output | urlcolor | header-includes | |||||||
blue |
# Students: You probably shouldn't change any of the code in this chunk.
# These are the packages you will need for this activity
packages_needed <- c("tidyverse", "googledrive", "readxl", "janitor",
"lubridate", "opendatatoronto", "ggthemes")
package.check <- lapply(
FUN = function(x) {
if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
# Credit: package.check based on a helpful post from Vikram Baliga
# Load tidyverse
# Set so that long lines in R will be wrapped:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=80), echo = TRUE)
# Students: You probably shouldn't change any of the code in this chunk BUT...
# This chunk loads the most recent data from Toronto City and the data from OpenToronto.
# You have to RUN this chunk by hand to update the data as
# eval is set to FALSE to limit unnecessary requsts on the site.
# Step one: Get the COVID data from Toronto City. #
url1 <- "https://drive.google.com/file/d/11KF1DuN5tntugNc10ogQDzFnW05ruzLH/view"
googledrive::drive_download(url1, path="data/CityofToronto_COVID-19_Daily_Public_Reporting.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
url2 <- "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jzH64LvFQ-UsDibXO0MOtvjbL2CvnV3N/view"
googledrive::drive_download(url2, path = "data/CityofToronto_COVID-19_NeighbourhoodData.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
# this removes the url object that we don't need anymore
rm(url1, url2)
# Step two: Get the data neighbourhood data from Open Data Toronto. #
nbhoods_shape_raw <- list_package_resources("neighbourhoods") %>%
saveRDS(nbhoods_shape_raw, "data/neighbourhood_shapefile.Rds")
nbhood_profile <- search_packages("Neighbourhood Profile") %>%
list_package_resources() %>%
filter(name == "neighbourhood-profiles-2016-csv") %>%
saveRDS(nbhood_profile, "data/neighbourhood_profile.Rds")
# Step three: Load the COVID data from Toronto City. #
# Saving the name of the file as an object and then using the object name in the
# following code is a helpful practice. Why? If we change the name of the file
# being used, we'll only have to change it in one place. This helps us avoid
# 'human error'.
daily_data <- "data/CityofToronto_COVID-19_Daily_Public_Reporting.xlsx"
# Cases reported by date (double check the sheet is correct)
# Should be a sheet names something like
## 'Cases by Reported Date'
reported_raw <- read_excel(daily_data, sheet = 5) %>%
# Cases by outbreak type (double check the sheet is correct)
# Should be a sheet names something like
## 'Cases by Outbreak Type and Epis'
outbreak_raw <- read_excel(daily_data, sheet = 3) %>%
# When was this data updated?
date_daily <- read_excel(daily_data, sheet = 1) %>%
# By neighbourhood
neighbourood_data <- "data/CityofToronto_COVID-19_NeighbourhoodData.xlsx"
# Cases reported by date
nbhood_raw <- read_excel(neighbourood_data, sheet = 2) %>%
# Date the neighbourhood data was last updated
date_nbhood <- read_excel(neighbourood_data, sheet = 1) %>%
#don't need these anymore
rm(daily_data, neighbourood_data)
# Step four: Load the neighbourhood data from Toronto City. #
# Get neighbourhood profile data
nbhood_profile <- readRDS("data/neighbourhood_profile.Rds")
# Get shape data for mapping
nbhoods_shape_raw <- readRDS("data/neighbourhood_shapefile.Rds") %>%
sf::st_as_sf() ## Makes sure shape info is in the most up to date format
Code last run r Sys.Date()
Daily: r date_daily[1,1]
Neighbourhood: r date_nbhood[1,1]
reported <- reported_raw %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, replace_na, replace = 0) %>%
mutate(reported_date=as.Date(reported_date, format = "%d.%b.%Y")) %>%
rename(Active = active,
Recovered = recovered,
Deceased = deceased) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(reported_date), names_to = "Status", values_to = "Cases") %>%
mutate(Status = fct_relevel(Status, "Recovered", after = 1))
reported %>% ggplot(aes(x = reported_date, y = Cases, fill = Status)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_date(limits = as.Date(c('2020-01-01', Sys.Date())),
labels = scales::date_format("%d %b %y"))+
labs(title = "Cases reported by day in Toronto, Canada",
subtitle = "Confirmed and probable cases",
x = "Date",
y = "Case count",
caption = str_c("Created by: Claire Hsiung for STA303/1002, U of T \n
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health, Integrated Public Health Information System and CORES \n" ,
date_daily[1,1], sep = " ")) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = c(0.15, 0.8)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,2000)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#003F5C","#86BCB6","#B9CA5D"))
outbreak <- outbreak_raw %>% mutate(episode_week = date(episode_week)) %>%
mutate(outbreak_or_sporadic = case_when(
outbreak_or_sporadic == "OB Associated" ~ "Outbreak associated",
outbreak_or_sporadic == "Sporadic" ~ "Sporadic"
)) %>%
group_by(episode_week) %>%
mutate(total_cases = sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(outbreak_or_sporadic = fct_relevel(outbreak_or_sporadic, "Sporadic", after = 1))
outbreak %>% ggplot(aes(x = episode_week, y = cases, fill = outbreak_or_sporadic)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_x_date(limits = as.Date(c('2020-01-01', Sys.Date())),
labels = scales::date_format("%d %b %y"))+
labs(title = "Cases by outbreak type and week in Toronto, Canada",
subtitle = "Confirmed and probable cases",
x = "Date",
y = "Case count",
caption = str_c("Created by: Claire Hsiung for STA303/1002, U of T \n
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health, Integrated Public Health Information System and CORES \n" ,
date_daily[1,1], sep = " ")) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position = c(0.15, 0.8)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,7000)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#86BCB6","#B9CA5D"))
income <- nbhood_profile %>%
filter(`_id` == 1143) %>%
pivot_longer(-c("_id", "Category", "Topic", "Data Source", "Characteristic"),
names_to = "neighbourhood_name",
values_to = "Percentage") %>%
mutate_at('Percentage', parse_number)
nbhoods_all<- nbhoods_shape_raw %>%
mutate(neighbourhood_name = str_remove(AREA_NAME, "\\s\\(\\d+\\)")) %>%
full_join(income, by = "neighbourhood_name") %>%
full_join(nbhood_raw, by = "neighbourhood_name") %>%
rename(rate_per_100000 = rate_per_100_000_people)
problems <- nbhoods_all %>%
#updating problematic rows in income using information in problems
income <- income[-1,]
nbhoods_shape_raw <- nbhoods_shape_raw %>%
mutate(AREA_NAME = str_replace(AREA_NAME, "Cabbagetown-South St.James Town",
"Cabbagetown-South St. James Town")) %>%
mutate(AREA_NAME = str_replace(AREA_NAME, "North St.James Town",
"North St. James Town")) %>%
mutate(AREA_NAME = str_replace(AREA_NAME, "Weston-Pellam Park",
"Weston-Pelham Park"))
nbhoods_all <- nbhoods_shape_raw %>%
mutate(neighbourhood_name = str_remove(AREA_NAME, "\\s\\(\\d+\\)")) %>%
full_join(income, by = "neighbourhood_name") %>%
full_join(nbhood_raw, by = "neighbourhood_name") %>%
rename(rate_per_100000 = rate_per_100_000_people)%>%
med_inc = median(nbhoods_all$Percentage)
med_rate = median(nbhoods_all$rate_per_100000)
nbhoods_final <- nbhoods_all %>%
mutate(nbhood_type = case_when(
(Percentage >= med_inc & rate_per_100000 >= med_rate)
~ "Higher low income rate, higher case rate",
(Percentage >= med_inc & rate_per_100000 <= med_rate)
~ "Higher low income rate, lower case rate",
(Percentage <= med_inc & rate_per_100000 >= med_rate)
~ "Lower low income rate, higher case rate",
(Percentage <= med_inc & rate_per_100000 <= med_rate)
~ "Lower low income rate, lower case rate"
ggplot(data = nbhoods_final) +
geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry, fill = Percentage)) +
theme_map() + scale_fill_gradient(name=
"% low income", low = "darkgreen", high = "lightgrey")+
labs(title = "Percentage of 18 to 64 year olds living in a low income family (2015)",
subtitle = "Neighbourhoods in Toronto, Canada",
caption = str_c("Created by: Claire Hsiung for STA303/1002, U of T \n
Source: Census Profile 98-316-X2016001 via OpenData Toronto \n" ,
date_daily[1,1], sep = " ")) +
theme(legend.position = "right")
ggplot(data = nbhoods_final) +
geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry, fill = rate_per_100000)) +
theme_map() + scale_fill_gradient(name=
"Cases per 100,000 people", low = "white", high = "darkorange")+
labs(title = "COVID-19 cases per 100,000, by neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada",
caption = str_c("Created by: Claire Hsiung for STA303/1002, U of T \n
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health, Integrated Public Health Information System and CORES \n" ,
date_daily[1,1], sep = " ")) +
theme(legend.position = "right")
ggplot(data = nbhoods_final) +
geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry, fill = nbhood_type)) +
theme_map() + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
labs(fill = "% of 18 to 64 year-olds in low income families and
COVID-19 case rates",
title = "COVID-19 cases per 100,000, by neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada",
caption = str_c("Created by: Claire Hsiung for STA303/1002, U of T \n
Income data source: Census Profile 98-316-X2016001 via OpenData Toronto \n
COVID data source: Ontario Ministry of Health,
Integrated Public Health Information System and CORES \n" ,
date_daily[1,1], sep = " ")) +
theme(legend.position = "right")
# This chunk of code helps you prepare your assessment for submission on Crowdmark
# This is optional. If it isn't working, you can do it manually/take another approach.
# Run this chunk by hand after knitting your final version of your pdf for submission.
# A new file called 'to_submit' will appear in your working directory with each page of your assignment as a separate pdf.
# Install the required packages
if(!match("staplr", installed.packages()[,1], nomatch = FALSE))
# Don't edit anything in this function
prep_for_crowdmark <- function(pdf=NULL){
# Get the name of the file you're currently in.
this_file <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
pdf_name <- sub(".Rmd", ".pdf", sub('.*/', '', this_file))
# Create a file called to_submit to put the individual files in
# This will be in the same folder as this file is saved
if(!match("to_submit", list.files(), nomatch = FALSE))
# Split the files
staplr::split_pdf(pdf_name, output_directory = "to_submit", prefix = "page_")} else {
staplr::split_pdf(pdf, output_directory = "to_submit", prefix = "page_")