DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing implementation with messenger and RabbitMQ
Frontend using VueJS
Following Domain Driver Design
- UUID as binary.
- Command Bus implementation with messenger
- Code structured in layers as Domain Driver Design
- DomainEvents
- Events to RabbitMQ
- Logs stored in ElasticSearch and Kibana for reading in
- Dev environment in Docker. Orchestrating with Docker Compose.
- Register user flow
- Security user flow
- JWT provider
- Chat feature with mercure and RabbitMQ
|\ App `Contains the Use Cases of the domain system and the Data Transfer Objects`
|\ Domain `The system business logic layer`
|\ Infra `Its the implementation of the system outside the model. I.E: Persistence, serialization, etc`
\ UI `User Interface. I.E: Controllers, views, etc`
The environment is build in PHP7.4 and the containers are on etc/infrastructure/dev/docker-compose.yml
start environment with: docker-compose -f etc/infrastructure/dev/docker-compose.yml up -d