Please ensure contributions are categorized properly, following existing conventions, with a simple description in the categorized folder (ie vault-guides/SecretsManagement/
Also, please include a README completed describing the guide, using the content on this page as a template.
If there are additional notes, diagrams or instructions that make sense to be included, please provide them in a separate markdown page adjacent to the README.
Summary of pain point/challenge/business case and goal of the guide in 2 paragraphs.
A rough estimate of time it would take a beginner to read the guide and complete the steps. The assumption is that they completed the prerequisites.
Paragraph describing the personas involved in the challenge and solution.
Paragraph describing the challenge.
Paragraph describing the proposed solution.
Summary of steps involved to solve the challenge and embedded screencast walkthrough. Not all steps will have UI, CLI, API (cURL/PowerShell), and Terraform components.
Summary of what will be completed in this step.
Link to docs for this command if available
UI request screenshot(s)
UI response screenshot(s)
Link to CLI docs for this command if available
$ <CLI request command>
Link to specific CLI request command in accompanying guide script
$ <CLI request response output>
Link to API docs for this command if available
$ <curl request command>
Link to specific cURL request command in accompanying guide script
$ <curl request response output>
Link to API docs for this command if available
$ <PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod request command>
Link to specific PowerShell request command in accompanying guide script
$ <PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod response output>
Link to docs for resources to be provisioned if available
$ <terraform apply command>
Link to specific Terraform config accompanying guide script
$ <terraform apply command output>
Summary of test(s) used to validate the step was completed successfully.
$ <validation command>
Link to specific validation command in accompanying guide script
<validation output>