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Scally Core


What is it?

Scally core is the foundation of a project's UI build providing things like:

  • Sensible global styles.
  • Global settings (Sass variables).
  • Handy Sass functions and mixins.
  • Global Sass silent placeholder selectors.
  • A powerful reset, and normalize.css.

N.B. Without core Scally won't work. It is the only mandatory part of the framework.

The breakdown

Core is broken down into the following sections:

And a few things not sectioned:

The base section provides very basic styling that most UI's will need. These styles are applied at the most global level, with most being applied via element selectors e.g.

p { ... }
a { ... }

Everything in base needs to be easily overridden which is really easy to do as everything in base sits right at the bottom in terms of Scally's specificity (CSS' first C; the cascade), see, and any of the more opinionated styles sit behind a toggle setting e.g.

$apply-paragraph-bottom-margin: true !default;

@if $apply-paragraph-bottom-margin {
  p {@extend %bottom-spacing;}

Sensible styles

Base styles try to be as unopinionated as possible—like most things in Scally—with most applying sensible styles that you'd expect to find in a user agent stylesheet, like:

  • Applying cursor: help to abbreviations (abbr) that have a title attribute.
  • Applying cursor: pointer to summary and label elements.
  • Removing the gap between media elements (img, video, audio, etc) and the bottom of their containers.
  • Applying a bottom margin to all paragraphs (p) of text.

Normalize-esque styles

Base also provides normalize.css-esque styles like:

  • Set the default behavior for touch-based browsing in IE 10 on devices running Windows 8.
  • Remove rounded corners from iOS search inputs.
  • Remove rounded corners from iOS input buttons.
  • Remove the top inner shadow from iOS inputs. [optional]
  • Hide the close button generated by IE 10+ for inputs. [optional]

Some of the above are actual normalize.css overrides.

Other noteworthy parts of base

Scally—being a responsive ready framework—sets all image elements (img) to be responsive by default:

img {
  @if $responsive-images {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

However this is optional via a toggle setting.

Scally provides some sensible global print styles, with most taken from the HTML5 Boilerplate print styles.

All print styles that aren't defined at this global base level will live in context in their relevant file (Sass partial).

Root defines styles for the html element. It mainly focuses on typography styles e.g. setting font size, font family, line height, etc. Root also defines the global foreground colour which is inherited by all HTML elements, and the background colour of the html element itself.

Scally provides quite a few base form styles. Most are concerned with applying sensible styles and normalize-esque styles.

The other two main parts of forms are concerned with providing styles for text inputs (including textarea) and select lists, and a disabled state for ALL HTML form elements. These styles, being fairly opinionated, are all optional, sitting behind toggle settings.

Scally features a bunch of handy Sass functions to keep the framework more readable and DRY, by abstracting any common reusable logic.

The Convert px to em-rem function is the most used and powerful function and does what it says on the tin: To convert pixels to either the em or rem units. There is also a Convert px to em-rem mixin which is dependant on this function.


margin-left: to-em(8);


@include to-em(margin-left, 8);

The Math helpers contain a handful of math helper functions which are used to quickly create size variants of property values, e.g.

padding: halve(3.2px);

Scally features quite a few powerful Sass mixins. These mixins underpin many parts of the Scally framework and are required for many parts of the framework to work.

The most used and powerful Scally mixins are:

  • Convert px to em-rem

    some examples:

    @include to-em(line-height, 30);
    @include to-em(width height, 125);
    @include to-rem(box-shadow, (inset 0 0 0 1 #2a9022) (inset 0 0 3 #459966));
  • Font size

    some examples:

    @include font-size(18);
    @include font-size(12, 1.5);
    @include font-size(12, none);
    @include font-size(24, inherit);
    @include font-size(24, normal);
  • Generate at breakpoints

    some examples:

    @include generate-at-breakpoints('.u-text-size-small', all) {
       @include font-size($font-size-small);
     @include generate-at-breakpoints('.u-demo{bp} li', palm lap) {
       vertical-align: top;
  • Media queries

    some examples:

    @include respond-to(lap) {
      .foo {background: red;}
    @include respond-to(500) {
      .foo {background: red;}
    @include respond-to(palm, max) {
      .foo {background: red;}
    @include respond-to(500, $axis: height) {
      .foo {background: red;}
    @include respond-range(500, 780) {
      .foo {background: red;}
    @include respond-range(lap) {
      .foo {background: red;}

All of Scally's mixins except for the Target Browsers mixin use arguments which is a good way to use mixins. Argument-less mixins are typically only used as containers for common CSS rules which isn't very optimal e.g. DRY. Scally negates the need for argument-less mixins through it's utilities and in certain cases it's Sass silent placeholder selectors, and by following OOCSS methodologies.

The Scally core Sass silent placeholder selectors contain styles that are extremely global to a UI—and where using a class to apply these styles, like utilities do—wouldn't be appropiate.

Right now there is only one core placeholder: Bottom spacing which applies the base bottom spacing (and half) in order to try to keep a consistent vertical rhythm.

%bottom-spacing {@include to-rem(margin-bottom, $spacing-base);}

The main application for this placeholder is for paragraphs (p) and headings (h1-h6), applied in base. This is how it's applied to ALL paragraphs:

p {@extend %bottom-spacing;}

It wouldn't be practical to apply this bottom spacing with say one of the Spacing utility classes, e.g.

<p class="u-s-mb-base"> [...] </p>

It's safe to assume that all paragraphs will need this bottom spacing, just as Scally defines sensible styles in base we're doing the same here but encapsulating it into a placeholder as these styles need to be applied in various places, e.g. for horizontal rules (hr):

hr {
  @extend %bottom-spacing;

One of Scally's most powerful features is that it is highly configurable, only requiring you to bring in the parts you are using, keeping your CSS light weight and scalable. Scally ignores its own settings in favour of using your own, so you can completely modify how Scally works without ever having to alter the framework itself.

Scally achieves this by using Sass variables and being as unopinionated about design as possible.

The Scally settings section contains the most global settings for the framework, all other settings live in context in their relevant file (Sass partial).

Any settings you find set in Scally that you do not wish to keep, simply redefine above or below the relevant @import in the master stylesheet. This means that if Scally, for example, sets your $font-size at 16px and you wish it to be 14px, simply redeclare it above the relevant @import, like so:

$font-size: 14;
@import "bower_components/scally/core/settings/typography";

If you want to use a Scally setting to override something then you need to define the override below the @import, like so:

@import "bower_components/scally/core/settings/colours";
$color-text-base: $color-brand;

If you try to redeclare above the @import your Sass won't compile as you don't have access to the Scally setting at the point of compilation.

_normalize.scss is a third party solution. Scally always makes sure it's using the latest version.

In addition to normalize.css Scally also provides a powerful reset, resetting things like:

  • margin, padding, and borders to zero, for ALL HTML elements.
  • box-sizing to the more friendly border-box value.
  • no bullets for unordered (ul) and ordered (ol) lists .


Scally core is the foundation of the framework therefore it sits right at the bottom when it comes to specificity (CSS' first C; the cascade) as any styles defined in core need to be easily overridden.

That's why core is declared first when pulling in the Scally framework via your master stylesheet so they're compiled before everything else.

Further reading

Make sure to read the documentation within each core Sass partial file as it will contain information about the core feature and it's implementation.