Issue | Instances | |
GAS-1 | a = a + b is more gas effective than a += b for state variables (excluding arrays and mappings) |
6 |
GAS-2 | Comparing to a Boolean constant | 1 |
GAS-3 | Using bools for storage incurs overhead | 3 |
GAS-4 | Cache array length outside of loop | 2 |
GAS-5 | For Operations that will not overflow, you could use unchecked | 104 |
GAS-6 | Use Custom Errors instead of Revert Strings to save Gas | 60 |
GAS-7 | Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls | 1 |
GAS-8 | Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable |
21 |
GAS-9 | ++i costs less gas compared to i++ or i += 1 (same for --i vs i-- or i -= 1 ) |
3 |
GAS-10 | Using private rather than public for constants, saves gas |
1 |
GAS-11 | Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas | 2 |
GAS-12 | Increments/decrements can be unchecked in for-loops | 2 |
GAS-13 | Use != 0 instead of > 0 for unsigned integer comparison | 14 |
[GAS-1] a = a + b
is more gas effective than a += b
for state variables (excluding arrays and mappings)
This saves 16 gas per instance.
Instances (6):
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
198: vesting.stepsClaimed += claimableSteps;
199: vesting.amountClaimed += claimableAmount;
296: _vestings[_beneficiary].totalAmount += _totalAmount;
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
131: sellLimit +=
136: userAllocation.sold += amount;
162: allocations[buyer][vesting].bought += amount;
Comparing to a constant (true
or false
) is a bit more expensive than directly checking the returned boolean value.
Consider using if(directValue)
instead of if(directValue == true)
and if(!directValue)
instead of if(directValue == false)
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
59: require(userSettings[msg.sender] == false, "SS_Whitelist: User is whitelisted"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas), and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from ‘false’ to ‘true’, after having been ‘true’ in the past. See source.
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
106: mapping(address => bool) public isTokenSupport;
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
44: bool public isMarketplaceFreeze;
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
25: mapping(address => bool) public userSettings;
If not cached, the solidity compiler will always read the length of the array during each iteration. That is, if it is a storage array, this is an extra sload operation (100 additional extra gas for each iteration except for the first) and if it is a memory array, this is an extra mload operation (3 additional gas for each iteration except for the first).
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
264: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
203: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
Instances (104):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
3: import "./interface/IERC20.sol";
4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
6: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IMarketplaceSetting.sol";
7: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IWhitelist.sol";
8: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IVestingManager.sol";
9: import "./SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer.sol";
10: import "hardhat/console.sol";
17: using SafeERC20 for IERC20; // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
261: require(_amount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Invalid listing amount"); // 3.10. Inefficient _listingType check
274: ); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
276: uint256 baseAmount = (_amount * _price) /
278: 10 **
287: ); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
288: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Cannot list amount it is too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
296: uint256 listingId = nextListingId[_vestingPlan]++;
349: if ((listing.listTime + IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).minListingDuration()) > block.timestamp) {
354: ); // 3.7. Value difference caused by the same penalty fee
357: IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).feeCollector(), // 3.7. Value difference caused by the same penalty fee
359: ); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
367: ); // 3.4. The s2Admin is unable to unlist vesting
369: listing.status = Status.DELIST; // 3.3. Buyer can choose listing price
370: listing.balance = 0; // 3.3. Buyer can choose listing price
388: require(listing.status == Status.LIST, "SS_Marketplace: Listing not active"); // 3.3. Buyer can choose listing price
417: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - ((_amount * listing.discountPct) / / BASE;
419: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - listing.discountPct)) / BASE;
434: bfee = vpbf > -1 ? uint256(vpbf) : IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).buyerFee();
435: sfee = vpsf > -1 ? uint256(vpsf) : IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).sellerFee();
459: uint256 baseAmount = (_amount * discountedPrice) /
461: 10 **
470: ); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
471: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Amount too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
473: buyerFeeTotal = (baseAmount * bfee) / BASE;
474: sellerFeeTotal = (baseAmount * sfee) / BASE;
476: IERC20(listing.currency).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), (baseAmount + buyerFeeTotal)); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
481: buyerFeeTotal -
482: (baseAmount * bfee * IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).referralFee()) /
483: (BASE * BASE);
486: IERC20(listing.currency).safeTransfer(listing.seller, (baseAmount - sellerFeeTotal)); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
488: uint256 feeCollectorTotal = (buyerFeeTotal + sellerFeeTotal);
492: ); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
530: listing.balance -= _amount;
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
4: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IMarketplaceSetting.sol";
5: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IVestingManager.sol";
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
142: buyerFee = 250; // 2.5% fee
143: sellerFee = 250; // 2.5% fee
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
4: import "./interface/SecondSwap_Vesting.sol";
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
7: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
133: stepDuration = (_endTime - _startTime) / _numOfSteps;
142: return _vestings[_beneficiary].totalAmount - _vestings[_beneficiary].amountClaimed;
172: uint256 elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime;
173: uint256 currentStep = elapsedTime / stepDuration;
174: uint256 claimableSteps = currentStep - vesting.stepsClaimed;
178: if (vesting.stepsClaimed + claimableSteps >= numOfSteps) {
180: claimableAmount = vesting.totalAmount - vesting.amountClaimed;
184: claimableAmount = vesting.releaseRate * claimableSteps;
198: vesting.stepsClaimed += claimableSteps;
199: vesting.amountClaimed += claimableAmount;
201: token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, claimableAmount); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
225: grantorVesting.totalAmount - grantorVesting.amountClaimed >= _amount,
227: ); // 3.8. Claimed amount not checked in transferVesting function
229: grantorVesting.totalAmount -= _amount;
230: grantorVesting.releaseRate = grantorVesting.totalAmount / numOfSteps;
264: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
292: releaseRate: _totalAmount / (numOfSteps - _stepsClaimed),
296: _vestings[_beneficiary].totalAmount += _totalAmount;
297: if (numOfSteps - _vestings[_beneficiary].stepsClaimed != 0) {
299: (_vestings[_beneficiary].totalAmount - _vestings[_beneficiary].amountClaimed) /
300: (numOfSteps - _vestings[_beneficiary].stepsClaimed);
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
4: import "./SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol";
5: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IVestingManager.sol";
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
7: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
113: require(tokenAddress != address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: token address is zero"); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting
180: ); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting
201: ); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting
203: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
228: ); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
4: import "./interface/SecondSwap_Vesting.sol";
5: import "./SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol";
6: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IVestingManager.sol";
7: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
8: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
9: import "hardhat/console.sol";
130: if (currentAlloc + userAllocation.sold > userAllocation.bought) {
131: sellLimit +=
132: ((currentAlloc + userAllocation.sold - userAllocation.bought) * vestingSettings[plan].maxSellPercent) /
136: userAllocation.sold += amount;
150: allocations[seller][plan].sold -= amount;
162: allocations[buyer][vesting].bought += amount;
181: vestingSetting.buyerFee = -1;
182: vestingSetting.sellerFee = -1;
224: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Buyer Fee cannot be less than 0");
237: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Seller fee cannot be less than 0");
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
4: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IWhitelist.sol";
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
58: require(totalWhitelist < maxWhitelist, "SS_Whitelist: Reached whitelist limit"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
59: require(userSettings[msg.sender] == false, "SS_Whitelist: User is whitelisted"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
62: totalWhitelist++;
File: SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer.sol
4: import "./SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol";
Custom errors are available from solidity version 0.8.4. Custom errors save ~50 gas each time they're hit by avoiding having to allocate and store the revert string. Not defining the strings also save deployment gas
Additionally, custom errors can be used inside and outside of contracts (including interfaces and libraries).
Starting from Solidity v0.8.4, there is a convenient and gas-efficient way to explain to users why an operation failed through the use of custom errors. Until now, you could already use strings to give more information about failures (e.g.,
revert("Insufficient funds.");
), but they are rather expensive, especially when it comes to deploy cost, and it is difficult to use dynamic information in them.
Consider replacing all revert strings with custom errors in the solution, and particularly those that have multiple occurrences:
Instances (60):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
206: require(msg.sender == IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).s2Admin(), "SS_Marketplace: Unauthorized user");
207: require(!isTokenSupport[_token], "SS_Marketplace: Token is currently supported");
256: require(_price > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Price must be greater than 0");
261: require(_amount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Invalid listing amount"); // 3.10. Inefficient _listingType check
262: require(isTokenSupport[_currency], "SS_Marketplace: Payment token is not supported");
288: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Cannot list amount it is too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
300: require(_maxWhitelist > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Minimum whitelist user cannot be 0");
341: require(listing.status == Status.LIST, "SS_Marketplace: Listing not active");
388: require(listing.status == Status.LIST, "SS_Marketplace: Listing not active"); // 3.3. Buyer can choose listing price
389: require(msg.sender != _referral, "SS_Marketplace: Invalid referral");
403: require(_amount <= listing.balance, "SS_Marketplace: Insufficient");
471: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Amount too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
561: require(msg.sender == IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).s2Admin(), "SS_Marketplace: Unauthorized user");
562: require(_marketplaceSetting != address(0), "SS_Marketplace: Address cannot be null");
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
138: require(_feeCollector != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Invalid fee collector address");
139: require(_s2Admin != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Invalid admin address");
158: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Unauthorized user");
169: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Buyer fee cannot be more than 50%");
181: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Seller fee cannot be more than 50%");
194: require(_address != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be zero address");
195: require(_address != feeCollector, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be the same address");
207: require(_amount > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Penalty fee cannot be less than 0");
218: require(_seconds > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Duration must be greater than 0");
232: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Unauthorized Access");
233: require(_user != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be zero address");
234: require(_user != s2Admin, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be the same address");
257: require(_percentage > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Percentage value cannot be 0");
258: require(_percentage <= 10000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Percentage cannot be more than 100%");
270: require(_whitelistDeployer != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be zero address");
286: require(_vestingManager != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be zero address");
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
103: require(msg.sender == manager, "SS_StepVesting: caller is not the manager");
195: require(claimableAmount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: nothing to claim");
221: require(_beneficiary != address(0), "SS_StepVesting: beneficiary is zero");
222: require(_amount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: amount is zero");
261: require(msg.sender == tokenIssuer || msg.sender == manager || msg.sender == vestingDeployer, "unauthorized");
262: require(_beneficiaries.length == _totalAmounts.length, "SS_StepVesting: array length mismatch");
285: require(_beneficiary != address(0), "SS_StepVesting: beneficiary is zero");
286: require(_totalAmount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: total amount is zero");
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
87: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_VestingDeployer: Unauthorized user");
111: require(_tokenOwner[msg.sender] == tokenAddress, "SS_VestingDeployer: caller is not the token owner");
113: require(tokenAddress != address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: token address is zero"); // 3.2. Arbitrary transfer of vesting
115: require(startTime < endTime, "SS_VestingDeployer: start time must be before end time");
116: require(steps > 0, "SS_VestingDeployer: steps must be greater than 0");
117: require(manager != address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: manager not set");
142: require(_tokenOwner[_owner] == address(0), "SS_VestingDeployer: Existing token have owner");
153: require(manager != _manager, "SS_VestingDeployer: Cannot assign the same address");
164: require(s2Admin != _admin, "SS_VestingDeployer: Cannot assign the same address");
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
90: require(msg.sender == marketplace, "SS_VestingManager: caller is not marketplace");
98: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_VestingManager: Unauthorized user");
122: require(vestingSettings[plan].sellable, "vesting not sellable");
123: require(SecondSwap_Vesting(plan).available(seller) >= amount, "SS_VestingManager: insufficient availablility");
138: require(userAllocation.sold <= sellLimit, "SS_VestingManager: cannot list more than max sell percent");
174: require(s2Admin == msg.sender || vestingDeployer == msg.sender, "SS_VestingManager: Unauthorised user");
195: require(SecondSwap_StepVesting(vesting).tokenIssuer() == msg.sender, "SS_VestingManager: Invalid Token Issuer");
224: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Buyer Fee cannot be less than 0");
237: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Seller fee cannot be less than 0");
248: require(_vestingDeployer != vestingDeployer, "SS_VestingManager: VestingDeployer cannot be the same");
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
58: require(totalWhitelist < maxWhitelist, "SS_Whitelist: Reached whitelist limit"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
59: require(userSettings[msg.sender] == false, "SS_Whitelist: User is whitelisted"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
84: require(msg.sender == lotOwner, "SS_Whitelist: not lot owner");
Prior to 0.8.10 the compiler inserted extra code, including EXTCODESIZE
(100 gas), to check for contract existence for external function calls. In more recent solidity versions, the compiler will not insert these checks if the external call has a return value. Similar behavior can be achieved in earlier versions by using low-level calls, since low level calls never check for contract existence
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
351: (IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).usdt()).balanceOf(msg.sender) >=
If a function modifier such as onlyOwner
is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable
will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided.
Instances (21):
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
168: function setBuyerFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
180: function setSellerFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
193: function setFeeAccount(address _address) external onlyAdmin {
206: function setPenaltyFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
217: function setMinListingDuration(uint256 _seconds) external onlyAdmin {
244: function setMarketplaceStatus(bool _status) external onlyAdmin {
256: function setReferral(uint256 _percentage) external onlyAdmin {
269: function setWhitelistDeployer(address _whitelistDeployer) external onlyAdmin {
285: function setManager(address _vestingManager) external onlyAdmin {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
141: function setTokenOwner(address token, address _owner) external onlyAdmin {
152: function setManager(address _manager) external onlyAdmin {
163: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
121: function listVesting(address seller, address plan, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
149: function unlistVesting(address seller, address plan, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
161: function completePurchase(address buyer, address vesting, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
204: function setMarketplace(address _marketplace) external onlyAdmin {
212: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
223: function setBuyerFee(address _vesting, int256 _fee) external onlyAdmin {
236: function setSellerFee(address _vesting, int256 _fee) external onlyAdmin {
247: function setVestingDeployer(address _vestingDeployer) external onlyAdmin {
262: function getVestingTokenAddress(address _vestingPlan) external view onlyMarketplace returns (address _token) {
Pre-increments and pre-decrements are cheaper.
For a uint256 i
variable, the following is true with the Optimizer enabled at 10k:
i += 1
is the most expensive formi++
costs 6 gas less thani += 1
costs 5 gas less thani++
(11 gas less thani += 1
i -= 1
is the most expensive formi--
costs 11 gas less thani -= 1
costs 5 gas less thani--
(16 gas less thani -= 1
Note that post-increments (or post-decrements) return the old value before incrementing or decrementing, hence the name post-increment:
uint i = 1;
uint j = 2;
require(j == i++, "This will be false as i is incremented after the comparison");
However, pre-increments (or pre-decrements) return the new value:
uint i = 1;
uint j = 2;
require(j == ++i, "This will be true as i is incremented before the comparison");
In the pre-increment case, the compiler has to create a temporary variable (when used) for returning 1
instead of 2
Consider using pre-increments and pre-decrements where they are relevant (meaning: not where post-increments/decrements logic are relevant).
Saves 5 gas per instance
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
264: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
203: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
62: totalWhitelist++;
If needed, the values can be read from the verified contract source code, or if there are multiple values there can be a single getter function that returns a tuple of the values of all currently-public constants. Saves 3406-3606 gas in deployment gas due to the compiler not having to create non-payable getter functions for deployment calldata, not having to store the bytes of the value outside of where it's used, and not adding another entry to the method ID table
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
112: uint256 public constant BASE = 10000;
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
224: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Buyer Fee cannot be less than 0");
237: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Seller fee cannot be less than 0");
In Solidity 0.8+, there's a default overflow check on unsigned integers. It's possible to uncheck this in for-loops and save some gas at each iteration, but at the cost of some code readability, as this uncheck cannot be made inline.
The change would be:
- for (uint256 i; i < numIterations; i++) {
+ for (uint256 i; i < numIterations;) {
// ...
+ unchecked { ++i; }
These save around 25 gas saved per instance.
The same can be applied with decrements (which should use break
when i == 0
The risk of overflow is non-existent for uint256
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
264: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
203: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
Instances (14):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
253: _listingType != ListingType.SINGLE || (_minPurchaseAmt > 0 && _minPurchaseAmt <= _amount),
256: require(_price > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Price must be greater than 0");
258: (_discountType != DiscountType.NO && _discountPct > 0) || (_discountType == DiscountType.NO),
261: require(_amount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Invalid listing amount"); // 3.10. Inefficient _listingType check
288: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Cannot list amount it is too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
300: require(_maxWhitelist > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Minimum whitelist user cannot be 0");
471: require(baseAmount > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Amount too little"); // 3.1. Rounding issue leads to total drain of vesting entries
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
207: require(_amount > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Penalty fee cannot be less than 0");
218: require(_seconds > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Duration must be greater than 0");
257: require(_percentage > 0, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Percentage value cannot be 0");
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
195: require(claimableAmount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: nothing to claim");
222: require(_amount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: amount is zero");
286: require(_totalAmount > 0, "SS_StepVesting: total amount is zero");
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
116: require(steps > 0, "SS_VestingDeployer: steps must be greater than 0");
Issue | Instances | |
NC-1 | Replace abi.encodeWithSignature and abi.encodeWithSelector with abi.encodeCall which keeps the code typo/type safe |
1 |
NC-2 | constant s should be defined rather than using magic numbers |
14 |
NC-3 | Control structures do not follow the Solidity Style Guide | 2 |
NC-4 | Critical Changes Should Use Two-step Procedure | 3 |
NC-5 | Default Visibility for constants | 1 |
NC-6 | Delete rogue console.log imports |
2 |
NC-7 | Functions should not be longer than 50 lines | 46 |
NC-8 | Lines are too long | 1 |
NC-9 | Use a modifier instead of a require/if statement for a special msg.sender actor |
16 |
NC-10 | Consider using named mappings | 8 |
NC-11 | Avoid the use of sensitive terms | 52 |
NC-12 | Use Underscores for Number Literals (add an underscore every 3 digits) | 10 |
NC-13 | Variables need not be initialized to zero | 3 |
[NC-1] Replace abi.encodeWithSignature
and abi.encodeWithSelector
with abi.encodeCall
which keeps the code typo/type safe
When using abi.encodeWithSignature
, it is possible to include a typo for the correct function signature.
When using abi.encodeWithSignature
or abi.encodeWithSelector
, it is also possible to provide parameters that are not of the correct type for the function.
To avoid these pitfalls, it would be best to use abi.encodeCall
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
326: (bool success, ) = target.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(selector));
Even assembly can benefit from using readable constants instead of hex/numeric literals
Instances (14):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
278: 10 **
461: 10 **
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
142: buyerFee = 250; // 2.5% fee
143: sellerFee = 250; // 2.5% fee
144: penaltyFee = 10 ether;
145: minListingDuration = 120;
146: referralFee = 1000;
169: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Buyer fee cannot be more than 50%");
181: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Seller fee cannot be more than 50%");
258: require(_percentage <= 10000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Percentage cannot be more than 100%");
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
180: vestingSetting.maxSellPercent = 2000;
183: emit MaxSellPercentUpdated(vesting, 2000);
224: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Buyer Fee cannot be less than 0");
237: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Seller fee cannot be less than 0");
See the control structures section of the Solidity Style Guide
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
354: ); // 3.7. Value difference caused by the same penalty fee
357: IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).feeCollector(), // 3.7. Value difference caused by the same penalty fee
The critical procedures should be two step process.
See similar findings in previous Code4rena contests for reference:
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone. Consider adding two step procedure on the critical functions.
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
141: function setTokenOwner(address token, address _owner) external onlyAdmin {
163: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
212: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
Some constants are using the default visibility. For readability, consider explicitly declaring them as internal
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
84: uint256 constant BASE = 10000;
These shouldn't be deployed in production
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
10: import "hardhat/console.sol";
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
9: import "hardhat/console.sol";
Overly complex code can make understanding functionality more difficult, try to further modularize your code to ensure readability
Instances (46):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
180: function initialize(address _token, address _marketplaceSetting) public initializer {
324: function doesFunctionExist(address target, string memory functionSignature) public view returns (bool) {
339: function unlistVesting(address _vestingPlan, uint256 _listingId) external isFreeze {
387: function _validatePurchase(Listing storage listing, uint256 _amount, address _referral) private view {
413: function _getDiscountedPrice(Listing storage listing, uint256 _amount) private view returns (uint256) {
432: function _getFees(address _vestingPlan) private view returns (uint256 bfee, uint256 sfee) {
560: function setMarketplaceSettingAddress(address _marketplaceSetting) external {
571: function version() public pure returns (string memory) {
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
168: function setBuyerFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
180: function setSellerFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
193: function setFeeAccount(address _address) external onlyAdmin {
206: function setPenaltyFee(uint256 _amount) external onlyAdmin {
217: function setMinListingDuration(uint256 _seconds) external onlyAdmin {
244: function setMarketplaceStatus(bool _status) external onlyAdmin {
256: function setReferral(uint256 _percentage) external onlyAdmin {
269: function setWhitelistDeployer(address _whitelistDeployer) external onlyAdmin {
285: function setManager(address _vestingManager) external onlyAdmin {
301: function getVestingFees(address _vesting) public view returns (int256 VPbuyerFee, int256 VPsellerFee) {
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
141: function available(address _beneficiary) external view returns (uint256) {
150: function total(address _beneficiary) external view returns (uint256) {
161: function claimable(address _beneficiary) public view returns (uint256, uint256) {
216: function transferVesting(address _grantor, address _beneficiary, uint256 _amount) external {
244: function createVesting(address _beneficiary, uint256 _totalAmount) external {
260: function createVestings(address[] memory _beneficiaries, uint256[] memory _totalAmounts) external {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
77: function initialize(address _s2Admin, address _manager) public initializer {
141: function setTokenOwner(address token, address _owner) external onlyAdmin {
152: function setManager(address _manager) external onlyAdmin {
163: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
176: function createVesting(address _beneficiary, uint256 _totalAmount, address _stepVesting) external {
237: function version() public pure returns (string memory) {
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
107: function initialize(address _s2admin) public initializer {
121: function listVesting(address seller, address plan, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
149: function unlistVesting(address seller, address plan, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
161: function completePurchase(address buyer, address vesting, uint256 amount) external onlyMarketplace {
173: function setSellable(address vesting, bool sellable) external {
194: function setMaxSellPercent(address vesting, uint256 maxSellPercent) external {
204: function setMarketplace(address _marketplace) external onlyAdmin {
212: function setAdmin(address _admin) external onlyAdmin {
223: function setBuyerFee(address _vesting, int256 _fee) external onlyAdmin {
236: function setSellerFee(address _vesting, int256 _fee) external onlyAdmin {
247: function setVestingDeployer(address _vestingDeployer) external onlyAdmin {
258: function getVestingFees(address _vestingPlan) external view returns (int256 buyerFee, int256 sellerFee) {
262: function getVestingTokenAddress(address _vestingPlan) external view onlyMarketplace returns (address _token) {
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
72: function validateAddress(address _userAddress) external view returns (bool) {
83: function setMaxWhitelist(uint256 _maxWhitelist) external {
File: SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer.sol
26: function deployWhitelist(uint256 _maxWhitelist, address _lotOwner) external returns (address) {
Usually lines in source code are limited to 80 characters. Today's screens are much larger so it's reasonable to stretch this in some cases. Since the files will most likely reside in GitHub, and GitHub starts using a scroll bar in all cases when the length is over 164 characters, the lines below should be split when they reach that length
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
476: IERC20(listing.currency).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), (baseAmount + buyerFeeTotal)); // 3.6. DOS caused by the use of transfer and transferFrom functions
If a function is supposed to be access-controlled, a modifier
should be used instead of a require/if
statement for more readability.
Instances (16):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
206: require(msg.sender == IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).s2Admin(), "SS_Marketplace: Unauthorized user");
347: if (msg.sender != IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).s2Admin()) {
389: require(msg.sender != _referral, "SS_Marketplace: Invalid referral");
561: require(msg.sender == IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).s2Admin(), "SS_Marketplace: Unauthorized user");
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
158: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Unauthorized user");
232: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Unauthorized Access");
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
103: require(msg.sender == manager, "SS_StepVesting: caller is not the manager");
261: require(msg.sender == tokenIssuer || msg.sender == manager || msg.sender == vestingDeployer, "unauthorized");
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
87: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_VestingDeployer: Unauthorized user");
111: require(_tokenOwner[msg.sender] == tokenAddress, "SS_VestingDeployer: caller is not the token owner");
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
90: require(msg.sender == marketplace, "SS_VestingManager: caller is not marketplace");
98: require(msg.sender == s2Admin, "SS_VestingManager: Unauthorized user");
174: require(s2Admin == msg.sender || vestingDeployer == msg.sender, "SS_VestingManager: Unauthorised user");
195: require(SecondSwap_StepVesting(vesting).tokenIssuer() == msg.sender, "SS_VestingManager: Invalid Token Issuer");
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
59: require(userSettings[msg.sender] == false, "SS_Whitelist: User is whitelisted"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
84: require(msg.sender == lotOwner, "SS_Whitelist: not lot owner");
Consider moving to solidity version 0.8.18 or later, and using named mappings to make it easier to understand the purpose of each mapping
Instances (8):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
94: mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Listing)) public listings;
100: mapping(address => uint256) public nextListingId;
106: mapping(address => bool) public isTokenSupport;
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
81: mapping(address => Vesting) public _vestings;
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
64: mapping(address => address) public _tokenOwner;
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
58: mapping(address => VestingSettings) public vestingSettings;
64: mapping(address => mapping(address => Allocation)) public allocations;
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
25: mapping(address => bool) public userSettings;
Use alternative variants, e.g. allowlist/denylist instead of whitelist/blacklist
Instances (52):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
7: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IWhitelist.sol";
9: import "./SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer.sol";
78: address whitelist;
160: event WhitelistCreated(
163: address whitelistAddress,
165: uint256 maxWhitelist
247: uint256 _maxWhitelist,
297: address whitelistAddress;
300: require(_maxWhitelist > 0, "SS_Marketplace: Minimum whitelist user cannot be 0");
301: whitelistAddress = SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer(IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).whitelistDeployer())
302: .deployWhitelist(_maxWhitelist, msg.sender);
303: emit WhitelistCreated(_vestingPlan, listingId, whitelistAddress, msg.sender, _maxWhitelist);
315: whitelist: whitelistAddress,
391: listing.whitelist == address(0) || IWhitelist(listing.whitelist).validateAddress(msg.sender),
392: "SS_Marketplace: Not whitelisted"
479: if (_referral != address(0) && listing.whitelist == address(0)) {
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
59: address public whitelistDeployer;
134: address _whitelistDeployer,
148: whitelistDeployer = _whitelistDeployer;
269: function setWhitelistDeployer(address _whitelistDeployer) external onlyAdmin {
270: require(_whitelistDeployer != address(0), "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be zero address");
272: _whitelistDeployer != address(whitelistDeployer),
273: "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Cannot be the same whitelist address"
275: whitelistDeployer = _whitelistDeployer;
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
4: import "./interface/SecondSwap_IWhitelist.sol";
12: contract SecondSwap_Whitelist is IWhitelist {
14: uint256 public maxWhitelist;
17: uint256 public totalWhitelist;
32: event WhitelistedAddress(uint256 _balanceWhitelist, address userAddress);
39: event ChangeMaxWhitelist(uint256 balanceWhitelist, uint256 maxWhitelist);
47: constructor(uint256 _maxWhitelist, address _lotOwner) {
48: maxWhitelist = _maxWhitelist;
57: function whitelistAddress() external {
58: require(totalWhitelist < maxWhitelist, "SS_Whitelist: Reached whitelist limit"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
59: require(userSettings[msg.sender] == false, "SS_Whitelist: User is whitelisted"); //3.9. Improper comparison in whitelistAddress function
62: totalWhitelist++;
63: emit WhitelistedAddress(totalWhitelist, msg.sender);
83: function setMaxWhitelist(uint256 _maxWhitelist) external {
84: require(msg.sender == lotOwner, "SS_Whitelist: not lot owner");
86: _maxWhitelist > maxWhitelist,
87: "SS_Whitelist: amount cannot be lesser that the current whitelist amount"
90: _maxWhitelist > totalWhitelist,
91: "SS_Whitelist: amount cannot be lesser that the current whitelist amount"
94: maxWhitelist = _maxWhitelist;
95: emit ChangeMaxWhitelist(totalWhitelist, maxWhitelist);
File: SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer.sol
4: import "./SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol";
11: contract SecondSwap_WhitelistDeployer {
17: event WhitelistCreated(address indexed whitelistContract, address _lotOwner);
26: function deployWhitelist(uint256 _maxWhitelist, address _lotOwner) external returns (address) {
27: address newWhitelist = address(new SecondSwap_Whitelist(_maxWhitelist, _lotOwner));
28: emit WhitelistCreated(newWhitelist, _lotOwner);
29: return newWhitelist;
Instances (10):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
112: uint256 public constant BASE = 10000;
File: SecondSwap_MarketplaceSetting.sol
146: referralFee = 1000;
169: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Buyer fee cannot be more than 50%");
181: require(_amount <= 5000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Seller fee cannot be more than 50%");
258: require(_percentage <= 10000, "SS_Marketplace_Settings: Percentage cannot be more than 100%");
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
84: uint256 constant BASE = 10000;
180: vestingSetting.maxSellPercent = 2000;
183: emit MaxSellPercentUpdated(vesting, 2000);
224: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Buyer Fee cannot be less than 0");
237: require(_fee >= -1 && _fee <= 5000, "SS_VestingManager: Seller fee cannot be less than 0");
The default value for variables is zero, so initializing them to zero is superfluous.
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
346: uint256 _penaltyFee = 0;
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
264: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
203: for (uint256 i = 0; i < _beneficiaries.length; i++) {
Issue | Instances | |
L-1 | decimals() is not a part of the ERC-20 standard |
2 |
L-2 | Division by zero not prevented | 5 |
L-3 | Initializers could be front-run | 3 |
L-4 | Signature use at deadlines should be allowed | 1 |
L-5 | Possible rounding issue | 1 |
L-6 | Loss of precision | 4 |
L-7 | Use Ownable2Step.transferOwnership instead of Ownable.transferOwnership |
2 |
L-8 | Upgradeable contract is missing a __gap[50] storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions |
3 |
L-9 | Upgradeable contract not initialized | 6 |
The decimals()
function is not a part of the ERC-20 standard, and was added later as an optional extension. As such, some valid ERC20 tokens do not support this interface, so it is unsafe to blindly cast all tokens to this interface, and then call this function.
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
285: ).decimals()
468: ).decimals()
The divisions below take an input parameter which does not have any zero-value checks, which may lead to the functions reverting when zero is passed.
Instances (5):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
417: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - ((_amount * listing.discountPct) / / BASE;
File: SecondSwap_StepVesting.sol
133: stepDuration = (_endTime - _startTime) / _numOfSteps;
173: uint256 currentStep = elapsedTime / stepDuration;
230: grantorVesting.releaseRate = grantorVesting.totalAmount / numOfSteps;
292: releaseRate: _totalAmount / (numOfSteps - _stepsClaimed),
Initializers could be front-run, allowing an attacker to either set their own values, take ownership of the contract, and in the best case forcing a re-deployment
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
180: function initialize(address _token, address _marketplaceSetting) public initializer {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
77: function initialize(address _s2Admin, address _manager) public initializer {
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
107: function initialize(address _s2admin) public initializer {
According to EIP-2612, signatures used on exactly the deadline timestamp are supposed to be allowed. While the signature may or may not be used for the exact EIP-2612 use case (transfer approvals), for consistency's sake, all deadlines should follow this semantic. If the timestamp is an expiration rather than a deadline, consider whether it makes more sense to include the expiration timestamp as a valid timestamp, as is done for deadlines.
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
349: if ((listing.listTime + IMarketplaceSetting(marketplaceSetting).minListingDuration()) > block.timestamp) {
Division by large numbers may result in the result being zero, due to solidity not supporting fractions. Consider requiring a minimum amount for the numerator to ensure that it is always larger than the denominator. Also, there is indication of multiplication and division without the use of parenthesis which could result in issues.
Instances (1):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
417: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - ((_amount * listing.discountPct) / / BASE;
Division by large numbers may result in the result being zero, due to solidity not supporting fractions. Consider requiring a minimum amount for the numerator to ensure that it is always larger than the denominator
Instances (4):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
417: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - ((_amount * listing.discountPct) / / BASE;
419: discountedPrice = (discountedPrice * (BASE - listing.discountPct)) / BASE;
473: buyerFeeTotal = (baseAmount * bfee) / BASE;
474: sellerFeeTotal = (baseAmount * sfee) / BASE;
Use Ownable2Step.transferOwnership which is safer. Use it as it is more secure due to 2-stage ownership transfer.
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use Ownable2Step.sol
function acceptOwnership() external {
address sender = _msgSender();
require(pendingOwner() == sender, "Ownable2Step: caller is not the new owner");
Instances (2):
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
7: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
File: SecondSwap_Whitelist.sol
5: import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
[L-8] Upgradeable contract is missing a __gap[50]
storage variable to allow for new storage variables in later versions
See this link for a description of this storage variable. While some contracts may not currently be sub-classed, adding the variable now protects against forgetting to add it in the future.
Instances (3):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
8: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
Upgradeable contracts are initialized via an initializer function rather than by a constructor. Leaving such a contract uninitialized may lead to it being taken over by a malicious user
Instances (6):
File: SecondSwap_Marketplace.sol
4: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
180: function initialize(address _token, address _marketplaceSetting) public initializer {
File: SecondSwap_VestingDeployer.sol
6: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
77: function initialize(address _s2Admin, address _manager) public initializer {
File: SecondSwap_VestingManager.sol
8: import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
107: function initialize(address _s2admin) public initializer {