When running a kubecf instance, all of the job containers in the pods for the instance groups use a docker image. This image provides that job and the associated packages.
The names of these docker images are structured like so:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Registry Role Tag
The tag is further structured as:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Stemcell OS Stemcell version Role version
The various components above come from a number of places in the Chart, chart values, deployment manifest, etc. When an element can be provided by multiple places, the first place (in the order given below) with a defined value (i.e. not nil) is used.
Element | Origin |
Role | instance_groups.[].name |
Registry | releases.(role).url |
releases.defaults.url |
Role version | releases.(role).version |
releases.defaults.version |
Stemcell OS | releases.(role).stemcell.os |
releases.defaults.stemcell.os |
Stemcell version | releases.(role).stemcell.version |
releases.defaults.stemcell.version |
Attention: The stemcell information put into the Chart / manifest has to match the stemcell baked into the docker image by the CI image builder at the time of building.
This information is easiest to extract from the tag for the used docker image.
Some, but not all, of this information can also be extracted from the labels of the used docker image. For image foo, invoke:
docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "stemcell-version" }}' foo
docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "stemcell-flavor" }}' foo
The flavor plus the part of the version up to the first dash
character (-
) provides the stemcell OS, and the remainder of the
version provides a prefix for the stemcell version.
For example, the version and flavor strings
yield opensuse-42.3 and 36.g03b4653-30.80 for os and version prefix. Below, the tag structure again, with the labeling information added:
| stemcell-version
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Stemcell OS Stemcell version Role version