Repository of the Archetype version of the Raffle contrat presented on Open Tezos.
Run the following command to install the dependencies (Mocha and Completium):
npm i
npm i -g @completium/completium-cli
completium-cli init
Completium uses the tezos mockup mode provided by the tezos client to execute contract locally.
Tell Completium where to find the tezos client with the following command:
completium-cli set bin tezos-client <PATH_TO_TEZOS_CLIENT>
Follow these instructions to install the Tezos client
Initialize the mockup mode with:
completium-cli mockup init
Execute command below to run test:
npm test
Below is the output of the above command:
$ npm test
> [email protected] test
> mocha --timeout 0 --slow 99999999999999999 ./tests/*.js
✔ Raffle
Open Raffle
✔ The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint.
✔ Owner unsuccessfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint with wrong 'close_buy'.
✔ Owner unsuccessfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint with wrong 'reveal_fee'.
✔ Owner unsuccessfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint by sending not enough tez to the contract.
✔ Owner successfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint.
✔ Owner unsuccessfully calls 'initialise' entrypoint because a raffle is already initialised.
Test 'buy' entrypoint (at this point a raffle is open)
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'buy' by sending a wrong amount of tez.
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'buy' entrypoint because raffle is closed.
✔ Alice successfully calls 'buy' entrypoint.
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'buy' entrypoint because she has already bought one.
✔ Jack successfully calls 'buy' entrypoint.
✔ Bob successfully calls 'buy' entrypoint.
Players reveal their raffle key (at this point a raffle is open and two players participated)
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint because it is before the 'close_date'.
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint because of an invalid chest key.
✔ Alice successfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint and gets the reveal fee.
✔ Alice unsuccessfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint because her raffle key is already revealed.
✔ Jack successfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint and gets the reveal fee.
Test 'transfer' entrypoint
✔ Owner unsucessfully calls 'transfer' entrypoint because Bob is not revealed.
✔ Owner sucessfully calls 'reveal' entrypoint to remove Bob's chest, and gets the unlock reward.
✔ Owner sucessfully calls 'transfer' entrypoint to send the jackpot to Jack.
21 passing (48s)