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File metadata and controls

72 lines (52 loc) · 1.59 KB


Apprentice is a collection of Elixir structs for the HireFire API useable by the Napper JSON REST API application.

Apprentice defines structs for all of the resources exposed by HireFire's API.


First, add Apprentice to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:apprentice, git: ""}]

and run $ mix deps.get. Now, list the :apprentice application as your application dependency:

def applications do
  [applications: [:apprentice]]


We need to tell Napper about HireFire's API.

config :napper,
  url: "",
  auth: "Token #{System.get_env("HIREFIRE_API_KEY")}",
  accept: "application/vnd.hirefire.v1+json",
  remove_wrapper: true

That last entry tells Napper to remove the outer wrapper from HireFire responses. When asking for a list of organizations, HireFire returns

{"organizations": [...]}

but Napper expects that innter array of objects. Setting remove_wrapper to true tells Napper to strip off the outer "organizations" object, returning only the array.

Using Apprentice

Let's try out Apprentice from within IEX.

$ iex -S mix

First we create a client using Napper. This example assumes we've used our config file to configure Napper properly.

iex> client = Napper.api_client

What organizations do we have?

iex> client |> Apprentice.HireFire.Organization.list
#=> [%Apprentice.HireFire.Organization{...}]