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Nifty Cannon Contracts

Make it rain NFTs!

Make it rain NFTs!

Send multiple ERC-721 tokens to one or more Ethereum addresses.

Send amounts of multiple ERC-1155 tokens to one or more Ethereum addresses.


  • Airdrops working and unit tested
  • Will-call volleys working and unit tested
  • Transferable tickets working and unit tested
  • ERC-721 support working and unit tested
  • ERC-1155 support working and unit tested
  • Transparent Upgradeable Proxy working and unit tested
  • Deployed to Rinkeby Testnet and tested with community recipients
  • Deployed to Ethereum Mainnet


  • Airdrop mode

    • sender pays gas for transfers
    • tokens are transferred immediately, from sender wallet to recipient wallets
  • Will-call mode

    • sender fires same payload as airdrop, but it is stored rather than acted upon
    • recipient can claim will-call NFTs any time
    • recipient pays gas for transfers when claiming
  • Transferable Ticket mode

    • similar to will-call mode, except a ticket is minted as an NFT, and transferred to the recipient
    • the current owner of the ticket may pay the gas to receive the volleyed NFTs
    • if originally targeted recipient doesn't wish to pay gas and receive the NFTs, they can transfer or resell the ticket
    • helps avoid unclaimed will-call volleys; more volleyed NFTs will are likely to end up in the secondary market
  • Rampart (Not in MVP)

    • anyone can register to opt out of receiving airdrops

Nifty Cannon Implementation Unit Test Output

Nifty Cannon Implementation Unit Test Output

Nifty Cannon Proxy Unit Test Output

Nifty Cannon Proxy Unit Test Output

Nifty Cannon Domain Entity Unit Test Output

Nifty Cannon Domain Entity Unit Test Output

Unit Test Gas Report

Unit Test Gas

Developer Setup


Install Node (also installs NPM)

Install required Node modules

All NPM resources are project-local. No global installs required.

cd path/to/nifty-cannon-contracts
npm install

Configure Environment

Create a file called environments.js with

  • The following info for each Ethereum network environment.

    • txNode: the endpoint for sending ethereum transactions
    • mnemonic: a valid ethereum HD wallet seed phrase
  • The following info for interacting with Etherscan and Coinmarketcap:

    • etherscan.apiKey: your etherscan API key
    • coinmarketcap.apiKey: your coinmarketcap API key
module.exports = {
    "etherscan": {
        "apiKey": "<YOUR_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY>"

  "coinmarketcap": {

  "rinkeby": {
        "txNode": "<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>",


Development Tasks

NPM Scripts

Build the contracts

This creates a the build artifacts for deployment or testing

npm run build

Test the contracts

This builds the contracts and runs the unit tests.

npm run test

Deploy to Rinkeby

This deploys the built contracts to Rinkeby

npm run deploy:rinkeby

Verify deployed contract with etherscan

npx hardhat verify --network [rinkeby|mainnet] DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS



Initial MVP allows an owner of one or more NFTs on a contract to send a set of them to one or more recipients.

  • NFT standard support
    • ERC721 support initially
    • ERC1155 eventually may help gas with batch transfer mode


  • Volley

    • A set of NFTs on a single contract destined for a single claimer
  • Airdrop

    • The immediate transfer of the NFTs in one or more Volleys to one or more recipients
  • Will-call

    • The a list of the NFTs in a Volley for a recipient to claim later
  • Ticket

    • A transferable version of Will-call Volley where an NFT is issued. Current owner can claim
  • Claim

    • A recipient receiving the previously approved NFTs to their wallet


Volley Sequences - Air Drop Send

Volley Sequences - Air Drop Send

Volley Sequences - Will-call Send (non-transferable)

Volley Sequences - Will-call Send

Volley Sequences - Will-call Pickup (non-transferable)

Volley Sequences - Will-call Pickup

Volley Sequences - Issuing tickets (transferable)

Volley Sequences - Issue tickets

Volley Sequences - ticket Claim

Volley Sequences - ticket Claim
