We have an extensive series of tests that are run on Travis CI at each commit.
Just run this command:
make docker_test
This will start our dependencies like Elasticsearch (with docker-compose) and run the whole test suite in a container. This will take a while!
If you modified one part of the code and just want to run the associated tests again, you can open a shell into the container and invoke our test runner pytest directly.
First, open the shell:
make docker_shell
You are now inside the main container environment, with additional containers linked as dependencies available for your tests.
Then, run one of these commands depending on your needs:
# Just one directory
py.test tests/cosrlibtests/ -v
# Just one file, with realtime output
py.test tests/cosrlibtests/signals/test_wikidata.py -v -s
# By keyword
py.test tests/ -k "rank"
# Simple speed benchmark
py.test tests/cosrlibtests/document/html/ -v --repeat 50 --profile