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Replication Protocol

Jens Alfke edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 17 revisions

Couchbase Mobile 2.0 Replication Protocol

Jens Alfke — June 2017

Protocol version 1.2

This document specifies the new replication protocol in development for Couchbase Mobile 2.0. It supersedes the REST-based protocol inherited from CouchDB.

Benefits of the new protocol are:

  • Faster and uses less bandwidth
  • Consumes fewer TCP ports on the server (a limited resource)
  • Opens a single TCP connection on the client instead of 4+ -- this prevents problems with the limited number of sockets the client HTTP library will open, which has led to deadlocks and performance problems
  • Cleaner error handling, because socket-level connectivity errors only happen on one socket instead of intermittently affecting some fraction of requests
  • Fully IANA compliant sparkly pony hooves (just checking to see if anyone is reading this)
  • Can be adapted to run over alternate transports like Bluetooth, or anything else we can send framed messages over
  • Less code (about 40% less in the iOS implementation)
  • Cleaner implementation, with the generic messaging layer separated from the replication-specific logic
  • Protocol is inherently symmetric between client/server, which means the two roles share a lot of common code
  • Supports “conflict-free” servers, which require clients to resolve conflicts before pushing changes.


  1. Architecture
  2. Connecting
  3. Message Types
  4. Algorithm

1. Architecture

The new replication protocol is built on the multiplexed BLIP messaging protocol, which itself is layered on WebSockets. The relevant aspects of the transport are:

  • Communication runs over a single socket.
  • Both client and server can send messages. The protocol is symmetrical.
  • Message delivery is reliable and ordered.
  • Messages are multiplexed -- any number can be in flight at once, and a large message does not block the ones behind it.
  • A message is similar to an HTTP request in that it contains an unlimited-size binary body plus a set of key/value properties.
  • An unsolicited message is called a request.
  • A request can be responded to (unless marked as no-reply) and the response message can contain either properties and a body, or an error.

Other transport protocols could be used under the hood in some circumstances, for example Bluetooth, as long as the message semantics are preserved.

2. Connecting

The client opens a WebSocket connection to the server at path /dbname/_blipsync (where dbname is the name of the database.) This begins as an HTTP GET request, and goes through authentication as usual, then upgrades to WebSocket protocol.

The WebSocket sub-protocol name "BLIP" (as sent in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header) is used to ensure that both client and server understand BLIP.

3. Message Types

A request's type is identified by its Profile property. The following subsections are named after the Profile value of the request. Each section begins by listing other defined properties and any meaning assigned to the message body.

Any response properties and/or body data are listed too. However, many messages don't require any data in the response, just a success/failure indication.

Most of these messages are sent by both client and server. Their usage in the replication algorithm is described in the Algorithm section below.


client: Unique ID of client checkpoint to retrieve

Retrieves a checkpoint stored on the receiver. The checkpoint is a JSON object that's stored as the value of the key given by the client property.


rev: The MVCC revision ID of the checkpoint
Body: JSON data of the checkpoint


client: Unique ID of client checkpoint to store
rev: Last known MVCC revision ID of the checkpoint (omitted if this is a new checkpoint)
Body: JSON data of checkpoint

Stores a checkpoint on the receiver. The JSON object in the request body is associated with the key given in the client property. If the rev value does not match the checkpoint's current MVCC revision ID, the request fails. On success, a new revision ID is generated and returned in the response for use in the next request.


rev: New MVCC revision ID of the checkpoint


since: Latest sequence ID already known to the requestor, JSON-encoded (optional)
continuous: Set to true if the requestor wants change notifications to be sent indefinitely (optional)
filter: The name of a filter function known to the recipient (optional)
batch: Maximum number of changes to send in a single change message (optional)
other properties: Named parameters for the filter function (optional)
Body: JSON dictionary (optional)

Asks the recipient to begin sending change messages starting from the sequence just after the one given by the since property, or from the beginning if no since is given.

Note: A sequence ID can be any type of JSON value, so the since property MUST be JSON-encoded. In particular, if the sequence ID is a string, it MUST have quotes and any necessary escape characters added.

The changes are not sent as a response to this request, rather as a series of changes messages, each containing information about zero or more changes. These are sent in chronological order.

Once all the existing changes have been sent, the end is signaled via an empty changes message. Ordinarily, that will be the last message sent. However, if the continuous property was set in the subChanges request, the recipient will continue to send changes messages as new changes are made to its database, until the connection is closed.

The optional filter parameter names a filter function known to the recipient that limits which changes are sent. If this is present, any other properties to the request will be passed as parameters to the filter function. The Sync Gateway only recognizes the filter sync_gateway/bychannel, which requires the parameter channels whose value is a comma-delimited set of channel names.

If a request body is present, it MUST be a JSON dictionary/object. In this dictionary the key docIDs MAY appear; its value MUST be an array of strings. If present, the recipient MUST only send changes to documents with IDs appearing in that array. Other unrecognized keys in the dictionary MUST be ignored.


Body: JSON array

Notifies the recipient of a series of changes made to the sender's database. A passive replicator (like Sync Gateway) is triggered to send these by a prior subChanges request sent by the client. An active replicator (Couchbase Lite) will send them spontaneously as part of a push replication.

The changes are encoded in the message body as a JSON array with one item per change. There can be zero or more changes; a messages with zero changes signifies that delivery has "caught up" and all existing sequences have been sent. This may be followed by more changes as they occur, if the replication is continuous.

Each change in the array is encoded as a nested array of the form [sequence, docID, revID, deleted], i.e. sequence ID followed by document ID followed by revision ID followed by the deletion state (which can be omitted if it's false.)

The sequence IDs MUST be in forward chronological order but are otherwise opaque (and may be any JSON data type.)

The document body size (in bytes) MAY be appended to the array as a fifth item if it's known. This is understood to be approximate, since the sender's database may not store the body in exactly the same form that will be transmitted.

The sender SHOULD break up its change history into multiple changes messages instead of sending them in one big message. (It SHOULD honor the optional batch parameter in the subChanges request it received from the peer.) It SHOULD use flow control by limiting the number of changes messages that it's sent but not received replies to yet.

A peer in conflict-free mode SHOULD reject a received changes message by returning a BLIP/409 error. This informs the sender that it should use proposeChanges instead.


maxHistory: Max length of revision history to send (optional)
Body: JSON array (see below)

The response message indicates which revisions the recipient wants to receive (as rev messages). Its body is also a JSON array; each item corresponds to the revision at the same index in the request. The item is either:

  • an array of strings, where each string is the revision ID of an already-known ancestor. (This may be empty if no ancestors are known.) This is used to shorten the revision history to be sent with the document, and may in the future be used to enable delta compression.
  • or a 0 (zero) or null value, indicating that the corresponding revision isn't of interest.

Trailing zeros or nulls can be omitted from the response array, so in the simplest case the response can be an empty array [] if the recipient isn't interested in any of the revisions.

The maxHistory response property, if present, indicates the maximum length of the history array to be sent in rev messages (see below.) It should be set to the maximum revision-tree depth of the database. If it's missing, the history length is unlimited.


Body: JSON array

Sends proposed changes to a server that’s in conflict-free mode. This is much like changes except that the items in the body array are different; they look like [docID, revID, serverRevID]. Each still represents an updated document, but the information sent is the documentID, the current revisionID, and the revisionID of the last known server revision (if any). If there is no known server revision, the serverRevID SHOULD be omitted, or otherwise MUST be an empty string. (As with changes, the estimated body size MAY be appended, if the serverRevID is present.)

The recipient SHOULD then look through each document in its database. If the document exists, but the given serverRevID is not known or not current, the proposed document SHOULD be rejected with a 409 status (see below.) Or if the document exists and the revID is current, the server already has the document and SHOULD reject it with a 304 status. The recipient MAY also detect other problems, such as an illegal document ID, or a lack of write access to the document, and send back an appropriate status code as described below.

A peer not in conflict-free mode MUST reject a received proposeChanges message by returning a BLIP/404 error. This informs the sender that it should use changes instead.


Body: JSON array

The response message indicates which of the proposed changes are allowed and which are out of date. It consists of an array of numbers, generally with the same meanings as HTTP status codes, with the following specific meanings:

  • 0: The change is allowed and the peer should send the revision
  • 304: The server already has this revision, so the peer doesn't need to send it
  • 409: This change would cause a conflict, so the server needs to resolve it and retry later

As with changes, trailing zeros can be omitted, but the interpretation is different since a zero means “send it” instead of “don’t send it”. So the common case of an empty array response tells the sender to send all of the proposed revisions.


id: Document ID (optional)
rev: Revision ID (optional)
deleted: true if the revision is a tombstone (optional)
sequence: Sequence ID, JSON-encoded (optional unless unsolicited, q.v.)
history: Revision history (comma-delimited list of revision IDs)
Body: Document JSON

Sends one document revision. The id, rev, deleted properties are optional if corresponding _id, _rev, _deleted properties exist in the JSON body (and vice versa.) The sequence property is optional unless this message was unsolicited.

A recipient in conflict-free mode will check whether the history array contains the current local revision ID, or if the history array is empty and the document does not exist locally. If not, it MUST reject the revision by returning a 409 status.

Ordinarily a rev message is triggered by a prior response to a changes message. However, it MAY be sent unsolicited, instead of in a changes message, if all of the following are true:

  • This revision's metadata hasn't yet been sent in a changes message;
  • this revision's sequence is the first one that hasn't yet been sent in a changes message;
  • the revision's JSON body is small;
  • and the sender believes it's very likely that the recipient will want this revision (doesn't have it yet and is not filtering it out.)

In practice this is most likely to occur for brand new changes being sent in a continuous replication in response to a local database update notification.

The recipient MUST send a response unless the request was sent 'noreply'. It MUST not send a success response until it has durably added the revision to its database, or has failed to add it. On success the response can be empty; on failure it MUST be an error.

Note: The recipient may need to send one or more getattach messages while processing the rev message, in which case it MUST NOT send the rev's response until it's received responses to the getattach message(s) and durably added the attachments, as well as the document, to its database.


digest: Attachment digest (as found in document _attachments metadata.)

Requests the body of an attachment, given its digest. This is called by the recipient of a rev message if it determines that the revision contains an attachment whose contents it does not know.

If the server's database has per-document access control, where documents may be readable by some but not all users, it MUST check that an attachment with this digest appears in at least one document that the client has access to. Otherwise a client could violate access control by getting the body of any attachment it can learn the digest of (probably "leaked" by another user who does have access to it.) The simplest way to enforce this is for the server to keep track of which rev messages it's sent to the client but not yet received responses to; these are the ones that the client will be requesting attachments of, to complete its downloads.

(This request is problematic -- it assumes that the recipient indexes attachments by digest, which is true of Couchbase Mobile but not necessarily of other implementations. Adding the document and revision ID to the properties would help.)


Body: raw contents of attachment


digest: Attachment digest (as found in document _attachments metadata.)
Body: A nonce: 16 to 255 bytes of random binary data

Asks the recipient to prove that it has the body of the attachment with the given digest, without making it actually send the data. This is another security precaution that SHOULD used by servers with per-document access control, i.e. where documents may be readable by some but not all users. If this weren't in place, a user who knew the digest (but not the contents) of an an attachment could upload a document containing the metadata of an attachment with the same digest, and then immediately download the document and the attachment.

Such a server SHOULD send this request when it receives a rev message containing an attachment digest that matches an attachment it already has. The server first generates some cryptographically-random bytes (20 is a reasonable number) as a nonce, and sends the nonce along with the attachment's digest in a proveattach request to the client.

The recipient (the client, the one trying to push the revision) computes a SHA-1 digest of the concatenation of the following:

  1. The length of the nonce (a single byte)
  2. The nonce itself
  3. The entire body of the attachment

It then sends a response containing the resulting digest, in the same encoding used for attachment digests: "sha1-" followed by lowercase hex digits.

(Meanwhile, the paranoid server performs the same computation using its own copy of the attachment. It then verifies that the digest received from the client matches the digest it computed. If it doesn't match, the server can assume the client doesn't really have the attachment, and can reject the rev message with the revision containing it.)

4. Algorithm

Here are informal descriptions of the flow of control of both push and pull replication. Note the symmetry: a lot of the steps are the same in both lists but with "client" and "server" swapped.


  1. Client opens connection to server and authenticates
  2. Client sends getCheckpoint to verify checkpoint status
  3. Client sends one or more changes messages containing revisions added since the checkpointed local sequence
    • If response is a BLIP/409 or HTTP/409 error, client infers that the server is in "no conflicts" mode, and switches to sending proposeChanges messages, including resending the failed one.
    • Client keeps track of how many changes messages have been sent but not yet responded to
    • If that count exceeds a reasonable limit, the client waits to send the next message until a response is received.
  4. Server replies to each changes message indicating which revisions it wants and which ancestors it already has
    • If server is in "no conflicts" mode, it will reject changes messages with a BLIP/409 or HTTP/409 error, and instead accept proposeChanges messages.
  5. For each requested revision:
    1. Client sends document body in a rev message
    2. Server looks at each newly-added attachment digest in each revision and
      • sends a getAttachment for each attachment it doesn't have; client sends data
      • sends a proveAttachment for each attachment it already has; client sends proof
    3. Server adds revision & attachments to database, and sends success response to the client's rev message.
  6. Client periodically sends setCheckpoint as progress updates
  7. When all revisions and attachments have been sent, client either disconnects (non-continuous mode) or stays connected and watches for local doc changes, returning to step 3 when changes occur


  1. Client opens connection to server and authenticates
  2. Client sends getCheckpoint to verify checkpoint status
  3. Client sends a subChanges message with the latest remote sequence ID it's received in the past, and a continuous property if it wants to pull continuously
  4. Server sends one or more changes messages containing revisions added since the checkpointed remote sequence
    • Server keeps track of how many changes messages have been sent but not yet responded to
    • If that count exceeds a reasonable limit, the server waits to send the next message until a response is received.
  5. Client replies to each changes message indicating which revisions it wants and which ancestors it already has
  6. For each requested revision:
    1. Server sends document body in a rev message
    2. Client looks at each newly-added attachment digest in each revision and sends a getAttachment for each attachment it doesn't have; server sends data
    3. Client adds revision & attachments to database, and sends success response to the server's rev message.
  7. Client periodically sends setCheckpoint as progress updates
  8. When there are no more changes, server sends a changes message with an empty list
  9. Client in non-continuous mode disconnects now that it's caught up; client in continuous mode keeps listening
  10. Server in continuous mode watches for local doc changes, returning to step 4 when changes occur
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