The module is designed for MicroPython. You can run it on embedded systems, and, thanks to the MicroPython UNIX and Windows port, also on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
While MicroPython on a workstation does not provide hardware support usually available when running MicroPython on embedded devices, this is mostly not a concern when running a database driver.
Install MicroPython.
{apt,brew,pip,zypper} install micropython
Install requirements.
micropython -m mip install base64 requests
Start CrateDB.
docker run --rm -it --name=cratedb \
--publish=4200:4200 --publish=5432:5432 \
--env=CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=2g crate:latest -Cdiscovery.type=single-node
Invoke example programs.
export MICROPYPATH=".frozen:${HOME}/.micropython/lib:/usr/lib/micropython:$(pwd)"
micropython examples/
micropython examples/