Releases: cometchat/cometchat-uikit-react
Support for SDK v3.0.0
markAsDelivered method implemented
Transient messages for live reactions
Media message bubbles to read url from attachments
Corrections to Spanish and german language translations
Online and offline status color code change
Code optimization
Bug fixes
Sent messages aligned to the left
Conversation getting duplicated in Conversation List on reload
Messagelist optimization
Support for SDK v2.4.0
Bug fix
Incoming call popup showing both Mobile App and web widget
In the case of banning users or removing them from the banned list, the member count is not reflecting in real-time.
Support for SDK v3.0.0-beta6-1
Increment unread count for custom messages
Error messages toast notification
Transfer group ownership before leaving the group
Confirmation dialog before deleting group and leaving group
Corrections to Russian language translations
Support for SDK v2.3.6
Increment unread count for custom messages
Error messages toast notification
Transfer group ownership before leaving the group
Confirmation dialog before deleting group and leaving group
Corrections to Russian language translations
Support for SDK v3.0.0-beta5
Implementation of Feature Restrcition
Show profile of user in user detail screen
1-1 private messaging from Group
Delete conversations from Chats
Moderator should be able to delete other's message
Named exports for Nextjs compatibility
Bug fixes:
-- URL shared with special characters
-- Fix call UI
-- Audio and video files not showing In the message list
Support for SDK v2.3.5
Implementation of Feature Restriction
Show profile of user in user detail screen
1-1 private messaging from Group
Delete conversations from Chats
Hide deleted messages
Moderator should be able to delete other's message
Named exports for Nextjs compatibility
Bug fixes:
-- URL shared with special characters
-- Fix call UI
-- Audio and video files not showing In the message list
Support for SDK v2.3.4-beta1
Multi tab support
friendsOnly prop exposed in the following component
- CometChatUserListWthMessages
- CometChatUI
Calling screen popout as fullscreen for chat widget
Support for SDK v2.3.2
Enabling Custom CSS for calling using SDK method setCustomCSS
Fixing regex (prepend http/s) for matching URL pattern
Support for SDK 2.3.0
Standalone CometChatMessages component
chatWithUser & chatWithGroup prop exposed for following components:
Using context API
Overall code optimization
Reduced size of audio files; implemented lazy loading and in
Removing focus on message composer on load
Appending HTTP for URL regex
Localization support for Sweden (sv) and Lithuanian (lt) language
Support for SDK v3.0.0-beta1