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File metadata and controls

257 lines (173 loc) · 17.9 KB



This application controls the game logic for the Cubespace game. It interacts with both Gameboard and TopoMojo in its operation - Gameboard to know when to deploy a game and post scores, and TopoMojo to check the state of the team's workspace.

Getting Started

You can run Gamebrain with Docker or directly with Python:


You can build and run the app with Docker:

  1. Build and tag an image that can be used in any Docker environment:

     docker build -t gamebrain:latest .
  2. Run the Docker image as a container serving on port 8000:

     docker run -p 8000:8000 gamebrain


To run the app locally with Python:

  1. Create a Python 3.10+ virtual environment.

  2. Install the project dependencies.

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Uvicorn is installed as a dependency, and it is recommended. Start the server.




The settings.yaml file holds all of the environment settings, as well as a few game settings. There is an example settings.yaml in this directory with each field commented.


initial_state.json is an example flle containing the 2022 game missions, tasks, and locations. It is provided as an example of the structure, but the contents should be changed to reflect your intended use case.


The communications mapping is a JSON object which provides information needed by the communications system. This system is responsible for managing when video based content is provided to end users within the shipboard interface. These messages can appear for a variety of reasons - in response to being "hailed" by another ship, in response to "scanning" an area, or other events related to the narrative.

The object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
commID string An identifier for a comm event. Must be unique.
videoURL string Which video should play when this comm event is viewed.
commTemplate Literal Valid values are: "incoming", "probe", "badTranslation".
"incoming" denotes a message coming from an alien.
"probe" represents the result of a scan.
"badTranslation" denotes that a challenge must be completed before content is available.
translationMessage string This text will be displayed to a player as placeholder text if no scan has been is initiated. This is most often used as a call to action such as - "No scan data available, intitiate scan to access."
scanInfoMessage string This text will be shown after scanning.
firstContact bool This determines if this event is considered to be the first contact event for some location. First contact events unlock follow-on activities at that location (such as allowing access to challenge content). This is intended to prevent participants from accessing material without having viewed the relevant lead-in content).
locationID string The identifier of the location at which this event will play. This string must match a valid location name.


The location mapping is a JSON object which provides information about the various locations which participants can travel to during the course of a game.

The object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
locationID string An identifier for a location. Must be unique.
name string The name shown in the Cubespace navigation console for this location.
imageID string The image shown in the Cubespace navigation console for this location. Must match the Cubespace client asset name.
backdropID string The image shown in the background by Cubespace when at this location. Must match the Cubespace client asset name.
surroundings string Text shown when at the location.
unlockCode string Code that players can input at the navigation console to unlock this location. Only relevant if not unlocked initially.
trajectoryLaunch int Top dial value at the piloting console.
trajectoryCorrection int Middle dial value at the piloting console.
trajectoryCube int Bottom dial value at the piloting console.
firstContactEvent string The identifier of this location's first contact event, if there is one.
networkName string The name of the network to switch to when the antenna is extended at this location on the Antenna VM specified in settings.yaml. To switch any network interface aside from the first, TopoMojo requires a suffix of ":0", ":1", ":2", etc. The suffix is not required for changing the first network interface.


The mission mapping is a JSON object which provides information about the different missions participants can undertake during the course of a game to earn points. These missions hold lists of tasks within them which guide players through mission completion.

The object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
missionID string An identifier for a mission. Must be unique.
title string The title shown in the mission log of the mission.
summaryShort string The summary shown in the list of missions in-game. Supports HTML formatting.
summaryLong string The summary shown on the right pane when the mission is selected. Supports HTML formatting.
missionIcon string The icon shown in the mission log. Must match the Cubespace client asset name.
isSpecial bool This determines whether to highlight the mission in the log to make it look special. This effect is visual only. Defaults to False.
roleList list[string] The list of NICE work roles associated with this mission.
taskList list[TaskDataIdentifierStub] A list of objects whose only key is "taskID", with a value equal to one of the task identifiers in the task map.
points int The number of points awarded for this mission's completion.


The task mapping is a JSON object which provides information about the different tasks each mission can hold. Each task list acts as a set of instructions for players as they move through a mission.

The object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
taskID string An identifier for a mission. Must be unique.
missionID string The identifier of the mission this task is associated with. This does not have to be unique, as multiple tasks should be assigned to the same mission.
descriptionText string A short summary, shown for this task in the task list of a mission when a player selects that mission in the mission log.
infoPresent bool Whether the task has more detailed information.
infoText string More detailed information about the requirements for completing this task, shown when a task is selected from the mission log. Supports HTML formatting.
videoPresent bool Indicates whether the task has a video associated with it after it completes. Generally used for tasks triggering comm events.
videoURL string The URL of the video to show with this task, if there is one.
commID string The identifier of an associated comm event, if there is one.
next string The identifier of the next task to show when this one is completed.
completesMission bool This determines if the associated mission should be marked as complete when this task is completed.
markCompleteWhen TaskBranch Criteria for marking this task complete. See below for TaskBranch structure.
failWhen TaskBranch Criteria for a "fail" path for this task. The task itself does not actually fail, but this can be used to show a remediation task in the task log, for example to tell the players that they will need to try again.
cancelWhen TaskBranch Criteria to clear this task from the task log. Can be used to clear a remediation task once it's done.

The task branch is a JSON object which advances a task when it meets the specified criteria.

The object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
type Literal The type of event that should advance the task. Valid values are: "comm", "jump", "explorationMode", "launchMode", "standby", "scan", "antennaExtended", "antennaRetracted", "challenge", "challengeFail", "codex", "indirect".
"comm" advances when a players initiate a comm event.
"jump" advances when the ship jumps to a specified location.
"explorationMode" advances when the ship's power mode is set to exploration mode.
"launchMode" advances when the ship's power mode is set to launch mode.
"standby" advances when the ship's power mode is set to standby mode.
"scan" advances when players initiate a scan at the specified location.
"antennaExtended" advances when players extend the antenna.
"antennaRetracted" advances when players retract the antenna.
"challenge" advances when a challenge is completed. See settings.yaml's game.challenge_tasks setting to set up the task dispatches.
"challengeFail" advances when a challenge is failed. See settings.yaml's game.challenge_tasks setting to set up the task dispatches.
"codex" advances when a codex has been decoded. Codex tasks are not currently configurable.
"indirect" indicates that this branch is triggered by another task's alsoComplete. This is only valid if this task branch is a completion branch.
locationID string (Optional) The location at which this branch is triggered.
alsoComplete list[string] (Optional) A list of task identifiers to also mark complete. The target tasks must be of type "indirect", and must all correspond with existing taskIDs.
unlocks string (Optional) A task to unlock on this branch. Primarily used with failure branches to unlock a remediation task. This must correspond with an existing taskID.
unlockLocation string (Optional) A location identifier to unlock when this task branch is triggered. This must correspond with an existing locationID.
indirectPrerequisiteTasks list[string] A list of tasks that are required before this task is marked complete. Only valid for "indirect" completion branches. These must all correspond with existing taskIDs.


The team mapping is for Gamebrain internal use only when a team is first created. This is a deprecated value and should be provided in the initial JSON as an empty dictionary. This will be removed in a future version.


The team initial state is a JSON object which controls the starting conditions for a team that has just started a run in Cubespace.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
currentStatus CurrentLocationGameplayDataTeamSpecific A JSON object representing the current status of each team, as detailed in the CurrentLocationGameplayDataTeamSpecific section.
session SessionDataTeamSpecific A JSON object describing the team's default information, as detailed in the SessionDataTeamSpecific section.
ship ShipDataTeamSpecific A JSON object describing the team's workstation information, as detailed in the ShipDataTeamSpecific section.
locations list[LocationDataTeamSpecific] A JSON object describing the possible locations a team can visit (as locationIDs), as well as additional information as detailed in the LocationDataTeamSpecific section.
missions list[MissionDataTeamSpecific] A JSON object representing the initial missions available to the team, as detailed in the MissionDataTeamSpecific section.

The current location gameplay data team specific structure describes the attributes of the team's current location and all associated data. Note that changes to these values will immediately change the status of the ship in Cubespace.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
currentLocation string The locationID of the team's current location.
currentLocationScanned bool Identifies whether a scan has already been performed at this location. This may affect what options the players have to interact with this location.
currentLocationSurroundings string The "surroundings" text which shows at the current location in the Cubespace client.
antennaExtended bool Identifies whether the antenna lever is in the extended position.
networkConnected bool Identifies whether a network shows as connected in the Cubespace client.
networkName string The name of the connected network if the above is true.
firstContactComplete bool Identifies whether the first contact event for this location has been completed. Setting this to true will allow participants to extend the antenna.
powerStatus Literal Valid values are "launchMode", "explorationMode", "standby". The current overall power mode.
incomingTransmission bool Identifies whether a comm event is available.
incomingTransmissionObject CommEventData The full comm event data of an active comm event. Null by default. See the comm_map section for details.

The session data team specific structure describes default information for a team.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
teamInfoName string The display name of the team. This value gets updated with the team's Gameboard team ID.
teamCodexCount int The number of codexes the team currently has. This should be set to 0 for the initial state.
jumpCutsceneURL string The cutscene video to be displayed when jumping to a new location.

The ship data team specific structure describes workstation information available to a team.

All fields for this structure are required, but may be set to empty strings (""). These fields are updated via endpoint called from Gameboard after deployment. Setting an initial URL here allows for providing a landing page with an error message so that if values are not updated, information can be provided to users on what is happening (such as VM deployment, status, or other relevant error information). Valid power settings are "off" or "on"; these fields are reserved for future use.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
codexURL string The URL used for participants to access the codex decoder virtual machine.
workstation1URL string The URL used for participants to access Cyber Operator workstation #1.
workstation2URL string The URL used for participants to access Cyber Operator workstation #2.
workstation3URL string The URL used for participants to access Cyber Operator workstation #3.
workstation4URL string The URL used for participants to access Cyber Operator workstation #4.
workstation5URL string The URL used for participants to access Cyber Operator workstation #5.
commPower Literal Communication console power. Valid values are "off" or "on". Reserved for future use.
flightPower Literal Flight console power. Valid values are "off" or "on". Reserved for future use.
navPower Literal Navigation console power. Valid values are "off" or "on". Reserved for future use.
pilotPower Literal Pilot console power. Valid values are "off" or "on". Reserved for future use.

The location data team specific structure describes the possible locations a team can visit (as locationIDs) and the associated team-specific status information for each location. This allows teams to leave a location and return without losing any progress.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
locationID string The identifier for this location. Must be unique.
unlocked bool Whether the location shows in the list of travel destinations in the Cubespace navigation workstation.
visited bool Whether the first contact comm event has been completed at this location.
scanned bool Whether or not the location has been marked as scanned.
networkEstablished bool Reserved for future use.

The mission data team specific structure provides all information which may be presented in the team's mission log. Note this information is used internally within Gamebrain in order to determine what subset of this information should be provided to the individual Cubespace host. This ensures that participants cannot reverse engineer their local client to gain additional information.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
missionID string The identifier for this mission. Must be unique.
unlocked bool Whether the mission is considered unlocked internally.
visible bool Whether the mission shows up in the mission log.
complete bool Whether this mission is complete.
taskList list[TaskDataTeamSpecific] See below for TaskDataTeamSpecific structure.

The task data team specific structure provides information regarding the tasks available within a mission in the team's mission log. Note this information is used internally within Gamebrain in order to determine what subset of this information should be provided to the individual Cubespace host. This ensures that participants cannot reverse engineer their local client to gain additional information.

This object supports the following fields:

Field name type Description
taskID string The identifier for this task. Must be unique.
visible bool Whether this task is displayed in the mission log task list.
complete bool Whether this task is complete.