- Fixed issue #13
- Updated all dependencies to current latest
- Added
- Added
- Reverted back, issue with JSPM v0.16.34
- Pinned npm dependencies.
- Updated to JSPM v0.16.34
- Fixed bug with bundle() promise resolving too soon #9
- Option to specify output filename for each item separately. #7
- Option
for building self-extracting bundles. #8 - Fix issue with absolute baseURL paths not resolving correctly. #9
- Option
for overriding system config.js. #10
- Test for valid destination filenames, error on invalid names. #4
- Reject bundle() promise on various errors. #5
- Allow separateCSS builder option. #6
- Added example gulpfile and bundle.config.
- Remove gzip support, didn't work out.
Testing out gzip support, not documenting it in the readme yet.
Added cache busting using generated checksums.
- Inject custom System.normalize and System.locate loaders.
- Unbundling all groups empties bundle manifest completely.
Config option added:
- bust: true|false
Bugs and tweaks.
- Bundle config map can be passed in on instantiation.
- Fixed bug with unbundle() not returning promise.
Config options changed:
- bundleDest -> dest
- bundleFile -> file
Bug fixes.
- Works inside gulp tasks
- Added
bundler config option
Initial release.
- Writes manifest to external file
- Bundle grouping with group exclusions
- Checksum calculations added to manifest
Config options:
- bundleDest
- bundleFile
- builder
Available methods:
- builder.bundles({})
- builder.bundle([])
- builder.unbundle([])