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210 lines (181 loc) · 8.79 KB

Quick summary

Instruction General theme Writemask Optional special features
matfp z[j][i] ±= f(x[i], y[j]) 9 bit X, 9 bit Y Indexed X or Y, shuffle X, shuffle Y,
positive selection

Instruction encoding

Bit Width Meaning Notes
10 22 A64 reserved instruction Must be 0x201000 >> 10
5 5 Instruction Must be 21
0 5 5-bit GPR index See below for the meaning of the 64 bits in the GPR

Operand bitfields

Bit Width Meaning Notes
63 1 Ignored
57 6 Y enable value Meaning dependent upon associated mode, see bit 23
54 3 Must be zero No-op otherwise
53 1 Indexed load (1) or regular load (0)
(53=1) 52 1 Ignored
(53=1) 49 3 Register to index into
(53=1) 48 1 Indices are 4 bits (1) or 2 bits (0)
(53=1) 47 1 Indexed load of Y (1) or of X (0)
(53=0) 47 6 ALU mode
46 1 Ignored
42 4 Lane width mode
41 1 Ignored
38 3 X enable mode
37 1 Ignored
32 5 X enable value Meaning dependent upon associated mode
31 1 Ignored
29 2 X shuffle
27 2 Y shuffle
26 1 Ignored
23 3 Y enable mode Not high bits of Z row
20 3 Z row High bits ignored in some lane width modes
19 1 Ignored
10 9 X offset (in bytes)
9 1 Ignored
0 9 Y offset (in bytes)

ALU modes:

Floating-point operation 47 Notes
z + x*y 0
z - x*y 1
x <= 0 ? 0 : y 4 Z input not used
no-op anything else

Lane width modes:

X,Y Z 42 Notes
bf16 bf16 (one row from each two) 0 M2 only
bf16 f32 (all rows, interleaved pairs) 1 M2 only
f16 f32 (all rows, interleaved pairs) 3
f32 f32 (one row from each four) 4
f64 f64 (one row from each eight) 7
f16 f16 (one row from each two) anything else

X/Y enable modes:

Mode Meaning of value (N)
0 Enable all lanes (0), or odd lanes only (1), or even lanes only (2), or enable all lanes but override the ALU operation to 0.0 (3) or enable all lanes but override their value to 0.0 (4 or 5) or no lanes enabled (anything else)
1 Only enable lane #N
2 Only enable the first N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero
3 Only enable the last N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero
4 Only enable the first N lanes (no lanes when N is zero)
5 Only enable the last N lanes (no lanes when N is zero)
6 No lanes enabled
7 No lanes enabled


Performs a fused-multiply-add (or other ALU operation) outer-product between an X vector, a Y vector, and a 2D grid of Z values, accumulating onto Z. All three of X and Y and Z have the same element type, either f16 or f32 or f64 (or bf16 on M2). Alternatively, when X and Y are both f16 (or bf16 on M2), Z can have type f32, in which case the entire 64x64 byte grid of Z is used, with even lanes of X going into even Z registers and odd lanes of X going into odd Z registers (see Mixed lane widths).

Emulation code

See matfp.c, and vecfp.c for the shared ALU. Note the code in test.c to set the DN bit of fpcr.

A representative sample is:

void emulate_AMX_MATFP(amx_state* state, uint64_t operand) {
    if ((operand >> 54) & 7) {
    operand &=~ (1ull << 37);
    operand &=~ (1ull << 63);

    int alumode = (operand & MATFP_INDEXED_LOAD) ? 0 : (operand >> 47) & 0x3f;
    if (alumode == 2 || alumode == 3 || alumode >= 5) {

    uint32_t xybits, zbits, bf16 = 0;
    switch ((operand >> 42) & 0xf) {
    case  0: xybits = 16; if (AMX_VER >= AMX_VER_M2) { zbits = 16; bf16 = 1; } else { zbits = 16; } break;
    case  1: xybits = 16; if (AMX_VER >= AMX_VER_M2) { zbits = 32; bf16 = 1; } else { zbits = 16; } break;
    case  3: xybits = 16; zbits = 32; break;
    case  4: xybits = 32; zbits = 32; break;
    case  7: xybits = 64; zbits = 64; break;
    default: xybits = 16; zbits = 16; break;
    uint32_t xybytes = xybits / 8;

    amx_reg x;
    amx_reg y;
    load_xy_reg(&x, state->x, (operand >> 10) & 0x1FF);
    load_xy_reg(&y, state->y, operand & 0x1FF);
    if (operand & MATFP_INDEXED_LOAD) {
        uint32_t src_reg = (operand >> 49) & 7;
        uint32_t ibits = (operand & MATFP_INDEXED_LOAD_4BIT) ? 4 : 2;
        if (operand & MATFP_INDEXED_LOAD_Y) {
            load_xy_reg_indexed(y.u8, state->y[src_reg].u8, ibits, xybits);
        } else {
            load_xy_reg_indexed(x.u8, state->x[src_reg].u8, ibits, xybits);
    xy_shuffle(x.u8, (operand >> 29) & 3, xybytes);
    xy_shuffle(y.u8, (operand >> 27) & 3, xybytes);

    uint64_t x_enable = parse_writemask(operand >> 32, xybytes, 9);
    uint64_t y_enable = parse_writemask((((operand >> 23) & 7) << 6) | (operand >> 58), xybytes, 9);
    int32_t omask = -1;
    if (((operand >> (32+6)) & 7) == 0) {
        uint32_t val = (operand >> 32) & 0x3F;
        if (val == 3) {
            omask = 0;
        } else if (val == 4 || val == 5) {
            memset(&x, 0, 64);
    if (((operand >> 23) & 7) == 0) {
        uint32_t val = (operand >> 58) & 0x3F;
        if (val == 3) {
            omask = 0;
        } else if (val == 4 || val == 5) {
            memset(&y, 0, 64);

    uint64_t z_row = (operand >> 20) & 7;
    if (zbits == 16) {
        if (bf16) {
        } else {
            for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 32; j += 1) {
                if (!((y_enable >> (j*xybytes)) & 1)) continue;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i += 1) {
                    if (!((x_enable >> (i*xybytes)) & 1)) continue;
                    _Float16* z = &state->z[bit_select(j*2, z_row, 1)].f16[i];
                    *z = omask ? vecfp_alu16(x.f16[i], y.f16[j], *z, alumode) : 0;
    } else {

_Float16 vecfp_alu16(_Float16 x, _Float16 y, _Float16 z, int alumode) {
    switch (alumode) {
    case 0: __asm("fmadd %h0, %h1, %h2, %h3" : "=w"(z) : "w"(x), "w"(y), "w"(z)); break;
    case 1: __asm("fmsub %h0, %h1, %h2, %h3" : "=w"(z) : "w"(x), "w"(y), "w"(z)); break;
    case 4: z = (x <= (_Float16)0) ? (_Float16)0 : y; break;
    return z;

Performance (M1 Max)

Note that a fused-multiply-add counts as two floating-point operations. A measurement of 1.0 GFLOPS would mean 109 floating-point operations per second. The measurements are done without any load or store instructions; real-world workloads will need loads and stores, and thus will achieve lower numbers.

X and Y being f16[32], each Z accumulator being f16[32][32], ALU operation being z + x*y or z - x*y:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 1444.6 GFLOPS 2945.9 GFLOPS 2668.9 GFLOPS 4296.1 GFLOPS 4692.2 GFLOPS 5082.6 GFLOPS
2 per thread 2944.7 GFLOPS 5856.6 GFLOPS 4857.7 GFLOPS 6150.3 GFLOPS 5565.6 GFLOPS 6186.8 GFLOPS

X and Y being f16[32], each Z accumulator being f32[32][32], ALU operation being z + x*y or z - x*y:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 1466.1 GFLOPS 2926.1 GFLOPS 2665.2 GFLOPS 2856.6 GFLOPS 2835.5 GFLOPS 2874.2 GFLOPS

X and Y being f32[16], each Z accumulator being f32[16][16], ALU operation being z + x*y or z - x*y:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 367.0 GFLOPS 725.8 GFLOPS 923.2 GFLOPS 1053.6 GFLOPS 1572.3 GFLOPS 1418.4 GFLOPS
2 per thread 735.4 GFLOPS 1474.6 GFLOPS 1321.7 GFLOPS 1790.2 GFLOPS 2708.2 GFLOPS 2673.2 GFLOPS
3 per thread 1095.0 GFLOPS 2215.9 GFLOPS 2010.7 GFLOPS 2469.2 GFLOPS 2865.7 GFLOPS 2861.8 GFLOPS
4 per thread 1478.4 GFLOPS 2955.3 GFLOPS 2771.5 GFLOPS 2786.5 GFLOPS 2903.5 GFLOPS 2963.8 GFLOPS

X and Y being f64[8], each Z accumulator being f64[8][8], ALU operation being z + x*y or z - x*y:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 91.6 GFLOPS 184.9 GFLOPS 210.1 GFLOPS 329.7 GFLOPS 411.7 GFLOPS 408.6 GFLOPS
2 per thread 184.7 GFLOPS 369.7 GFLOPS 334.1 GFLOPS 491.7 GFLOPS 720.2 GFLOPS 712.6 GFLOPS
3 per thread 276.2 GFLOPS 553.2 GFLOPS 546.5 GFLOPS 652.4 GFLOPS 757.9 GFLOPS 685.1 GFLOPS
4 per thread 364.6 GFLOPS 736.5 GFLOPS 702.4 GFLOPS 770.0 GFLOPS 767.5 GFLOPS 754.2 GFLOPS
5 per thread 368.3 GFLOPS 731.0 GFLOPS 596.8 GFLOPS 763.6 GFLOPS 793.2 GFLOPS 710.5 GFLOPS
6 per thread 369.5 GFLOPS 737.3 GFLOPS 776.0 GFLOPS 768.2 GFLOPS 794.7 GFLOPS 787.6 GFLOPS
7 per thread 369.1 GFLOPS 738.6 GFLOPS 606.1 GFLOPS 708.7 GFLOPS 787.0 GFLOPS 792.2 GFLOPS
8 per thread 369.6 GFLOPS 736.8 GFLOPS 686.6 GFLOPS 773.6 GFLOPS 779.9 GFLOPS 790.0 GFLOPS