This is the version of hubot that works on Cloud Foundry.
1. Clone the code
git clone git://
2. Install dependencies
cd hubot
npm install
3. Deploy to Cloud Foundry as Node.js application, you can provide redis service if your hubot scripts need it.
Due to a current cloud foundry bug, you must delete
before uploading, or during CF staging you will get an error similar to:
Error 310: Staging failed: 'Staging task failed:
Staging plugin failed: /var/vcap/packages/stager/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/vcap_staging-0.1.63/lib/vcap/staging/plugin/node/npm_support/npm_package.rb:262:in block in clean_package': undefined method
rm_f' for File:Class (NoMethodError)
vmc push my-hubot-app-name
4. Let hubot know its application URL.
vmc env-add my-hubot-app-name APP_URL=
1. First, set Hubot adapter as irc.
vmc env-add my-hubot-app-name HUBOT_ADAPTER=flowdock
2. Set IRC host and rooms.
vmc env-add my-hubot-app-name HUBOT_FLOWDOCK_LOGIN_EMAIL="...."
vmc env-add my-hubot-app-name HUBOT_FLOWDOCK_LOGIN_PASSWORD="..."
Other parameters can be found here