this is what the database looks like before testing the create account function
the system will give errors if any field is missing an input
system will give errors if any data is invalid/taken
once user is crated database looks like this
give an error when user tries to log in with incorrect information
user can use profile to view and request a new api key
for all API requests that require an API key, here is the validation and testing associated: API key is passed as a header variable like X-API-KEY. If this variable is not present the request will return the following: if the key is present but there is no user in the DB with that key then you will get this message otherwise it will return the appropriate results
this should return a json string of all movies in the database. API key is not required URL is like:
returns like : if no movies in data base:
example url name=pirate output: if no movies with title
this should return json string of movies whos rating is above or equal to a certain number passed in the URL example:
rating = 8 output: if no movies with that rating or greater:
here when a name and rating are passed it returns results with ratings = or greater than the number and a title like the name passed. example URL
output: if no movies with that title match and rating or greater
returns movies with a particular ID that is in the URL. Accesses the MovieID from the DB. URL like :
output: if no movie with ID exists
returns the rating for a movie with a particular ID url like:
get all watch list entries with a URL like:
returns watch list entries with a filter on priority example url:
output: if no entries given for priority error 500: if priority is not a number an error is returned
Insert new entry in the toWatchListEntries table. requires API key. takes a body with form encoded data {movieID, priority, notes}. There is error checking to make sure the movieID is a number, the priority is a number, and that notes is a string. example input body {movieID=99,priority=2,notes="watch this now"} example URL
output: if movieID, notes, or priority is not included an error is returned: if movieID is not a number: if priority is not a number: if notes is not a string:
requires API key creates a new watch list entry with a given movieID that is passed in the URL takes a body with form encoded data () priority, notes}. There is error checking to make sure the , the priority is a number, and that notes is a string. if the entry at that movieID already exists it is overwritten, if it does not exist then a new one is inserted example input body {priority=2,notes="watch this now"} example URL
output if entry did not exist: output if entry did exist and was overwritten: if the body form data is not included an error is sent: error if priority is not a number
requires API key. takes form encoded body {priority} as an integer. URL like :
output: if no priority is submit if priority is not a number if entry does not exist in watch list
requires API key. takes form encoded body like {movieID}. URL like:
output: if movieID does not exist in toWatchList: if movieID is not a number
return all entries for user in completed watch list. User ID is retrieved based on the API key that is passed URL like:
output: if there are no entries for the user :
filter the completed watch list results on number of times watched where times watched is equal to or greater than the times_watched variable passed. url like
output: error if times watched is not a number:
returns movieID and rating for completed wathchlist entry with the movieID passed in the URL URL like:
inserts new entry in completed watch list table requires API key. This request also updates the rating of the movie in the movies table accounting for the number of times the person watched it for weighted effect. URL like : takes form-encoded body data: { movieID,rating,notes,date_initially_watched,date_last_watched,times_watched } date values are formatted like YYYY-MM-DD example URL is
output: if movieID does not exist in movies table if movieID already exists in completed watch list table times watched must be a integer movieID must be a integer rating must be a integer
rating must be between 1 and 10 date initially watched must be a date string date last watched must be a date string
updates the rating for given movieID for user in completed watch list table. takes MovieID in URL and times-watched as form-encoded body. This request also updates the rating for the movie in the Movie table accounting for the number of times the person watched it for weighted average.
requires API key. URL like :
output: if no rating provided if rating is not an integer rating must be a positive integer between 1 and 10
adds number of times a movie is watched by the user with movieId passed in the URL API key is required URL like:
returns: error if invalid id: if no times watched provided if times watched is not an integer times watched must be a positive integer
deletes item from Completed Watch List table with movieId passed in the URL API key is required URL like:
URL like
- date of first movies watched
- first movies watched title
- average movie rating
- planned movie watch time
- actual movie time watched example: if not enough information returns error: if accessing the user info of a user ID that does not match your API key's associated user ID then returns an error like this: