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+*.elpi linguist-language=prolog
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Changelog
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+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PHONY: all
+all: Makefile.coq
+ $(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq all
+ coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq
+%:: Makefile.coq
+ $(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq $@
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+++ b/README.md
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+# Trocq
+This repository contains Trocq, a modular parametricity plugin for proof transfer in Coq.
+NB: it relies on a [custom version of Coq-Elpi](https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/coq-elpi/tree/strat), mainly changing its behaviour regarding the translation of universe variables between Elpi and Coq.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4925924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-arg -noinit
+-arg -indices-matter
+-R theories/ Trocq
+-R elpi/ Trocq.Elpi
diff --git a/coq-trocq.opam b/coq-trocq.opam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a5c48
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+++ b/coq-trocq.opam
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+opam-version: "2.0"
+name: "coq-trocq"
+version: "dev"
+maintainer: "Enzo Crance "
+authors: [ "Cyril Cohen", "Enzo Crance", "Assia Mahboubi" ]
+homepage: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trocq"
+bug-reports: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trocq/issues"
+dev-repo: "https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trocq.git"
+# doc: "https://ecranceMERCE.github.io/trocq"
+build: [ make "-j%{jobs}%" ]
+install: [ make "install" ]
+depends: [
+ "coq" {>= "8.17.0" & < "8.18~" }
+ "coq-elpi" {= "dev"}
+ "coq-hott" {>= "8.17" & < "8.18~"}
+tags: [
+ "category:Computer Science/Decision Procedures and Certified Algorithms/Decision procedures"
+ "category:Miscellaneous/Coq Extensions"
+ "keyword:automation"
+ "keyword:elpi"
+ "date:2023-11-10"
+ "logpath:Trocq"
+synopsis: "A modular parametricity plugin for proof transfer in Coq"
+description: """
+Trocq is a prototype of modular parametricity plugin for Coq, aiming to perform proof transfer by translating the goal into an associated goal featuring the target data structures as well as a rich parametricity witness from which a function justifying the goal substitution can be extracted.
+The plugin features a hierarchy of parametricity witness types, ranging from structure-less relations to a new formulation of type equivalence, gathering several pre-existing parametricity translations, among which univalent parametricity (*), under the same framework.
+This modular translation performs a fine-grained analysis and generates witnesses that are rich enough to preprocess the goal yet are not always a full-blown type equivalence, allowing to perform proof transfer with the power of univalent parametricity, but trying not to pull in the univalence axiom in cases where it is not required.
+The translation is implemented in Coq-Elpi and features transparent and readable code with respect to a sequent-style theoretical presentation.
+(*) The marriage of univalence and parametricity, Tabareau et al. (2021)
+url {
+ src: "git+https://github.com/ecranceMERCE/trocq.git"
diff --git a/elpi/annot.elpi b/elpi/annot.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae44c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/annot.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% annotated type theory
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% this allows to easily make sure an application is beta-reduced
+:before "subst-fun:fail"
+coq.subst-fun Args F FArgs :- !, coq.mk-app F Args FArgs.
+% annotate a term
+% NB: the output type is term because the annotations are encoded directly in Coq
+% see PType in Param.v
+pred term->annot-term i:term, o:term.
+term->annot-term (sort (typ U)) (app [pglobal (const PType) UI, M, N]) :- param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [{coq.univ.variable U}],
+ cstr.univ-link _ M N.
+term->annot-term (fun N T F) (fun N T' F') :- !,
+ term->annot-term T T',
+ pi x\ term->annot-term (F x) (F' x).
+term->annot-term (prod N T F) (prod N T' F') :- !,
+ term->annot-term T T',
+ pi x\ term->annot-term (F x) (F' x).
+term->annot-term (app L) (app L') :- !,
+ std.map L term->annot-term L'.
+term->annot-term X X :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+term->annot-term T _ :- coq.error "term->annot-term:" T.
+macro @annot-pi-decl N T F :- pi x\ annot.adecl x N T => F x.
+namespace annot {
+% typechecking a term calls Coq's typechecker, which gives back a non annotated term
+% calling term->annot-term on it will add fresh annotations
+% if we want to typecheck a variable several times and get the same type everytime, we need to
+% add some memory, which is the purpose of adecl
+pred adecl i:term, o:name, o:term.
+pred typecheck i:term, o:term.
+typecheck T ATy :- adecl T _ ATy, !.
+typecheck T ATy :-
+ coq.typecheck T Ty ok, !,
+ term->annot-term Ty ATy.
+% sub-typing predicate following the sub-typing rules in the article
+pred sub-type i:term, i:term.
+% SubUniv
+sub-type (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M1, N1]) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M2, N2]) :-
+ param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ cstr.univ-link C1 M1 N1,
+ cstr.univ-link C2 M2 N2,
+ cstr.geq C1 C2.
+% SubPi
+sub-type (prod N T F) (prod _ T' F') :- !,
+ sub-type T' T,
+ @annot-pi-decl N T' x\ sub-type (F x) (F' x).
+% SubLam
+sub-type (fun N T F) (fun _ T F') :- !,
+ @annot-pi-decl N T x\ sub-type (F x) (F' x).
+% SubApp
+sub-type (app [F|Xs]) (app [F'|Xs']) :- !,
+ sub-type F F',
+ std.forall2 Xs Xs' eq.
+% SubConv
+sub-type X X :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+sub-type X _ :- coq.error "annot.sub-type:" X.
+% syntactic term equality, taking care of adding annotation equalities in the constraint graph
+pred eq i:term, i:term.
+eq (app [pglobal (const PType) UI, M1, N1]) (app [pglobal (const PType) UI, M2, N2]) :-
+ param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ cstr.univ-link C1 M1 N1,
+ cstr.univ-link C2 M2 N2,
+ cstr.eq C1 C2.
+eq (prod _ T F) (prod _ T' F') :- !,
+ eq T T',
+ pi x\ eq (F x) (F' x).
+eq (fun _ T F) (fun _ T' F') :- !,
+ eq T T',
+ pi x\ eq (F x) (F' x).
+eq (app L) (app L') :- !,
+ std.forall2 L L' eq.
+eq X X :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+eq X _ :- coq.error "annot.eq:" X.
+% get all the annotations in a type T, as well as the "output class", i.e., the parametricity class
+% of the output type of T, as an option basically returning some (A,B) for an output type PType A B,
+% and none for output types that are not sorts, because it means values of type T are not type
+% constructors, so their translation will be made at class (0,0)
+pred classes i:term, o:list param-class, o:option param-class.
+classes T Cs' Out :-
+ all-classes T Cs,
+ out-class T Out,
+ if (not (Cs = []), Out = some C, std.last Cs LastC, LastC == C) (
+ std.drop-last 1 Cs Cs'
+ ) (
+ Cs' = Cs
+ ).
+pred all-classes i:term, o:list param-class.
+all-classes (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M, N]) [C] :- param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ cstr.univ-link C M N.
+all-classes X Cs :- (X = prod _ T F ; X = fun _ T F), !,
+ pi x\ std.append {all-classes T} {all-classes (F x)} Cs.
+all-classes (app L) Cs :- !,
+ std.flatten {std.map L all-classes} Cs.
+all-classes X [] :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+all-classes X _ :- coq.error "all-classes:" X.
+pred out-class i:term, o:option param-class.
+out-class (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M, N]) (some C) :- param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ cstr.univ-link C M N.
+out-class (prod _ _ F) Out :- !, pi x\ out-class (F x) Out.
+out-class (fun _ _ _) none :- !.
+out-class (app [F|Xs]) Out :- !,
+ coq.subst-fun Xs F App,
+ if (App = app [F|Xs]) (Out = none) (out-class App Out).
+out-class X none :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+out-class X _ :- coq.error "out-class:" X.
+% constant applications convertible to terms having a sort as output are not supported
+} % annot
diff --git a/elpi/constraints/constraint-graph.elpi b/elpi/constraints/constraint-graph.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8c386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/constraints/constraint-graph.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% definition of the constraint graph
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% in the constraint graph, parametricity classes are represented with integers (it is easier to
+% index on this type than on variables of type param-class)
+typeabbrev class-id int.
+% the graph is a map from a class to two lists: the nodes that are higher than it, and the ones
+% that are lower; it means that the graph stores each piece of information twice (in both ways
+kind constraint-graph type.
+type constraint-graph
+ std.map class-id (pair (list cstr-graph.node) (list cstr-graph.node))
+ -> constraint-graph.
+namespace cstr-graph {
+% a node represents one or several edges starting from a class, with additional information to be
+% used when reducing the graph; see the predicates below
+kind node type.
+type node.var constraint-type -> list class-id -> node.
+type node.const param-class -> node.
+% this basically represents annotations on the edges
+kind constraint-type type.
+type ct.pi constraint-type.
+type ct.arrow constraint-type.
+type ct.type constraint-type.
+type ct.gref gref -> term -> gref -> gref -> constraint-type.
+type ct.geq constraint-type.
+ constraint-graph-content
+ (std.map class-id (pair (list node) (list node))).
+pred empty o:constraint-graph.
+empty (constraint-graph G) :-
+ std.map.make util.cmp-int G.
+% D_π(C, C_A, C_B) is represented as two edges C -> C_A and C -> C_B
+% here one node from C to [C_A, C_B], and two nodes from C_A and C_B to C
+pred add-dep-pi i:class-id, i:class-id, i:class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:constraint-graph.
+add-dep-pi ID IDA IDB (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.var ct.pi [IDA, IDB])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.pi [ID])) G1 G2,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.pi [ID])) G2 G'.
+% D_->(C, C_A, C_B) is similar
+pred add-dep-arrow i:class-id, i:class-id, i:class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:constraint-graph.
+add-dep-arrow ID IDA IDB (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.var ct.arrow [IDA, IDB])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.arrow [ID])) G1 G2,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.arrow [ID])) G2 G'.
+% D_□(C, C_R) is an edge C -> C_R, which is one node in each direction
+pred add-dep-type i:class-id, i:class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:constraint-graph.
+add-dep-type ID IDR (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.var ct.type [IDR])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDR (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.type [ID])) G1 G'.
+% D_K(C, C_1, ... C_n) is an edge from the output class C of constant K to each class C_i present
+% in its type, see the article for explanation
+% the constraint is represented here by one node from C to all the C_i
+% we store information in the node about K, its type, and the output variables
+pred add-dep-gref
+ i:class-id, i:gref, i:term, i:gref, i:gref, i:list class-id, i:constraint-graph,
+ o:constraint-graph.
+add-dep-gref ID GR T GR' GRR IDs (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ % the classes C_i (IDs) are not really "higher" than the output class C (ID)
+ % here, higher is a way to say that they must be instantiated later than the output class
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.var (ct.gref GR T GR' GRR) IDs)) G G1,
+ std.fold IDs G1 (id\ g\ g'\
+ util.map.update id (internal.add-lower-node (node.var (ct.gref _ _ _ _) [ID])) g g')
+ G'.
+% simple order constraint C >= C', handled differently if C and C' are constant classes or variables
+pred add-geq
+ i:or class-id param-class, i:or class-id param-class, i:constraint-graph, o:constraint-graph.
+add-geq (inl IDA) (inl IDB) (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.add-higher-node (node.var ct.geq [IDA])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.add-lower-node (node.var ct.geq [IDB])) G1 G'.
+add-geq (inl ID) (inr C) (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C)) G G'.
+add-geq (inr C) (inl ID) (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.const C)) G G'.
+% compute the minimal possible constant class for a variable class in the constraint graph
+% = least upper bound of all the lower constant classes
+pred minimal-class i:class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:param-class.
+minimal-class ID (constraint-graph G) MinClass :-
+ std.map.find ID G (pr LowerNodes _), !,
+ std.fold {internal.filter-const LowerNodes} (pc map0 map0) param-class.union MinClass.
+minimal-class _ _ (pc map0 map0). % default minimal class for an unconstrained variable
+% compute the maximal possible constant class for a variable class in the constraint graph
+% = greatest lower bound of all the higher constant classes
+pred maximal-class i:class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:param-class.
+maximal-class ID (constraint-graph G) MaxClass :-
+ std.map.find ID G (pr _ HigherNodes), !,
+ std.fold {internal.filter-const HigherNodes} (pc map4 map4) param-class.inter MaxClass.
+maximal-class _ _ (pc map4 map4). % default maximal class for an unconstrained variable
+% assign a constant class to a variable and update all the information in the graph
+% indeed, if the assigned variable was an output class for complex constraints,
+% they can now be computed and reduced to simpler constraints on the other variables
+pred instantiate i:class-id, i:param-class, i:constraint-graph, o:constraint-graph.
+instantiate ID Class G _ :- coq.say "instantiate" ID Class G, fail.
+instantiate ID Class (constraint-graph G) (constraint-graph G') :-
+ std.map.find ID G (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes), !,
+ internal.filter-var LowerNodes LowerIDs,
+ util.unless (LowerIDs = [])
+ (coq.error
+ "wrong instantiation order: trying to instantiate" ID "before lower variables" LowerIDs),
+ std.fold HigherNodes G (instantiate.aux ID Class) G1,
+ std.map.remove ID G1 G'.
+instantiate ID Class G G :-
+ coq.say "cannot instantiate" ID "at" Class "because it is not in the graph".
+pred instantiate.aux
+ i:class-id, i:param-class, i:node, i:constraint-graph-content, o:constraint-graph-content.
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.const C) G G :-
+ util.unless (param-class.geq C Class)
+ (coq.error
+ "constraint not respected: instantiating" ID "at class" Class "despite upper bound" C).
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.var ct.pi [IDA, IDB]) G G' :-
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.pi [ID])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.pi [ID])) G1 G2,
+ % recompute the dependent product constraint and turn it into 2 order constraints
+ param-class.dep-pi Class C1 C2,
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C1)) G2 G3,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C2)) G3 G'.
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.var ct.arrow [IDA, IDB]) G G' :-
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.arrow [ID])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.arrow [ID])) G1 G2,
+ % recompute the arrow type constraint and turn it into 2 order constraints
+ param-class.dep-arrow Class C1 C2,
+ util.map.update IDA (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C1)) G2 G3,
+ util.map.update IDB (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C2)) G3 G'.
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.var ct.type [IDR]) G G' :-
+ util.map.update IDR (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.type [ID])) G G1,
+ % the constraint either vanishes or forces the relation to be (4,4)
+ if (param-class.requires-axiom Class)
+ (util.map.update IDR (internal.add-lower-node (node.const (pc map4 map4))) G1 G')
+ (G' = G1).
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.var (ct.gref GR T GR' GRR) IDs) G G' :-
+ std.fold {std.filter IDs (id\ id > 0)} G (id\ g\ g'\
+ util.map.update id (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var (ct.gref _ _ _ _) [ID])) g g')
+ G1,
+ annot.classes T TCs _,
+ % find the output constant and proof, as well as the required classes Cs
+ param.db.gref GR Class Cs GR' GRR,
+ % make sure the classes are consistent
+ instantiate.gref IDs TCs Cs G1 G'.
+pred instantiate.gref
+ i:list class-id, i:list param-class, i:list param-class, i:constraint-graph-content,
+ o:constraint-graph-content.
+instantiate.gref [] [] [] G G.
+instantiate.gref [-1|IDs] [TC|TCs] [C|Cs] G G' :- !,
+ % here the class in the type of the constant is a constant class, it is not in the graph
+ % we just check that it is equal to the required one
+ TC = C,
+ instantiate.gref IDs TCs Cs G G'.
+instantiate.gref [ID|IDs] [_|TCs] [C|Cs] G G' :-
+ % here the identifier is not -1, which means that the class at this position is in the graph
+ % we force it to be equal to C in the graph
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-lower-node (node.const C)) G G1,
+ util.map.update ID (internal.add-higher-node (node.const C)) G1 G2,
+ instantiate.gref IDs TCs Cs G2 G'.
+instantiate.aux ID Class (node.var ct.geq [IDH]) G G' :-
+ % an order constraint is turned into a lower constant class
+ util.map.update IDH (internal.remove-lower-node (node.var ct.geq [ID])) G G1,
+ util.map.update IDH (internal.add-lower-node (node.const Class)) G1 G'.
+% compute the precedence graph from the constraint graph to find the instantiation order
+pred instantiation-order i:list class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:list class-id.
+instantiation-order IDs ConstraintGraph SortedIDs :-
+ internal.to-precedence-graph IDs ConstraintGraph PrecedenceGraph,
+ simple-graph.toposort PrecedenceGraph OSIDs,
+ std.assert! (OSIDs = some SortedIDs) "the precedence graph is not acyclic".
+% pretty printing
+pred pp i:constraint-graph.
+pp (constraint-graph G) :-
+ std.forall {std.map.bindings G} pp.aux.
+pp.aux (pr ID (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes)) :-
+ coq.say "id" ID,
+ coq.say "higher than:" LowerNodes,
+ coq.say "lower than:" HigherNodes.
+namespace internal {
+pred filter-const i:list node, o:list param-class.
+filter-const [] [].
+filter-const [node.const C|Nodes] [C|Classes] :-
+ filter-const Nodes Classes.
+filter-const [node.var _ _|Nodes] Classes :-
+ filter-const Nodes Classes.
+pred filter-var i:list node, o:list class-id.
+filter-var [] [].
+filter-var [node.var _ IDs1|Nodes] IDs :-
+ filter-var Nodes IDs2,
+ std.append IDs1 IDs2 IDs.
+filter-var [node.const _|Nodes] IDs :-
+ filter-var Nodes IDs.
+pred add-higher-node
+ i:node, i:option (pair (list node) (list node)), o:option (pair (list node) (list node)).
+add-higher-node Node none (some (pr [] [Node])).
+add-higher-node Node (some (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes)) (some (pr LowerNodes [Node|HigherNodes])).
+pred remove-higher-node
+ i:node, i:option (pair (list node) (list node)), o:option (pair (list node) (list node)).
+remove-higher-node _ none none.
+remove-higher-node Node (some (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes)) Nodes :-
+ util.delete Node HigherNodes HigherNodes',
+ if (LowerNodes = [], HigherNodes' = [])
+ (Nodes = none)
+ (Nodes = some (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes')).
+pred add-lower-node
+ i:node, i:option (pair (list node) (list node)), o:option (pair (list node) (list node)).
+add-lower-node Node none (some (pr [Node] [])).
+add-lower-node Node (some (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes)) (some (pr [Node|LowerNodes] HigherNodes)).
+pred remove-lower-node
+ i:node, i:option (pair (list node) (list node)), o:option (pair (list node) (list node)).
+remove-lower-node _ none none.
+remove-lower-node Node (some (pr LowerNodes HigherNodes)) Nodes :-
+ util.delete Node LowerNodes LowerNodes',
+ if (LowerNodes' = [], HigherNodes = [])
+ (Nodes = none)
+ (Nodes = some (pr LowerNodes' HigherNodes)).
+pred to-precedence-graph i:list class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:simple-graph class-id.
+to-precedence-graph IDs (constraint-graph G) PrecedenceGraph :-
+ std.fold IDs {simple-graph.empty util.cmp-int} simple-graph.add-node SG,
+ std.map.bindings G Bindings,
+ std.fold Bindings SG to-precedence-graph.aux PrecedenceGraph.
+to-precedence-graph.aux (pr ID (pr _ HigherNodes)) G G' :-
+ std.fold HigherNodes G (to-precedence-graph.aux2 ID) G'.
+to-precedence-graph.aux2 _ (node.const _) G G.
+to-precedence-graph.aux2 ID (node.var _ IDHs) G G' :-
+ % for each variable Y higher than X in the constraint graph,
+ % the precedence graph has an edge X -> Y
+ std.fold IDHs G (simple-graph.add-edge ID) G'.
+} % internal
+} % cstr-graph
diff --git a/elpi/constraints/constraints.elpi b/elpi/constraints/constraints.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d488c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/constraints/constraints.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% API accessible to the rest of the plugin to handle the constraint graph
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typeabbrev class-id int.
+namespace cstr {
+pred init.
+init :-
+ cstr-graph.empty G,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.vars []) [_],
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.graph G) [_].
+% link a variable parametricity class C to its Coq representation (arguments of PType)
+pred univ-link o:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+univ-link C M N :- var C, var M, var N, !,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.univ-link? C M N) [_].
+univ-link C M N :- var C, !,
+ C = pc {term->map-class M} {term->map-class N}.
+univ-link (pc M' N') M N :-
+ map-class->term M' M,
+ map-class->term N' N.
+% D_π(C) = (C_A, C_B)
+pred dep-pi i:param-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-pi C CA CB :- var C, !,
+ internal.link? C ID,
+ internal.link? CA IDA,
+ internal.link? CB IDB,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.dep-pi ID IDA IDB) [_].
+dep-pi C CA CB :-
+ param-class.dep-pi C CA CB.
+% D_->(C) = (C_A, C_B)
+pred dep-arrow i:param-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-arrow C CA CB :- var C, !,
+ internal.link? C ID,
+ internal.link? CA IDA,
+ internal.link? CB IDB,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.dep-arrow ID IDA IDB) [_].
+dep-arrow C CA CB :-
+ param-class.dep-arrow C CA CB.
+% D_□(C, C_R)
+pred dep-type i:param-class, i:param-class.
+dep-type C CR :- var C, !,
+ internal.link? C ID,
+ internal.link? CR IDR,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.dep-type ID IDR) [_].
+dep-type C CR :-
+ util.when (param-class.requires-axiom C)
+ (geq CR (pc map4 map4)).
+% D_K(T)
+pred dep-gref i:gref, i:term, o:gref, o:gref.
+dep-gref GR T GR' GRR :-
+ annot.classes T TCs OutOpt,
+ util.option.value OutOpt (pc map0 map0) Out,
+ if (var Out) (
+ internal.link? Out ID,
+ std.map TCs internal.link? IDs,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.dep-gref ID GR T GR' GRR IDs) [_]
+ ) (
+ param.db.gref GR Out Cs GR' GRR,
+ std.forall2 TCs Cs eq
+ ).
+% C >= C'
+pred geq i:param-class, i:param-class.
+geq C1 C2 :- var C1, var C2, !,
+ internal.link? C1 ID1,
+ internal.link? C2 ID2,
+ util.unless (ID1 = ID2) (declare_constraint (internal.c.geq (inl ID1) (inl ID2)) [_]).
+geq C1 C :- var C1, !,
+ internal.link? C1 ID,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.geq (inl ID) (inr C)) [_].
+geq C C1 :- var C1, !,
+ internal.link? C1 ID,
+ declare_constraint (internal.c.geq (inr C) (inl ID)) [_].
+geq C1 C2 :-
+ param-class.geq C1 C2.
+% C = C'
+pred eq i:param-class, i:param-class.
+eq C1 C2 :- geq C1 C2, geq C2 C1.
+% trigger reduction of the graph and instantiation of variables
+pred reduce-graph.
+reduce-graph :-
+ declare_constraint internal.c.reduce-graph [_].
+% ==================================================================================================
+namespace internal {
+% NB:
+% - constraints with a '?' suffix are getters;
+% - constraints with a '!' suffix are setters;
+% - constraints with a '-' suffix both get and delete information.
+% store all the variable classes encountered so far
+pred c.vars o:list class-id.
+pred c.vars? o:list class-id.
+pred c.vars! o:list class-id.
+pred vars? o:list class-id.
+vars? IDs :- declare_constraint (c.vars? IDs) [_].
+pred vars! i:list class-id.
+vars! IDs :- declare_constraint (c.vars! IDs) [_].
+constraint c.vars c.vars? c.vars! {
+ rule (c.vars IDs) \ (c.vars? IDs') <=> (IDs' = IDs).
+ rule \ (c.vars _) (c.vars! IDs) <=> (declare_constraint (c.vars IDs) [_]).
+% link a class to an integer in the constraint store
+pred c.link o:param-class, o:class-id.
+pred c.link? o:param-class, o:class-id.
+pred c.link- o:param-class, o:class-id.
+pred link? o:param-class, o:class-id.
+link? C ID :- var C, !, declare_constraint (c.link? C ID) [_].
+link? _ (-1). % when the class is constant, it does not exist in the graph, default value is -1
+pred link- o:param-class, o:class-id.
+link- C ID :- declare_constraint (c.link- C ID) [_].
+constraint c.link c.link? c.link- {
+ % we know the class, we need the integer
+ rule (c.link C ID) \ (c.link? C ID') <=> (ID' = ID).
+ rule \ (c.link C ID) (c.link- C ID') <=> (ID' = ID).
+ % we know the integer, we need the class
+ rule (c.link C ID) \ (c.link? C' ID) <=> (C' = C).
+ rule \ (c.link C ID) (c.link- C' ID) <=> (C' = C).
+ % both are unknown, create the fresh node
+ rule \ (c.link? C ID') <=> (
+ vars? IDs,
+ new_int ID,
+ prune C [],
+ declare_constraint (c.link C ID) [_],
+ vars! [ID|IDs],
+ ID' = ID
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.link- _ _).
+% link a class C to a pair of Coq map classes
+pred c.univ-link o:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+pred c.univ-link? o:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+pred c.univ-link- o:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+pred univ-link- o:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+univ-link- C M N :- declare_constraint (c.univ-link- C M N) [_].
+constraint c.univ-link c.univ-link? c.univ-link- {
+ % we know the class, we need the Coq values
+ rule (c.univ-link C M N) \ (c.univ-link? C M' N') <=> (M' = M, N' = N).
+ rule \ (c.univ-link C M N) (c.univ-link- C M' N') <=> (M' = M, N' = N).
+ % we know the Coq values, we need the class
+ rule (c.univ-link C M N) \ (c.univ-link? C' M N) <=> (C' = C).
+ rule \ (c.univ-link C M N) (c.univ-link- C' M N) <=> (C' = C).
+ % both are unknown, create the fresh link and loop
+ rule (c.univ-link? C M N) <=> (
+ link? C _,
+ prune M [],
+ prune N [],
+ declare_constraint (c.univ-link C M N) [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.univ-link- _ _ _).
+% store the constraint graph in the Elpi constraint store
+pred c.graph o:constraint-graph.
+% constraints to trigger addition of information to the constraint graph
+pred c.dep-pi o:class-id, o:class-id, o:class-id.
+pred c.dep-arrow o:class-id, o:class-id, o:class-id.
+pred c.dep-type o:class-id, o:class-id.
+pred c.dep-gref o:class-id, o:gref, o:term, o:gref, o:gref, o:list class-id.
+pred c.geq o:or class-id param-class, o:or class-id param-class.
+% trigger reduction of the graph
+pred c.reduce-graph.
+constraint c.graph c.dep-pi c.dep-arrow c.dep-type c.dep-gref c.geq c.reduce-graph {
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.dep-pi ID IDA IDB) <=> (
+ cstr-graph.add-dep-pi ID IDA IDB G G',
+ declare_constraint (c.graph G') [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.dep-arrow ID IDA IDB) <=> (
+ cstr-graph.add-dep-arrow ID IDA IDB G G',
+ declare_constraint (c.graph G') [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.dep-type ID IDR) <=> (
+ cstr-graph.add-dep-type ID IDR G G',
+ declare_constraint (c.graph G') [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.dep-gref ID GR T GR' GRR IDs) <=> (
+ cstr-graph.add-dep-gref ID GR T GR' GRR IDs G G',
+ declare_constraint (c.graph G') [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.geq IDorC1 IDorC2) <=> (
+ cstr-graph.add-geq IDorC1 IDorC2 G G',
+ declare_constraint (c.graph G') [_]
+ ).
+ rule \ (c.graph G) (c.reduce-graph) <=> (
+ vars? IDs,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (
+ coq.say "final constraint graph:",
+ cstr-graph.pp G,
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************"
+ ),
+ cstr-graph.instantiation-order IDs G SortedIDs,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (
+ coq.say "order:" SortedIDs,
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************"
+ ),
+ reduce SortedIDs G FinalValues,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "final values:" FinalValues),
+ std.forall FinalValues instantiate-coq
+ ).
+% reduce the graph by instantiating variables in the precedence order and updating the graph
+% return a list of associations of a variable and its constant class
+pred reduce i:list class-id, i:constraint-graph, o:list (pair class-id param-class).
+reduce [] _ [].
+reduce [ID|IDs] ConstraintGraph [pr ID MinClass|FinalValues] :-
+ cstr-graph.minimal-class ID ConstraintGraph MinClass,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "min value" MinClass "for" ID),
+ cstr-graph.maximal-class ID ConstraintGraph MaxClass,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "max value" MaxClass "for" ID),
+ util.unless (param-class.geq MaxClass MinClass) (coq.error "no solution for variable" ID),
+ reduce IDs {cstr-graph.instantiate ID MinClass ConstraintGraph} FinalValues.
+% now instantiate for real
+pred instantiate-coq i:pair class-id param-class.
+instantiate-coq (pr ID (pc M0 N0)) :-
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "instantiating" ID "with" (pc M0 N0)),
+ link- C ID,
+ univ-link- C M N,
+ map-class->term M0 M,
+ map-class->term N0 N,
+ C = pc M0 N0.
+} % internal
+} % cstr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elpi/constraints/simple-graph.elpi b/elpi/constraints/simple-graph.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e615d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/constraints/simple-graph.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% definition of a directed graph with no annotation on edges
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+kind simple-graph type -> type.
+type simple-graph std.map A (list A) -> simple-graph A.
+namespace simple-graph {
+pred empty i:A -> A -> cmp -> prop, o:simple-graph A.
+empty Cmp (simple-graph G) :-
+ std.map.make Cmp G.
+pred add-node i:A, i:simple-graph A, o:simple-graph A.
+add-node X (simple-graph G) (simple-graph G') :-
+ std.map.add X [] G G'.
+pred add-edge i:A, i:A, i:simple-graph A, o:simple-graph A.
+add-edge X Y (simple-graph G) (simple-graph G') :-
+ util.map.update X (add-edge.aux Y) G G'.
+add-edge.aux Y none (some [Y]).
+add-edge.aux Y (some L) (some [Y|L]).
+% topological sort
+pred toposort i:simple-graph A, o:option (list A).
+toposort (simple-graph G) SortedNodes :-
+ reversed-kahn {std.map.bindings G} [] SortedNodes.
+% Kahn's algorithm
+% reversed: we remove exit nodes instead of entry nodes
+pred reversed-kahn i:list (pair A (list A)), i:list A, o:option (list A).
+reversed-kahn Bindings Stack SortedNodes :-
+ std.map-filter Bindings (p\ n\ p = pr n []) ExitNodes,
+ if (ExitNodes = []) (
+ if (Bindings = [])
+ (SortedNodes = some Stack)
+ (SortedNodes = none)
+ ) (
+ std.map-filter Bindings (p\ p'\ sigma Node Successors Successors'\
+ p = pr Node Successors,
+ not (std.mem! ExitNodes Node),
+ std.filter Successors (s\ not (std.mem! ExitNodes s)) Successors',
+ p' = pr Node Successors'
+ ) Bindings',
+ reversed-kahn Bindings' {std.append ExitNodes Stack} SortedNodes
+ ).
+} % simple-graph
diff --git a/elpi/param-class.elpi b/elpi/param-class.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1398cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/param-class.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% definition of parametricity classes
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% a parametricity class is a pair of map classes (levels in our hierarchy)
+kind map-class type.
+type map0 map-class.
+type map1 map-class.
+type map2a map-class.
+type map2b map-class.
+type map3 map-class.
+type map4 map-class.
+kind param-class type.
+type pc map-class -> map-class -> param-class.
+pred map-class->term i:map-class, o:term.
+map-class->term map0 (pglobal Map0 UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map0" Map0,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+map-class->term map1 (pglobal Map1 UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map1" Map1,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+map-class->term map2a (pglobal Map2a UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map2a" Map2a,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+map-class->term map2b (pglobal Map2b UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map2b" Map2b,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+map-class->term map3 (pglobal Map3 UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map3" Map3,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+map-class->term map4 (pglobal Map4 UI) :-
+ coq.locate "map4" Map4,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [].
+pred term->map-class i:term, o:map-class.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map0 _) map0 :- coq.locate "map0" Map0.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map1 _) map1 :- coq.locate "map1" Map1.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map2a _) map2a :- coq.locate "map2a" Map2a.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map2b _) map2b :- coq.locate "map2b" Map2b.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map3 _) map3 :- coq.locate "map3" Map3.
+term->map-class (pglobal Map4 _) map4 :- coq.locate "map4" Map4.
+pred map-class->string i:map-class, o:string.
+map-class->string map0 "0".
+map-class->string map1 "1".
+map-class->string map2a "2a".
+map-class->string map2b "2b".
+map-class->string map3 "3".
+map-class->string map4 "4".
+pred param-class->string i:param-class, o:string.
+param-class->string (pc M N) S :-
+ S is {map-class->string M} ^ {map-class->string N}.
+% names of the fields contained in a witness of a given level
+pred map-class->fields i:map-class, o:list string.
+map-class->fields map0 [].
+map-class->fields map1 ["map"].
+map-class->fields map2a ["map", "map_in_R"].
+map-class->fields map2b ["map", "R_in_map"].
+map-class->fields map3 ["map", "map_in_R", "R_in_map"].
+map-class->fields map4 ["map", "map_in_R", "R_in_map", "R_in_mapK"].
+pred map-class->cofields i:map-class, o:list string.
+map-class->cofields map0 [].
+map-class->cofields map1 ["comap"].
+map-class->cofields map2a ["comap", "comap_in_R"].
+map-class->cofields map2b ["comap", "R_in_comap"].
+map-class->cofields map3 ["comap", "comap_in_R", "R_in_comap"].
+map-class->cofields map4 ["comap", "comap_in_R", "R_in_comap", "R_in_comapK"].
+namespace map-class {
+% lower/higher levels at distance 1 from a given level
+pred weakenings-from i:map-class, o:list map-class.
+weakenings-from map0 [].
+weakenings-from map1 [map0].
+weakenings-from map2a [map1].
+weakenings-from map2b [map1].
+weakenings-from map3 [map2a, map2b].
+weakenings-from map4 [map3].
+pred weakenings-to i:map-class, o:list map-class.
+weakenings-to map0 [map1].
+weakenings-to map1 [map2a, map2b].
+weakenings-to map2a [map3].
+weakenings-to map2b [map3].
+weakenings-to map3 [map4].
+weakenings-to map4 [].
+% all possible parametricity classes that can be created by combinations of 2 lists of map classes
+pred product i:list map-class, i:list map-class, o:list param-class.
+product Ms Ns Classes :-
+ std.map Ms (m\ cs\
+ std.map Ns (n\ c\ c = pc m n) cs
+ ) ClassesLL,
+ std.flatten ClassesLL Classes.
+% least upper bound containing all the fields of the two provided map classes
+pred union i:map-class, i:map-class, o:map-class.
+union map4 _ map4.
+union map3 map4 map4 :- !.
+union map3 _ map3.
+union map2b map4 map4 :- !.
+union map2b map3 map3 :- !.
+union map2b map2a map3 :- !.
+union map2b _ map2b.
+union map2a map4 map4 :- !.
+union map2a map3 map3 :- !.
+union map2a map2b map3 :- !.
+union map2a _ map2a.
+union map1 map4 map4 :- !.
+union map1 map3 map3 :- !.
+union map1 map2b map2b :- !.
+union map1 map2a map2a :- !.
+union map1 _ map1.
+union map0 M M.
+% greatest lower bound containing the fields in common in the two provided map classes
+pred inter i:map-class, i:map-class, o:map-class.
+inter map0 _ map0.
+inter map1 map0 map0 :- !.
+inter map1 _ map1.
+inter map2a map0 map0 :- !.
+inter map2a map1 map1 :- !.
+inter map2a map2b map1 :- !.
+inter map2a _ map2a.
+inter map2b map0 map0 :- !.
+inter map2b map1 map1 :- !.
+inter map2b map2a map1 :- !.
+inter map2b _ map2b.
+inter map3 map4 map3 :- !.
+inter map3 M M.
+inter map4 M M.
+% partial order on map classes
+pred geq i:map-class, i:map-class.
+geq map4 _.
+geq map3 M :- std.mem! [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3] M.
+geq map2a M :- std.mem! [map0, map1, map2a] M.
+geq map2b M :- std.mem! [map0, map1, map2b] M.
+geq map1 M :- std.mem! [map0, map1] M.
+geq map0 map0.
+% minimal dependencies to translate a dependent product, see the table in the article
+pred dep-pi i:map-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-pi map0 (pc map0 map0) (pc map0 map0).
+dep-pi map1 (pc map0 map2a) (pc map1 map0).
+dep-pi map2a (pc map0 map4) (pc map2a map0).
+dep-pi map2b (pc map0 map2a) (pc map2b map0).
+dep-pi map3 (pc map0 map4) (pc map3 map0).
+dep-pi map4 (pc map0 map4) (pc map4 map0).
+% minimal dependencies to translate an arrow type, see the table in the article
+pred dep-arrow i:map-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-arrow map0 (pc map0 map0) (pc map0 map0).
+dep-arrow map1 (pc map0 map1) (pc map1 map0).
+dep-arrow map2a (pc map0 map2b) (pc map2a map0).
+dep-arrow map2b (pc map0 map2a) (pc map2b map0).
+dep-arrow map3 (pc map0 map3) (pc map3 map0).
+dep-arrow map4 (pc map0 map4) (pc map4 map0).
+} % map-class
+namespace param-class {
+% extensions of functions over map classes to parametricity classes
+pred weakenings-from i:param-class, o:list param-class.
+weakenings-from (pc M N) Classes :-
+ map-class.weakenings-from M Ms,
+ map-class.weakenings-from N Ns,
+ map-class.product Ms Ns Classes.
+pred weakenings-to i:param-class, o:list param-class.
+weakenings-to (pc M N) Classes :-
+ map-class.weakenings-to M Ms,
+ map-class.weakenings-to N Ns,
+ map-class.product Ms Ns Classes.
+pred negate i:param-class, o:param-class.
+negate (pc M N) (pc N M).
+pred union i:param-class, i:param-class, o:param-class.
+union (pc M1 N1) (pc M2 N2) (pc M N) :-
+ map-class.union M1 M2 M,
+ map-class.union N1 N2 N.
+pred inter i:param-class, i:param-class, o:param-class.
+inter C C' _ :- coq.say C C', fail.
+inter (pc M1 N1) (pc M2 N2) (pc M N) :-
+ map-class.inter M1 M2 M,
+ map-class.inter N1 N2 N.
+pred geq i:param-class, i:param-class.
+geq (pc M1 N1) (pc M2 N2) :-
+ map-class.geq M1 M2,
+ map-class.geq N1 N2.
+pred dep-pi i:param-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-pi (pc M N) ClassA ClassB :-
+ map-class.dep-pi M ClassAM ClassBM,
+ map-class.dep-pi N ClassAN ClassBN,
+ union ClassAM {param-class.negate ClassAN} ClassA,
+ union ClassBM {param-class.negate ClassBN} ClassB.
+pred dep-arrow i:param-class, o:param-class, o:param-class.
+dep-arrow (pc M N) ClassA ClassB :-
+ map-class.dep-arrow M ClassAM ClassBM,
+ map-class.dep-arrow N ClassAN ClassBN,
+ union ClassAM {param-class.negate ClassAN} ClassA,
+ union ClassBM {param-class.negate ClassBN} ClassB.
+% generate a weakening function from a parametricity class to another, by forgetting fields 1 by 1
+pred forget i:param-class, i:param-class, o:univ-instance -> term -> term -> term -> term.
+forget (pc M N) (pc M N) (_\ _\ _\ r\ r) :- !.
+forget (pc M N) (pc M N') ForgetF :- !,
+ std.mem {map-class.weakenings-from N} N1,
+ forget (pc M N1) (pc M N') ForgetF', !,
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("forget_" ^ MStr ^ {map-class->string N} ^ "_" ^ MStr ^ {map-class->string N1})} Forget1,
+ ForgetF = (ui\ a\ b\ r\ ForgetF' ui a b (app [pglobal Forget1 ui, a, b, r])).
+forget (pc M N) (pc M' N') ForgetF :-
+ std.mem {map-class.weakenings-from M} M1,
+ forget (pc M1 N) (pc M' N') ForgetF', !,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("forget_" ^ {map-class->string M} ^ NStr ^ "_" ^ {map-class->string M1} ^ NStr)} Forget1,
+ ForgetF = (ui\ a\ b\ r\ ForgetF' ui a b (app [pglobal Forget1 ui, a, b, r])).
+% succeed if the parametricity class contains a map class over 2b
+% this means that a translation of a sort at this class will require univalence,
+% and the translation of a dependent product will require funext
+pred requires-axiom i:param-class.
+requires-axiom (pc M N) :- (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] M ; std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N).
+} % param-class
diff --git a/elpi/param.elpi b/elpi/param.elpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9ef4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/param.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% parametricity translation
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+:before "subst-fun:fail"
+coq.subst-fun Args F FArgs :- !, coq.mk-app F Args FArgs.
+% traversing a binder should give information for both typechecking and annotation
+macro @annot-pi-decl N T F :- pi x\ [annot.adecl x N T, decl x N T] => F x.
+% param X T X' XR translates X at annotated type T, to X' with witness XR
+pred param i:term, i:term, o:term, o:term.
+% locally remember the translation of bound variables
+pred param.store o:term, o:term, o:term, o:term.
+% used in order not to typecheck+annotate twice the same term
+pred fresh-type.
+% ==================================================================================================
+% ParamSub + ParamConst
+param (global GR) T' (global GR') GrefR :- !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/const" GR "@" T'),
+ if (fresh-type) (
+ % T' already comes from a call to annot.typecheck in the case for app
+ % subtyping will be handled there
+ cstr.dep-gref GR T' GR' GRR,
+ GrefR = global GRR
+ ) (
+ annot.typecheck (global GR) T,
+ annot.sub-type T T',
+ cstr.dep-gref GR T GR' GRR,
+ weakening T T' (wfun W),
+ GrefR = (W (global GRR))
+ ).
+param (pglobal GR UI) T' (pglobal GR' UI) GrefR :- !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/const" GR "@" T'),
+ if (fresh-type) (
+ % T' already comes from a call to annot.typecheck in the case for app
+ % subtyping will be handled there
+ cstr.dep-gref GR T' GR' GRR,
+ GrefR = pglobal GRR UI
+ ) (
+ annot.typecheck (pglobal GR UI) T,
+ annot.sub-type T T',
+ cstr.dep-gref GR T GR' GRR,
+ weakening T T' (wfun W),
+ GrefR = (W (pglobal GRR UI))
+ ).
+% ParamSub + ParamVar
+param X T' X' (W XR) :- name X, !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/var" X "@" T'),
+ param.store X T X' XR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/var: found" X "@" T "~" X' "by" XR),
+ annot.sub-type T T',
+ weakening T T' (wfun W).
+% ParamUniv
+ (app [pglobal (const PType) UI, MR, NR] as Type) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M, N])
+ Type (app [pglobal (const PParamType) UI1|Args]) :- param.db.ptype PType, !, std.do! [
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/type" MR NR "@" M N),
+ cstr.univ-link CR MR NR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/type:" MR NR "is linked to" CR),
+ cstr.univ-link C M N,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/type:" M N "is linked to" C),
+ cstr.dep-type C CR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/type: added dep-type from" C "to" CR),
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ coq.univ-instance UI1 [L, {coq.univ.variable {coq.univ.super U}}], % {coq.univ.new}
+ param.db.pparam-type C PParamType,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/type: suspending proof on" C),
+ util.if-suspend C (param-class.requires-axiom C) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/type: resuming proof on" C "(univalence needed)"),
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ Args = [MR, NR, pglobal (const {param.db.univalence}) UI0]
+ ) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full
+ (coq.say "param/type: resuming proof on" C "(univalence not needed)"),
+ Args = [MR, NR]
+ )
+ ].
+% ParamLam
+param (fun N T F) FunTy (fun N' T' F') FunR :- !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/fun" N ":" T "@" FunTy),
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-eq FunTy (prod _ T TF)) {std.string.concat " "
+ ["type not convertible to Π:", {coq.term->string FunTy}]},
+ coq.name-suffix N "'" N',
+ coq.name-suffix N "R" NR,
+ map-class->term map0 Map0,
+ param T (app [pglobal (const {param.db.ptype}) _, Map0, Map0]) T' TR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/fun:" T "@ 0,0 ~" T' "by" TR),
+ @annot-pi-decl N T x\ pi x' xR\ param.store x T x' xR => (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/fun: introducing" x "@" T "~" x' "by" xR),
+ param (F x) (TF x) (F' x') (FR x x' xR),
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/fun:" (F x) "@" (TF x) "~" (F' x') "by" (FR x x' xR))
+ ),
+ param.db.r (pc map0 map0) R,
+ prune UI [],
+ FunR =
+ fun N T x\ fun N' T' x'\ fun NR (app [pglobal (const R) UI, T, T', TR, x, x']) xR\ FR x x' xR.
+% ParamArrow
+ (prod _ A (_\ B)) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M, N])
+ (prod `_` A' (_\ B')) (app [pglobal (const ParamArrow) UI|Args]) :-
+ param.db.ptype PType, !, std.do! [
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/arrow" A "->" B "@" M N),
+ cstr.univ-link C M N,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow:" M N "is linked to" C),
+ cstr.dep-arrow C CA CB,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow: added dep-arrow from" C "to" CA "and" CB),
+ cstr.univ-link CA MA NA,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow:" MA NA "is linked to" CA),
+ param A (app [pglobal (const PType) _, MA, NA]) A' AR,
+ cstr.univ-link CB MB NB,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow:" MB NB "is linked to" CB),
+ param B (app [pglobal (const PType) _, MB, NB]) B' BR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow:" B "@" MB NB "~" B' "by" BR),
+ coq.say "before db param-arrow" C,
+ param.db.param-arrow C ParamArrow,
+ coq.say UI,
+ prune UI [],
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow: suspending proof on" C),
+ util.if-suspend C (param-class.requires-axiom C) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow: resuming proof on" C "(funext needed)"),
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ Args = [pglobal (const {param.db.funext}) UI0, A, A', AR, B, B', BR]
+ ) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/arrow: resuming proof on" C "(funext not needed)"),
+ Args = [A, A', AR, B, B', BR]
+ )
+ ].
+% ParamPi
+ (prod N A B) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M1, M2])
+ (prod N' A' B') (app [pglobal (const ParamForall) UI|Args']) :- param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/forall" N ":" A "," B "@" M1 M2),
+ coq.name-suffix N "'" N',
+ coq.name-suffix N "R" NR,
+ cstr.univ-link C M1 M2,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall:" M1 M2 "is linked to" C),
+ cstr.dep-pi C CA CB,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall: added dep-pi from" C "to" CA "and" CB),
+ cstr.univ-link CA M1A M2A,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall:" M1A M2A "is linked to" CA),
+ param A (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M1A, M2A]) A' AR,
+ cstr.univ-link CB M1B M2B,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall:" M1B M2B "is linked to" CB),
+ @annot-pi-decl N A a\ pi a' aR\ param.store a A a' aR => (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall: introducing" a "@" A "~" a' "by" aR),
+ param (B a) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M1B, M2B]) (B' a') (BR a a' aR),
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall:" (B a) "@" M1B M2B "~" (B' a') "by" (BR a a' aR))
+ ),
+ param.db.r CA RA,
+ prune UIA [],
+ Args =
+ [ A, A', AR, fun N A B, fun N' A' B',
+ fun N A a\ fun N' A' a'\ fun NR (app [pglobal (const RA) UIA, A, A', AR, a, a']) aR\
+ BR a a' aR ],
+ param.db.param-forall C ParamForall,
+ prune UI [],
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall: suspending proof on" C),
+ util.if-suspend C (param-class.requires-axiom C) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall: resuming proof on" C "(funext needed)"),
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ Args' = [pglobal (const {param.db.funext}) UI0|Args]
+ ) (
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/forall: resuming proof on" C "(funext not needed)"),
+ Args' = Args
+ ).
+% ParamSub for F (argument B in param.args) + ParamApp
+param (app [F|Xs]) B (app [F'|Xs']) (W AppR) :- !,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (coq.say "param/app" F Xs "@" B),
+ annot.typecheck F FTy,
+ fresh-type => param F FTy F' FR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.full (coq.say "param/app:" F "@" FTy "~" F' "by" FR),
+ param.args FTy B Xs Xs' XsR W,
+ coq.subst-fun XsR FR AppR.
+pred param.args i:term, i:term, i:list term, o:list term, o:list term, o:term -> term.
+param.args T B [] [] [] W :- !,
+ annot.sub-type T B,
+ weakening T B (wfun W).
+param.args FunTy B [X|Xs] [X'|Xs'] [X, X', XR|XsR] W :-
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-eq FunTy (prod _ T TF)) {std.string.concat " "
+ ["type not convertible to Π:", {coq.term->string FunTy}]},
+ param X T X' XR,
+ param.args (TF X) B Xs Xs' XsR W.
+param X T _ _ :-
+ coq.error "unsupported combination:" X "&" T.
+% ==================================================================================================
+% ad hoc inductive type to represent the suspension in the definition of weakening, see the article
+kind weakening type.
+type wfun (term -> term) -> weakening.
+type wsuspend (term -> term) -> (term -> term) -> weakening.
+% generate the weakening function from a type to a sub-type
+pred weakening i:term, i:term, o:weakening.
+weakening (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M, N]) (app [pglobal (const PType) _, M', N']) W :-
+ param.db.ptype PType, !,
+ param.db.weaken Weaken,
+ prune UI [],
+ prune Ty [],
+ % as M, N, M', N' are not known yet, we put a Coq placeholder (see Weaken in Param.v)
+ W = wfun (xR\ app [pglobal (const Weaken) UI, M, N, M', N', Ty, xR]).
+weakening (prod N A B) (prod _ A' B') W :- !,
+ coq.name-suffix N "'" N',
+ coq.name-suffix N "R" NR,
+ weakening A' A (wfun WA),
+ pi xR a a' aR\
+ weakening (B a) (B' a') (wfun (WB a a')),
+ prune AR [],
+ prune A2 [],
+ W = wfun (xR\ fun N A a\ fun N' A2 a'\ fun NR AR aR\ WB a a' (app [xR, a, a', WA aR])).
+weakening (app [F|_]) (app [_F'|_]) (wfun (xR\ xR)) :- (name F ; F = global _ ; F = pglobal _ _), !.
+weakening (app [F, X|Xs]) (app [F', X'|Xs']) W :- !,
+ weakening F F' (wsuspend WF WF'),
+ weakening {coq.mk-app (WF X) Xs} {coq.mk-app (WF' X') Xs'} W.
+weakening (fun _ _ F) (fun _ _ F') (wsuspend F F') :- !.
+weakening X _ (wfun (xR\ xR)) :- (name X ; X = global _ ; X = pglobal _ _), !.
+weakening T _ _ :- coq.error "weakening:" T.
+% replace Weaken placeholders with real weakening functions
+pred param.subst-weaken i:term, o:term.
+param.subst-weaken T T' :-
+ param.db.weaken Weaken,
+ (pi XR XR'\ copy (app [pglobal (const Weaken) _, _, _, _, _, _, _] as XR) XR' :- !,
+ copy.subst-weaken XR XR')
+ => copy T T'.
+pred copy.subst-weaken i:term, o:term.
+copy.subst-weaken (app [_, M, N, M', N', _, XR]) XR'' :-
+ param-class.forget
+ (pc {term->map-class M} {term->map-class N})
+ (pc {term->map-class M'} {term->map-class N'})
+ WeakenF,
+ copy XR XR',
+ XR'' = WeakenF _ _ _ XR'.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eee5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpi/util.elpi
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% % Trocq %
+% _______ % Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE %
+% |__ __| % (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) %
+% | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ % Cyril Cohen %
+% | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | % Enzo Crance %
+% | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | % Assia Mahboubi %
+% |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% | | % This file is distributed under the terms of the %
+% |_| % GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 %
+% % (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) %
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% utility predicates
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+kind or type -> type -> type.
+type inl A -> or A B.
+type inr B -> or A B.
+kind debug-level type.
+type dbg.none debug-level.
+type dbg.steps debug-level.
+type dbg.full debug-level.
+pred debug-level->int i:debug-level, o:int.
+debug-level->int dbg.none 0.
+debug-level->int dbg.steps 1.
+debug-level->int dbg.full 2.
+pred debug o:debug-level.
+namespace util {
+pred option.value i:option A, i:A, o:A.
+option.value none Default Default.
+option.value (some A) _ A.
+pred cmp-int i:int, i:int, o:cmp.
+cmp-int A B lt :- A < B, !.
+cmp-int A B eq :- A = B, !.
+cmp-int _ _ gt.
+pred when i:prop, i:prop.
+when Condition Goal :-
+ if (Condition) Goal true.
+pred when-debug i:debug-level, i:prop.
+when-debug L Log :- debug D, !,
+ when ({debug-level->int D} >= {debug-level->int L}) Log.
+when-debug _ _.
+pred unless i:prop, i:prop.
+unless Condition Goal :-
+ if (Condition) true Goal.
+pred if-suspend i:A, i:prop, i:prop, i:prop.
+if-suspend V B T E :- var V, !, declare_constraint (if B T E) [V].
+if-suspend _ B T E :- if B T E.
+pred map.find-opt i:A, i:std.map A B, o:option B.
+map.find-opt K M (some V) :- std.map.find K M V, !.
+map.find-opt _ _ none.
+pred map.update i:A, i:(option B -> option B -> prop), i:std.map A B, o:std.map A B.
+map.update K F M M' :-
+ map.find-opt K M (some V), !,
+ F (some V) OV',
+ if (OV' = some V')
+ (std.map.add K V' M M') % replace
+ (std.map.remove K M M'). % remove
+map.update K F M M' :-
+ F none (some V'),
+ std.map.add K V' M M'. % add
+map.update _ _ M M. % no-op
+pred delete i:A, i:list A, o:list A.
+delete A [A|Xs] Xs :- !.
+delete A [X|Xs] [X|Xs'] :- delete A Xs Xs'.
+delete _ [] [].
+} % util
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20ba17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Example.v
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import Trocq.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+(* Example file on CCω *)
+(* Feel free to comment commands adding the axioms to the Trocq database,
+ in order to see which goals can be pre-processed without them, and which ones cannot *)
+Axiom u : Univalence.
+Axiom f : Funext.
+Param Register Univalence u.
+Param Register Funext f.
+ (* Type@{i}. *)
+ (* Type@{i} -> Type@{i}. *)
+ (* forall (A : Type@{i}), A. *)
+ (* forall (A : Type@{i}), A -> A. *)
+ (* forall (A B : Type@{i}), A -> B. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}), F A. *)
+ forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A B : Type@{i}), F A -> F B.
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A B : Type@{i}), F A B. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A B : Type@{i}), F A B -> F B A. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}), F A -> forall (B : Type@{i}), F B. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}), F A -> forall (B : Type@{i}), F B -> F A. *)
+ (* forall (A : Type@{i}) (F : A -> Type@{i}) (a : A), F a. *)
+ (* forall (A : Type@{i}) (F : A -> Type@{i}) (a : A), F a -> F a. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}) (H : F A -> Type@{i}) (J : F A), H J. *)
+ (* forall (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A B : Type@{i}) (H : F A -> F B) (J : F A) (K : F B -> Type), K (H J). *)
+ (* forall
+ (F : Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}) (H : F A),
+ F A -> forall (B : Type@{i}) (J : F A -> F B), (forall (K : F B -> Type@{i}), K (J H)) ->
+ F B -> F A. *)
+ (* forall (X : forall (A : Type@{i}), A -> Type@{i}) (A : Type@{i}) (a : A), A -> X A a -> A. *)
+ (* forall (T : (Type@{i} -> Type@{j})) (F : ((Type@{i} -> Type@{j}) -> Type@{k})), F T. *)
+ param.
diff --git a/examples/int_to_Zp.v b/examples/int_to_Zp.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe8153d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/int_to_Zp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import Trocq.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Axiom cheat : forall A, A.
+Ltac cheat := apply cheat.
+(* what it can do *)
+(* Section Test. *)
+Declare Scope int_scope.
+Delimit Scope int_scope with int.
+Declare Scope Zp_scope.
+Delimit Scope Zp_scope with Zp.
+Axiom (int@{i} : Type@{i}) (zero : int) (add : int -> int -> int).
+Axiom (eqmodp : int -> int -> Type).
+Axiom (Zp : Type) (zerop : Zp) (addp : Zp -> Zp -> Zp).
+Context (eqp_refl : Reflexive eqmodp).
+Context (eqp_sym : Symmetric eqmodp).
+Context (eqp_trans : Transitive eqmodp).
+(* Existing Instance eqp_refl. *)
+(* Existing Instance eqp_trans. *)
+Context (pmap : Zp -> int) (pcomap : int -> Zp)
+ (pmapK : forall x, pcomap (pmap x) = x).
+Definition Rp x n := pmap x = n.
+Lemma pcomapP :forall (a : int) (b : Zp), sym_rel Rp a b -> pcomap a = b.
+Proof. by move=> a b <-; exact: pmapK. Qed.
+Definition Rp42b@{i} : Param42b.Rel Zp@{i} int@{i} := Param42b.BuildRel Zp int Rp
+ (Map4.BuildHas pmap (fun _ _ => id) (fun _ _ => id) (fun _ _ _ => idpath))
+ (Map2b.BuildHas _ _ (sym_rel Rp) pcomap pcomapP).
+Definition Rp00 : Param00.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp01 : Param01.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp40 : Param40.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp10 : Param10.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp02b : Param02b.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp2b0 : Param2b0.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition Rp2a0 : Param2a0.Rel Zp int := Rp42b.
+Definition binop_param {X X'} RX {Y Y'} RY {Z Z'} RZ
+ (f : X -> Y -> Z) (g : X' -> Y' -> Z') :=
+ forall x x', RX x x' -> forall y y', RY y y' -> RZ (f x y) (g x' y').
+Variable addp_to_add : binop_param Rp Rp Rp addp add.
+Variable paths_to_eqmodp : binop_param Rp Rp iff paths eqmodp.
+Notation "x == y" := (eqmodp x%int y%int)
+ (format "x == y", at level 70) : int_scope.
+Notation "x + y" := (add x%int y%int) : int_scope.
+Notation "x + y" := (addp x%Zp y%Zp) : Zp_scope.
+Definition Radd : forall x x' (xR : Rp x x') y y' (yR : Rp y y'), Rp (x + y)%Zp (x' + y')%int.
+Proof. apply addp_to_add. Qed.
+Check Param01_paths.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map4 map2b) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp42b}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map4 map0) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp40}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp00}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map0 map1) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp01}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map1 map0) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp10}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map0 map2b) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp02b}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map2b map0) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp2b0}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map2a map0) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp2a0}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref paths}} (pc map0 map1)
+ [pc map0 map2b]
+ {{:gref paths}} {{:gref Param01_paths}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref paths}} (pc map1 map0)
+ [pc map2b map0]
+ {{:gref paths}} {{:gref Param10_paths}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref addp}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref add}} {{:gref Radd}})).
+Axiom u : Univalence.
+Axiom f : Funext.
+Param Register Univalence u.
+Param Register Funext f.
+ (* Zp@{i}. *)
+ (* Zp@{i} -> Zp@{i}. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (x : Zp), P x. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (x : Zp), P x -> P x. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Zp -> Type) (x y : Zp), P x y -> P y x. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (x : Zp), P x -> forall (y : Zp), P y. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (x : Zp), P x -> forall (y : Zp), P y -> P x. *)
+ (* forall (A : Type) (f : Zp -> A) (P : A -> Type) (x : Zp), P (f x). *)
+ (* forall (A : Type) (f : Zp -> A) (P : A -> Type) (x : Zp) (H : forall a, P a -> Type) (J : P (f x)), H (f x) J. *)
+ (forall x y, x + y = y + x)%Zp.
+ (* forall (X : forall (A : Type@{i}), A -> Type@{i}) (x : Zp), Zp -> X Zp x -> Zp. *)
+ param.
+Goal (forall x y, x + y = y + x)%int ->
+ (forall x y z, x + y + z = y + x + z)%Zp.
+ intros addC x y z.
+ suff addpC: forall x y, (x + y = y + x)%Zp. {
+ by rewrite (addpC x y). }
+ param.
+ exact addC.
+Inductive unit@{i} : Type@{i} := tt : unit.
+Module Seq.
+ Inductive t@{i} (A : Type@{i}) :=
+ | snil : t A
+ | scons : A -> (unit@{i} -> t A) -> t A.
+ Arguments snil {_}.
+ Arguments scons {_} _ _.
+ Fixpoint all@{i} {A : Type@{i}} (P : A -> Type@{i}) (s : t A) : Type@{i} :=
+ match s with
+ | snil => unit@{i}
+ | scons a s' => P a * all P (s' tt)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint sum@{i} (s : t Zp) : Zp :=
+ match s with
+ | snil => zerop@{i}
+ | scons x s' => (x + sum (s' tt))%Zp
+ end.
+End Seq.
+Fixpoint all@{i} {A : Type@{i}} (P : A -> Type@{i}) (l : list A) : Type@{i} :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => unit@{i}
+ | cons a l' => P a * all P l'
+ end.
+Definition sum@{i} (l : list@{i} int) : int := List.fold_left@{i i} _ _ add@{i} l zero.
+Inductive Rseq@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : A -> A' -> Type@{i}) : Seq.t@{i} A -> list@{i} A' -> Type@{i} :=
+ | Rnil : Rseq A A' AR Seq.snil nil
+ | Rcons : forall a a' (aR : AR a a') s l (r : Rseq A A' AR s l),
+ Rseq A A' AR (Seq.scons a (fun _ => s)) (cons a' l).
+Fixpoint map_seq@{i} (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param10.Rel A A') (s : Seq.t@{i} A) : list@{i} A' :=
+ match s with
+ | Seq.snil => nil
+ | Seq.scons a s' => cons (map AR a) (map_seq A A' AR (s' tt))
+ end.
+Definition Param2a0_seq_list@{i} (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param2a0.Rel A A') :
+ Param2a0.Rel (Seq.t A) (list A').
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (Rseq A A' AR).
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+Definition Param02b_seq_list@{i} (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param02b.Rel A A') :
+ Param02b.Rel (Seq.t A) (list A').
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (Rseq A A' AR).
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+Definition Param44_seq_list@{i} (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param44.Rel A A') :
+ Param44.Rel (Seq.t A) (list A').
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (Rseq A A' AR).
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+ - apply cheat@{i}.
+(* Definition Param01_seq_list@{i} :
+ forall (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param01.Rel A A'), Param01.Rel (Seq.t A) (list A').
+ intros A A' AR.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (Rseq A A' AR).
+ - constructor.
+ - cheat.
+Defined. *)
+Fixpoint Rall01@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param00.Rel A A')
+ (P : A -> Type@{i}) (P' : A' -> Type@{i})
+ (PR : forall a a' (aR : AR a a'), Param01.Rel (P a) (P' a'))
+ (s : Seq.t A) (l : list A') (slR : Rseq A A' AR s l) :
+ Param01.Rel (Seq.all P s) (all P' l).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - destruct slR.
+ + simpl. exact (fun _ _ => unit@{i}).
+ + simpl. intros (pa, ps) (pa', pl).
+ exact (PR a a' aR pa pa' * Rall01 A A' AR P P' PR s l slR ps pl).
+ - constructor.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ destruct slR.
+ + simpl. exact (fun u => u).
+ + simpl. intros (pa', pl).
+ exact (comap (PR a a' aR) pa', comap (Rall01 A A' AR P P' PR s l slR) pl).
+Fixpoint Rall10@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param00.Rel A A')
+ (P : A -> Type@{i}) (P' : A' -> Type@{i})
+ (PR : forall a a' (aR : AR a a'), Param10.Rel (P a) (P' a'))
+ (s : Seq.t A) (l : list A') (slR : Rseq A A' AR s l) :
+ Param10.Rel (Seq.all P s) (all P' l).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - destruct slR.
+ + simpl. exact (fun _ _ => unit@{i}).
+ + simpl. intros (pa, ps) (pa', pl).
+ exact (PR a a' aR pa pa' * Rall10 A A' AR P P' PR s l slR ps pl).
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ destruct slR.
+ + simpl. exact (fun u => u).
+ + simpl. intros (pa, ps).
+ exact (map (PR a a' aR) pa, map (Rall10 A A' AR P P' PR s l slR) ps).
+ - constructor.
+Definition Rsum :
+ forall (s : Seq.t Zp) (l : list int) (slR : Rseq Zp int Rp00 s l),
+ Rp00 (Seq.sum s) (sum l).
+Axiom Rzero : Rp zerop zero.
+Definition Rp02a : Param02a.Rel Zp int.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact Rp.
+ - constructor.
+ - cheat.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Zp}} (pc map0 map2a) [] {{:gref int}} {{:gref Rp02a}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.t}} (pc map2a map0)
+ [pc map2a map0]
+ {{:gref list}} {{:gref Param2a0_seq_list}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.t}} (pc map4 map4)
+ [pc map4 map4]
+ {{:gref list}} {{:gref Param44_seq_list}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.t}} (pc map0 map2b)
+ [pc map0 map2b]
+ {{:gref list}} {{:gref Param02b_seq_list}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.all}} (pc map0 map1)
+ [pc map0 map0, pc map0 map1]
+ {{:gref all}} {{:gref Rall01}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.all}} (pc map1 map0)
+ [pc map0 map0, pc map1 map0]
+ {{:gref all}} {{:gref Rall10}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref Seq.snil}} (pc map0 map0)
+ [pc map0 map0]
+ {{:gref nil}} {{:gref Rnil}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref zerop}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref zero}} {{:gref Rzero}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Seq.sum}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref sum}} {{:gref Rsum}})).
+ (* forall (s : Seq.t Zp), s = s. *)
+ (* Seq.all (fun x : Zp => Zp) Seq.snil. *)
+ (* forall (s : Seq.t Zp), Seq.all (fun x : Zp => Zp) s. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type), Seq.all P Seq.snil. *)
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (s : Seq.t Zp), Seq.all P s. *)
+ forall (F : (Type@{i} -> Type@{i}) -> Type@{i}), F Seq.t.
+ (* forall (P : Zp -> Type) (s : Seq.t Zp),
+ (forall x, P x -> x = zerop) -> Seq.all P s -> Seq.sum s = zerop. *)
+ param.
diff --git a/examples/peano_bin_nat.v b/examples/peano_bin_nat.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b83b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/peano_bin_nat.v
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import Trocq.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+(* definition of binary natural numbers *)
+Inductive positive : Set :=
+ | xI : positive -> positive
+ | xO : positive -> positive
+ | xH : positive.
+Declare Scope positive_scope.
+Delimit Scope positive_scope with positive.
+Bind Scope positive_scope with positive.
+Notation "1" := xH : positive_scope.
+Notation "p ~ 1" := (xI p)
+ (at level 7, left associativity, format "p '~' '1'") : positive_scope.
+Notation "p ~ 0" := (xO p)
+ (at level 7, left associativity, format "p '~' '0'") : positive_scope.
+Module Pos.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Fixpoint succ x :=
+ match x with
+ | p~1 => (succ p)~0
+ | p~0 => p~1
+ | 1 => 1~0
+ end.
+Fixpoint map (x : positive) : nat :=
+ match x with
+ | p~1 => 1 + (map p + map p)
+ | p~0 => map p + map p
+ | 1 => 1
+ end.
+Fixpoint add (x y : positive) : positive :=
+ match x, y with
+ | 1, p | p, 1 => succ p
+ | p~0, q~0 => (add p q)~0
+ | p~0, q~1 | p~1, q~0 => (add p q)~1
+ | p~1, q~1 => succ (add p q)~1
+ end.
+Infix "+" := add : positive_scope.
+Notation "p .+1" := (succ p) : positive_scope.
+Lemma addpp x : x + x = x~0. Proof. by elim: x => //= ? ->. Qed.
+Lemma addp1 x : x + 1 = x.+1. Proof. by elim: x. Qed.
+Lemma addpS x y : x + y.+1 = (x + y).+1.
+Proof. by elim: x y => // p IHp [q|q|]//=; rewrite ?IHp ?addp1//. Qed.
+Lemma addSp x y : x.+1 + y = (x + y).+1.
+Proof. by elim: x y => [p IHp|p IHp|]// [q|q|]//=; rewrite ?IHp//. Qed.
+End Pos.
+Infix "+" := Pos.add : positive_scope.
+Notation "p .+1" := (Pos.succ p) : positive_scope.
+Inductive N : Set :=
+ | N0 : N
+ | Npos : positive -> N.
+Declare Scope N_scope.
+Delimit Scope N_scope with N.
+Bind Scope N_scope with N.
+Notation "0" := N0 : N_scope.
+Definition succ_pos (n : N) : positive :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => 1%positive
+ | Npos p => Pos.succ p
+ end.
+Definition Nsucc (n : N) := Npos (succ_pos n).
+Definition Nadd (m n : N) := match m, n with
+| N0, x | x, N0 => x
+| Npos p, Npos q => Npos (Pos.add p q)
+Infix "+" := Nadd : N_scope.
+Notation "n .+1" := (Nsucc n) : N_scope.
+(* various possible proofs to fill the fields of a parametricity witness between N and nat *)
+Definition Nmap (n : N) : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => 0
+ | Npos p => Pos.map p
+ end.
+Fixpoint Ncomap (n : nat) : N :=
+ match n with O => 0 | S n => Nsucc (Ncomap n) end.
+Definition RN@{} (m : N) (n : nat) := paths@{Set} (Ncomap n) m.
+Lemma Naddpp p : (Npos p + Npos p)%N = Npos p~0.
+Proof. by elim: p => //= p IHp; rewrite Pos.addpp. Qed.
+Lemma NcomapD i j : Ncomap (i + j) = (Ncomap i + Ncomap j)%N.
+elim: i j => [|i IHi] [|j]//=; first by rewrite -nat_add_n_O//.
+rewrite -nat_add_n_Sm/= IHi.
+case: (Ncomap i) => // p; case: (Ncomap j) => //=.
+- by rewrite /Nsucc/= Pos.addp1.
+- by move=> q; rewrite /Nsucc/= Pos.addpS Pos.addSp.
+Let NcomapNpos p k : Ncomap k = Npos p -> Ncomap (k + k) = Npos p~0.
+Proof. by move=> kp; rewrite NcomapD kp Naddpp. Qed.
+Lemma NmapK (n : N) : Ncomap (Nmap n) = n.
+Proof. by case: n => //= ; elim=> //= p /NcomapNpos/= ->. Qed.
+Lemma Nmap_in_R@{} (m : N) (n : nat) :
+ paths@{Set} (Nmap m) n -> sym_rel@{Set} RN n m.
+Proof. by move<-; apply: NmapK. Qed.
+(* the best we can do to link these types is (2a,3) *)
+Definition RN2a3@{} : Param2a3.Rel@{Set} N nat := @Param2a3.BuildRel@{Set} N nat RN@{}
+ (@Map2a.BuildHas@{Set} _ _ _ Nmap Nmap_in_R)
+ (@Map3.BuildHas@{Set} _ _ _ Ncomap (fun _ _ p => p) (fun _ _ p => p)).
+(* for brevity, we create witnesses at lower classes by forgetting fields in RN2a3 *)
+(* this behaviour can be automated so as to only declare Rn2a3 and get for free all the instances
+ reachable by forgetting fields *)
+(* in the general case, if a field requires an axiom, it is better to manually recreate instances
+ that do not need this field, so that it is not imported before forgetting, and the lower
+ instances can be declared without the axiom *)
+Definition RN02b : Param02b.Rel N nat := RN2a3.
+Definition RN02a : Param02a.Rel N nat := RN2a3.
+Definition RN2a0 : Param2a0.Rel N nat := RN2a3.
+(* as 0 and Nsucc appear in the goal, we need to link them with nat constructors *)
+(* NB: as these are not type formers, only class (0,0) is required, so these proofs amount to what
+ would be done in the context of raw parametricity *)
+Definition RN0 : RN N0 0. Proof. done. Qed.
+Definition RNS : forall m n, RN m n -> RN (Nsucc m) (S n).
+Proof. by move=> _ + <-; case=> //=. Qed.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ % register Param N nat
+ % as said higher, with some automation this can be turned into only one declaration
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref N}} (pc map0 map2b) [] {{:gref nat}} {{:gref RN02b}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref N}} (pc map0 map2a) [] {{:gref nat}} {{:gref RN02a}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref N}} (pc map2a map0) [] {{:gref nat}} {{:gref RN2a0}})),
+ % register the constants
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref N0}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref O}} {{:gref RN0}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref Nsucc}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref S}} {{:gref RNS}})).
+Lemma N_Srec : forall (P : N -> Type), P N0 ->
+ (forall n, P n -> P (Nsucc n)) -> forall n, P n.
+ param.
+ (* the output sort of P' is (1,1) because of the covariant and contravariant occurrences of P in
+ the input goal; this annotation was made to be definitionally equal to Type: from there,
+ the induction principle of nat can be applied directly *)
+ exact nat_rect.
+Print N_Srec.
+Print Assumptions N_Srec.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/setoid_rewrite.v b/examples/setoid_rewrite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295e475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/setoid_rewrite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import Prelude.
+From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
+(* what it can do *)
+Section Test.
+Declare Scope int_scope.
+Delimit Scope int_scope with int.
+Context (int : Set) (zero : int) (add : int -> int -> int).
+Context (eqmodp : int -> int -> Prop).
+Hypothesis eqmodp_equiv : Equivalence eqmodp.
+Existing Instance eqmodp_equiv.
+Hypothesis add_proper : Proper (eqmodp ==> eqmodp ==> eqmodp) add.
+Existing Instance add_proper.
+Notation "x == y" := (eqmodp x y) (format "x == y", at level 70) : int_scope.
+Notation "x + y" := (add x%int y%int) : int_scope.
+Goal (forall x y : int, x + y == y + x)%int ->
+ forall x y z, (x + y + z == y + x + z)%int.
+intros addC x y z.
+rewrite (addC x y).
+End Test.
+(* what it cannot do : handle heterogenous relations *)
diff --git a/examples/summable.v b/examples/summable.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2422be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/summable.v
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import Trocq.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+(* first, we axiomatise non negative reals *)
+Axiom (nnreal : Type).
+Declare Scope nnreal_scope.
+Delimit Scope nnreal_scope with nnreal.
+Bind Scope nnreal_scope with nnreal.
+Axiom (nnreal_zero : nnreal).
+Axiom (nnreal_add : nnreal -> nnreal -> nnreal).
+Notation "x + y" := (nnreal_add x%nnreal y%nnreal) : nnreal_scope.
+(* the extension is just defined as adding a constructor for infinite reals *)
+Inductive xnnreal : Type :=
+ | Fin : nnreal -> xnnreal
+ | Inf : xnnreal.
+Declare Scope xnnreal_scope.
+Delimit Scope xnnreal_scope with xnnreal.
+Bind Scope xnnreal_scope with xnnreal.
+Definition xnnreal_add (re1 re2 : xnnreal) : xnnreal :=
+ match re1, re2 with
+ | Fin r1, Fin r2 => Fin (r1 + r2)%nnreal
+ | _, _ => Inf
+ end.
+Notation "x + y" := (xnnreal_add x%xnnreal y%xnnreal) : xnnreal_scope.
+Definition xnnreal_seq := nat -> xnnreal.
+Identity Coercion xnnreal_seq_id : xnnreal_seq >-> Funclass.
+Declare Scope xnnreal_seq_scope.
+Delimit Scope xnnreal_seq_scope with xnnreal_seq.
+Bind Scope xnnreal_seq_scope with xnnreal_seq.
+Definition add_xnnreal_seq (u v : xnnreal_seq) : xnnreal_seq :=
+ fun n => (u n + v n)%xnnreal.
+Infix "+" := add_xnnreal_seq : xnnreal_seq_scope.
+Definition nnreal_seq := nat -> nnreal.
+Identity Coercion nnreal_seq_id : nnreal_seq >-> Funclass.
+(* here we axiomatise the sequence sum and the distributivity lemma *)
+(* TODO: expliquer pourquoi? *)
+Axiom (xnnreal_sum : xnnreal_seq -> xnnreal).
+Notation "'Σ' ue" := (xnnreal_sum ue) (at level 35) : xnnreal_scope.
+Axiom xnnreal_sumD :
+ forall u v : xnnreal_seq, (Σ (u + v))%xnnreal = (Σ u + Σ v)%xnnreal.
+(* the explicit cast functions between both types are a trivial extension and a truncation
+ yielding a default value in the case of infinity *)
+Definition extend (r : nnreal) : xnnreal := Fin r.
+Definition truncate (re : xnnreal) : nnreal :=
+ match re with
+ | Inf => nnreal_zero
+ | Fin r => r
+ end.
+Definition is_finite (re : xnnreal) : Bool :=
+ match re with Inf => false | Fin _ => true end.
+Definition cv_sum (u : nnreal_seq) := is_finite
+ (Σ (Fin o u))%xnnreal.
+(* TODO: expliquer cet encodage? *)
+Record nnreal_cv_seq := {
+ cv_to_nnreal_seq :> nnreal_seq;
+ nnreal_cv_seq_finite_sum : cv_sum cv_to_nnreal_seq = true
+Declare Scope nnreal_cv_seq_scope.
+Delimit Scope nnreal_cv_seq_scope with nnreal_cv_seq.
+Bind Scope nnreal_cv_seq_scope with nnreal_cv_seq.
+Axiom add_nnreal_seq_cv :
+ forall u v : nnreal_cv_seq, cv_sum (fun n => u n + v n)%nnreal = true.
+Definition add_nnreal_cv_seq (u v : nnreal_cv_seq) :=
+ Build_nnreal_cv_seq _ (add_nnreal_seq_cv u v).
+Infix "+" := add_nnreal_cv_seq : nnreal_cv_seq_scope.
+Definition nnreal_sum (u : nnreal_cv_seq) : nnreal :=
+ truncate (xnnreal_sum (Fin o u)).
+Notation "'Σ' u" := (nnreal_sum u) (at level 35) : nnreal_scope.
+(* various proofs to be used as fields of the parametricity witness *)
+Definition R_nnreal (r : nnreal) (re : xnnreal) : Type := extend r = re.
+Definition truncate_extend : forall (r : nnreal), truncate (extend r) = r.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+(* in this way, the composition is an identity only conditionally *)
+(* this is why truncate_in_R_nnreal is not provable and the maximum provable class is (4,2b) *)
+Definition extend_truncate :
+ forall (re : xnnreal), is_finite re = true -> extend (truncate re) = re.
+Proof. by case => //=; discriminate. Defined.
+Definition extend_in_R_nnreal (r : nnreal) (re : xnnreal) (e : extend r = re) : R_nnreal r re := e.
+Definition R_in_extend_nnreal (r : nnreal) (re : xnnreal) (w : R_nnreal r re) : extend r = re := w.
+Definition R_in_extendK_nnreal (r : nnreal) (re : xnnreal) (w : R_nnreal r re) :
+ extend_in_R_nnreal r re (R_in_extend_nnreal r re w) = w.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+Definition truncate_in_R_nnreal (r : nnreal) (re : xnnreal) (e : truncate re = r) : R_nnreal r re.
+Proof. rewrite <- e; unfold R_nnreal. apply extend_truncate. Abort.
+Definition R_in_truncate_nnreal (re : xnnreal) (r : nnreal) (w : R_nnreal r re) : truncate re = r.
+Proof. rewrite <- w. apply truncate_extend. Defined.
+(* maximum witness between non negative reals and their extended version *)
+Definition Param42b_nnreal : Param42b.Rel nnreal xnnreal.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact R_nnreal.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ + exact extend.
+ + exact extend_in_R_nnreal.
+ + exact R_in_extend_nnreal.
+ + exact R_in_extendK_nnreal.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ + exact truncate.
+ + exact R_in_truncate_nnreal.
+(* the only level we will need to pre-process the distributivity goal is (0,2b) *)
+Definition Param02b_nnreal : Param02b.Rel nnreal xnnreal := Param42b_nnreal.
+(* as sequences are encoded with constants, we need to relate them *)
+Definition seq_extend (u : nnreal_cv_seq) : xnnreal_seq :=
+ fun n => extend (u n).
+Definition Rrseq (u : nnreal_cv_seq) (v : xnnreal_seq) : Type :=
+ seq_extend u = v.
+Definition extend_in_Rrseq
+ (r : nnreal_cv_seq) (re : xnnreal_seq) (e : seq_extend r = re) : Rrseq r re := e.
+Definition R_in_extend_rseq
+ (r : nnreal_cv_seq) (re : xnnreal_seq) (w : Rrseq r re) : seq_extend r = re := w.
+Definition R_in_extendK_rseq (r : nnreal_cv_seq) (re : xnnreal_seq) (w : Rrseq r re) :
+ extend_in_Rrseq r re (R_in_extend_rseq r re w) = w.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+(* TODO: est-ce que (4,0) est le max ou on ne s'est simplement pas embêté? *)
+Definition Param40_rseq : Param40.Rel nnreal_cv_seq xnnreal_seq.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact Rrseq.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ + exact seq_extend.
+ + exact extend_in_Rrseq.
+ + exact R_in_extend_rseq.
+ + exact R_in_extendK_rseq.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+(* we will only need (2a,0) on sequences to pre-process the distributivity goal *)
+Definition Param2a0_rseq : Param2a0.Rel _ _ := Param40_rseq.
+(* now we need to relate the various constants at level (0,0) *)
+Definition R_xnnreal_add :
+ forall (r1 : nnreal) (re1 : xnnreal), R_nnreal r1 re1 ->
+ forall (r2 : nnreal) (re2 : xnnreal), R_nnreal r2 re2 ->
+ R_nnreal (r1 + r2) (re1 + re2).
+rewrite /R_nnreal /extend.
+move=> r1 [_ []|]; last by discriminate.
+by move=> r2 [_ []|]; last by discriminate.
+Definition R_nnreal_seq_add :
+ forall (r1 : nnreal_cv_seq) (re1 : xnnreal_seq), Rrseq r1 re1 ->
+ forall (r2 : nnreal_cv_seq) (re2 : xnnreal_seq), Rrseq r2 re2 ->
+ Rrseq (r1 + r2) (re1 + re2).
+move=> [r1 r1cv] re1 <-.
+by move=> [r2 r2cv] re2 <-.
+Definition R_xnnreal_sum :
+ forall (u : nnreal_cv_seq) (ue : xnnreal_seq),
+ Rrseq u ue -> R_nnreal (Σ u) (Σ ue).
+rewrite /Rrseq /seq_extend /R_nnreal /nnreal_sum.
+move=> u _ <-; rewrite extend_truncate//.
+by apply nnreal_cv_seq_finite_sum.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref
+ {{:gref paths}} (pc map0 map1)
+ [pc map0 map2b]
+ {{:gref paths}} {{:gref Param01_paths}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref nnreal}} (pc map0 map2b) [] {{:gref xnnreal}}
+ {{:gref Param02b_nnreal}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref nnreal_cv_seq}} (pc map2a map0) [] {{:gref xnnreal_seq}}
+ {{:gref Param2a0_rseq}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref nnreal_sum}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref xnnreal_sum}}
+ {{:gref R_xnnreal_sum}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref nnreal_add}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref xnnreal_add}}
+ {{:gref R_xnnreal_add}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref add_nnreal_cv_seq}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref add_xnnreal_seq}}
+ {{:gref R_nnreal_seq_add}})).
+(* we get a proof over non negative reals for free,
+ from the analogous proof over the extended ones *)
+Lemma nnreal_cv_sumD : forall (u v : nnreal_cv_seq), (Σ (u + v) = Σ u + Σ v)%nnreal.
+ param.
+ exact: xnnreal_sumD.
+Print Assumptions nnreal_cv_sumD.
diff --git a/examples/trocq_gen_rewrite.v b/examples/trocq_gen_rewrite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d9dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/trocq_gen_rewrite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy Param Param_paths.
+Set Universe PolymoRinthism.
+Axiom cheat : forall A, A.
+Ltac cheat := apply cheat.
+Declare Scope int_scope.
+Delimit Scope int_scope with int.
+Axiom (int@{i} : Type@{i}) (zero : int) (add : int -> int -> int) (p : int).
+Axiom (le@{i} : int@{i} -> int@{i} -> Type@{i}).
+Notation "x + y" := (add x%int y%int) : int_scope.
+Notation "x <= y" := (le x%int y%int)
+ (format "x <= y", at level 70) : int_scope.
+Context (le_refl : Reflexive le).
+Context (le_trans : Transitive le).
+Variable add_morph :
+ forall m m' : int, (m <= m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n <= n')%int ->
+ (m + n <= m' + n')%int.
+Lemma le_morph :
+ forall m m' : int, (m <= m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n' <= n)%int ->
+ (m' <= n')%int -> (m <= n)%int.
+move=> m m' Rm n n' Rn Rmn.
+exact (le_trans _ _ _ Rm (le_trans _ _ _ Rmn Rn)).
+Lemma le01 :
+ forall m m' : int, (m <= m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n' <= n)%int ->
+ Param01.Rel (m <= n)%int (m' <= n')%int.
+move=> m m' Rm n n' Rn.
+apply: (@Param01.BuildRel (m <= n)%int (m' <= n')%int (fun _ _ => Unit)).
+- constructor.
+- by constructor => mn; apply (le_morph _ _ Rm _ _ Rn).
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref le}} (pc map0 map1) [] {{:gref le}} {{:gref le01}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref add}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref add}} {{:gref add_morph}})).
+Variables i j : int.
+Variable ip : (j <= i)%int.
+Definition iid : (i <= i)%int := le_refl i.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref j}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref i}} {{:gref ip}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref i}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref i}} {{:gref iid}})).
+Example ipi : (j + i + j <= i + i + i)%int.
+apply le_refl.
+Print ipi.
+Print Assumptions ipi.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/trocq_setoid_rewrite.v b/examples/trocq_setoid_rewrite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b5728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/trocq_setoid_rewrite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+From Trocq Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy Param Param_paths.
+Set Universe PolymoRinthism.
+Declare Scope int_scope.
+Delimit Scope int_scope with int.
+Axiom (int@{i} : Type@{i}) (zero : int) (add : int -> int -> int) (p : int).
+Axiom (eqmodp@{i} : int@{i} -> int@{i} -> Type@{i}).
+Notation "x + y" := (add x%int y%int) : int_scope.
+Notation "x == y" := (eqmodp x%int y%int)
+ (format "x == y", at level 70) : int_scope.
+Context (eqp_refl : Reflexive eqmodp).
+Context (eqp_sym : Symmetric eqmodp).
+Context (eqp_trans : Transitive eqmodp).
+Variable add_morph :
+ forall m m' : int, (m == m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n == n')%int ->
+ (m + n == m' + n')%int.
+Lemma eqmodp_morph :
+ forall m m' : int, (m == m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n == n')%int ->
+ (m' == n')%int -> (m == n)%int.
+move=> m m' Rm n n' Rn Rmn.
+exact (eqp_trans _ _ _ Rm (eqp_trans _ _ _ Rmn (eqp_sym _ _ Rn))).
+Lemma eqmodp01 :
+ forall m m' : int, (m == m')%int ->
+ forall n n' : int, (n == n')%int ->
+ Param01.Rel (m == n)%int (m' == n')%int.
+move=> m m' Rm n n' Rn.
+apply: (@Param01.BuildRel (m == n)%int (m' == n')%int (fun _ _ => Unit)).
+- constructor.
+- by constructor => mn; apply (eqmodp_morph _ _ Rm _ _ Rn).
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref eqmodp}} (pc map0 map1) [] {{:gref eqmodp}} {{:gref eqmodp01}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref add}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref add}} {{:gref add_morph}})).
+Variables i : int.
+Let j := (i + p)%int.
+Variable ip : (j == i)%int.
+Definition iid : (i == i)%int := eqp_refl i.
+Elpi Query param lp:{{
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref j}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref i}} {{:gref ip}})),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-gref")
+ (param.db.gref {{:gref i}} (pc map0 map0) [] {{:gref i}} {{:gref iid}})).
+Example ipi : (j + i == i + i)%int.
+apply eqp_refl.
+Print ipi.
+Print Assumptions ipi.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/Database.v b/theories/Database.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8e002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Database.v
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions.
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+(* included to remove Elpi typechecker warnings *)
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "simple-graph.elpi" as simple_graph.
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "constraint-graph.elpi" as constraint_graph.
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "constraints.elpi" as constraints.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "annot.elpi" as annot.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "util.elpi" as util.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Elpi Db param.db lp:{{
+ pred param.db.r o:param-class, o:constant.
+ :name "default-r"
+ param.db.r C R :- var C, !,
+ declare_constraint (param.db.r C R) [C].
+ pred param.db.ptype o:constant.
+ pred param.db.weaken o:constant.
+ pred param.db.param-type o:param-class, o:param-class, o:constant.
+ pred param.db.pparam-type o:param-class, o:constant.
+ param.db.pparam-type C _ :- coq.say "pparam" C, fail.
+ :name "default-pparam-type"
+ param.db.pparam-type C PParamType :- var C, !,
+ declare_constraint (param.db.pparam-type C PParamType) [C].
+ pred param.db.param-arrow o:param-class, o:constant.
+ param.db.param-arrow C _ :- coq.say "arrow" C, fail.
+ :name "default-param-arrow"
+ param.db.param-arrow C ParamArrow :- var C, !,
+ declare_constraint (param.db.param-arrow C ParamArrow) [C].
+ pred param.db.param-forall o:param-class, o:constant.
+ param.db.param-forall C _ :- coq.say "forall" C, fail.
+ :name "default-param-forall"
+ param.db.param-forall C ParamForall :- var C, !,
+ declare_constraint (param.db.param-forall C ParamForall) [C].
+ pred param.db.univalence o:constant.
+ :name "default-univalence"
+ param.db.univalence _ :- coq.error "univalence axiom required".
+ pred param.db.funext o:constant.
+ :name "default-funext"
+ param.db.funext _ :- coq.error "function extensionality axiom required".
+ pred param.db.gref o:gref, o:param-class, o:list param-class, o:gref, o:gref.
+ :name "default-gref"
+ param.db.gref GR Out _ _ _ :- coq.error "cannot find" GR "at out class" Out.
+Elpi Command Param.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File util.
+Elpi Accumulate File annot.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate File simple_graph.
+Elpi Accumulate File constraint_graph.
+Elpi Accumulate File constraints.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ main [str "Register", str "Univalence", str S] :- !, std.do! [
+ std.assert! (coq.locate S GR) "unknown global reference",
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ @uinstance! UI0 => coq.env.global GR U,
+ coq.locate "Univalence" GRU,
+ @uinstance! UI0 => coq.env.global GRU ExpectedUTy,
+ coq.typecheck U UTy ok,
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-eq UTy ExpectedUTy) {std.string.concat "" [
+ "type mismatch, expected ",
+ {coq.term->string ExpectedUTy},
+ ", got ",
+ {coq.term->string UTy},
+ "."
+ ]},
+ GR = const Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-univalence") (param.db.univalence Const)),
+ coq.say "Univalence axiom successfully registered."
+ ].
+ main [str "Register", str "Funext", str S] :- !, std.do! [
+ std.assert! (coq.locate S GR) "unknown global reference",
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ @uinstance! UI0 => coq.env.global GR F,
+ coq.locate "Funext" GRF,
+ @uinstance! UI0 => coq.env.global GRF ExpectedFTy,
+ coq.typecheck F FTy ok,
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-eq FTy ExpectedFTy) {std.string.concat "" [
+ "type mismatch, expected ",
+ {coq.term->string ExpectedFTy},
+ ", got ",
+ {coq.term->string FTy},
+ "."
+ ]},
+ GR = const Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db"
+ (clause _ (before "default-funext") (param.db.funext Const)),
+ coq.say "Function extensionality axiom successfully registered."
+ ].
+ main [str "Usage"] :- !, coq.say {usage-msg}.
+ main _ :- coq.error {std.string.concat "\n" ["command syntax error", {usage-msg}]}.
+ pred usage-msg o:string.
+ usage-msg U :-
+ std.string.concat "\n" [
+ "usage:",
+ "- Param Register Univalence ",
+ "- Param Register Funext ",
+ "", "",
+ ] U.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Export Param.
diff --git a/theories/Hierarchy.v b/theories/Hierarchy.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45158c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Hierarchy.v
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Database.
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.
+(* Parametricity Classes *)
+Module Map0.
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {}.
+End Map0.
+Module Map1.
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {
+ map : A -> B
+End Map1.
+Module Map2a.
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {
+ map : A -> B;
+ map_in_R : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b
+End Map2a.
+Module Map2b.
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {
+ map : A -> B;
+ R_in_map : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b
+End Map2b.
+Module Map3.
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {
+ map : A -> B;
+ map_in_R : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b;
+ R_in_map : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b
+End Map3.
+Module Map4.
+(* An alternative presentation of Sozeau, Tabareau, Tanter's univalent parametricity:
+ symmetrical and transport-free *)
+Record Has@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := BuildHas {
+ map : A -> B;
+ map_in_R : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b;
+ R_in_map : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b;
+ R_in_mapK : forall (a : A) (b : B) (r : R a b), (map_in_R a b (R_in_map a b r)) = r
+End Map4.
+(* Record Hierarchy *)
+Elpi Command genhierarchy.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ % generate a module with a record type containing:
+ % - a relation R : A -> B -> Type;
+ % - a covariant (A to B) instance of one of the classes of Map listed above;
+ % - a contravariant (B to A) instance.
+ % (projections are generated so that all fields are accessible from the top record)
+ pred generate-module i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-module (pc M N as Class) U L :-
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ % open module
+ coq.env.begin-module {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr)} none,
+ % generate record
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ MStr ^ ".Has")} CovariantSubRecord,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ NStr ^ ".Has")} ContravariantSubRecord,
+ coq.locate "sym_rel" SymRel,
+ RelDecl =
+ parameter "A" _ (sort (typ U)) (a\
+ parameter "B" _ (sort (typ U)) (b\
+ record "Rel" (sort (typ {coq.univ.super U})) "BuildRel" (
+ field [] "R" {{ lp:a -> lp:b -> lp:{{ sort (typ U) }} }} (r\
+ field [] "covariant" (app [pglobal CovariantSubRecord UI, a, b, r]) (_\
+ field [] "contravariant"
+ (app [pglobal ContravariantSubRecord UI, b, a, app [pglobal SymRel UI, a, b, r]]) (_\
+ end-record)))))),
+ @primitive! => @udecl! [L] ff [] ff => coq.env.add-indt RelDecl _,
+ coq.locate "Rel" Rel,
+ coq.locate "R" R,
+ % add R to database for later use
+ R = const CR,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ (after "default-r") (param.db.r Class CR)),
+ % generate projections on the covariant subrecord
+ map-class->fields M MFields,
+ coq.locate "covariant" Covariant,
+ std.forall MFields (field\ sigma FieldName Field Decl\
+ FieldName is "Map" ^ MStr ^ "." ^ field,
+ coq.locate FieldName Field,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\ fun `B` (sort (typ U)) b\ fun `P` (app [pglobal Rel UI, a, b]) p\
+ app [pglobal Field UI, a, b,
+ app [pglobal R UI, a, b, p], app [pglobal Covariant UI, a, b, p]]),
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff => coq.env.add-const field Decl _ @transparent! _
+ ),
+ % generate projections on the contravariant subrecord
+ map-class->fields N NFields,
+ map-class->cofields N NCoFields,
+ coq.locate "contravariant" Contravariant,
+ std.forall2 NFields NCoFields (field\ field-name\ sigma FieldName Field Decl\
+ FieldName is "Map" ^ NStr ^ "." ^ field,
+ coq.locate FieldName Field,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\ fun `B` (sort (typ U)) b\
+ fun `P` (app [pglobal Rel UI, a, b]) p\
+ app [pglobal Field UI, b, a,
+ app [pglobal SymRel UI, a, b, app [pglobal R UI, a, b, p]],
+ app [pglobal Contravariant UI, a, b, p]]),
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff => coq.env.add-const field-name Decl _ @transparent! _
+ ),
+ % close module
+ coq.env.end-module _.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+(* Record Weakening *)
+Definition forgetMap43@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map4.Has@{i} R) : Map3.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map3.BuildHas A B R (@Map4.map A B R m) (@Map4.map_in_R A B R m) (@Map4.R_in_map A B R m).
+Definition forgetMap32a@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map3.Has@{i} R) : Map2a.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map2a.BuildHas A B R (@Map3.map A B R m) (@Map3.map_in_R A B R m).
+Definition forgetMap32b@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map3.Has@{i} R) : Map2b.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map2b.BuildHas A B R (@Map3.map A B R m) (@Map3.R_in_map A B R m).
+Definition forgetMap2a1@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map2a.Has@{i} R) : Map1.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map1.BuildHas A B R (@Map2a.map A B R m).
+Definition forgetMap2b1@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map2b.Has@{i} R) : Map1.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map1.BuildHas A B R (@Map2b.map A B R m).
+Definition forgetMap10@{i}
+ {A B : Type@{i}} {R : A -> B -> Type@{i}} (m : Map1.Has@{i} R) : Map0.Has@{i} R :=
+ @Map0.BuildHas A B R.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ % generate 2 functions of weakening per possible weakening:
+ % one on the left and one on the right, if possible
+ pred generate-forget i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-forget (pc M N) U L :-
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ ModuleNameMN is "Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr,
+ coq.locate {calc (ModuleNameMN ^ ".Rel")} RelMN,
+ coq.locate {calc (ModuleNameMN ^ ".R")} RMN,
+ coq.locate {calc (ModuleNameMN ^ ".covariant")} CovariantMN,
+ coq.locate {calc (ModuleNameMN ^ ".contravariant")} ContravariantMN,
+ % covariant weakening
+ std.forall {map-class.weakenings-from M} (m1\
+ sigma M1Str ModuleNameM1N BuildRelName BuildRelM1N ForgetMapName
+ ForgetMapM Decl ForgetName Forget RelName RelM1N\ std.do! [
+ map-class->string m1 M1Str,
+ ModuleNameM1N is "Param" ^ M1Str ^ NStr,
+ BuildRelName is ModuleNameM1N ^ ".BuildRel",
+ coq.locate BuildRelName BuildRelM1N,
+ ForgetMapName is "forgetMap" ^ MStr ^ M1Str,
+ coq.locate ForgetMapName ForgetMapM,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\ fun `B` (sort (typ U)) b\
+ fun `P` (app [pglobal RelMN UI, a, b]) p\
+ app [pglobal BuildRelM1N UI, a, b, app [pglobal RMN UI, a, b, p],
+ app [pglobal ForgetMapM UI, a, b, app [pglobal RMN UI, a, b, p],
+ app [pglobal CovariantMN UI, a, b, p]],
+ app [pglobal ContravariantMN UI, a, b, p]]),
+ ForgetName is "forget_" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_" ^ M1Str ^ NStr,
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const ForgetName Decl _ @transparent! _,
+ coq.locate ForgetName Forget,
+ RelName is ModuleNameM1N ^ ".Rel",
+ coq.locate RelName RelM1N,
+ @global! => coq.coercion.declare (coercion Forget 2 RelMN (grefclass RelM1N))
+ ]),
+ % contravariant weakening
+ coq.locate "sym_rel" SymRel,
+ std.forall {map-class.weakenings-from N} (n1\
+ sigma N1Str ModuleNameMN1 BuildRelName BuildRelMN1 ForgetMapName
+ ForgetMapN Decl ForgetName Forget RelName RelMN1\ std.do! [
+ map-class->string n1 N1Str,
+ ModuleNameMN1 is "Param" ^ MStr ^ N1Str,
+ BuildRelName is ModuleNameMN1 ^ ".BuildRel",
+ coq.locate BuildRelName BuildRelMN1,
+ ForgetMapName is "forgetMap" ^ NStr ^ N1Str,
+ coq.locate ForgetMapName ForgetMapN,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\ fun `B` (sort (typ U)) b\
+ fun `P` (app [pglobal RelMN UI, a, b]) p\
+ app [pglobal BuildRelMN1 UI, a, b, app [pglobal RMN UI, a, b, p],
+ app [pglobal CovariantMN UI, a, b, p],
+ app [pglobal ForgetMapN UI, b, a,
+ app [pglobal SymRel UI, a, b, app [pglobal RMN UI, a, b, p]],
+ app [pglobal ContravariantMN UI, a, b, p]]]),
+ ForgetName is "forget_" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_" ^ MStr ^ N1Str,
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const ForgetName Decl _ @transparent! _,
+ coq.locate ForgetName Forget,
+ RelName is ModuleNameMN1 ^ ".Rel",
+ coq.locate RelName RelMN1,
+ @global! => coq.coercion.declare (coercion Forget 2 RelMN (grefclass RelMN1))
+ ]).
+Elpi Typecheck.
+(* generate the hierarchy *)
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ generate-module (pc m n) U L,
+ generate-forget (pc m n) U L
+ )
+ ).
+(* Set Printing Universes. Print Module Param2a3. *)
+(* Set Printing Universes. Print forget_42b_41. *)
+(* Check forall (p : Param44.Rel nat nat), @paths (Param12a.Rel nat nat) p p. *)
+(* General projections *)
+Definition rel {A B} (R : Param00.Rel A B) := Param00.R A B R.
+Coercion rel : Param00.Rel >-> Funclass.
+Definition map {A B} (R : Param10.Rel A B) : A -> B :=
+ Map1.map _ (Param10.covariant A B R).
+Definition map_in_R {A B} (R : Param2a0.Rel A B) :
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), map R a = b -> R a b :=
+ Map2a.map_in_R _ (Param2a0.covariant A B R).
+Definition R_in_map {A B} (R : Param2b0.Rel A B) :
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map R a = b :=
+ Map2b.R_in_map _ (Param2b0.covariant A B R).
+Definition R_in_mapK {A B} (R : Param40.Rel A B) :
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), map_in_R R a b o R_in_map R a b == idmap :=
+ Map4.R_in_mapK _ (Param40.covariant A B R).
+Definition comap {A B} (R : Param01.Rel A B) : B -> A :=
+ Map1.map _ (Param01.contravariant A B R).
+Definition comap_in_R {A B} (R : Param02a.Rel A B) :
+ forall (b : B) (a : A), comap R b = a -> R a b :=
+ Map2a.map_in_R _ (Param02a.contravariant A B R).
+Definition R_in_comap {A B} (R : Param02b.Rel A B) :
+ forall (b : B) (a : A), R a b -> comap R b = a :=
+ Map2b.R_in_map _ (Param02b.contravariant A B R).
+Definition R_in_comapK {A B} (R : Param04.Rel A B) :
+ forall (b : B) (a : A), comap_in_R R b a o R_in_comap R b a == idmap :=
+ Map4.R_in_mapK _ (Param04.contravariant A B R).
+(* Aliasing *)
+Declare Scope param_scope.
+Local Open Scope param_scope.
+Delimit Scope param_scope with P.
+Notation UParam := Param44.Rel.
+Notation MkUParam := Param44.BuildRel.
+Notation "A <=> B" := (Param44.Rel A B) : param_scope.
+Notation IsUMap := Map4.Has.
+Notation MkUMap := Map4.BuildHas.
+Arguments Map4.BuildHas {A B R}.
+Arguments Param44.BuildRel {A B R}.
+(* symmetry lemmas for Map *)
+Definition eq_Map0@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map0.Has@{i} R' -> Map0.Has@{i} R.
+ move=> RR' []; exists.
+Definition eq_Map1@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map1.Has@{i} R' -> Map1.Has@{i} R.
+ move=> RR' [m]; exists. exact.
+Definition eq_Map2a@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map2a.Has@{i} R' -> Map2a.Has@{i} R.
+ move=> RR' [m mR]; exists m.
+ move=> a' b /mR /(RR' _ _)^-1%equiv; exact.
+Definition eq_Map2b@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map2b.Has@{i} R' -> Map2b.Has@{i} R.
+ move=> RR' [m Rm]; unshelve eexists m.
+ - move=> a' b /(RR' _ _)/Rm; exact.
+Definition eq_Map3@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map3.Has@{i} R' -> Map3.Has@{i} R.
+ move=> RR' [m mR Rm]; unshelve eexists m.
+ - move=> a' b /mR /(RR' _ _)^-1%equiv; exact.
+ - move=> a' b /(RR' _ _)/Rm; exact.
+Definition eq_Map4@{i} {A A' : Type@{i}} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type@{i}} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ Map4.Has@{i} R' -> Map4.Has@{i} R.
+move=> RR' [m mR Rm RmK]; unshelve eexists m _ _.
+- move=> a' b /mR /(RR' _ _)^-1%equiv; exact.
+- move=> a' b /(RR' _ _)/Rm; exact.
+- by move=> a' b r /=; rewrite RmK [_^-1%function _]equiv_funK.
+(* joined elimination of comap and comap_in_R *)
+Definition comap_ind {A A' : Type} {PA : Param04.Rel A A'}
+ (a : A) (a' : A') (aR : PA a a')
+ (P : forall (a : A), PA a a' -> Type) :
+ P a aR -> P (comap PA a') (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath).
+apply (transport
+ (fun aR0 : PA a a' =>
+ P a aR0 -> P (comap PA a')
+ (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath))
+ (R_in_comapK PA a' a aR)
+ (paths_rect A (comap PA a')
+ (fun (a0 : A) (e : comap PA a' = a0) =>
+ P a0 (comap_in_R PA a' a0 e) ->
+ P (comap PA a')
+ (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath)) idmap a
+ (R_in_comap PA a' a aR))).
+(* proofs about Param44 *)
+Lemma umap_equiv_sigma (A B : Type@{i}) (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ IsUMap R <~>
+ { map : A -> B |
+ { mR : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b |
+ { Rm : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b |
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), mR a b o Rm a b == idmap } } }.
+Proof. by symmetry; issig. Defined.
+Lemma umap_equiv_isfun `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}}
+ (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) : IsUMap R <~> IsFun R.
+apply (equiv_composeR' (umap_equiv_sigma _ _ R)).
+transitivity (forall x : A, {y : B & {r : R x y & forall yr', (y; r) = yr'}});
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply (equiv_compose' (issig_contr _)).
+ apply equiv_sigma_assoc'.
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => map.
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply (equiv_composeR' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), (map x; f x) = (y; r)};
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: (equiv_composeR' equiv_forall_sigma).
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), {e : map x = y & e # f x = r} };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ apply (equiv_compose' equiv_path_sigma_dp).
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => e.
+ exact: equiv_dp_path_transport.
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x y, {g : forall (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (r : R x y), g r # f x = r } };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind.
+transitivity { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x, { g : forall (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (y : B) (r : R x y), g y r # f x = r } };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind.
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ {g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall x y r, g x y r # f x = r } };
+last first.
+{ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap; exact: equiv_sig_coind. }
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => Rm.
+ { g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (e : map x = y), R x y &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), Rm x y r # g x (map x) idpath = r }. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => mR.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ unshelve econstructor. { apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ unshelve econstructor. { apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ all: move=> r'; elim r'; elim (Rm a b r); reflexivity.
+unshelve eapply equiv_functor_sigma.
+- move=> mR a b e; exact (e # mR a).
+- move=> mR mRK x y r; apply: mRK.
+- apply: isequiv_biinv.
+ split; (unshelve eexists; first by move=> + a; apply) => //.
+ move=> r; apply path_forall => a; apply path_forall => b.
+ by apply path_arrow; elim.
+- by move=> mR; unshelve econstructor.
+Lemma uparam_equiv `{Univalence} {A B : Type} : (A <=> B) <~> (A <~> B).
+apply (equiv_compose' equiv_sig_relequiv^-1).
+unshelve eapply equiv_adjointify.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: umap_equiv_isfun.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: (umap_equiv_isfun _)^-1%equiv.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_invK.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_funK.
+Definition id_umap {A : Type} : IsUMap (@paths A) :=
+ MkUMap idmap (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => 1%path).
+Definition id_sym_umap {A : Type} : IsUMap (sym_rel (@paths A)) :=
+ MkUMap idmap (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => inv_V r).
+Definition id_uparam {A : Type} : A <=> A :=
+ MkUParam id_umap id_sym_umap.
+Lemma uparam_induction `{Univalence} A (P : forall B, A <=> B -> Type) :
+ P A id_uparam -> forall B f, P B f.
+move=> PA1 B f; rewrite -[f]/(B; f).2 -[B]/(B; f).1.
+suff : (A; id_uparam) = (B; f). { elim. done. }
+apply: path_ishprop; apply: hprop_inhabited_contr => _.
+apply: (contr_equiv' {x : _ & A = x}).
+apply: equiv_functor_sigma_id => {f} B.
+symmetry; apply: equiv_compose' uparam_equiv.
+exact: equiv_path_universe.
+Lemma uparam_equiv_id `{Univalence} A :
+ uparam_equiv (@id_uparam A) = equiv_idmap.
+Proof. exact: path_equiv. Defined.
+(* instances of MapN for A = A *)
+(* allows to build id_ParamMN : forall A, ParamMN.Rel A A *)
+Definition id_Map0 {A : Type} : Map0.Has (@paths A).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+Definition id_Map0_sym {A : Type} : Map0.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+Definition id_Map1 {A : Type} : Map1.Has (@paths A).
+Proof. constructor. exact idmap. Defined.
+Definition id_Map1_sym {A : Type} : Map1.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+Proof. constructor. exact idmap. Defined.
+Definition id_Map2a {A : Type} : Map2a.Has (@paths A).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+Definition id_Map2a_sym {A : Type} : Map2a.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+Definition id_Map2b {A : Type} : Map2b.Has (@paths A).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+Definition id_Map2b_sym {A : Type} : Map2b.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+Definition id_Map3 {A : Type} : Map3.Has (@paths A).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+Definition id_Map3_sym {A : Type} : Map3.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+Definition id_Map4 {A : Type} : Map4.Has (@paths A).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+ - exact (fun a b e => e).
+ - exact (fun a b e => 1%path).
+Definition id_Map4_sym {A : Type} : Map4.Has (sym_rel (@paths A)).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+ - exact (fun A B e => e^).
+ - exact (fun A B e => inv_V e).
+(* generate id_ParamMN : forall A, ParamMN.Rel A A for all M N *)
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-id-param i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-id-param (pc M N) U L :-
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".BuildRel")} BuildRel,
+ coq.locate "paths" Paths,
+ coq.locate {calc ("id_Map" ^ MStr)} IdMap,
+ coq.locate {calc ("id_Map" ^ NStr ^ "_sym")} IdMapSym,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\
+ app [pglobal BuildRel UI, a, a, app [pglobal Paths UI, a],
+ app [pglobal IdMap UI, a],
+ app [pglobal IdMapSym UI, a]]),
+ IdParam is "id_Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr,
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff => coq.env.add-const IdParam Decl _ @transparent! _.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ generate-id-param (pc m n) U L
+ )
+ ).
+(* Check id_Param00. *)
+(* Check id_Param32b. *)
+(* symmetry property for Param *)
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-param-sym i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-param-sym (pc M N) U L :-
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".Rel")} RelMN,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ NStr ^ MStr ^ ".BuildRel")} BuildRelNM,
+ coq.locate "sym_rel" SymRel,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".R")} RMN,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".covariant")} CovariantMN,
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".contravariant")} ContravariantMN,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\ fun `B` (sort (typ U)) b\
+ fun `P` (app [pglobal RelMN UI, a, b]) p\
+ app [pglobal BuildRelNM UI, b, a,
+ app [pglobal SymRel UI, a, b, app [pglobal RMN UI, a, b, p]],
+ app [pglobal ContravariantMN UI, a, b, p],
+ app [pglobal CovariantMN UI, a, b, p]
+ ]),
+ ParamSym is "Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_sym",
+ @udecl! [L] ff [] ff => coq.env.add-const ParamSym Decl _ @transparent! _.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ generate-param-sym (pc m n) U L
+ )
+ ).
+(* Check Param33_sym.
+Check Param2a4_sym. *)
diff --git a/theories/HoTT_additions.v b/theories/HoTT_additions.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2c8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/HoTT_additions.v
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Definition equiv_forall_sigma {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} {Q : forall a, P a -> Type} :
+ (forall a (b : P a), Q a b) <~> forall x : { a : A | P a }, Q x.1 x.2.
+unshelve econstructor. { move=> f [a b]; exact (f a b). }
+unshelve econstructor. { move=> g a b; exact (g (a; b)). }
+all: constructor.
+Lemma equiv_invK {A B} (e : A <~> B) x : e (e^-1%equiv x) = x.
+Proof. by case: e => [f []]. Defined.
+Lemma equiv_funK {A B} (e : A <~> B) x : e^-1%equiv (e x) = x.
+Proof. by case: e => [f []]. Defined.
+Definition IsFun {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :=
+ (forall x, Contr {y | R x y}).
+Fact isfun_isprop `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ IsHProp (IsFun R).
+Proof. typeclasses eauto. Defined.
+Lemma fun_isfun {A B : Type@{i}} (f : A -> B) : IsFun (fun x y => f x = y).
+Proof. by move=> x; eexists (f x; 1%path) => -[y]; elim. Defined.
+Definition sym_rel@{i} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := fun b a => R a b.
+Lemma isequiv_isfun `{Univalence} {A B : Type@{i}} (f : A -> B) :
+ IsEquiv f <~> IsFun (fun x y => f y = x).
+Proof. by symmetry; apply equiv_contr_map_isequiv. Defined.
+Lemma type_equiv_contr `{Univalence} {A : Type@{i}} :
+ A <~> {P : A -> Type | Contr {x : A & P x}}.
+apply equiv_inverse; unshelve eapply equiv_adjointify.
+- move=> [F [[a ?] ?]]; exact a.
+- by move=> a; exists (paths a); apply contr_basedpaths.
+- done.
+- move=> [P Pc]; unshelve eapply path_sigma. {
+ apply: path_arrow => a; apply: equiv_path_universe.
+ apply: equiv_inverse; apply: equiv_path_from_contr.
+ by case: Pc => -[]. }
+ by apply: path_contr.
+Lemma fun_equiv_isfun `{Univalence} {A B : Type} :
+ (A -> B) <~> {R : A -> B -> Type | IsFun R}.
+have fe : Funext by apply: Univalence_implies_Funext.
+transitivity (A -> {P : B -> Type | Contr {y : B & P y}}).
+ { apply: equiv_postcompose'; exact type_equiv_contr. }
+by apply (equiv_composeR' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)^-1).
+Lemma equiv_sig_relequiv `{Univalence} {A B : Type@{i}} :
+ (A <~> B) <~> RelEquiv A B.
+apply (equiv_composeR' (issig_equiv _ _)^-1).
+apply (equiv_compose' issig_relequiv).
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sigma_assoc' _ _)^-1).
+unshelve eapply equiv_functor_sigma.
+- exact: fun_equiv_isfun.
+- by move=> f; apply: isequiv_isfun.
+- exact: equiv_isequiv.
+- by move=> f; apply: equiv_isequiv.
+Definition apD10_path_forall_cancel `{Funext} :
+ forall {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} {f g : forall x : A, B x} (p : forall x, f x = g x),
+ apD10 (path_forall f g p) = p.
+ intros. unfold path_forall.
+ apply moveR_equiv_M.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition transport_apD10 :
+ forall {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} {a : A} (P : B a -> Type)
+ {t1 t2 : forall x : A, B x} {e : t1 = t2} {p : P (t1 a)},
+ transport (fun (t : forall x : A, B x) => P (t a)) e p =
+ transport (fun (t : B a) => P t) (apD10 e a) p.
+ intros A B a P t1 t2 [] p; reflexivity.
+Definition coe_inverse_cancel {A B} (e : A = B) p: coe e (coe e^ p) = p.
+Proof. elim: e p; reflexivity. Defined.
+Definition coe_inverse_cancel' {A B} (e : A = B) p : coe e^ (coe e p) = p.
+Proof. elim: e p; reflexivity. Defined.
+Definition path_forall_types `{Funext} A F G :
+ (forall (a : A), F a = G a) -> (forall a, F a) = (forall a, G a).
+Proof. by move=> /(path_forall _ _)->. Defined.
+Definition equiv_flip@{i k | i <= k} :
+ forall (A B : Type@{i}) (P : A -> B -> Type@{k}),
+ Equiv@{k k} (forall (a : A) (b : B), P a b) (forall (b : B) (a : A), P a b).
+ intros A B P.
+ unshelve eapply Build_Equiv@{k k}.
+ - exact (@flip@{i i k} A B P).
+ - by unshelve eapply
+ (@Build_IsEquiv@{k k}
+ (forall (a : A) (b : B), P a b) (forall (b : B) (a : A), P a b)
+ (@flip@{i i k} A B P)
+ (@flip@{i i k} B A (fun (b : B) (a : A) => P a b))).
diff --git a/theories/Param.v b/theories/Param.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef2b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param.v
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy.
+Require Export Database.
+Require Export Param_Type Param_arrow Param_forall.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "annot.elpi" as annot.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "util.elpi" as util.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param.elpi" as param.
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "simple-graph.elpi" as simple_graph.
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "constraint-graph.elpi" as constraint_graph.
+From Trocq.Elpi.constraints Extra Dependency "constraints.elpi" as constraints.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Inductive map_class : Set := map0 | map1 | map2a | map2b | map3 | map4.
+(* PType and weaken *)
+Elpi Command genpparam.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Definition PType@{i} (m n : map_class) (* : Type@{i+1} *) := Type@{i}.
+Definition weaken@{i} (m n m' n' : map_class) {A : Type@{i}} (a : A) : A := a.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.locate "PType" (const PType),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ _ (param.db.ptype PType)),
+ coq.locate "weaken" (const Weaken),
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ _ (param.db.weaken Weaken)).
+(* generate
+ PParamMN_Type P Q := ParamMN_TypePQ for all M N under 2b
+ PParamMN_Type P Q := ParamMN_Type44 for all M N containing 2b+
+Elpi Command genpparamtype.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-branch i:univ-instance, i:param-class, i:param-class, o:term.
+ generate-branch UI2 Class RClass (pglobal ParamType UI2) :-
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("Param" ^ {param-class->string Class} ^ "_Type" ^ {param-class->string RClass})}
+ ParamType.
+ pred generate-match2
+ i:term, i:univ-instance, i:param-class, i:term, i:map-class, o:term.
+ generate-match2 RetType UI2 Class QVar P Match :-
+ std.map [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4]
+ (q\ b\ generate-branch UI2 Class (pc P q) b) Branches,
+ coq.locate "map_class" MapClass,
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ Match = (match QVar (fun `_` (pglobal MapClass UI0) _\ RetType) Branches).
+ pred generate-match1
+ i:term, i:univ-instance, i:param-class, i:term, i:term, o:term.
+ generate-match1 RetType UI2 Class PVar QVar Match :-
+ std.map [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4]
+ (p\ b\ generate-match2 RetType UI2 Class QVar p b) Branches,
+ coq.locate "map_class" MapClass,
+ coq.univ-instance UI0 [],
+ Match = (match PVar (fun `_` (pglobal MapClass UI0) _\ RetType) Branches).
+ pred generate-pparam-type
+ i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable, i:param-class.
+ generate-pparam-type L L1 Class :-
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ {param-class->string Class} ^ ".Rel")} ParamRel,
+ coq.univ-instance UI1 [L1],
+ RetType = app [pglobal ParamRel UI1, sort (typ U), sort (typ U)],
+ coq.univ-instance UI2 [L, L1],
+ (pi p q\ generate-match1 RetType UI2 Class p q (MatchF p q)),
+ Decl = (fun `p` {{ map_class }} p\ fun `q` {{ map_class }} q\ MatchF p q),
+ % this typecheck is very important: it adds L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ PParamType is "PParam" ^ {param-class->string Class} ^ "_Type",
+ @udecl! [L, L1] ff [lt L L1] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const PParamType Decl _ @transparent! Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ _ (param.db.pparam-type Class Const)).
+ pred generate-pparam-type44
+ i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable, i:param-class.
+ generate-pparam-type44 L L1 Class :-
+ coq.univ-instance UI2 [L, L1],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ {param-class->string Class} ^ "_Type44")} ParamType,
+ Decl = (fun `_` {{ map_class }} _\ fun `_` {{ map_class }} _\ pglobal ParamType UI2),
+ % this typecheck is very important: it adds L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ PParamType is "PParam" ^ {param-class->string Class} ^ "_Type",
+ @udecl! [L, L1] ff [lt L L1] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const PParamType Decl _ @transparent! Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ _ (param.db.pparam-type Class Const)).
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ coq.univ.super U U1,
+ coq.univ.variable U1 L1,
+ Classes1 = [map0, map1, map2a],
+ Classes2 = [map2b, map3, map4],
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ % first the ones where the arguments matter
+ std.forall Classes1 (m\
+ std.forall Classes1 (n\
+ generate-pparam-type L L1 (pc m n)
+ )
+ ),
+ % then the ones where the (4,4) relation is always returned
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes2 (n\
+ generate-pparam-type44 L L1 (pc m n)
+ )
+ ),
+ std.forall Classes2 (m\
+ std.forall Classes1 (n\
+ generate-pparam-type44 L L1 (pc m n)
+ )
+ ).
+Elpi Tactic param.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File annot.
+Elpi Accumulate File util.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate File simple_graph.
+Elpi Accumulate File constraint_graph.
+Elpi Accumulate File constraints.
+Elpi Accumulate File param.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ :before "coq-assign-evar"
+ evar _ _ _ :- !.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ solve InitialGoal NewGoals :- debug dbg.full => std.do! [
+ InitialGoal = goal _Context _ G _ [],
+ coq.say "goal" G,
+ translate-goal G (pc map0 map1) G' GR,
+ FinalProof = {{ @comap lp:G lp:G' lp:GR (_ : lp:G') }},
+ coq.say FinalProof,
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.elaborate-skeleton FinalProof G EFinalProof) "proof elaboration error",
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.typecheck EFinalProof G2) "proof typechecking error",
+ std.assert-ok! (coq.unify-leq G2 G) "goal unification error",
+ refine.no_check EFinalProof InitialGoal NewGoals
+ ].
+ pred translate-goal i:term, i:param-class, o:term, o:term.
+ translate-goal G (pc M N) G' GR' :- std.do! [
+ cstr.init,
+ T = (app [pglobal (const {param.db.ptype}) _, {map-class->term M}, {map-class->term N}]),
+ term->annot-term G AG,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (
+ coq.say "will translate" AG "at level" T,
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************"
+ ),
+ param AG T G' GR,
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************",
+ coq.say "after translation:",
+ coq.say "goal:" G',
+ coq.say "proof:" GR,
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************"
+ ),
+ cstr.reduce-graph,
+ param.subst-weaken GR GR',
+ util.when-debug dbg.steps (
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************",
+ coq.say "after reduction:",
+ coq.say "goal:" {coq.term->string G'},
+ coq.say "proof:" {coq.term->string GR'},
+ coq.say "***********************************************************************************"
+ )
+ ].
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Tactic Notation "param" := elpi param.
diff --git a/theories/Param44.v b/theories/Param44.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db9ce67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param44.v
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Local Open Scope param_scope.
+(* Proofs for UParam *)
+Lemma umap_equiv_sigma (A B : Type@{i}) (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ IsUMap R <~>
+ { map : A -> B |
+ { mR : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b |
+ { Rm : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b |
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), mR a b o Rm a b == idmap } } }.
+Proof. by symmetry; issig. Defined.
+Lemma umap_equiv_isfun `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}}
+ (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) : IsUMap R <~> IsFun R.
+apply (equiv_composeR' (umap_equiv_sigma _ _ R)).
+transitivity (forall x : A, {y : B & {r : R x y & forall yr', (y; r) = yr'}});
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply (equiv_compose' (issig_contr _)).
+ apply equiv_sigma_assoc'.
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => map.
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply (equiv_composeR' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), (map x; f x) = (y; r)};
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: (equiv_composeR' equiv_forall_sigma).
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), {e : map x = y & e # f x = r} };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ apply (equiv_compose' equiv_path_sigma_dp).
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => e.
+ exact: equiv_dp_path_transport.
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x y, {g : forall (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (r : R x y), g r # f x = r } };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind.
+transitivity { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x, { g : forall (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (y : B) (r : R x y), g y r # f x = r } };
+last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind.
+ { f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ {g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall x y r, g x y r # f x = r } };
+last first.
+{ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap; exact: equiv_sig_coind. }
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => Rm.
+ { g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (e : map x = y), R x y &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), Rm x y r # g x (map x) idpath = r }. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => mR.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ unshelve econstructor. { apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ unshelve econstructor. { apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ all: move=> r'; elim r'; elim (Rm a b r); reflexivity.
+unshelve eapply equiv_functor_sigma.
+- move=> mR a b e; exact (e # mR a).
+- move=> mR mRK x y r; apply: mRK.
+- apply: isequiv_biinv.
+ split; (unshelve eexists; first by move=> + a; apply) => //.
+ move=> r; apply path_forall => a; apply path_forall => b.
+ by apply path_arrow; elim.
+- by move=> mR; unshelve econstructor.
+Lemma umap_isprop `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ IsHProp (IsUMap R).
+apply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc (IsFun R)); last exact: isfun_isprop.
+apply symmetric_equiv; apply umap_equiv_isfun.
+Lemma uparam_equiv `{Univalence} {A B : Type} : (A <=> B) <~> (A <~> B).
+apply (equiv_compose' equiv_sig_relequiv^-1).
+unshelve eapply equiv_adjointify.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: umap_equiv_isfun.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: (umap_equiv_isfun _)^-1%equiv.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_invK.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_funK.
+Definition id_umap {A : Type} : IsUMap (@paths A) :=
+ MkUMap idmap (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => 1%path).
+Definition id_sym_umap {A : Type} : IsUMap (sym_rel (@paths A)) :=
+ MkUMap idmap (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => inv_V r).
+Definition id_uparam {A : Type} : A <=> A :=
+ MkUParam id_umap id_sym_umap.
+Lemma uparam_induction `{Univalence} A (P : forall B, A <=> B -> Type) :
+ P A id_uparam -> forall B f, P B f.
+move=> PA1 B f; rewrite -[f]/(B; f).2 -[B]/(B; f).1.
+suff : (A; id_uparam) = (B; f). { elim. done. }
+apply: path_ishprop; apply: hprop_inhabited_contr => _.
+apply: (contr_equiv' {x : _ & A = x}).
+apply: equiv_functor_sigma_id => {f} B.
+symmetry; apply: equiv_compose' uparam_equiv.
+exact: equiv_path_universe.
+Lemma uparam_equiv_id `{Univalence} A :
+ uparam_equiv (@id_uparam A) = equiv_idmap.
+Proof. exact: path_equiv. Defined.
+(* Proofs for Universe *)
+Definition umap_Type `{Univalence} : IsUMap@{i} UParam.
+ unshelve refine (MkUMap idmap (fun a b e => e # id_uparam) _ _).
+ { move=> A B /uparam_equiv; apply: path_universe_uncurried. }
+ move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+ by rewrite uparam_equiv_id /= [path_universe_uncurried _] path_universe_1.
+Definition sym_umap_Type `{Univalence} :
+ @IsUMap Type@{i} Type@{i} (sym_rel UParam).
+ unshelve refine (MkUMap idmap (fun a b e => e # id_uparam) _ _).
+ { move=> A B /uparam_equiv /path_universe_uncurried /inverse. exact. }
+ move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+ by rewrite uparam_equiv_id /= [path_universe_uncurried _] path_universe_1.
+Definition uparam_Type `{Univalence} : Type@{i} <=> Type@{i} :=
+ MkUParam umap_Type sym_umap_Type.
+Lemma R_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : rel uparam_Type = UParam.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+Lemma map_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : map uparam_Type = id.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+Lemma comap_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : comap uparam_Type = id.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+(* Proofs for dependent product *)
+Definition uparam_sym {A A' : Type} : A <=> A' -> A' <=> A :=
+ fun '(MkUParam R m c) => MkUParam c m.
+Notation "R ^-1" := (uparam_sym R) : param_scope.
+Definition uparam_sym_val {A A' : Type} (PA : A <=> A') (a : A) (a' : A') :
+ PA a a' -> PA^-1 a' a.
+Proof. by []. Defined.
+Definition uparam_sym_val' {A A' : Type} (PA : A <=> A') (a : A) (a' : A') :
+ PA^-1 a' a -> PA a a'.
+Proof. by []. Defined.
+Definition uparam_sym_val_equiv {A A' : Type} (PA : A <=> A')
+ (a : A) (a' : A') : PA^-1 a' a = PA a a'.
+Proof. by []. Defined.
+Definition comap_ind {A A' : Type} {PA : Param04.Rel A A'}
+ (a : A) (a' : A') (aR : PA a a')
+ (P : forall (a : A), PA a a' -> Type) :
+ P a aR -> P (comap PA a') (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath).
+apply (transport
+ (fun aR0 : PA a a' =>
+ P a aR0 -> P (comap PA a')
+ (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath))
+ (R_in_comapK PA a' a aR)
+ (paths_rect A (comap PA a')
+ (fun (a0 : A) (e : comap PA a' = a0) =>
+ P a0 (comap_in_R PA a' a0 e) ->
+ P (comap PA a')
+ (comap_in_R PA a' (comap PA a') idpath)) idmap a
+ (R_in_comap PA a' a aR))).
+Definition R_forall {A A' : Type} (PA : Param00.Rel A A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param00.Rel (B a) (B' a')) :
+ (forall a : A, B a) -> (forall a' : A', B' a') -> Type :=
+ fun f f' => forall a a' aR, PB a a' aR (f a) (f' a').
+(* generic symmetry lemma *)
+Definition eq_umap {A A' : Type} {R R' : A -> A' -> Type} :
+ (forall a a', R a a' <~> R' a a') ->
+ IsUMap R' -> IsUMap R.
+move=> RR' [m mR Rm RmK]; unshelve eexists m _ _.
+- move=> a' b /mR /(RR' _ _)^-1%equiv; exact.
+- move=> a' b /(RR' _ _)/Rm; exact.
+- by move=> a' b r /=; rewrite RmK [_^-1%function _]equiv_funK.
+Definition uparam_forall_map1 {A A' : Type} (PA : Param02.Rel A A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param10.Rel (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map1.Has (R_forall PA PB).
+exact (fun f a' => map (PB _ _ (comap_in_R _ _ _ 1)) (f (comap PA a'))).
+Definition uparam_forall_map2 {A A' : Type} (PA : Param04.Rel A A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param20.Rel (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map2.Has (R_forall PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_forall_map1 PA PB)).
+move=> f f' e a a' aR; apply (map_in_R (PB _ _ _)).
+apply (transport (fun t => _ = t a') e) => /=.
+by elim/(comap_ind a a' aR): _.
+Definition uparam_forall_map3 `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : Param04.Rel A A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param30.Rel (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map3.Has (R_forall PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_forall_map1 PA PB)).
+- exact: (Map2.map_in_R _ (uparam_forall_map2 PA PB)).
+- move=> f f' fR; apply path_forall => a'.
+ apply (R_in_map (PB _ _ _)); exact: fR.
+Definition uparam_forall_umap `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : Param04.Rel A A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param40.Rel (B a) (B' a')) :
+ IsUMap (R_forall PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_forall_map1 PA PB))
+ (Map2.map_in_R _ (uparam_forall_map2 PA PB))
+ (Map3.R_in_map _ (uparam_forall_map3 PA PB)).
+move=> f f' fR /=.
+apply path_forall => a.
+apply path_forall => a'.
+apply path_forall => aR.
+unfold comap_ind.
+elim (R_in_comapK PA a' a aR).
+elim (R_in_comap PA a' a aR).
+rewrite transport_apD10.
+rewrite apD10_path_forall_cancel/=.
+rewrite <- (R_in_mapK (PB _ _ _)).
+by elim: (R_in_map _ _ _ _).
+Definition uparam_forall `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : A <=> A')
+ {B : A -> Type} {B' : A' -> Type}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> B a <=> B' a') :
+ (forall a : A, B a) <=> (forall a' : A', B' a').
+unshelve econstructor.
+- exact: (R_forall PA PB).
+- exact: (uparam_forall_umap PA PB).
+- apply (eq_umap (fun _ _ => equiv_flip _)).
+ exact: (uparam_forall_umap PA^-1 (fun a' a r => (PB a a' r)^-1)).
+Fact map_uparam_forall `{Funext} A A' (PA : A <=> A')
+ B B' (PB : forall a a', PA a a' -> B a <=> B' a') :
+ map (uparam_forall PA PB) =
+ fun f a' => map (PB _ _ (comap_in_R _ _ _ 1)) (f (comap PA a')).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Fact comap_uparam_forall `{Funext} A A' (PA : A <=> A')
+ B B' (PB : forall a a', PA a a' -> B a <=> B' a') :
+ comap (uparam_forall PA PB) =
+ fun f a => comap (PB _ _ (map_in_R PA _ _ 1)) (f (map PA a)).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Definition R_arrow {A A' : Type} (PA : Param00.Rel A A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : Param00.Rel B B') :
+ (A -> B) -> (A' -> B') -> Type :=
+ fun f f' => forall a a', PA a a' -> PB (f a) (f' a').
+Definition uparam_arrow_map1 {A A' : Type} (PA : Param01.Rel A A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : Param10.Rel B B') :
+ Map1.Has (R_arrow PA PB).
+Proof. exists; exact (fun f a' => map PB (f (comap PA a'))). Defined.
+Definition uparam_arrow_map2 {A A' : Type} (PA : Param03.Rel A A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : Param20.Rel B B') :
+ Map2.Has (R_arrow PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_arrow_map1 PA PB)).
+move=> f f' /= e a a' aR; apply (map_in_R PB).
+apply (transport (fun t => _ = t a') e) => /=.
+by apply (transport (fun t => _ = map _ (f t)) (R_in_comap PA _ _ aR)^).
+Definition uparam_arrow_map3 `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : Param03.Rel A A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : Param30.Rel B B') :
+ Map3.Has (R_arrow PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_arrow_map1 PA PB)).
+- exact: (Map2.map_in_R _ (uparam_arrow_map2 PA PB)).
+- move=> f f' /= fR; apply path_arrow => a'.
+ by apply (R_in_map PB); apply fR; apply (comap_in_R PA).
+Definition uparam_arrow_umap `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : Param04.Rel A A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : Param40.Rel B B') :
+ IsUMap (R_arrow PA PB).
+exists (Map1.map _ (uparam_arrow_map1 PA PB))
+ (Map2.map_in_R _ (uparam_arrow_map2 PA PB))
+ (Map3.R_in_map _ (uparam_arrow_map3 PA PB)).
+move=> f f' fR /=.
+apply path_forall => a.
+apply path_forall => a'.
+apply path_arrow => aR /=.
+rewrite -[in X in _ = X](R_in_comapK PA a' a aR).
+elim (R_in_comap PA a' a aR).
+rewrite transport_apD10 /=.
+rewrite apD10_path_forall_cancel/=.
+rewrite <- (R_in_mapK PB).
+by elim: (R_in_map _ _ _ _).
+Definition uparam_arrow `{Funext} {A A' : Type} (PA : A <=> A')
+ {B B' : Type} (PB : B <=> B') :
+ (A -> B) <=> (A' -> B').
+unshelve econstructor.
+- exact: (R_arrow PA PB).
+- exact: (uparam_arrow_umap PA PB).
+- apply (eq_umap (fun _ _ => equiv_flip _)).
+ exact: (uparam_arrow_umap PA^-1 PB^-1).
+Fact map_uparam_arrow `{Funext} A A' (PA : A <=> A') B B' (PB : B <=> B') :
+ map (uparam_arrow PA PB) = fun f a' => map PB (f (comap PA a')).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Fact comap_uparam_arrow `{Funext} A A' (PA : A <=> A') B B' (PB : B <=> B') :
+ comap (uparam_arrow PA PB) = fun f a => comap PB (f (map PA a)).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/Param_Type.v b/theories/Param_Type.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465ccdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param_Type.v
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy Database.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Local Open Scope param_scope.
+(* generate MapM_TypeNP@{i} :
+ MapM.Has Type@{i} Type@{i} ParamNP.Rel@{i},
+ for all N P, for M = map2a and below (above, NP is always 44)
+ + symmetry MapM_Type_symNP *)
+Elpi Command genmaptype.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-fields
+ i:map-class, i:term, i:param-class, i:univ,
+ i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable, o:list term.
+ generate-fields map0 R _ _ _ _ [R].
+ generate-fields map1 R _ U _ _ [R, Map] :-
+ Map = (fun `T` (sort (typ U)) t\ t).
+ generate-fields map2a R RClass U L L1 [R, Map, MapInR] :-
+ Type = sort (typ U),
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.univ-instance UI1 [L1],
+ coq.univ-instance UI11 [L1, L1],
+ Map = (fun `T` Type t\ t),
+ (pi a\ coq.mk-app R [a] (RF a)),
+ coq.locate "paths" Paths,
+ coq.locate "transport" Transport,
+ coq.locate {calc ("id_Param" ^ {param-class->string RClass})} IdParam,
+ MapInR =
+ (fun `A` Type a\ fun `B` Type b\
+ fun `e` (app [pglobal Paths UI1, Type, a, b]) e\
+ app [pglobal Transport UI11, Type, RF a, a, b,
+ e, app [pglobal IdParam UI, a]]).
+ pred generate-map-type
+ i:map-class, i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-map-type M RClass U L L1 :-
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ {param-class->string RClass} ^ ".Rel")} R,
+ Type = sort (typ U),
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.univ-instance UI1 [L1],
+ generate-fields M (pglobal R UI) RClass U L L1 Fields,
+ coq.locate "sym_rel" SymRel,
+ generate-fields
+ M (app [pglobal SymRel UI1, Type, Type, pglobal R UI])
+ RClass U L L1 FieldsSym,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ {map-class->string M} ^ ".BuildHas")} BuildHas,
+ Decl = app [pglobal BuildHas UI1, Type, Type | Fields],
+ DeclSym = app [pglobal BuildHas UI1, Type, Type | FieldsSym],
+ MapType is
+ "Map" ^ {map-class->string M} ^ "_Type" ^ {param-class->string RClass},
+ MapTypeSym is
+ "Map" ^ {map-class->string M} ^ "_Type_sym" ^
+ {param-class->string RClass},
+ % these typechecks are very important: they add L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ coq.typecheck DeclSym _ ok,
+ @udecl! [L, L1] ff [lt L L1] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const MapType Decl _ @transparent! _,
+ @udecl! [L, L1] ff [lt L L1] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const MapTypeSym DeclSym _ @transparent! _.
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ coq.univ.super U U1,
+ % cannot have only one binder in the declaration because this line creates a fresh level:
+ coq.univ.variable U1 L1,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall [map0, map1, map2a] (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ std.forall Classes (p\
+ generate-map-type m (pc n p) U L L1
+ )
+ )
+ ).
+(* Check Map0_Type01.
+Check Map1_Type_sym32b.
+Check Map2a_Type44. *)
+(* now R is always Param44.Rel *)
+Definition Map2b_Type44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map2b.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} Param44.Rel@{i}.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv. apply: path_universe_uncurried.
+Definition Map2b_Type_sym44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map2b.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} (sym_rel@{j} Param44.Rel@{i}).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv /path_universe_uncurried /inverse. exact.
+Definition Map3_Type44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map3.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} Param44.Rel@{i}.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e # id_Param44 A).
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv. apply: path_universe_uncurried.
+Definition Map3_Type_sym44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map3.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} (sym_rel@{j} Param44.Rel@{i}).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e # id_Param44 A).
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv /path_universe_uncurried /inverse. exact.
+Definition Map4_Type44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map4.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} Param44.Rel@{i}.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e # id_Param44 A).
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv. apply: path_universe_uncurried.
+ - move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+ by rewrite uparam_equiv_id /= [path_universe_uncurried _] path_universe_1.
+Definition Map4_Type_sym44@{i j | i < j} `{Univalence} :
+ @Map4.Has@{j} Type@{i} Type@{i} (sym_rel@{j} Param44.Rel@{i}).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact idmap.
+ - exact (fun A B e => e # id_Param44 A).
+ - move=> A B /uparam_equiv /path_universe_uncurried /inverse. exact.
+ - move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+ by rewrite uparam_equiv_id /= [path_universe_uncurried _] path_universe_1.
+(* generate ParamMN_TypePQ@{i} :
+ ParamMN.Rel Type@{i} Type@{i},
+ for all M N, having ParamPQ.Rel as the R field
+ (for M or N in [2b, 3, 4] PQ is always 44) *)
+Elpi Command genparamtype.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-param-type
+ i:param-class, i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable.
+ generate-param-type (pc M N as Class) RClass U L L1 :-
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.univ-instance UI1 [L1],
+ coq.univ-instance UI2 [L, L1],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".BuildRel")} BuildRel,
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("Map" ^ MStr ^ "_Type" ^ {param-class->string RClass})} MapType,
+ coq.locate
+ {calc ("Map" ^ NStr ^ "_Type_sym" ^ {param-class->string RClass})}
+ MapTypeSym,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ {param-class->string RClass} ^ ".Rel")} R,
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] M) (
+ UnivalentDecl = true,
+ MapTypeF = (u\ app [pglobal MapType UI2, u]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N)
+ (MapTypeSymF = (u\ app [pglobal MapTypeSym UI2, u]))
+ (MapTypeSymF = (_\ pglobal MapTypeSym UI2))
+ ) (
+ MapTypeF = (_\ pglobal MapType UI2),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N) (
+ MapTypeSymF = (u\ app [pglobal MapTypeSym UI2, u]),
+ UnivalentDecl = true
+ ) (
+ MapTypeSymF = (_\ pglobal MapTypeSym UI2),
+ UnivalentDecl = false
+ )
+ ),
+ % in the univalent case, add the axiom in the binder
+ if (UnivalentDecl) (
+ coq.locate "Univalence" Univalence,
+ Decl =
+ (fun `H` (global Univalence) u\
+ app [pglobal BuildRel UI1, sort (typ U), sort (typ U), pglobal R UI,
+ MapTypeF u, MapTypeSymF u])
+ ) (
+ Dummy = (fun `x` (sort (typ U)) x\ x),
+ Decl =
+ app [pglobal BuildRel UI1, sort (typ U), sort (typ U), pglobal R UI,
+ MapTypeF Dummy, MapTypeSymF Dummy]
+ ),
+ ParamType is "Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_Type" ^ {param-class->string RClass},
+ % this typecheck is very important: it adds L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ @udecl! [L, L1] ff [lt L L1] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const ParamType Decl _ @transparent! Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ _ (param.db.param-type Class RClass Const)).
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ coq.univ.super U U1,
+ % cannot have only one binder in the declaration because this line creates a fresh level:
+ coq.univ.variable U1 L1,
+ AllClasses = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ Classes__ = [map0, map1, map2a],
+ Classes44 = [map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes__ (m\
+ std.forall Classes__ (n\
+ std.forall AllClasses (p\
+ std.forall AllClasses (q\
+ generate-param-type (pc m n) (pc p q) U L L1
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ std.forall Classes44 (n\
+ generate-param-type (pc m n) (pc map4 map4) U L L1
+ )
+ ),
+ std.forall Classes44 (m\
+ std.forall AllClasses (n\
+ generate-param-type (pc m n) (pc map4 map4) U L L1
+ )
+ ).
+(* Set Printing Universes. About Param00_Type40.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param12a_Type31.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param30_Type44.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param44_Type44. *)
diff --git a/theories/Param_arrow.v b/theories/Param_arrow.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620ab44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param_arrow.v
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy Database.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Local Open Scope param_scope.
+Elpi Command genparamarrow.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+(* relation for arrow *)
+Definition R_arrow@{i j}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param00.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param00.Rel@{j} B B') :=
+ fun f f' => forall a a', PA a a' -> PB (f a) (f' a').
+(* MapN for arrow *)
+(* (00, 00) -> 00 *)
+Definition Map0_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param00.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param00.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map0.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+Proof. exists. Defined.
+(* (01, 10) -> 10 *)
+Definition Map1_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param01.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param10.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map1.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+ exists; exact (fun f a' => map PB (f (comap PA a'))).
+(* (02b, 2a0) -> 2a0 *)
+Definition Map2a_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param02b.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param2a0.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map2a.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_arrow PA PB)).
+ move=> f f' /= e a a' aR; apply (map_in_R PB).
+ apply (transport (fun t => _ = t a') e) => /=.
+ by apply (transport (fun t => _ = map _ (f t)) (R_in_comap PA _ _ aR)^).
+(* (02a, 2b0) + funext -> 2b0 *)
+Definition Map2b_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param02a.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param2b0.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map2b.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_arrow PA PB)).
+ move=> f f' /= fR; apply path_forall => a'.
+ by apply (R_in_map PB); apply fR; apply (comap_in_R PA).
+(* (03, 30) + funext -> 30 *)
+Definition Map3_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param03.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param30.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map3.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_arrow PA PB)).
+ - exact: (Map2a.map_in_R _ (Map2a_arrow PA PB)).
+ - move=> f f' /= fR; apply path_arrow => a'.
+ by apply (R_in_map PB); apply fR; apply (comap_in_R PA).
+(* (04, 40) + funext -> 40 *)
+Definition Map4_arrow@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param04.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B B' : Type@{j}} (PB : Param40.Rel@{j} B B') :
+ Map4.Has@{k} (R_arrow PA PB).
+ exists
+ (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_arrow PA PB))
+ (Map2a.map_in_R _ (Map2a_arrow PA PB))
+ (Map2b.R_in_map _ (Map2b_arrow PA PB)).
+ move=> f f' fR /=.
+ apply path_forall@{i k k} => a.
+ apply path_forall@{i k k} => a'.
+ apply path_arrow@{i k k} => aR /=.
+ rewrite -[in X in _ = X](R_in_comapK PA a' a aR).
+ elim (R_in_comap PA a' a aR).
+ rewrite transport_apD10 /=.
+ rewrite apD10_path_forall_cancel/=.
+ rewrite <- (R_in_mapK PB).
+ by elim: (R_in_map _ _ _ _).
+(* Param_arrowMN : forall A A' AR B B' BR, ParamMN.Rel (A -> B) (A' -> B') *)
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-param-arrow
+ i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ, i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable,
+ i:univ.variable.
+ generate-param-arrow (pc M N as Class) Ui Uj Li Lj Lk :-
+ % we need to generate Map in both ways, so we must add the dependencies
+ % from both sides to get the final classes we shall ask for A and B
+ map-class.dep-arrow M ClassAM ClassBM,
+ map-class.dep-arrow N NegClassAN NegClassBN,
+ param-class.negate NegClassAN ClassAN,
+ param-class.negate NegClassBN ClassBN,
+ param-class.union ClassAM ClassAN ClassA,
+ ClassA = pc MA NA,
+ param-class.union ClassBM ClassBN ClassB,
+ ClassB = pc MB NB,
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ map-class->string MA MAStr,
+ map-class->string MB MBStr,
+ map-class->string NA NAStr,
+ map-class->string NB NBStr,
+ coq.univ-instance UIi [Li],
+ coq.univ-instance UIj [Lj],
+ coq.univ-instance UIk [Lk],
+ coq.univ-instance UIij [Li, Lj],
+ coq.univ-instance UIik [Li, Lk],
+ coq.univ-instance UIijk [Li, Lj, Lk],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ ".Rel")} RelA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ ".R")} RA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ ".Rel")} RelB,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ ".R")} RB,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".BuildRel")} BuildRel,
+ coq.locate "R_arrow" RArrow,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ MStr ^ "_arrow")} MapM,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ NStr ^ "_arrow")} MapN,
+ coq.locate {calc ("eq_Map" ^ NStr)} EqMapN,
+ coq.locate "equiv_flip" EquivFlip,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ "_sym")} ParamSymA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ "_sym")} ParamSymB,
+ % build functions doing several weakenings at once
+ param-class.forget ClassA (pc map0 map0) ForgetA0F,
+ param-class.forget ClassB (pc map0 map0) ForgetB0F,
+ param-class.forget ClassA ClassAM ForgetADepMF,
+ param-class.forget ClassB ClassBM ForgetBDepMF,
+ param-class.forget {param-class.negate ClassA} NegClassAN ForgetADepNF,
+ param-class.forget {param-class.negate ClassB} NegClassBN ForgetBDepNF,
+ % we cut the proof into multiple parts for readability
+ RArrowF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal RArrow UIij,
+ a, a', ForgetA0F UIi a a' aR, b, b', ForgetB0F UIj b b' bR]
+ ),
+ EqMapR1F = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `_` a' _\ b') f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `_` a _\ b) f\
+ prod `a` a x\ prod `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `_` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) _\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, b, b', bR, app [f, x], app [f', x']]
+ ),
+ EqMapR2F = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `_` a' _\ b') f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `_` a _\ b) f\
+ prod `a'` a' x'\ prod `a` a x\
+ prod `_` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) _\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, b, b', bR, app [f, x], app [f', x']]
+ ),
+ EqMapR1R2EquivF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `_` a' _\ b') f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `_` a _\ b) f\
+ app [pglobal EquivFlip UIik, a, a',
+ (fun `a` a x\ fun `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, b, b', bR, app [f, x], app [f', x']])]
+ ),
+ % there is one call to MapM_arrow and one on MapN_arrow on the symmetric
+ % relation; both can need funext depending on M and N
+ MapMArgsF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\ [
+ a, a', ForgetADepMF UIi a a' aR, b, b', ForgetBDepMF UIj b b' bR
+ ]),
+ MapNArgsF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\ [
+ a', a, ForgetADepNF UIi a' a (app [pglobal ParamSymA UIi, a, a', aR]),
+ b', b, ForgetBDepNF UIj b' b (app [pglobal ParamSymB UIj, b, b', bR])
+ ]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] M) (
+ FunextDecl = true,
+ MapMF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapM UIijk, funext | MapMArgsF a a' aR b b' bR]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N) (
+ MapNF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk, funext | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ ) (
+ MapNF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ )
+ ) (
+ MapMF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapM UIijk | MapMArgsF a a' aR b b' bR]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N) (
+ FunextDecl = true,
+ MapNF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk, funext | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ ) (
+ FunextDecl = false,
+ MapNF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ )
+ ),
+ % ParamMN_arrow proof
+ DeclF = (funext\
+ fun `A` (sort (typ Ui)) a\
+ fun `A'` (sort (typ Ui)) a'\
+ fun `AR` (app [pglobal RelA UIi, a, a']) aR\
+ fun `B` (sort (typ Uj)) b\
+ fun `B'` (sort (typ Uj)) b'\
+ fun `BR` (app [pglobal RelB UIj, b, b']) bR\
+ app [pglobal BuildRel UIk,
+ (prod `_` a _\ b),
+ (prod `_` a' _\ b'),
+ RArrowF a a' aR b b' bR,
+ MapMF funext a a' aR b b' bR,
+ app [pglobal EqMapN UIk,
+ (prod `_` a' _\ b'),
+ (prod `_` a _\ b),
+ EqMapR1F a a' aR b b' bR,
+ EqMapR2F a a' aR b b' bR,
+ EqMapR1R2EquivF a a' aR b b' bR,
+ MapNF funext a a' aR b b' bR]]
+ ),
+ % add an additional binder for funext in case it is needed
+ if (FunextDecl) (
+ coq.locate "Funext" Funext,
+ Decl = (fun `H` (global Funext) funext\ DeclF funext)
+ ) (
+ Dummy = (fun `x` (sort (typ Ui)) x\ x),
+ Decl = DeclF Dummy
+ ),
+ ParamArrow is "Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_arrow",
+ % this typecheck is very important: it adds L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ @udecl! [Li, Lj, Lk] ff [le Li Lk, le Lj Lk] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const ParamArrow Decl _ @transparent! Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ (after "default-param-arrow")
+ (param.db.param-arrow Class Const)).
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new Ui,
+ coq.univ.variable Ui Li,
+ coq.univ.new Uj,
+ coq.univ.variable Uj Lj,
+ coq.univ.max Ui Uj Uk,
+ % cannot have only 2 binders in the declaration because this line creates a fresh level:
+ coq.univ.variable Uk Lk,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ generate-param-arrow (pc m n) Ui Uj Li Lj Lk
+ )
+ ).
+(* Set Printing Universes. About Param2a1_arrow.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param2b1_arrow.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param33_arrow. *)
diff --git a/theories/Param_forall.v b/theories/Param_forall.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7092bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param_forall.v
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From elpi Require Import elpi.
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy Database.
+From Trocq.Elpi Extra Dependency "param-class.elpi" as param_class.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Local Open Scope param_scope.
+Elpi Command genparamforall.
+Elpi Accumulate Db param.db.
+Elpi Accumulate File param_class.
+(* relation for forall *)
+Definition R_forall@{i j}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param00.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param00.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :=
+ fun f f' => forall a a' aR, (PB a a' aR) (f a) (f' a').
+(* we can also declare everything from Coq-Elpi if we do not trust inference *)
+(* Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new U,
+ coq.univ.variable U L,
+ coq.univ-instance UI [L],
+ coq.univ.new U',
+ coq.univ.variable U' L',
+ coq.univ-instance UI' [L'],
+ coq.locate "Param00.Rel" Rel00,
+ coq.locate "Param00.R" R00,
+ Decl = (
+ fun `A` (sort (typ U)) a\
+ fun `A'` (sort (typ U)) a'\
+ fun `PA` (app [pglobal Rel00 UI, a, a']) pa\
+ fun `B` (prod `_` a _\ sort (typ U')) b\
+ fun `B'` (prod `_` a' _\ sort (typ U')) b'\
+ fun `PB` (prod `a` a x\ prod `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `_` (app [pglobal R00 UI, a, a', pa, x, x']) _\
+ app [pglobal Rel00 UI', app [b, x], app [b', x']]) pb\
+ fun `f` (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]) f\
+ fun `f'` (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']) f'\
+ prod `a` a t\
+ prod `a'` a' t'\
+ prod `aR` (app [pglobal R00 UI, a, a', pa, t, t']) tR\
+ app [pglobal R00 UI', app [b, t], app [b', t'], app [pb, t, t', tR],
+ app [f, t], app [f', t']]
+ ),
+ @udecl! [L, L'] ff [] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const "R_forall" Decl _ @transparent! _.
+}}. *)
+(* MapN for forall *)
+(* (00, 00) -> 00 *)
+Definition Map0_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param00.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param00.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map0.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+(* (02a, 10) -> 1 *)
+Definition Map1_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param02a.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param10.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map1.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+ constructor.
+ exact (fun f a' => map (PB _ _ (comap_in_R _ _ _ 1)) (f (comap PA a'))).
+(* (04, 2a0) -> 2a0 *)
+Definition Map2a_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param04.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param2a0.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map2a.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_forall PA PB)).
+ move=> f f' e a a' aR; apply (map_in_R (PB _ _ _)).
+ apply (transport (fun t => _ = t a') e) => /=.
+ by elim/(comap_ind a a' aR): _.
+(* (02a, 2b0) + funext -> 2b0 *)
+Definition Map2b_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param02a.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param2b0.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map2b.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_forall PA PB)).
+ - move=> f f' fR; apply path_forall => a'.
+ apply (R_in_map (PB _ _ _)); exact: fR.
+(* (04, 30) + funext -> 30 *)
+Definition Map3_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param04.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param30.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map3.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+ exists (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_forall PA PB)).
+ - exact: (Map2a.map_in_R _ (Map2a_forall PA PB)).
+ - move=> f f' fR; apply path_forall => a'.
+ apply (R_in_map (PB _ _ _)); exact: fR.
+(* (04, 40) + funext -> 40 *)
+Definition Map4_forall@{i j k | i <= k, j <= k} `{Funext}
+ {A A' : Type@{i}} (PA : Param04.Rel@{i} A A')
+ {B : A -> Type@{j}} {B' : A' -> Type@{j}}
+ (PB : forall (a : A) (a' : A'), PA a a' -> Param40.Rel@{j} (B a) (B' a')) :
+ Map4.Has@{k} (R_forall@{i j} PA PB).
+ exists
+ (Map1.map@{k} _ (Map1_forall PA PB))
+ (Map3.map_in_R _ (Map3_forall PA PB))
+ (Map3.R_in_map _ (Map3_forall PA PB)).
+ move=> f f' fR /=.
+ apply path_forall@{i k k} => a.
+ apply path_forall@{i k k} => a'.
+ apply path_forall => aR.
+ unfold comap_ind.
+ elim (R_in_comapK PA a' a aR).
+ elim (R_in_comap PA a' a aR).
+ rewrite transport_apD10.
+ rewrite apD10_path_forall_cancel/=.
+ rewrite <- (R_in_mapK (PB _ _ _)).
+ by elim: (R_in_map _ _ _ _).
+(* Param_forallMN : forall A A' AR B B' BR,
+ ParamMN.Rel (forall a, B a) (forall a', B' a') *)
+Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
+ pred generate-param-forall
+ i:param-class, i:univ, i:univ, i:univ.variable, i:univ.variable,
+ i:univ.variable.
+ generate-param-forall (pc M N as Class) Ui Uj Li Lj Lk :-
+ % we need to generate Map in both ways, so we must add the dependencies
+ % from both sides to get the final classes we shall ask for A and B
+ map-class.dep-pi M ClassAM ClassBM,
+ map-class.dep-pi N NegClassAN NegClassBN,
+ param-class.negate NegClassAN ClassAN,
+ param-class.negate NegClassBN ClassBN,
+ param-class.union ClassAM ClassAN ClassA,
+ ClassA = pc MA NA,
+ param-class.union ClassBM ClassBN ClassB,
+ ClassB = pc MB NB,
+ map-class->string M MStr,
+ map-class->string N NStr,
+ map-class->string MA MAStr,
+ map-class->string MB MBStr,
+ map-class->string NA NAStr,
+ map-class->string NB NBStr,
+ coq.univ-instance UIi [Li],
+ coq.univ-instance UIj [Lj],
+ coq.univ-instance UIk [Lk],
+ coq.univ-instance UIij [Li, Lj],
+ coq.univ-instance UIik [Li, Lk],
+ coq.univ-instance UIijk [Li, Lj, Lk],
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ ".Rel")} RelA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ ".R")} RA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ ".Rel")} RelB,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ ".R")} RB,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ ".BuildRel")} BuildRel,
+ coq.locate "R_forall" RForall,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ MStr ^ "_forall")} MapM,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Map" ^ NStr ^ "_forall")} MapN,
+ coq.locate {calc ("eq_Map" ^ NStr)} EqMapN,
+ coq.locate "equiv_flip" EquivFlip,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MAStr ^ NAStr ^ "_sym")} ParamSymA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ NAStr ^ MAStr ^ ".R")} RSymA,
+ coq.locate {calc ("Param" ^ MBStr ^ NBStr ^ "_sym")} ParamSymB,
+ % build functions doing several weakenings at once
+ param-class.forget ClassA (pc map0 map0) ForgetA0F,
+ param-class.forget ClassB (pc map0 map0) ForgetB0F,
+ param-class.forget ClassA ClassAM ForgetADepMF,
+ param-class.forget ClassB ClassBM ForgetBDepMF,
+ param-class.forget {param-class.negate ClassA} NegClassAN ForgetADepNF,
+ param-class.forget {param-class.negate ClassB} NegClassBN ForgetBDepNF,
+ % we cut the proof into multiple parts for readability
+ RForallF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal RForall UIij,
+ a, a', ForgetA0F UIi a a' aR, b, b',
+ fun `a` a x\ fun `a'` a' x'\
+ fun `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ ForgetB0F UIj (app [b, x]) (app [b', x']) (app [bR, x, x', xR])]
+ ),
+ EqMapR1F = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']) f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]) f\
+ prod `a` a x\ prod `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, app [b, x], app [b', x'], app [bR, x, x', xR],
+ app [f, x], app [f', x']]
+ ),
+ EqMapR2F = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']) f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]) f\
+ prod `a'` a' x'\ prod `a` a x\
+ prod `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, app [b, x], app [b', x'], app [bR, x, x', xR],
+ app [f, x], app [f', x']]
+ ),
+ EqMapR1R2EquivF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ fun `f'` (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']) f'\
+ fun `f` (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]) f\
+ app [pglobal EquivFlip UIik, a, a',
+ (fun `a` a x\ fun `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ app [pglobal RB UIj, app [b, x], app [b', x'],
+ app [bR, x, x', xR],
+ app [f, x], app [f', x']])]
+ ),
+ % there is one call to MapM_forall and one on MapN_forall on the symmetric
+ % relation; both can need funext depending on M and N
+ MapMArgsF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\ [
+ a, a', ForgetADepMF UIi a a' aR, b, b',
+ fun `a` a x\ fun `a'` a' x'\
+ fun `aR` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) xR\
+ ForgetBDepMF UIj (app [b, x]) (app [b', x']) (app [bR, x, x', xR])
+ ]),
+ MapNArgsF = (a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\ [
+ a', a, ForgetADepNF UIi a' a (app [pglobal ParamSymA UIi, a, a', aR]),
+ b', b,
+ (fun `a'` a' x'\ fun `a` a x\
+ fun `aR` (app [pglobal RSymA UIi, a', a,
+ app [pglobal ParamSymA UIi, a, a', aR], x', x]) xR\
+ ForgetBDepNF UIj (app [b', x']) (app [b, x])
+ (app [pglobal ParamSymB UIj, app [b, x], app [b', x'],
+ app [bR, x, x', xR]]))
+ ]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] M) (
+ FunextDecl = true,
+ MapMF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapM UIijk, funext | MapMArgsF a a' aR b b' bR]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N) (
+ MapNF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk, funext | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ ) (
+ MapNF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ )
+ ) (
+ MapMF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapM UIijk | MapMArgsF a a' aR b b' bR]),
+ if (std.mem! [map2b, map3, map4] N) (
+ FunextDecl = true,
+ MapNF = (funext\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk, funext | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ ) (
+ FunextDecl = false,
+ MapNF = (_\ a\ a'\ aR\ b\ b'\ bR\
+ app [pglobal MapN UIijk | MapNArgsF a a' aR b b' bR])
+ )
+ ),
+ % ParamMN_forall proof
+ DeclF = (funext\
+ fun `A` (sort (typ Ui)) a\
+ fun `A'` (sort (typ Ui)) a'\
+ fun `AR` (app [pglobal RelA UIi, a, a']) aR\
+ fun `B` (prod `_` a _\ sort (typ Uj)) b\
+ fun `B'` (prod `_` a' _\ sort (typ Uj)) b'\
+ fun `BR`
+ (prod `a` a x\ prod `a'` a' x'\
+ prod `_` (app [pglobal RA UIi, a, a', aR, x, x']) _\
+ app [pglobal RelB UIj, app [b, x], app [b', x']]) bR\
+ app [pglobal BuildRel UIk,
+ (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]),
+ (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']),
+ RForallF a a' aR b b' bR,
+ MapMF funext a a' aR b b' bR,
+ app [pglobal EqMapN UIk,
+ (prod `a'` a' x'\ app [b', x']),
+ (prod `a` a x\ app [b, x]),
+ EqMapR1F a a' aR b b' bR,
+ EqMapR2F a a' aR b b' bR,
+ EqMapR1R2EquivF a a' aR b b' bR,
+ MapNF funext a a' aR b b' bR]]
+ ),
+ % add an additional binder for funext in case it is needed
+ if (FunextDecl) (
+ coq.locate "Funext" Funext,
+ Decl = (fun `H` (global Funext) funext\ DeclF funext)
+ ) (
+ Dummy = (fun `x` (sort (typ Ui)) x\ x),
+ Decl = DeclF Dummy
+ ),
+ ParamForall is "Param" ^ MStr ^ NStr ^ "_forall",
+ % this typecheck is very important: it adds L < L1 to the constraint graph
+ coq.typecheck Decl _ ok,
+ @udecl! [Li, Lj, Lk] ff [le Li Lk, le Lj Lk] ff =>
+ coq.env.add-const ParamForall Decl _ @transparent! Const,
+ coq.elpi.accumulate _ "param.db" (clause _ (after "default-param-forall")
+ (param.db.param-forall Class Const)).
+Elpi Typecheck.
+Elpi Query lp:{{
+ coq.univ.new Ui,
+ coq.univ.variable Ui Li,
+ coq.univ.new Uj,
+ coq.univ.variable Uj Lj,
+ coq.univ.max Ui Uj Uk,
+ % cannot have only 2 binders in the declaration because this line creates a fresh level:
+ coq.univ.variable Uk Lk,
+ Classes = [map0, map1, map2a, map2b, map3, map4],
+ std.forall Classes (m\
+ std.forall Classes (n\
+ generate-param-forall (pc m n) Ui Uj Li Lj Lk
+ )
+ ).
+(* Set Printing Universes. About Param2a1_forall.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param2b1_forall.
+Set Printing Universes. About Param33_forall. *)
diff --git a/theories/Param_option.v b/theories/Param_option.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41d2628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param_option.v
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Inductive option (A : Type) : Type :=
+ | none
+ | some : A -> option A.
+Inductive optionR A A' (AR : A -> A' -> Type) : option A -> option A' -> Type :=
+ | noneR : optionR none none
+ | someR a a' (aR : AR a a') : optionR (some a) (some a').
+(* *)
+Definition prod_map
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param10.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param10.Rel B B') :
+ A * B -> A' * B' :=
+ fun p =>
+ match p with
+ | (a, b) => (map AR a, map BR b)
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition pair_inj1 A B (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
+ (a1, b1) = (a2, b2) -> a1 = a2 :=
+ fun e =>
+ match e in @paths _ _ (a, b) return _ = a with
+ | @idpath _ _ => @idpath _ a1
+ end.
+Definition pair_inj2 A B (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
+ (a1, b1) = (a2, b2) -> b1 = b2 :=
+ fun e =>
+ match e in @paths _ _ (a, b) return _ = b with
+ | @idpath _ _ => @idpath _ b1
+ end.
+Definition prod_map_in_R
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param2a0.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param2a0.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p', prod_map A A' AR B B' BR p = p' -> prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p' :=
+ fun p p' =>
+ match p with
+ | (a, b) =>
+ match p' with
+ | (a', b') =>
+ fun e =>
+ pairR A A' AR B B' BR
+ a a' (map_in_R AR a a' (pair_inj1 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b' e))
+ b b' (map_in_R BR b b' (pair_inj2 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b' e))
+ end
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition prod_R_in_map
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param2b0.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p', prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p' -> prod_map A A' AR B B' BR p = p' :=
+ fun p p' r =>
+ match r with
+ | pairR a a' aR b b' bR =>
+ @transport _ (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) _ _ (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (@transport _ (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) _ _ (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ idpath)
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition ap2 : forall {A B C : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B} (f : A -> B -> C),
+ a = a' -> b = b' -> f a b = f a' b' :=
+ fun A B C a a' b b' f e1 e2 =>
+ match e1 with
+ | idpath =>
+ match e2 with
+ | idpath => idpath
+ end
+ end.
+Definition prod_R_in_mapK
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param40.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param40.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p' (r : prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p'),
+ prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR p p' (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR p p' r) = r.
+ intros p p' r.
+ destruct r.
+ apply (ap2 (fun x y => pairR A A' AR B B' BR a a' x b b' y)).
+ - simpl.
+ assert (H:
+ R_in_map AR a a' aR =
+ (pair_inj1 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b'
+ (transport (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (transport (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ 1%path)))
+ ). { elim (R_in_map AR a a' aR). elim (R_in_map BR b b' bR). reflexivity. }
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exact (R_in_mapK AR a a' aR).
+ - simpl.
+ assert (H:
+ R_in_map BR b b' bR =
+ (pair_inj2 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b'
+ (transport (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (transport (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ 1%path)))
+ ). { elim (R_in_map AR a a' aR). elim (R_in_map BR b b' bR). reflexivity. }
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exact (R_in_mapK BR b b' bR).
+Definition Map0_prod A A' (AR : Param00.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param00.Rel B B') :
+ Map0.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+Definition Map1_prod A A' (AR : Param10.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param10.Rel B B') :
+ Map1.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+Proof. constructor. exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR). Defined.
+Definition Map2a_prod A A' (AR : Param2a0.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param2a0.Rel B B') :
+ Map2a.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map2b_prod A A' (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param2b0.Rel B B') :
+ Map2b.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map3_prod A A' (AR : Param30.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param30.Rel B B') :
+ Map3.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map4_prod A A' (AR : Param40.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param40.Rel B B') :
+ Map4.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_mapK A A' AR B B' BR).
diff --git a/theories/Param_paths.v b/theories/Param_paths.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387cd1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Param_paths.v
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions Hierarchy.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Inductive pathsR@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : A -> A' -> Type@{i}) (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x') :
+ forall (y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y'), x = y -> x' = y' -> Type@{i} :=
+ | idpathR : pathsR A A' AR x x' xR x x' xR idpath idpath.
+Definition paths_map@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A')
+ (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')
+ (y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ x = y -> x' = y' :=
+ fun e => (R_in_map AR x x' xR)^ @ ap (map AR) e @ (R_in_map AR y y' yR).
+Definition paths_map_in_R@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param40.Rel A A')
+ (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')
+ (y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ forall (e : x = y) (e' : x' = y'),
+ paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e = e' -> pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e e'.
+ intros e e'.
+ destruct e.
+ destruct e'.
+ exact (fun H =>
+ transport (fun t => pathsR A A' AR x x' xR x x' t 1%path 1%path)
+ ((R_in_mapK AR x x' xR)^ @
+ ap (map_in_R AR x x')
+ ((inv_V (R_in_map AR x x' xR))^ @
+ inverse2
+ ((concat_p1 (R_in_map AR x x' xR)^)^ @
+ (moveL_1V ((R_in_map AR x x' xR)^ @ 1) (R_in_map AR x x' yR) H))
+ @ (inv_V (R_in_map AR x x' yR)))
+ @ (R_in_mapK AR x x' yR))
+ (idpathR A A' AR x x' xR)).
+Definition paths_R_in_map@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A')
+ (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')
+ (y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ forall (e : x = y) (e' : x' = y'),
+ pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e e' -> paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e = e'.
+ intros e e' r.
+ destruct r.
+ unfold paths_map.
+ simpl.
+ apply moveR_pM.
+ unshelve refine (concat _ _).
+ - exact (R_in_map AR x x' xR)^.
+ - apply concat_p1.
+ - apply inverse. apply concat_1p.
+Definition paths_R_in_mapK@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param40.Rel A A')
+ (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')
+ (y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ forall (e : x = y) (e' : x' = y'),
+ (paths_map_in_R A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e e')
+ o (paths_R_in_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR e e') == idmap.
+ intros e e' r.
+ destruct r.
+ simpl.
+ elim (R_in_mapK AR x x' xR).
+ simpl.
+ elim (R_in_map AR x x' xR).
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition Map0_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param00.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map0.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+Definition Map1_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map1.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Proof. constructor. exact (paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR). Defined.
+Definition Map2a_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param40.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map2a.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_map_in_R A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Definition Map2b_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map2b.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_R_in_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Definition Map3_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param40.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map3.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_map_in_R A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_R_in_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Definition Map4_paths
+ A A' (AR : Param40.Rel A A') (x : A) (x' : A') (xR : AR x x')(y : A) (y' : A') (yR : AR y y') :
+ Map4.Has (pathsR A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (paths_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_map_in_R A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_R_in_map A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+ - exact (paths_R_in_mapK A A' AR x x' xR y y' yR).
+Definition pathsR_sym@{i} :
+ forall (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param01.Rel@{i} A A')
+ (a1 : A) (a1' : A') (a1R : AR a1 a1') (a2 : A) (a2' : A') (a2R : AR a2 a2')
+ (e' : a1' = a2') (e : a1 = a2),
+ sym_rel (pathsR A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R) e' e <~>
+ pathsR A' A (sym_rel AR) a1' a1 a1R a2' a2 a2R e' e.
+ intros A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R e' e.
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - intros []; apply idpathR.
+ - unshelve econstructor.
+ + intros []; apply idpathR.
+ + intros []; reflexivity.
+ + intros []; reflexivity.
+ + intros []; reflexivity.
+Definition Param01_paths@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param02b.Rel@{i} A A')
+ (a1 : A) (a1' : A') (a1R : AR a1 a1') (a2 : A) (a2' : A') (a2R : AR a2 a2') :
+ Param01.Rel@{i} (a1 = a2) (a1' = a2').
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (pathsR A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R).
+ - exact (Map0_paths A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R).
+ - apply (@eq_Map1 _ _ _ _ (pathsR_sym A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R)).
+ exact (Map1_paths A' A (Param02b_sym A A' AR) a1' a1 a1R a2' a2 a2R).
+Definition Param10_paths@{i}
+ (A A' : Type@{i}) (AR : Param2b0.Rel@{i} A A')
+ (a1 : A) (a1' : A') (a1R : AR a1 a1') (a2 : A) (a2' : A') (a2R : AR a2 a2') :
+ Param10.Rel@{i} (a1 = a2) (a1' = a2').
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (pathsR A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R).
+ - exact (Map1_paths A A' AR a1 a1' a1R a2 a2' a2R).
+ - constructor.
+(* todo generator *)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17f03ac
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+++ b/theories/Param_prod.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import Hierarchy.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+Inductive prodR
+ A A' (AR : A -> A' -> Type) B B' (BR : B -> B' -> Type) : A * B -> A' * B' -> Type :=
+ | pairR a a' (aR : AR a a') b b' (bR : BR b b') : prodR A A' AR B B' BR (a, b) (a', b').
+(* *)
+Definition prod_map
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param10.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param10.Rel B B') :
+ A * B -> A' * B' :=
+ fun p =>
+ match p with
+ | (a, b) => (map AR a, map BR b)
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition pair_inj1 A B (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
+ (a1, b1) = (a2, b2) -> a1 = a2 :=
+ fun e =>
+ match e in @paths _ _ (a, b) return _ = a with
+ | @idpath _ _ => @idpath _ a1
+ end.
+Definition pair_inj2 A B (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) :
+ (a1, b1) = (a2, b2) -> b1 = b2 :=
+ fun e =>
+ match e in @paths _ _ (a, b) return _ = b with
+ | @idpath _ _ => @idpath _ b1
+ end.
+Definition prod_map_in_R
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param2a0.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param2a0.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p', prod_map A A' AR B B' BR p = p' -> prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p' :=
+ fun p p' =>
+ match p with
+ | (a, b) =>
+ match p' with
+ | (a', b') =>
+ fun e =>
+ pairR A A' AR B B' BR
+ a a' (map_in_R AR a a' (pair_inj1 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b' e))
+ b b' (map_in_R BR b b' (pair_inj2 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b' e))
+ end
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition prod_R_in_map
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param2b0.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p', prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p' -> prod_map A A' AR B B' BR p = p' :=
+ fun p p' r =>
+ match r with
+ | pairR a a' aR b b' bR =>
+ @transport _ (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) _ _ (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (@transport _ (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) _ _ (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ idpath)
+ end.
+(* *)
+Definition ap2 : forall {A B C : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B} (f : A -> B -> C),
+ a = a' -> b = b' -> f a b = f a' b' :=
+ fun A B C a a' b b' f e1 e2 =>
+ match e1 with
+ | idpath =>
+ match e2 with
+ | idpath => idpath
+ end
+ end.
+Definition prod_R_in_mapK
+ (A A' : Type) (AR : Param40.Rel A A') (B B' : Type) (BR : Param40.Rel B B') :
+ forall p p' (r : prodR A A' AR B B' BR p p'),
+ prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR p p' (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR p p' r) = r.
+ intros p p' r.
+ destruct r.
+ apply (ap2 (fun x y => pairR A A' AR B B' BR a a' x b b' y)).
+ - simpl.
+ assert (H:
+ R_in_map AR a a' aR =
+ (pair_inj1 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b'
+ (transport (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (transport (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ 1%path)))
+ ). { elim (R_in_map AR a a' aR). elim (R_in_map BR b b' bR). reflexivity. }
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exact (R_in_mapK AR a a' aR).
+ - simpl.
+ assert (H:
+ R_in_map BR b b' bR =
+ (pair_inj2 A' B' (map AR a) a' (map BR b) b'
+ (transport (fun t => (t, map BR b) = (a', b')) (R_in_map AR a a' aR)^
+ (transport (fun t => (a', t) = (a', b')) (R_in_map BR b b' bR)^ 1%path)))
+ ). { elim (R_in_map AR a a' aR). elim (R_in_map BR b b' bR). reflexivity. }
+ rewrite <- H.
+ exact (R_in_mapK BR b b' bR).
+Definition Map0_prod A A' (AR : Param00.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param00.Rel B B') :
+ Map0.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+Proof. constructor. Defined.
+Definition Map1_prod A A' (AR : Param10.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param10.Rel B B') :
+ Map1.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+Proof. constructor. exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR). Defined.
+Definition Map2a_prod A A' (AR : Param2a0.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param2a0.Rel B B') :
+ Map2a.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map2b_prod A A' (AR : Param2b0.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param2b0.Rel B B') :
+ Map2b.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map3_prod A A' (AR : Param30.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param30.Rel B B') :
+ Map3.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+Definition Map4_prod A A' (AR : Param40.Rel A A') B B' (BR : Param40.Rel B B') :
+ Map4.Has (prodR A A' AR B B' BR).
+ unshelve econstructor.
+ - exact (prod_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_map_in_R A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_map A A' AR B B' BR).
+ - exact (prod_R_in_mapK A A' AR B B' BR).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8e117
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+++ b/theories/Trocq.v
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Trocq Require Export
+ HoTT_additions Hierarchy Param_Type Param_forall Param_arrow Database Param
+ Param_paths.
diff --git a/theories/Uparam.v b/theories/Uparam.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6184fd
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+++ b/theories/Uparam.v
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+(* * Trocq *)
+(* _______ * Copyright (C) 2023 MERCE *)
+(* |__ __| * (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe) *)
+(* | |_ __ ___ ___ __ _ * Cyril Cohen *)
+(* | | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | * Enzo Crance *)
+(* | | | | (_) | (_| (_| | * Assia Mahboubi *)
+(* |_|_| \___/ \___\__, | *********************************************************************)
+(* | | * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* |_| * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
+From HoTT Require Import HoTT.
+Require Import HoTT_additions.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Unset Universe Minimization ToSet.
+(* Specific Code *)
+Record map_graph (A B : Type@{i}) (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) := MapGraph{
+ _map : A -> B;
+ _map_in_R : forall (a : A) (b : B), _map a = b -> R a b;
+ _R_in_map : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> _map a = b;
+ _R_in_mapK : forall (a : A) (b : B),
+ _map_in_R a b o _R_in_map a b == idmap}.
+Arguments map_graph {A B} _.
+Arguments MapGraph {A B} _.
+Arguments _map {A B R} _.
+Arguments _map_in_R {A B R} _.
+Arguments _R_in_map {A B R} _.
+Arguments _R_in_mapK {A B R} _.
+Structure uparam@{i} (A B : Type@{i}) := Uparam {
+ _R :> A -> B -> Type@{i};
+ _covariant : map_graph _R;
+ _contravariant : map_graph (sym_rel _R);
+Arguments Uparam {_ _}.
+Arguments _R {_ _} _.
+Arguments _covariant {_ _} _.
+Arguments _contravariant {_ _} _.
+Section Uparam.
+Context {A B : Type} (r : uparam A B).
+Definition map := _map (_covariant r).
+Definition map_in_R := _map_in_R (_covariant r).
+Definition R_in_map := _R_in_map (_covariant r).
+Definition R_in_mapK := _R_in_mapK (_covariant r).
+Definition comap := _map (_contravariant r).
+Definition comap_in_R := _map_in_R (_contravariant r).
+Definition R_in_comap := _R_in_map (_contravariant r).
+Definition R_in_comapK := _R_in_mapK (_contravariant r).
+End Uparam.
+Lemma map_graph_equiv_sigma (A B : Type@{i}) (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ map_graph R <~> { map : A -> B |
+ { mR : forall (a : A) (b : B), map a = b -> R a b |
+ { Rm : forall (a : A) (b : B), R a b -> map a = b |
+ forall (a : A) (b : B), mR a b o Rm a b == idmap}}}.
+Proof. by symmetry; issig. Defined.
+Lemma map_graph_equiv_isfun `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}}
+ (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) : map_graph R <~> IsFun R.
+apply (equiv_composeR' (map_graph_equiv_sigma _ _ R)).
+transitivity (forall x : A, {y : B & {r : R x y &
+ forall yr', (y; r) = yr'}}); last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply (equiv_compose' (issig_contr _)).
+ apply equiv_sigma_assoc'. }
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => map.
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sig_coind _ _)).
+apply (equiv_composeR' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), (map x; f x) = (y; r)}; last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: (equiv_composeR' equiv_forall_sigma). }
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) & forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y),
+ {e : map x = y & e # f x = r}}; last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ apply (equiv_compose' equiv_path_sigma_dp).
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => e.
+ exact: equiv_dp_path_transport. }
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x y, {g : forall (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (r : R x y), g r # f x = r }}; last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind. }
+transitivity{f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ forall x, {g : forall (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall (y : B) (r : R x y), g y r # f x = r }}; last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ exact: equiv_sig_coind. }
+transitivity {f : forall x, R x (map x) &
+ {g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y), map x = y &
+ forall x y r, g x y r # f x = r }}; last first. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => comap; exact: equiv_sig_coind. }
+apply (equiv_compose' (equiv_sigma_symm _)).
+apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => Rm.
+transitivity {g : forall (x : A) (y : B) (e : map x = y), R x y &
+ forall (x : A) (y : B) (r : R x y),
+ Rm x y r # g x (map x) idpath = r }. {
+ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id => mR.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => a.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => b.
+ apply equiv_functor_forall_id => r.
+ unshelve econstructor. {apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ unshelve econstructor. {apply: concat. elim (Rm a b r). reflexivity. }
+ all: move=> r'; elim r'; elim (Rm a b r); reflexivity. }
+unshelve eapply equiv_functor_sigma.
+- move=> mR a b e; exact (e # mR a).
+- move=> mR mRK x y r; apply: mRK.
+- apply: isequiv_biinv.
+ split; (unshelve eexists; first by move=> + a; apply) => //.
+ move=> r; apply path_forall => a; apply path_forall => b.
+ by apply path_arrow; elim.
+- by move=> mR; unshelve econstructor.
+Lemma map_graph_isprop `{Funext} {A B : Type@{i}} (R : A -> B -> Type@{i}) :
+ IsHProp (map_graph R).
+apply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc (IsFun R)); last exact: isfun_isprop.
+apply symmetric_equiv; apply map_graph_equiv_isfun.
+Lemma uparam_equiv `{Univalence} {A B : Type} : uparam A B <~> (A <~> B).
+apply (equiv_compose' equiv_sig_relequiv^-1).
+unshelve eapply equiv_adjointify.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: map_graph_equiv_isfun.
+- move=> [R mR msR]; exists R; exact: (map_graph_equiv_isfun _)^-1%equiv.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_invK.
+- by move=> [R mR msR]; rewrite !equiv_funK.
+Definition id_map_graph {A : Type} : @map_graph A A (@paths A) :=
+ MapGraph _ idmap (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => r) (fun a b r => 1%path).
+Definition id_sym_map_graph {A : Type} : @map_graph A A (sym_rel (@paths A)) :=
+ MapGraph _ idmap (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => r^) (fun a b r => inv_V r).
+Definition id_uparam {A : Type} : uparam A A :=
+ Uparam (@paths A) id_map_graph id_sym_map_graph.
+Lemma uparam_induction `{Univalence} A (P : forall B, uparam A B -> Type) :
+ P A id_uparam -> forall B f, P B f.
+move=> PA1 B f; rewrite -[f]/(B; f).2 -[B]/(B; f).1.
+suff : (A; id_uparam) = (B; f). { elim. done. }
+apply: path_ishprop; apply: hprop_inhabited_contr => _.
+apply: (contr_equiv' {x : _ & A = x}).
+apply: equiv_functor_sigma_id => {f}B.
+symmetry; apply: equiv_compose' uparam_equiv.
+exact: equiv_path_universe.
+Lemma uparam_equiv_id `{Univalence} A : uparam_equiv (@id_uparam A) = equiv_idmap.
+Proof. exact: path_equiv. Qed.
+Definition map_graph_Type `{Univalence} : @map_graph Type@{i} Type@{i} uparam.
+unshelve refine (MapGraph _ idmap (fun a b e => e # id_uparam) _ _).
+ { move=> A B /uparam_equiv; apply: path_universe_uncurried. }
+move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+by rewrite uparam_equiv_id/= [path_universe_uncurried _]path_universe_1.
+Definition sym_map_graph_Type `{Univalence} : @map_graph Type@{i} Type@{i} (sym_rel uparam).
+unshelve refine (MapGraph _ idmap (fun a b e => e # id_uparam) _ _).
+ { move=> A B /uparam_equiv /path_universe_uncurried /inverse. exact. }
+move=> A B; elim/uparam_induction.
+by rewrite uparam_equiv_id/= [path_universe_uncurried _]path_universe_1.
+Definition uparam_Type `{Univalence} : uparam Type@{i} Type@{i} :=
+ Uparam _ map_graph_Type sym_map_graph_Type.
+Lemma R_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : (uparam_Type : _ -> _ -> _) = uparam.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+Lemma map_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : map uparam_Type = id.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+Lemma comap_uparam_Type `{Univalence} : comap uparam_Type = id.
+Proof. reflexivity. Defined.