###An intro to make a simple map, host it locally, and use git terminal to update one's repo. Help young Regen (photographed above) learn to make a map!
###Steps to git your map to github
- Get a github account, download desktop or terminal
- What is Github?, You are actually using it with this webpage, learn more about it here!
- Fork the repo
- Make a simple map with a geojson full of markers, here's a Quick Guide
- Test locally (Discuss CORS, python simpleHTTPserver)
- Use git terminal to push to one's repo
- Stand up with your laptop and say "Git your map right here!"
###Other steps to consider
- Geocoding with QGIS or terminal
###Tools needed (We will have these files ready to distribute during the meetup)
- Python, Please download version 2.7. If you have issues, have no fear, we will help you the day of.
- Install Git! http://git-scm.com/download
- Text Editor. Sublime is awesome & freeeee! http://www.sublimetext.com/
- QGIS, an open source Geographic Information System