Bridge the Gap (BTG) in AA is a program where a prospective member being released from an institution (Treatment Center, Jail, Prison, etc.) is put in contact with an AA member who has committed to help meet a person (often at a meeting) and offer to introduce him/her to the fellowship.
"The Gap" comes from experience where, once a person has been released, many people never actually make it to that 1st meeting and thus a member may help "bridge" that gap (between the institution and the fellowship) which might help insure their initial success.
The member providing the bridge has generally not committed to anything other than just helping them find a meeting, meet them and introduce them around, answer questions, and generally just provide a welcoming introduction to the fellowship. They are not obligated to transportation, financial or other assistance, or sponsorship based on volunteering to be available for the BTG contact.
More information about this program in general can be found at which also advertises an annual conference in support of those that facilitate this program across the US.
This app was originally created by Cheri Jones. It was originally designed to maintain a list of volunteers, their location and availability and rudimentary CRUD administrative functionality.
- existing ColdFusion base tied to a lucee CFM interpreter in a
separate container/base
- data stored in an SQL database that can be used either with CF or with subsequent ports of the app
- create a new app in PHP which uses the same database
- prove that new code matches existing functionality
- Create a "dummy" app that mimics the existing functionality
- Create a port (presuming PHP) of the basic functionality of the existing CF
- would just be a CF tag -> PHP re-mapping hack to account for all loose ends of interface and data
- Clean up this port and make it a modern OO design
- MVC patterns
- Bring that more modern design into a framework (TBD) or frameworks
- Verify/document restful
- Look for future opportunities to evolve this project into something useful for the fellowship