- look into caesar cipher with golang -> mask userid
- probs need a middleware and pass down the context (user id)
- user-email auth.
- sends cred to server, verify school before registration.
- anon option for read-only.
- X-Token for App Check. <- pub/sub key
- account_state: anon | register
- Firebase or SQL.
- created_by
- metadata: created by / updated by / etc
- school_id
- faculty_id: nullable
- title: could be null - handled client side
- downvote: number
- upvote: number
- score?
- trending_score: number <- matt will deal with this
- hottest_on: date | null
- hidden: boolean
password <- no need for this
year of study: nullable
is_banned: boolean
role <- deferred feat
- server verifies email for school's domain email -> checks for school
- id
- name
- abbr
- lat: float
- lon: float ie: 40.753, -73.983.
- domain: string
- id
- faculty
- enable
- ban
- limited
- degen
- id
- user_id
- school_id
- id
- user_id
- comment_id
- post_id
- vote: "1" || "-1 <- in" int though
- id
- user_id
- post_id
- comment_id
- content
- upvote <- count
- downvote <- count
- score
- hidden: boolean
- id
- meta
- post_id
- id
- meta
- comment_id
- meta
- user_id
- content: text
- type <- deferred feature
- meta
- id
- user_id
- type
- description
- resolution: text
- user_alerted: bool