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File metadata and controls

2686 lines (1979 loc) · 116 KB



Quick Reference

What you want to do Which handler you should use
Get a URL you can use to access Cryostat's WebSocket notification channel NotificationsUrlGetHandler
Scan for and get a list of target JVMs visible to Cryostat TargetsGetHandler
Get a static asset from the web client StaticAssetsGetHandler
Send a GET request to a path not supported by this API WebClientAssetsGetHandler
Test user authentication AuthPostHandler
Get the URL of Cryostat's Grafana dashboard GrafanaDashboardUrlGetHandler
Get the URL of Cryostat's Grafana datasource GrafanaDatasourceUrlGetHandler
Check the status of Cryostat's Grafana datasource and dashboard HealthGetHandler
Events and event templates
Get a list of event types that can be produced by a target JVM TargetEventsGetHandler
Get a list of event templates known to a target JVM TargetTemplatesGetHandler
Download a template from a target JVM TargetTemplateGetHandler
Upload an event template to Cryostat TemplatesPostHandler
Delete an event template that was uploaded to Cryostat TemplateDeleteHandler
Recordings in target JVMs
Get a list of recordings in a target JVM TargetRecordingsGetHandler
Get the default recording options of a target JVM TargetRecordingOptionsGetHandler
Set the default recording options of a target JVM TargetRecordingOptionsPatchHandler
Create a snapshot recording in a target JVM TargetSnapshotPostHandler
Start a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingsPostHandler
Stop a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingPatchHandler
Delete a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingDeleteHandler
Download a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingGetHandler
Download a report of a recording in a target JVM TargetReportGetHandler
Save a recording in a target JVM to archive TargetRecordingPatchHandler
Upload a recording from a target JVM to the Grafana datasource TargetRecordingUploadPostHandler
Recordings in archive
Get a list of recordings in archive RecordingsGetHandler
Upload a recording to archive RecordingsPostHandler
Delete a recording from archive RecordingDeleteHandler
Download a recording in archive RecordingGetHandler
Download a report of a recording in archive ReportGetHandler
Upload a recording from archive to the Grafana datasource RecordingUploadPostHandler


  • AuthPostHandler


    Attempts user authentication; used as a simple way to check a user authentication header.


    POST /api/v1/auth

    The request should include an Authorization header to be checked. The format of this header depends on the auth manager used. Token-based auth managers expect Authorization: Bearer TOKEN, while basic credentials-based auth managers expect Authorization: Basic ${base64(user:pass)}. The NoopAuthManager accepts all authentication requests, regardless of the existence or contents of any Authorization header. For more details, see


    200 - No body. Getting this response means that the header is valid and that the user has been successfully authenticated. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used. Getting this response means that the header has an invalid format or the user has not been successfully authenticated.

    $ curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzCg==" localhost:8181/api/v1/auth
  • NotificationsUrlGetHandler


    Returns a URL that a client can connect to, to access Cryostat's WebSocket notification channel.


    GET /api/v1/notifications_url


    200 - The body is {"notificationsUrl":"$URL"}.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/notifications_url
  • GrafanaDashboardUrlGetHandler


    Returns the URL of the Grafana dashboard that Cryostat is configured with (determined by the environment variable GRAFANA_DASHBOARD_URL).


    GET /api/v1/grafana_dashboard_url


    200 - The body is {"grafanaDashboardUrl":"$URL"}.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/grafana_dashboard_url
  • GrafanaDatasourceUrlGetHandler


    Returns the URL of the Grafana datasource that Cryostat is configured with (determined by the environment variable GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_URL).


    GET /api/v1/grafana_datasource_url


    200 - The body is {"grafanaDatasourceUrl":"$URL"}

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/grafana_datasource_url
  • HealthGetHandler


    Returns whether or not the Grafana datasource, Grafana dashboard, and reports generator components are configured and reachable by Cryostat. Can also be used to see if Cryostat itself is running properly by checking for a valid response.


    GET /health


    200 - The body is

          "cryostatVersion": "$CRYOSTAT_VERSION",
          "datasourceConfigured": $DATASOURCE_CONFIGURED,
          "datasourceAvailable": $DATASOURCE_AVAILABLE,
          "dashboardConfigured": $DASHBOARD_CONFIGURED,
          "dashboardAvailable": $DASHBOARD_AVAILABLE,
          "reportsConfigured": $REPORTS_CONFIGURED,
          "reportsAvailable": $REPORTS_AVAILABLE

    $CRYOSTAT_VERSION is the version of the current Cryostat instance.

    $DATASOURCE_CONFIGURED is true if the relevant environment variable has been set to a non-empty value.

    $DATASOURCE_AVAILABLE is true if Cryostat is configured with a Grafana datasource and that datasource responds to a GET request with a 200, and it is false otherwise.

    $DASHBOARD_CONFIGURED is true if the relevant environment variable has been set to a non-empty value.

    $DASHBOARD_AVAILABLE is true if Cryostat is configured with a Grafana dashboard and that dashboard responds to a GET request with a 200, and it is false otherwise.

    $REPORTS_CONFIGURED is true if the relevant environment variable has been set to a non-empty value.

    $REPORTS_AVAILABLE is true if Cryostat is configured with a sidecar reports generator and that generator responds to a GET request with a 200. It is also true if no reports sidecard is configured, since in this case Cryostat will fall back to forking a subprocess to generate reports. It is only false if a sidecar report generator is configured but is not reachable.

    $ curl localhost:8181/health
  • StaticAssetsGetHandler


    Returns a static asset of the Cryostat web client.


    GET /*

    The path should be the directory path of the desired asset, assuming a root of target/assets/app/resources/io/cryostat/net/web/.


    200 - The body is the requested asset. Note that if the requested asset does not exist or the path is invalid, the request will not be handled here and instead will be routed to WebClientAssetsGetHandler.

    $ curl localhost:8181/images/[email protected] --output [email protected]
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  574k  100  574k    0     0  43.1M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 43.1M
  • TargetsGetHandler


    Scans for and returns discoverable target JVMs.


    GET /api/v1/targets


    200 - The body is a JSON array of target objects.

    The format for a target is {"connectUrl":"$CONNECT_URL","alias":"$ALIAS"}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets
  • WebClientAssetsGetHandler


    Handles all GET requests to paths not covered by another handler; returns a simple index.html.


    GET /*


    200 - The body is the Cryostat web client's index.html HTML document.

    $ curl localhost:8181/foo
    <!doctype html><html lang="en-US"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Cryostat</title><meta id="appName" name="application-name" content="Cryostat"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel="icon" type="image/png" href=""><base href="/"><link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><noscript>Enabling JavaScript is required to run this app.</noscript><div id="root"></div><script src="app.bundle.js"></script></body></html>

Flight Recorder

  • RecordingDeleteHandler


    Deletes a recording that was saved to archive. This does not affect any recordings in any target JVM's JFR buffer. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See RecordingDeleteHandler.


    DELETE /api/v1/recordings/:recordingName

    recordingName - The name of the saved recording to delete. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - No body.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X DELETE localhost:8181/api/v1/recordings/localhost_foo_20200910T213341Z.jfr
  • RecordingGetHandler


    Returns a recording that was saved to archive, as an octet stream. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See RecordingGetHandler.


    GET /api/v1/recordings/:recordingName

    recordingName - The name of the saved recording to get. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is an octet stream consisting of the requested recording.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/recordings/localhost_foo_20200910T214559Z.jfr --output foo.jfr
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  942k  100  942k    0     0  61.3M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 61.3M
  • RecordingsGetHandler


    Returns a list of the recordings that are saved in archive. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


    GET /api/v1/recordings


    200 - The body is a JSON array of recording objects.

    The format for a recording is {"downloadUrl":"$DOWNLOAD_URL","name":"$NAME","reportUrl":"$REPORT_URL","metadata":"{"labels":{"$KEY":"$VALUE"}},"size":"$SIZE".

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    501 - The archive path where recordings are saved could not be accessed. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/recordings
    [{"downloadUrl":"","metadata":{"labels":{"":"Continuous","template.type": "TARGET"}},"name":"localhost_foo_20200903T202547Z.jfr","reportUrl":"","size":2578134}]
  • RecordingsPostHandler


    Uploads a recording from the client to Cryostat's archive. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


    POST /api/v1/recordings

    The recording should be uploaded in a form with the name recording. The filename of the recording must be in the following format, which is the same format that Cryostat uses for recordings it saves itself (all fields in brackets are optional):


    TARGET_NAME - The name of the target JVM (alphanumerics and hyphens allowed)

    RECORDING_NAME - The name of the recording (alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores allowed)

    DATE - The date of the recording (numbers allowed)

    TIME - The time of the recording (numbers allowed)

    COUNTER - An additional number used to avoid name collisions (numbers allowed)

    Formally, the required format is:


    200 - The body is {"name":"$NAME"}, where $NAME is the name of the recording that is now saved in archive. This name may be different from the filename of the uploaded file for two reasons.

    First, if there is a name collision, a counter will be added to the original filename, or the existing counter will be modified, and the new counter will be set to the next available number, starting from 2. A counter of 1 will be removed if there is no name conflict, and modified to the next available number if there is.

    And second, if the filename of the uploaded file does not include a .jfr ending, one will be added.

    400 - The recording submission is invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    503 - CRYOSTAT_ARCHIVE_PATH is an invalid directory. The body is an error message.

    $ curl --form "recording=@localhost_foo_20200903T202547Z.jfr" localhost:8181/api/v1/recordings
  • RecordingUploadPostHandler


    Uploads a recording that was saved to archive to the Grafana datasource that Cryostat is configured with (determined by the environment variable GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_URL). DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See RecordingUploadPostHandler.


    POST /api/v1/recordings/:recordingName/upload

    recordingName - The name of the saved recording to upload. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the body of the response that Cryostat got after sending the upload request to the Grafana datasource server.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    501 - The Grafana datasource URL is malformed. The body is an error message.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    512 - Cryostat received an invalid response from the Grafana datasource after sending the upload request. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X POST localhost:8181/api/v1/recordings/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr/upload
    Uploaded: file-uploads/555f4dab-240b-486b-b336-2d0e5f43e7cd
    Loaded: file-uploads/555f4dab-240b-486b-b336-2d0e5f43e7cd
  • ReportGetHandler


    Returns the report of a recording that was saved to archive. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See RecordingGetHandler.


    GET /api/v1/reports/:recordingName

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The report could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/reports/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr --output report.html
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  116k  100  116k    0     0   134k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  134k
  • TargetEventsGetHandler


    Returns a list of event types that can be produced by a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/events

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is a JSON array of event type objects.

    The format for an event type is {"name":"$NAME","typeId":"$TYPE_ID","description":"$DESCRIPTION","category":[$CATEGORIES],"options":{$OPTIONS}}

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/events --output events
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 47013  100 47013    0     0   866k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  866k
  • TargetRecordingDeleteHandler


    Deletes a recording from a target JVM, removing it from the target JVM and freeing the buffer memory used. The recording will be stopped if it is running at the time of deletion.


    DELETE /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to delete. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - No body.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target or the recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl -X DELETE localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo
  • TargetRecordingGetHandler


    Returns a recording of a target JVM, as an octet stream.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is an octet stream consisting of the requested recording.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target or the recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo --output foo.jfr
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  530k    0  530k    0     0  9303k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9303k
  • TargetRecordingOptionsGetHandler


    Returns the default recording options of a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordingOptions.

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is {"maxAge":"$MAX_AGE","toDisk":"TO_DISK","maxSize":"MAX_SIZE"}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordingOptions
  • TargetRecordingOptionsPatchHandler


    Sets the default recording options of a target JVM.


    PATCH /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordingOptions.

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    The request must include the following fields:

    toDisk - Whether a recording is stored to disk; either true or false, or unset to restore the JVM default.

    The request may include the following fields:

    maxAge - The maximum event age of a recording, in seconds as a positive integer, or unset to restore the JVM default.

    maxSize - The maximum size of a recording, in bytes as a positive integer, or unset to restore the JVM default.


    200 - The body is the updated default recording options of the target JVM, in the form {"maxAge":"$MAX_AGE","toDisk":"TO_DISK","maxSize":"MAX_SIZE"}.

    400 - An argument was invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl -X PATCH --data "toDisk=unset&maxAge=60&maxSize=1024" localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordingOptions
  • TargetRecordingPatchHandler



    Stops a recording in a target JVM.


    Saves a recording in a target JVM to archive. The default directory used is /flghtrecordings, but the environment variable CRYOSTAT_ARCHIVE_PATH can be used to specify a different path.


    PATCH /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to patch. Should use percent-encoding.

    The body must be either STOP, to stop the recording, or SAVE, to save the recording (case insensitive).



    400 - The operation is unsupported. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target or the recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.


    200 - No body.


    200 - The body is the name of the recording that was saved. Note that this name will be different from the recording's original name, to add metadata.

    204 - The recording did not contain any data to archive.

    $ curl -X PATCH --data "STOP" localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo
    $ curl -X PATCH --data "SAVE" http://localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo
  • TargetRecordingsGetHandler


    Returns a list of all the recordings in a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is a JSON array of recording objects.

    The format for a recording is {"downloadUrl":"$DOWNLOAD_URL","reportUrl":"$REPORT_URL","id":$ID,"name":"$NAME","state":"$STATE","startTime":$START_TIME,"duration":$DURATION,"continuous":$CONTINUOUS,"toDisk":$TO_DISK,"maxSize":$MAX_SIZE,"maxAge":$MAX_AGE}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings
  • TargetRecordingsPostHandler


    Starts a recording in a target JVM.


    POST /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    The request must include the following fields:

    recordingName - The name of the recording to create. Should use percent-encoding.

    events - The events configuration for the recording, as an event template using the form template=$TEMPLATE.

    The request may include the following fields:

    restart: Whether to restart the recording if one already exists with the same name. DEPRECATED: See replace below.

    replace: The replacement policy if a recording already exists with the same name. Policies can be ALWAYS (i.e. restart=true), NEVER (i.e.restart=false), and STOPPED (restart only when the existing one is stopped).

    duration - The duration of the recording, in seconds. If this field is not set, or if it is set to zero, the recording will be continuous, meaning it will run until it is manually stopped, for example with TargetRecordingPatchHandler.

    toDisk - Whether the recording is stored to disk; either true or false. If this field is not set, it will default to true.

    maxAge - The maximum event age of the recording, in seconds. If this field is not set, or if it is set to zero, the recording will not have a maximum event age.

    maxSize - The maximum size of the recording, in bytes. If this field is not set, or if it is set to zero, the recording will not have a maximum size.

    metadata - A JSON object containing metadata about the recording. metadata should contain a labels object with "key": "value" string pairs, e.g. metadata={"labels":{"reason":"service-outage"}}.


    201 - The body is a descriptor of the newly started recording, in the form {"downloadUrl":"$DOWNLOAD_URL","reportUrl":"$REPORT_URL","id":$ID,"name":"$NAME","state":"$STATE","startTime":$START_TIME,"duration":$DURATION,"continuous":$CONTINUOUS,"toDisk":$TO_DISK,"maxSize":$MAX_SIZE,"maxAge":$MAX_AGE}.

    400 - An argument was invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl --data "recordingName=foo&duration=5&events=template=ALL" localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings
  • TargetRecordingUploadPostHandler


    Uploads a recording of a target JVM to the Grafana datasource that Cryostat is configured with (determined by the environment variable GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_URL).


    POST /api/v1/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName/upload

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to upload. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the body from the response that Cryostat got after sending the upload request to the Grafana datasource.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target or the recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    501 - The Grafana datasource URL is malformed. The body is an error message.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    512 - Cryostat received an invalid response from the Grafana datasource after sending the upload request. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X POST localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo/upload
    Uploaded: file-uploads/72ee43b8-c858-4aef-ae7e-4bcf7d93ec7c
    Loaded: file-uploads/72ee43b8-c858-4aef-ae7e-4bcf7d93ec7c
  • TargetReportGetHandler


    Returns a report of a recording of a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/reports/:recordingName

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The report could not be found, or the target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/reports/foo --output report.html
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  118k  100  118k    0     0   109k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  109k
  • TargetSnapshotPostHandler


    Creates a recording named snapshot-n, where n is a sequentially assigned ID, which contains information about all events recorded across all active recordings at the time of invocation.


    POST /api/v1/targets/:targetId/snapshot

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the name of the recording.

    202 - The request was accepted but the recording failed to create because the resultant snapshot was unreadable. This could be due to a lack of active recordings to take event data from.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl -X POST localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/snapshot
  • TargetTemplateGetHandler


    Returns an event template from a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/templates/:templateName/type/:templateType

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    templateName - The name of the template to get.

    templateType - The type of the template to get.


    200 - The body is the requested event template, as an XML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target or the template or the template type could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/templates/Profiling/type/TARGET --output Continuous.jfc
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 30133  100 30133    0     0   239k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  239k
  • TargetTemplatesGetHandler


    Returns a list of event templates known to a target JVM.


    GET /api/v1/targets/:targetId/templates

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is a JSON array of template objects.

    The format for a template is {"name":"$NAME","description":"$DESCRIPTION","provider":"$PROVIDER","type":"$TYPE"}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v1/targets/localhost/templates
    [{"name":"Profiling","description":"Low overhead configuration for profiling, typically around 2 % overhead.","provider":"Oracle","type":"TARGET"},{"name":"Continuous","description":"Low overhead configuration safe for continuous use in production environments, typically less than 1 % overhead.","provider":"Oracle","type":"TARGET"},{"name":"ALL","description":"Enable all available events in the target JVM, with default option values. This will be very expensive and is intended primarily for testing Cryostat's own capabilities.","provider":"Cryostat","type":"TARGET"}]
  • TemplateDeleteHandler


    Deletes an event template that was uploaded to Cryostat and is stored in CRYOSTAT_TEMPLATE_PATH.


    DELETE /api/v1/templates/:templateName

    templateName - The name of the template to delete. Note that this should be the value of the label element of the event template, not the filename of the uploaded file itself.


    200 - No body.

    400 - The template could not be found. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -X DELETE localhost:8181/api/v1/templates/Foo
  • TemplatesPostHandler


    Uploads an event template and makes it available for use by Cryostat. The template is saved to the path specified by CRYOSTAT_TEMPLATE_PATH.


    POST /api/v1/templates

    The template should be uploaded in a form with the name template.


    200 - No body.

    400 - The template being uploaded is an invalid event template. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl --form "[email protected]" localhost:8181/api/v1/templates


Unless otherwise specified, all V2 API handlers respond to requests with a metadata-wrapped and JSON-encoded response format with the following general form:

{ "meta": { "status": "statusString", "type": "mime/type"}, "data": { "someKey": someValue } }

statusString will always be OK if the response status code is 200. If the response status code is 4xx or 5xx then statusString may match the HTTP response status message, or it may provide more detail specific to the handler and the exact cause of failure.

type is a MIME type specifier (ex. application/json, text/plain) which hints to the client how the response data is formatted. The data key will always be included and the value will always be an object, but the contents of the object vary by handler.

someKey may be named anything. The most common name on successful requests is result, but this may vary by handler. The associated value may be anything and varies by handler. It may be a plain text string, or a next object, or an array.

The response format on failure is similar:

{"meta":{"type":"text/plain","status":"Authentication Failure"},"data":{"reason":"JMX Authentication Failure"}}

Any response with a 4xx or 5xx status code will have someKey replaced by reason as explained above, and the value of reason will be a plain text string containing some additional detail about the failure.

The handler-specific descriptions below describe how each handler populates the type and data fields. The general formats follow as above.

Quick Reference

What you want to do Which handler you should use
Check user authentication AuthPostHandler
Generate JWT for interactive asset download AuthTokenPostHandler
Perform batched start/stop/delete operations across target JVMs GraphQLHandler
Check the status of Cryostat itself HealthLivenessGetHandler
Target JVMs
Add a custom target definition TargetsPostHandler
Delete a custom target definition TargetDeleteHandler
Target Discovery
View targets in overall deployment environment DiscoveryGetHandler
Register a discovery plugin DiscoveryRegistrationHandler
Update discovered scenario DiscoveryPostHandler
Deregister a discovery plugin DiscoveryDeregistrationHandler
Events and event templates
Download a template from a target JVM TargetTemplateGetHandler
Recordings in Target JVMs
List or search event types that can be produced by a target JVM TargetEventsGetHandler
Get a list of recording options for a target JVM TargetRecordingOptionsListGetHandler
Download a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingGetHandler
Download a report of a recording in a target JVM TargetReportGetHandler
Create a snapshot recording in a target JVM TargetSnapshotPostHandler
Recordings in archive
Download a recording in archive RecordingGetHandler
Download a report of a recording in archive ReportGetHandler
Automated Rules
Create an automated rule definition RulesPostHandler
Delete an automated rule definition RuleDeleteHandler
Get an automated rule definition RuleGetHandler
Get all automated rule definitions RulesGetHandler
Stored Target Credentials
Add stored credentials for a target TargetCredentialsPostHandler
Delete stored credentials for a target TargetCredentialsDeleteHandler
Get a list of targets with stored credentials TargetCredentialsGetHandler
Add stored credentials CredentialsPostHandler
Get a list of stored credentials CredentialsGetHandler
Get a stored credential and its matching targets CredentialGetHandler
Delete stored credentials CredentialDeleteHandler
Upload an SSL Certificate CertificatePostHandler


  • AuthPostHandler


    Check user authentication and if successful retrieve basic user information.


    POST /api/v2/auth

    The Authorization header should be included. The value of the Authorization header will be used to perform a platform-specific authentication check for the user specified by the header. If using Basic authentication, the returned user information will contain a username identical to the user portion of the provided credentials. If using Bearer authentication, the returned user information will container the username of the user who owns the supplied Bearer token.


    200 - The result is a JSON object containing user information. The format of the user information is {"username": "$user"}. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n user:pass | base64)" -X POST localhost:8181/api/v2/auth
  • AuthTokenPostHandler


    Generates JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to be consumed by other asset-downloading V2+ API endpoints such as the TargetTemplateGetHandler. These endpoints are only intended for use by interactive clients such as web browsers, where separating the authorization check from the actual asset transfer may be beneficial. For programmatic and automated endpoints the non-JWT endpoints may be used and are likely preferable.


    POST /api/v2.1/auth/token

    The request is an HTTP POST form. The form attribute resource is required. This attribute specifies the URL path of the desired final resource to be retrieved, ex. /api/v2.1/targets/localhost:0/recordings/myrecording.


    200 - The request was accepted and the response contains a relative request URL. The client should use this URL in a new request to obtain the desired final resource. The URL is already formatted to include the JWT.

    400 - The final resource URL was invalid.

    401 - The user does not have sufficient permissions.


    $ curl -k 'https://localhost:8181/api/v2.1/auth/token' -X POST -H 'authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz' --data resource="/api/v2.1/targets/localhost:0/templates/Continuous/type/TARGET"
  • GraphQLHandler


    Performs various queries using the GraphQL request syntax and response format. See also Requests can query for target JVMs, active and archived recordings, by name, labels, and other properties. A single request can, for example, start identical recordings with one configuration against all target JVMs that have a given label.


    POST /api/v2.2/graphql, the body containing the GraphQL query GET /api/v2.2/graphql?query=myquery, where myquery is the GraphQL query


    200 - The result is the GraphQL query response in JSON format.

    401 - The user does not have sufficient permissions. Permissions for each subquery or submutation are checked on-demand as the request is processed, and the request will fail with this status if any of the nested queries/mutations fails the authorization check.

  • HealthLivenessGetHandler


    Returns whether or not Cryostat itself is running properly by checking for a valid No Content response (since: 2.2.0).


    GET /health/liveness


    204 - There is no content to display.

    $ curl localhost:8181/health/liveness

Target JVMs

  • TargetsPostHandler


    Add or test a custom target definition to connect to Cryostat.


    POST /api/v2/targets[?dryrun=true]

    dryrun - optional. If set to "true", test whether the target definition is valid.

    The request should be an HTTP form. The attribute connectUrl must be specified.

    connectUrl - The target connection URL formatted as a JMX service URL or host:port pair.

    alias - An optional name for the target.

    annotations.cryostat - Optional annotations used by Automated Rules for selecting targets. The following annotations can be specified:

    • annotations.cryostat.HOST
    • annotations.cryostat.PORT
    • annotations.cryostat.JAVA_MAIN
    • annotations.cryostat.PID
    • annotations.cryostat.START_TIME
    • annotations.cryostat.NAMESPACE
    • annotations.cryostat.SERVICE_NAME
    • annotations.cryostat.CONTAINER_NAME
    • annotations.cryostat.POD_NAME

    username - the username for the target with JMX Authentication enabled.

    password - the password for the target with JMX Authentication enabled.


    200 - The result is a JSON object containing information about the target. The format of the target data is {"connectUrl":"$CONNECTURL","alias":"$ALIAS","annotations":{"platform": {$PLATFORM_ANNOTATIONS},"cryostat":{$CRYOSTAT_ANNOTATIONS}}. $PLATFORM_ANNOTATIONS are automatically generated.

    400 - An argument was invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    504 - JMX connection failed. This occurs when the port provided in connectUrl is a non-JMX port.

    $ curl -F connectUrl=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://cryostat:9099/jmxrmi -F alias=fooTarget -F annotations.cryostat.PORT=9099 -F username="user" -F password="pass" -X POST {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":{"connectUrl":"service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://cryostat:9099/jmxrmi","alias":"fooTarget","annotations":{"platform":{},"cryostat":{"PORT":"9099"}}}}}
  • TargetDeleteHandler


    Remove a custom target definition.


    DELETE /api/v2/targets/:connectUrl

    connectUrl - The target connection URL formatted as a URL-encoded JMX service URL or host:port pair.


    200 - The result is empty. The custom target definition was successfully deleted.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X DELETE

Target Discovery

  • DiscoveryGetHandler


    Collates the deployment scenarios discovered by the built-in discovery mechanisms and any registered discovery plugins into a hierarchical tree view of the full deployment environment with targets as leaf nodes belonging to ex. Pods, belonging to Deployments, belonging to a Namespace etc. The root of the tree is always the UNIVERSE node. The UNIVERSE's children are REALMs, some of which are provided by Cryostat's built-in platform-specific discovery mechanisms and others which are provided by discovery plugins. The subtrees below the REALM are specific to the platform mechanism or discovery plugin.


    GET /api/v2.1/discovery


    200 - The result is the hierarchical tree view as JSON.

        "data": {
            "result": {
                "children": [
                        "children": [],
                        "labels": {},
                        "name": "Custom Targets",
                        "nodeType": "Realm"
                        "children": [
                                "labels": {},
                                "name": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://cryostat:9091/jmxrmi",
                                "nodeType": "JVM",
                                "target": {
                                    "alias": "io.cryostat.Cryostat",
                                    "annotations": {
                                        "cryostat": {
                                            "HOST": "cryostat",
                                            "JAVA_MAIN": "io.cryostat.Cryostat",
                                            "PORT": "9091",
                                            "REALM": "JDP"
                                        "platform": {}
                                    "connectUrl": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://cryostat:9091/jmxrmi",
                                    "labels": {}
                        "labels": {},
                        "name": "JDP",
                        "nodeType": "Realm"
                "labels": {},
                "name": "Universe",
                "nodeType": "Universe"
        "meta": {
            "status": "OK",
            "type": "application/json"

    401 - The user does not have sufficient permissions.

  • DiscoveryRegistrationHandler


    Registers a discovery plugin. Plugins must be registered before they can publish updates. Request must include a JSON body with a realm and a callback. The realm is a display name label for the subtree that this plugin will publish and may not be blank. The callback is a URI to an endpoint where Cryostat can reach the discovery plugin to perform health checks. The plugin may optionally include an id and a token in the JSON body. This fields are expected to be the id and token that the plugin previously received from Cryostat after an earlier registration. This token is opaque to the client but contains an expiry time known to Cryostat, a well as authorization information. If the request includes a prior id and token then rather than processing the request as a new plugin registration , Cryostat will reuse the same registration and issue a refreshed token. If a request contains only one of the id/token and not both, then it will be treated as an attempt to register a new plugin instance with the same reused realm name.

    Cryostat will perform a POST to the supplied callback when Cryostat restarts to ensure that the previously-registered discovery plugins are still present. This POST will have an empty body. It is recommended that plugins respond to this callback POST by attempting to re-register themselves by sending a request to this endpoint containing a repeated realm and callback, and the previously held id and token. Cryostat will then issue a refreshed token for the same id. Cryostat may issue a callback request to plugins at any time, in particular before token expiration to ensure plugins have fresh tokens. Cryostat will also send a GET request to the same callback at plugin registration time in order to validate the URI. The plugin should respond to this GET with a 2xx response, but is not expected to attempt re-registration (since initial registration is still in progress).

    This initial registration request requires the plugin to provide a request Authorization header and pass authz checks. The authz here will be inherited by the provided access token. The access token will be scoped to the id and realm only.


    POST /api/v2.2/discovery

        "realm": "my-plugin",
        "callback": ""

    200 - The result is a JSON object containing metadata, a plugin registration ID, and an access token.

    "data": {
        "result": {
            "id": "922dd4f4-9d7c-4ae2-8982-0903868226a6",
            "token": "eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..y_hecOmStA-oEtRL.ErjTrEYFRscWtTlzsBCYWu24QRnu9zs8gkSfri64pepvQzK6oxv2DMXgdtUT17M8S4a_8xmBMBzDMiPOU7sFI3tQFgskuWhjp1RC4uDxePv40A1NAi0p2Ncej0DXZ-k8s563luBhViuJXfx4y-b7eC0gmOEal852mLYbRv5Qtfi9BhS-6hqgH3XJFsoLUr6F2SG8ahFq_pF8uT1nrUnW5pmmMRE8BcnUMTKl2dbXA9Uhq-rkcTYdIUOdujJixDBgJtBODS-_1_6UbL98xBbYW5-DwtxWAeDNDmoOLMDbJrcMKyKBdvvOQ44b0adB10knIeWjlbDZ0eEuw7tjq1IPjutXz_fnBmEirWNhjh_uB-N5gllVgxn0gAm8tbU7Ed6HmN5utYg3wucPCZ2jGgr1dnujt0Kl-sgb0tARYZNYKO4JDKfZ5cI9IEck4ep_o5uE8Bv3GEtiTSZ3QVdTk-6OyPNdQfV4oQJzPDwPL2zFwBLTEuhCcCZqXcA4asdC6L7pEUSaeTruEOBG7idQ8Gb87C7ImDWBMn3PxLdXiSqAZejzDBOV61bcjMcVs-2duy_r-s2BpPGDFQ.eb4UZ82Hro0LOpkmPbSjAQ"
    "meta": {
        "status": "Created",
        "type": "application/json"

} ```

`401` - The user does not have sufficient permissions.
  • DiscoveryPostHandler


    Registered discovery plugins POST the subtrees describing their scenario to this endpoint. The subtree root REALM node is generated by Cryostat, so in fact the plugins publish here the children and descendants of that REALM, only. This is a push-based publishing system - plugins are responsible for performing their own monitoring of their scenario, transforming this into a set of leaf nodes or a tree structure, and POSTing this to Cryostat. Each request wholly replaces the previous REALM contents previously provided. The POST body must be in JSON form. The generated access token must be supplied as a query parameter, and the Authorization header is not used.


    POST /api/v2.2/discovery/:id?token=:token

    id - the plugin registration id as provided by the discovery registration handler.

    token - the access token as provided by the discovery registration handler.

            "labels": {},
            "name": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myapp.svc.local:9091/jmxrmi",
            "nodeType": "JVM",
            "target": {
                "alias": "com.MyApp",
                "annotations": {
                    "cryostat": {},
                    "platform": {}
                "connectUrl": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myapp.svc.local:9091/jmxrmi",
                "labels": {}
        "data": {
            "result": null
        "meta": {
            "mimeType": "JSON",
            "status": "OK"

    200 - The result is an empty message in JSON format.

    400 - The JSON document provided was invalid or the provided id was not a valid format.

    401 - The provided token did not pass authz. This may be because the token has expired. The plugin should re-register with the same token to receive a refreshed token.

    404 - The plugin id could not be found. This likely occurs because the plugin failed a callback check and was pruned. The plugin should re-register.

  • DiscoveryDeregistrationHandler


    When plugins are shutting down they should send a request to this endpoint to clean up. This will immediately remove the plugin's REALM subtree from the overall discovery scenario and release its registration.


    DELETE /api/v2.2/discovery/:id?token=:token

    id - the plugin registration id as provided by the discovery registration handler.

    token - the access token as provided by the discovery registration handler.

        "data": {
            "result": "bcc0f3a6-dc48-402e-a3d6-9fbb63beff78"
        "meta": {
            "mimeType": "JSON",
            "status": "OK"

    200 - The result is an empty message in JSON format containing the id that was deregistered.

    400 - The provided ID was not a valid format.

    401 - The provided token did not pass authz. This may be because the token has expired. The plugin should re-register with the same token to receive a refreshed token.

    404 - The plugin id could not be found. This likely occurs because the plugin failed a callback check and was pruned. The plugin has no need to deregister itself in this case.

Events and Event Templates

  • TargetTemplateGetHandler


    Returns an event template from a target JVM, using a previously-generated JWT for authz rather than the Authorization header.


    GET /api/v2.1/targets/:targetId/templates/:templateName/type/:templateType?token=:jwt

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    templateName - The name of the template to get.

    templateType - The type of the template to get.

    jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    200 - The body is the requested event template, as an XML document.

    401 - Token authentication failed. The body is an error message.

    404 - The target or the template or the template type could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl https://localhost:8181/api/v2.1/targets/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9094%2Fjmxrmi/templates/Continuous/type/TARGET?token=(trimmed) --output Continuous.jfc
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 30133  100 30133    0     0   239k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  239k

Recordings in Target JVMs

  • TargetEventsGetHandler


    Returns a list of event types that can be produced by a target JVM, where the event name, category, label, etc. matches the given query.


    GET /api/v2/targets/:targetId/events[?q=searchQuery]

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    q - The search query. Event names, IDs, categories, and descriptions will be searched for case-insensitive substring matches of the supplied query. If this parameter is omitted or blank then all events will be returned.


    200 - The result is a JSON array of event objects.

    The format of an event is {"name":"$NAME","typeId":"$TYPE_ID","description":"$DESCRIPTION","category":[$CATEGORIES],"options":{$OPTIONS}}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The reason is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2/targets/localhost/events?q=javaerrorthrow
    {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":[{"name":"Java Error","typeId":"jdk.JavaErrorThrow","description":"An object derived from java.lang.Error has been created. OutOfMemoryErrors are ignored","category":["Java Application"],"options":{"enabled":{"name":"Enabled","description":"Record event","defaultValue":"false"},"threshold":{"name":"Threshold","description":"Record event with duration above or equal to threshold","defaultValue":"0ns[ns]"},"stackTrace":{"name":"Stack Trace","description":"Record stack traces","defaultValue":"false"}}}]}}
  • TargetRecordingOptionsListGetHandler


    Returns a list of recording options which may be set for recordings within a target JVM. Not all options are guaranteed to be supported by the client.


    GET /api/v2/targets/:targetId/recordingOptionsList

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The result is a JSON array of recording option objects.

    The format of a recording option is {"name":"$NAME","description":"$DESCRIPTION","defaultValue":"$DEFAULT"}.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The reason is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2/targets/localhost/recordingOptionsList
    {"meta":{"status":"OK","type":"application/json"},"data":{result:[{"name":"Name","description":"Recording name","defaultValue":"Recording"},{"name":"Duration","description":"Duration of recording","defaultValue":"30s[s]"},{"name":"Max Size","description":"Maximum size of recording","defaultValue":"0B[B]"},{"name":"Max Age","description":"Maximum age of the events in the recording","defaultValue":"0s[s]"},{"name":"To disk","description":"Record to disk","defaultValue":"false"},{"name":"Dump on Exit","description":"Dump recording data to disk on JVM exit","defaultValue":"false"}]}}
  • TargetRecordingGetHandler


    Returns a recording of a target JVM as an octet stream, using a JWT for authorization. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    GET /api/v2.1/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName?token=:jwt

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get. Should use percent-encoding.

    jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    200 - The body is an octet stream consisting of the requested recording.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message.

    404 - The target or the recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2.1/targets/localhost/recordings/foo?token=(trimmed) --output foo.jfr
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  530k    0  530k    0     0  9303k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9303k
  • TargetReportGetHandler


    Returns a report of a recording of a target JVM.


    GET /api/v2.1/targets/:targetId/reports/:recordingName?token=:jwt

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding.

    jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message.

    404 - The report could not be found, or the target could not be found. The body is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2.1/targets/localhost/reports/foo?token=(trimmed) --output report.html
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  118k  100  118k    0     0   109k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  109k
  • TargetSnapshotPostHandler


    Creates a recording named snapshot-n, where n is a sequentially assigned ID, which contains information about all events recorded across all active recordings at the time of invocation.


    POST /api/v2/targets/:targetId/snapshot

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    201 - The response is a descriptor of the newly created recording, in the form {"downloadUrl":"$DOWNLOAD_URL","reportUrl":"$REPORT_URL","id":$ID,"name":"$NAME","state":"$STATE","startTime":$START_TIME,"duration":$DURATION,"continuous":$CONTINUOUS,"toDisk":$TO_DISK,"maxSize":$MAX_SIZE,"maxAge":$MAX_AGE}. The Location header will also be set to the same URL as in the downloadUrl field.

    202 - The request was accepted but the recording failed to create because the resultant snapshot was unreadable. This could be due to a lack of active recordings to take event data from.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The target could not be found. The reason is an error message.

    427 - JMX authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-JMX-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    $ curl -X POST localhost:8181/api/v2/targets/localhost/snapshot

Recordings in Archive

  • RecordingGetHandler


    Returns a recording that was saved to archive as an octet stream, using a JSON Web Token for authorization. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See RecordingGetWithJwtHandler.


    GET /api/v2.1/recordings/:recordingName?token=:jwt

    recordingName - The name of the saved recording to get. Should use percent-encoding.

    jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    200 - The body is an octet stream consisting of the requested recording.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2.1/recordings/localhost_foo_20200910T214559Z.jfr?token=(trimmed) --output foo.jfr
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  942k  100  942k    0     0  61.3M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 61.3M
  • ReportGetHandler


    Returns the report of a recording that was saved to archive. DEPRECATED: Endpoints treating the archived recording storage as uncategorized storage, where files are not associated with a particular target application, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See ReportGetWithJwtHandler.


    GET /api/v2.1/reports/:recordingName?token=:jwt

    recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding.

    jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler.


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message.

    404 - The report could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/v2.1/reports/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr?token=(trimmed) --output report.html
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  116k  100  116k    0     0   134k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  134k

Automated Rules

  • RulesPostHandler


    Creates a new automated rule definition. Cryostat processes automated rules to start recordings on matching targets as they appear, non-interactively. Newly-POSTed rule definitions will also retroactively apply to already-known targets, if any.


    POST /api/v2/rules

    The request may be an HTTP form or a JSON document. In either case, the attributes "name", "matchExpression", and "eventSpecifier" must be provided.

    "name": the name of this rule definition. This must be unique, except in the case of "archiver rules" (see eventSpecifier below). This name will also be used to generate the name of the associated recordings.

    "matchExpression": a string expression used to determine which target JVMs this rule will apply to. The expression has a variable named target in scope, which is of type ServiceRef. Properties can be accessed using . separators, and the operators ==, !=, ||, and && are accepted, with their usual meanings. An example of such an expression is: (target.alias == 'io.cryostat.Cryostat' || target.annotations.cryostat.JAVA_MAIN == 'io.cryostat.Cryostat') && target.annotations.cryostat.PORT != 9091. Regular expressions may be used to select target properties matching the regular expression. This example expression will apply a rule to all targets whose target.alias starts with abc: /^abc.*$/.test(target.alias). The simple expression true may also be used to create a rule which applies to any and all discovered targets.

    Note: The matchExpression format /regularExpressionLiteral/.test("stringValue") is the only regex format supported at the time of writing and is subject to change in the future.

    "eventSpecifier": a string of the form template=Foo,type=TYPE, which defines the event template that will be used for creating new recordings in matching targets; or, the special string "archive", which signifies that this rule should cause all matching targets to have their current (at the time of rule creation) JFR data copied to the Cryostat archives as a one-time operation. When using "archive", it is invalid to provide archivalPeriodSeconds, preservedArchives, maxSizeBytes, or maxAgeSeconds. Such "archiver rules" are only processed once and are not persisted, so the name and description become optional.

    The following attributes are optional:

    "description": a textual description of the purpose or reason for this rule definition. This is informational and for display only.

    "archivalPeriodSeconds": a positive integer value that defines how long Cryostat should wait, in seconds, between archiving snapshots of the recording. The default setting is 30.

    "preservedArchives": a positive integer value that defines how many archived copies of the recording should be kept in storage. When the number of archived copies exceeds this number the oldest copies are deleted from storage. The default setting is 1.

    "maxAgeSeconds": a positive integer value that defines the maximum age of data to be retained in the active, in-memory Flight Recording within the Target JVM. This can be used in combination with "archivalPeriodSeconds" to minimize or eliminate data overlap between the end of one archived recording and the start of the subsequent archived recording. If not specified, the default setting is equal to "archivalPeriodSeconds".

    "maxSizeBytes": a positive integer value that defines the maximum size, in bytes, of the active in-memory Flight Recording within the Target JVM. If the recording exceeds this memory size then event data will be dropped from the recording. The default setting is unlimited.


    201 - The result is the name of the created rule. The LOCATION header will be set and its value will be the relative path to the created resource.

    400 - The rule definition could not be processed, either because the provided document was malformed or invalid.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    409 - A rule with the same name already exists.

    415 - The request's Content-Type was invalid or unrecognized.

    $ curl -X POST -F name="Test Rule" -F description="This is a rule for testing" -F matchExpression="target.alias == 'io.cryostat.Cryostat'" -F eventSpecifier="template=Continuous,type=TARGET"
    < HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    < location: /api/v2/rules/Test_Rule
    < content-length: 79
  • RuleDeleteHandler


    Deletes a rule definition.


    DELETE /api/v2/rules/:name[?clean=true]

    name - the name of the rule definition to delete.

    clean - optional. If set to "true", all active recordings started by this rule in existing target JVMs will be stopped after the rule is deleted. Archived copies of recordings will not be deleted. If not set to "true", all active recordings will remain running.


    200 - The result is empty. The rule was successfully deleted.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - No rule with the given name exists.

    $ curl -X DELETE
  • RuleGetHandler


    Get a JSON document describing a rule definition with the given name.


    GET /api/v2/rules/:name


    200 - The result is a JSON string representing the rule definition.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - No rule with the given name exists.

    $ curl
    {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":{"name":"Test_Rule","description":"This is a rule for testing","matchExpression":"target.alias=='io.cryostat.Cryostat'","eventSpecifier":"template=Continuous,type=TARGET","archivalPeriodSeconds":30,"preservedArchives":1,"maxAgeSeconds":30,"maxSizeBytes":-1}}}
  • RulesGetHandler


    Get a JSON array representing all rule definitions.


    GET /api/v2/rules


    200 - The result is a JSON array representing all rule definitions.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl
    {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":[{"name":"Test_Rule","description":"This is a rule for testing","matchExpression":"target.alias=='io.cryostat.Cryostat'","eventSpecifier":"template=Continuous,type=TARGET","archivalPeriodSeconds":30,"preservedArchives":1,"maxAgeSeconds":30,"maxSizeBytes":-1}]}}    ```

Stored Target Credentials

  • TargetCredentialsPostHandler


    Creates stored credentials for a given target. When an API request is made that requires Cryostat to connect to a JVM target with JMX authentication enabled, the credentials stored using this endpoint will be used.


    POST /api/v2/targets/:targetId/credentials

    The request should be an HTTP form with the attributes "username" and "password". Both are required.


    200 - The result is null. The request was processed successfully and the credentials were stored, potentially overriding previous credentials for the same target.

    400 - "username" and/or "password" were not provided.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -F username=user -F password=pass
  • TargetCredentialsDeleteHandler


    Deletes stored credentials for a given target.


    DELETE /api/v2/targets/:targetId/credentials


    200 - The result is null. The request was processed successfully and the credentials were deleted.

    404 - The target had no stored credentials.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -X DELETE
  • TargetCredentialsGetHandler


    Lists targets with stored credentials.


    GET /api/v2.1/credentials


    200 - The result is a list of target objects.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -X GET
  • CredentialsPostHandler


    Creates stored credentials for a target or targets. When an API request is made that requires Cryostat to connect to a JVM target with JMX authentication enabled, the credentials stored using this endpoint will be used.


    POST /api/v2.2/credentials

    The request should be an HTTP form with the attributes "matchExpression", "username", and "password". All are required. For more details on matchExpression, see RulesPostHandler.


    201 - The result is null. The request was processed successfully and the credentials were stored.

    400 - "username" or "password" were not provided, or "matchExpression" was not provided or was invalid

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl -F matchExpression="target.alias == \"myservice\"" -F username=myuser -F password=mypassword
  • CredentialsGetHandler


    List stored credentials. Only the id, matchExpression and numMatchingTargets are provided here, where numMatchingTargets is is the number of known targets matching the matchExpression.


    GET /api/v2.2/credentials


    200 - The result is a list of stored credentials.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    $ curl
    {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":[{"id":1,"matchExpression":"target.alias == \"myservice\""}]}}
  • CredentialGetHandler


    Get stored credentials. Includes the matchExpression and the list of known targets matching the matchExpression.


    GET /api/v2.2/credentials/:id

    id - the numeric ID of the credential, as listed by GET /api/v2.2/credentials


    200 - The result is a credentials object.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - No stored credentials found for the provided id.

    $ curl
    {"meta":{"type":"application/json","status":"OK"},"data":{"result":{"matchExpression":"target.alias == \"myservice\"","targets":[]}}}
  • CredentialDeleteHandler


    Delete stored credentials.


    DELETE /api/v2.2/credentials/:id

    id - the numeric ID of the credential, as listed by GET /api/v2.2/credentials


    200 - The result is null. The request was processed successfully and the credentials were deleted.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - No stored credentials found for the provided id.

    $ curl -X DELETE


  • CertificatePostHandler


    Uploads an SSL Certificate from the client, and saves it to the truststore directory.


    POST /api/v2/certificates

    The certificate must be DER-encoded and can be either binary or base64. The supported extensions are .der, .cer, .pem. The certificate should be uploaded in a form with the name cert.


    200 - The result is the path of the saved file in the server's storage.

    400 - No cert was found in the request form. The reason is the error message A file named "cert" was not included in the request.

    409 - A certificate with the same filename already exists in the truststore directory. The reason includes the path where the file already exists.

    $ curl -F [email protected] localhost:8181/api/v2/certificates

Beta API

Quick Reference

What you want to do Which handler you should use
Get the unique jvmId for a target JVM JvmIdGetHandler
Recordings in Target JVMs
Create metadata labels for a recording in a target JVM TargetRecordingMetadataLabelsPostHandler
Recordings in archive
Delete a recording from archive RecordingDeleteHandler
Download a recording in archive RecordingGetHandler
Download a recording in archive using JWT RecordingGetWithJwtHandler
Download a report of a recording in archive ReportGetHandler
Download a report of a recording in archive using JWT ReportGetWithJwtHandler
Create metadata labels for a recording RecordingMetadataLabelsPostHandler
Upload a recording from archive to the Grafana datasource RecordingUploadPostHandler


Recordings in Target JVMs

  • TargetRecordingMetadataLabelsPostHandler


    Add metadata labels for a recording in a target JVM. Overwrites any existing labels for that recording.


    POST /api/beta/targets/:targetId/recordings/:recordingName/metadata/labels

    The request should be a JSON document with the labels specified as "key": "value" string pairs. Keys must be unique. Letters, numbers, -, and . are accepted.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to attach labels to.

    targetId - The location of the target JVM to connect to, in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The result contains the updated labels associated with the target recording.

    400 - An argument was invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl --data "{\"myKey\":\"myValue\",\"another-key\":\"another-value\"}" http://localhost:8181/api/beta/targets/localhost:0/recordings/myRecording/metadata/labels

Recordings in Archives

  • RecordingDeleteHandler


    Delete a recording from archive. This does not affect any recordings in any target JVM's JFR buffer.


    DELETE /api/beta/recordings/:sourceTarget/:recordingName

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the recording to delete. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The result is null. The request was processed successfully and the recording was deleted.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8181/api/beta/recordings/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200910T214559Z.jfr
  • RecordingGetHandler


    Returns a recording that was saved to archive, as an octet stream


    GET /api/beta/recordings/:sourceTarget/:recordingName

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the recording to download. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The result is the recording file.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    $ curl http://localhost:8181/api/beta/recordings/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200910T214559Z.jfr --output foo.jfr
    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                    Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  391k  100  391k    0     0  64.7M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 76.5M
  • RecordingGetWithJwtHandler


    Returns a recording that was saved to archive, as an octet stream with JWT auth.


    GET /api/beta/recordings/:sourceTarget/:recordingName/jwt

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the recording to download. Should use percent-encoding. jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler


    200 - The result is the recording file.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    $ curl http://localhost:8181/api/beta/recordings/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200910T214559Z.jfr?token=(trimmed) --output foo.jfr
    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                    Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  391k  100  391k    0     0  64.7M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 76.5M
  • ReportGetHandler


    Returns the report of a recording that was saved to archive.


    GET /api/beta/reports/:sourceTarget/:recordingName

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/beta/reports/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr? --output report.html
    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                    Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  116k  100  116k    0     0   134k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  134k
  • ReportGetWithJwtHandler


    Returns the report of a recording that was saved to archive with JWT auth.


    GET /api/beta/reports/:sourceTarget/:recordingName/jwt

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the recording to get the report for. Should use percent-encoding. jwt - The JSON Web Token providing authorization for this request. See AuthTokenPostHandler


    200 - The body is the requested report as an HTML document.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    $ curl localhost:8181/api/beta/reports/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr?token=(trimmed) --output report.html
    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                    Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  116k  100  116k    0     0   134k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  134k
  • RecordingUploadPostHandler


    Uploads a recording that was saved to archive to the Grafana datasource that Cryostat is configured with (determined by the environment variable GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_URL).


    POST /api/beta/recordings/:sourceTarget/:recordingName/upload

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. Must be in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL and should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads. recordingName - The name of the saved recording to upload. Should use percent-encoding.


    200 - The body is the body of the response that Cryostat got after sending the upload request to the Grafana datasource server.

    401 - User authentication failed. The body is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - recordingName could not be found for the given sourceTarget or sourceTarget is invalid. The body is an error message.

    501 - The Grafana datasource URL is malformed. The body is an error message.

    502 - JMX connection failed. This is generally because the target application has SSL enabled over JMX, but Cryostat does not trust the certificate.

    512 - Cryostat received an invalid response from the Grafana datasource after sending the upload request. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -X POST localhost:8181/api/beta/recordings/service%3Ajmx%3Armi%3A%2F%2F%2Fjndi%2Frmi%3A%2F%2Fcryostat%3A9091%2Fjmxrmi/localhost_foo_20200911T144545Z.jfr/upload
    Uploaded: file-uploads/555f4dab-240b-486b-b336-2d0e5f43e7cd
    Loaded: file-uploads/555f4dab-240b-486b-b336-2d0e5f43e7cd
  • RecordingMetadataLabelsPostHandler


    Create metadata labels for a recording in Cryostat's archives. Overwrites any existing labels for that recording.


    POST /api/beta/recordings/:sourceTarget/:recordingName/metadata/labels

    The request should be a JSON document with the labels specified as "key": "value" string pairs. Keys must be unique. Letters, numbers, -, and . are accepted.

    sourceTarget - The target JVM from which Cryostat saved the recording. in the form of a service:rmi:jmx:// JMX Service URL, or hostname:port. Should use percent-encoding. If a recording was re-uploaded to archives, this field should be set to uploads.

    recordingName - The name of the recording to attach labels to.


    200 - The result contains the updated labels associated with the archived recording.

    400 - An argument was invalid. The body is an error message.

    401 - User authentication failed. The reason is an error message. There will be an X-WWW-Authenticate: $SCHEME header that indicates the authentication scheme that is used.

    404 - The recording could not be found. The body is an error message.

    $ curl -v --data "{\"myKey\":\"updatedValue\",\"another-key\":\"another-updated-value\",\"new-key\":\"new-value\"}" http://localhost:8181/api/beta/recordings/localhost%3A0/localhost_myRecording_20220309T203725Z.jfr/metadata/labels