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The Operation Tool for Cloud-Migrator System Runtime

CM-Mayfly is currently under development.
So, we do not recommend using the current release in production.
Please note that the functionalities of CM-Mayfly are not stable and secure yet.
If you have any difficulties in using CM-Mayfly, please let us know.
(Open an issue or Join the Cloud-Migrator Slack)

CM-Mayfly Overview

This management tool provides and is expected to provide the following features:

  • Builds and controls the infrastructure of the Cloud-Migrator system.
  • Monitors the execution status of the sub-framework.
  • Provides the ability to call REST APIs offered by the sub-framework.
  • Kubernetes (k8s) will be supported in the future.

CM-Mayfly Execution and Development Environment

  • Ubuntu 20.04 or later
    • Tested by Ubuntu 20.04
  • Golang 1.23 or later
    • Tested by go version go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
  • Docker Compose v2.21 or later
    • Tested by Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b and Docker Compose version v2.21.0


How to build mayfly binary file from souce code

Build a binary for mayfly using Makerfile

$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly

Choose one of the commands below for the target OS you want to build for.
$ cm-mayfly$ make
$ cm-mayfly$ make win
$ cm-mayfly$ make mac
$ cm-mayfly$ make linux-arm
$ cm-mayfly$ make win86
$ cm-mayfly$ make mac-arm

How to delete mayfly all binary files

cm-mayfly$ make clean

How to use CM-Mayfly

For now, it supports infra / rest / api / setup / tool sub-commands.

Use the -h option at the end of the sub-command requiring assistance, or executing 'mayfly' without any options will display the help manual.

$ ./mayfly -h
The mayfly is a tool to operate Cloud-Migrator system.

  mayfly [command]

Available Commands:
  api         Call the Cloud-Migrator system's Open APIs as services and actions
  help        Help about any command
  infra       Installing and managing cloud-migrator's infrastructure
  rest        rest api call
  setup       Support for Additional Tasks After Container Setup
  tool        Provides additional functions for managing Docker Compose or the Cloud-Migrator system.

  -h, --help   help for mayfly

Use "mayfly [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For more detailed explanations, see the articles below.

How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure

A quick guide on how to easily build a Cloud-Migrator infrastructure.
If you need a more detailed explanation, check out the article below.


1. Download cm-mayfly

$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly

2. Prerequisites

Some sub systems may require initial setup, including changing the default password. If changes or settings are needed, modify the information in the ./conf/docker folder.

For example, to change the SMTP settings for cm-cicada, modify the following file: ./conf/docker/conf/cm-cicada/airflow_smtp.env

For more details, refer to the cm-cicada SMTP configuration guide.

3. Building a Docker-based infrastructure

In most cases, the following single line will complete all the necessary tasks.

$ ./mayfly infra run

If you do not want to see the output logs and want to run it in the background, you can use the -d option to run it in detach mode.

$ ./mayfly infra run -d

4. Checking the subsystem running status

To verify that the Cloud-Migrator system is running correctly, use the info command to check the healthy status of each subsystem.

$ ./mayfly infra info

5. Register CSP credentials

To implement a function similar to cb-tumblebug's, register the credentials for each CSP and then call the tumblebug's loadassets REST API.

Register the credential information for each CSP using public key encryption.

$ ./mayfly setup credential

Load Common Resources from internal asset files (Spec, Image)

$ ./mayfly api -s cb-tumblebug -a loadassets

6. Some helpful commands

If a new version of the Docker image is released, you can update the running version of Cloud-Migrator to the latest version using the update command.

$ ./mayfly infra update

You can update a specific service using the -s flag.

$ ./mayfly infra update -s cb-spider
$ ./mayfly infra update -s "cb-spider cb-tumblebug"

You can check the logs of the entire system using the logs command.

$ ./mayfly infra logs

You can logs a specific service using the -s flag.

$ ./mayfly infra logs -s cb-spider
$ ./mayfly infra logs -s "cb-spider cb-tumblebug"

You can stop a specific service using the -s flag.

$ ./mayfly infra stop -s cb-spider
$ ./mayfly infra stop -s "cb-spider cb-tumblebug"

You can run a specific service using the -s flag.

$ ./mayfly infra run -s cb-spider
$ ./mayfly infra run -s "cb-spider cb-tumblebug"

7. Trouble Shooting

For some subsystems, including cm-cicada, the order of startup is important. Even if they are marked as healthy, they may not be running correctly. For cm-cicada, please check the logs and restart if any errors occur.

$ ./mayfly logs -s cm-cicada

Check if the number of Task Components in the Workflow Management menu on the web portal is 10 items. Alternatively, you can easily check using the following curl command.

curl -s http://localhost:8083/cicada/task_component | jq '. | length'

If you determine that a restart is necessary, stop and then start it as shown below.

$ ./mayfly infra stop -s cm-cicada
$ ./mayfly infra run -s cm-cicada

If you want to cleanup all Docker environments, run the following shell script.

$ cd conf/docker
$ ./

Note that the logs and local DB files created by the subsystems are not deleted. If a complete reset is required, run and then delete the data folder as instructed.