`
+ stays activated. `FIRST_USER_PASS` must be set for this to work. Please be aware of the implied
+ security risk of defining a default username and password for your devices.
- * `WPA_COUNTRY` (Default: unset)
+- `WPA_COUNTRY` (Default: unset)
- Sets the default WLAN regulatory domain and unblocks WLAN interfaces. This should be a 2-letter ISO/IEC 3166 country Code, i.e. `GB`
+ Sets the default WLAN regulatory domain and unblocks WLAN interfaces. This should be a 2-letter ISO/IEC 3166 country Code, i.e. `GB`
- * `ENABLE_SSH` (Default: `0`)
+- `ENABLE_SSH` (Default: `0`)
- Setting to `1` will enable ssh server for remote log in. Note that if you are using a common password such as the defaults there is a high risk of attackers taking over you Raspberry Pi.
+ Setting to `1` will enable ssh server for remote log in. Note that if you are using a common password such as the defaults there is a high risk of attackers taking over you Raspberry Pi.
- * `PUBKEY_SSH_FIRST_USER` (Default: unset)
+- `PUBKEY_SSH_FIRST_USER` (Default: unset)
- Setting this to a value will make that value the contents of the FIRST_USER_NAME's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Obviously the value should
- therefore be a valid authorized_keys file. Note that this does not
- automatically enable SSH.
+Setting this to a value will make that value the contents of the FIRST_USER_NAME's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Obviously the value should
+therefore be a valid authorized_keys file. Note that this does not
+automatically enable SSH.
- * `PUBKEY_ONLY_SSH` (Default: `0`)
+- `PUBKEY_ONLY_SSH` (Default: `0`)
- * Setting to `1` will disable password authentication for SSH and enable
- public key authentication. Note that if SSH is not enabled this will take
- effect when SSH becomes enabled.
+- Setting to `1` will disable password authentication for SSH and enable
+ public key authentication. Note that if SSH is not enabled this will take
+ effect when SSH becomes enabled.
- * `SETFCAP` (Default: unset)
+- `SETFCAP` (Default: unset)
- * Setting to `1` will prevent pi-gen from dropping the "capabilities"
- feature. Generating the root filesystem with capabilities enabled and running
- it from a filesystem that does not support capabilities (like NFS) can cause
- issues. Only enable this if you understand what it is.
+ - Setting to `1` will prevent pi-gen from dropping the "capabilities"
+ feature. Generating the root filesystem with capabilities enabled and running
+ it from a filesystem that does not support capabilities (like NFS) can cause
+ issues. Only enable this if you understand what it is.
- * `STAGE_LIST` (Default: `stage*`)
+- `STAGE_LIST` (Default: `stage*`)
- If set, then instead of working through the numeric stages in order, this list will be followed. For example setting to `"stage0 stage1 mystage stage2"` will run the contents of `mystage` before stage2. Note that quotes are needed around the list. An absolute or relative path can be given for stages outside the pi-gen directory.
+ If set, then instead of working through the numeric stages in order, this list will be followed. For example setting to `"stage0 stage1 mystage stage2"` will run the contents of `mystage` before stage2. Note that quotes are needed around the list. An absolute or relative path can be given for stages outside the pi-gen directory.
A simple example for building Raspberry Pi OS:
@@ -221,47 +225,46 @@ This is parsed after `config` so can be used to override values set there.
The following process is followed to build images:
- * Interate through all of the stage directories in alphanumeric order
+- Interate through all of the stage directories in alphanumeric order
- * Bypass a stage directory if it contains a file called
- "SKIP"
+- Bypass a stage directory if it contains a file called
+ "SKIP"
- * Run the script ```prerun.sh``` which is generally just used to copy the build
- directory between stages.
+- Run the script `prerun.sh` which is generally just used to copy the build
+ directory between stages.
- * In each stage directory iterate through each subdirectory and then run each of the
- install scripts it contains, again in alphanumeric order. **These need to be named
- with a two digit padded number at the beginning.**
- There are a number of different files and directories which can be used to
- control different parts of the build process:
+- In each stage directory iterate through each subdirectory and then run each of the
+ install scripts it contains, again in alphanumeric order. **These need to be named
+ with a two digit padded number at the beginning.**
+ There are a number of different files and directories which can be used to
+ control different parts of the build process:
- - **00-run.sh** - A unix shell script. Needs to be made executable for it to run.
+ - **00-run.sh** - A unix shell script. Needs to be made executable for it to run.
- - **00-run-chroot.sh** - A unix shell script which will be run in the chroot
- of the image build directory. Needs to be made executable for it to run.
+ - **00-run-chroot.sh** - A unix shell script which will be run in the chroot
+ of the image build directory. Needs to be made executable for it to run.
- - **00-debconf** - Contents of this file are passed to debconf-set-selections
- to configure things like locale, etc.
+ - **00-debconf** - Contents of this file are passed to debconf-set-selections
+ to configure things like locale, etc.
- - **00-packages** - A list of packages to install. Can have more than one, space
- separated, per line.
+ - **00-packages** - A list of packages to install. Can have more than one, space
+ separated, per line.
- - **00-packages-nr** - As 00-packages, except these will be installed using
- the ```--no-install-recommends -y``` parameters to apt-get.
+ - **00-packages-nr** - As 00-packages, except these will be installed using
+ the `--no-install-recommends -y` parameters to apt-get.
- - **00-patches** - A directory containing patch files to be applied, using quilt.
- If a file named 'EDIT' is present in the directory, the build process will
- be interrupted with a bash session, allowing an opportunity to create/revise
- the patches.
+ - **00-patches** - A directory containing patch files to be applied, using quilt.
+ If a file named 'EDIT' is present in the directory, the build process will
+ be interrupted with a bash session, allowing an opportunity to create/revise
+ the patches.
- * If the stage directory contains files called "EXPORT_NOOBS" or "EXPORT_IMAGE" then
- add this stage to a list of images to generate
+- If the stage directory contains files called "EXPORT_NOOBS" or "EXPORT_IMAGE" then
+ add this stage to a list of images to generate
- * Generate the images for any stages that have specified them
+- Generate the images for any stages that have specified them
It is recommended to examine build.sh for finer details.
## Docker Build
Docker can be used to perform the build inside a container. This partially isolates
@@ -307,7 +310,7 @@ solution).
### Passing arguments to Docker
-When the docker image is run various required command line arguments are provided. For example the system mounts the `/dev` directory to the `/dev` directory within the docker container. If other arguments are required they may be specified in the PIGEN_DOCKER_OPTS environment variable. For example setting `PIGEN_DOCKER_OPTS="--add-host foo:"` will add ' foo' to the `/etc/hosts` file in the container. The `--name`
+When the docker image is run various required command line arguments are provided. For example the system mounts the `/dev` directory to the `/dev` directory within the docker container. If other arguments are required they may be specified in the PIGEN_DOCKER_OPTS environment variable. For example setting `PIGEN_DOCKER_OPTS="--add-host foo:"` will add ' foo' to the `/etc/hosts` file in the container. The `--name`
and `--privileged` options are already set by the script and should not be redefined.
## Stage Anatomy
@@ -315,46 +318,46 @@ and `--privileged` options are already set by the script and should not be redef
### Raspbian Stage Overview
The build of Raspbian is divided up into several stages for logical clarity
-and modularity. This causes some initial complexity, but it simplifies
+and modularity. This causes some initial complexity, but it simplifies
maintenance and allows for more easy customization.
- - **Stage 0** - bootstrap. The primary purpose of this stage is to create a
- usable filesystem. This is accomplished largely through the use of
- `debootstrap`, which creates a minimal filesystem suitable for use as a
- base.tgz on Debian systems. This stage also configures apt settings and
- installs `raspberrypi-bootloader` which is missed by debootstrap. The
- minimal core is installed but not configured. As a result, this stage will not boot.
- - **Stage 1** - truly minimal system. This stage makes the system bootable by
- installing system files like `/etc/fstab`, configures the bootloader, makes
- the network operable, and installs packages like raspi-config. At this
- stage the system should boot to a local console from which you have the
- means to perform basic tasks needed to configure and install the system.
- - **Stage 2** - lite system. This stage produces the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image.
- Stage 2 installs some optimized memory functions, sets timezone and charmap
- defaults, installs fake-hwclock and ntp, wireless LAN and bluetooth support,
- dphys-swapfile, and other basics for managing the hardware. It also
- creates necessary groups and gives the pi user access to sudo and the
- standard console hardware permission groups.
- Note: Raspberry Pi OS Lite contains a number of tools for development,
- including `Python`, `Lua` and the `build-essential` package. If you are
- creating an image to deploy in products, be sure to remove extraneous development
- tools before deployment.
- - **Stage 3** - desktop system. Here's where you get the full desktop system
- with X11 and LXDE, web browsers, git for development, Raspberry Pi OS custom UI
- enhancements, etc. This is a base desktop system, with some development
- tools installed.
- - **Stage 4** - Normal Raspberry Pi OS image. System meant to fit on a 4GB card.
- This is the stage that installs most things that make Raspberry Pi OS friendly
- to new users - e.g. system documentation.
- - **Stage 5** - The Raspberry Pi OS Full image. More development
- tools, an email client, learning tools like Scratch, specialized packages
- like sonic-pi, office productivity, etc.
+- **Stage 0** - bootstrap. The primary purpose of this stage is to create a
+ usable filesystem. This is accomplished largely through the use of
+ `debootstrap`, which creates a minimal filesystem suitable for use as a
+ base.tgz on Debian systems. This stage also configures apt settings and
+ installs `raspberrypi-bootloader` which is missed by debootstrap. The
+ minimal core is installed but not configured. As a result, this stage will not boot.
+- **Stage 1** - truly minimal system. This stage makes the system bootable by
+ installing system files like `/etc/fstab`, configures the bootloader, makes
+ the network operable, and installs packages like raspi-config. At this
+ stage the system should boot to a local console from which you have the
+ means to perform basic tasks needed to configure and install the system.
+- **Stage 2** - lite system. This stage produces the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image.
+ Stage 2 installs some optimized memory functions, sets timezone and charmap
+ defaults, installs fake-hwclock and ntp, wireless LAN and bluetooth support,
+ dphys-swapfile, and other basics for managing the hardware. It also
+ creates necessary groups and gives the pi user access to sudo and the
+ standard console hardware permission groups.
+ Note: Raspberry Pi OS Lite contains a number of tools for development,
+ including `Python`, `Lua` and the `build-essential` package. If you are
+ creating an image to deploy in products, be sure to remove extraneous development
+ tools before deployment.
+- **Stage 3** - desktop system. Here's where you get the full desktop system
+ with X11 and LXDE, web browsers, git for development, Raspberry Pi OS custom UI
+ enhancements, etc. This is a base desktop system, with some development
+ tools installed.
+- **Stage 4** - Normal Raspberry Pi OS image. System meant to fit on a 4GB card.
+ This is the stage that installs most things that make Raspberry Pi OS friendly
+ to new users - e.g. system documentation.
+- **Stage 5** - The Raspberry Pi OS Full image. More development
+ tools, an email client, learning tools like Scratch, specialized packages
+ like sonic-pi, office productivity, etc.
### Stage specification
@@ -377,33 +380,34 @@ If you wish to build further configurations upon (for example) the lite
system, you can also delete the contents of `./stage3` and `./stage4` and
replace with your own contents in the same format.
## Skipping stages to speed up development
If you're working on a specific stage the recommended development process is as
- * Add a file called SKIP_IMAGES into the directories containing EXPORT_* files
- (currently stage2, stage4 and stage5)
- * Add SKIP files to the stages you don't want to build. For example, if you're
- basing your image on the lite image you would add these to stages 3, 4 and 5.
- * Run build.sh to build all stages
- * Add SKIP files to the earlier successfully built stages
- * Modify the last stage
- * Rebuild just the last stage using ```sudo CLEAN=1 ./build.sh``` (or, for docker builds
- ```PRESERVE_CONTAINER=1 CONTINUE=1 CLEAN=1 ./build-docker.sh```)
- * Once you're happy with the image you can remove the SKIP_IMAGES files and
- export your image to test
+- Add a file called SKIP*IMAGES into the directories containing EXPORT*\* files
+ (currently stage2, stage4 and stage5)
+- Add SKIP files to the stages you don't want to build. For example, if you're
+ basing your image on the lite image you would add these to stages 3, 4 and 5.
+- Run build.sh to build all stages
+- Add SKIP files to the earlier successfully built stages
+- Modify the last stage
+- Rebuild just the last stage using `sudo CLEAN=1 ./build.sh` (or, for docker builds
+ `PRESERVE_CONTAINER=1 CONTINUE=1 CLEAN=1 ./build-docker.sh`)
+- Once you're happy with the image you can remove the SKIP_IMAGES files and
+ export your image to test
# Troubleshooting
## `64 Bit Systems`
Please note there is currently an issue when compiling with a 64 Bit OS. See
A 64 bit image can be generated from the `arm64` branch in this repository. Just
replace the command from [this section](#getting-started-with-building-your-images)
by the one below, and follow the rest of the documentation:
git clone --branch arm64 https://github.com/RPI-Distro/pi-gen.git
@@ -414,7 +418,6 @@ machine. This will restart your machine with a 64 bits kernel. This will only
work from a Raspberry Pi with a 64-bit capable processor (i.e. Raspberry Pi Zero
2, Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 4).
## `binfmt_misc`
Linux is able execute binaries from other architectures, meaning that it should be
@@ -427,6 +430,7 @@ You may see one of the following errors:
update-binfmts: warning: Couldn't load the binfmt_misc module.
W: Failure trying to run: chroot "/pi-gen/work/test/stage0/rootfs" /bin/true