- Access Firebase Console and signin with an Google Account;
Follow the steps below:
- Paste the following rules in last screen input:
{ "rules": { "rooms": { ".read": false, ".write": false, "$roomId": { ".read": "!root.child('/rooms/' + $roomId + '/endedAt').exists() || data.child('authorId').val() == auth.uid ", ".write": "auth != null && (!data.exists() || data.child('authorId').val() == auth.uid)", "questions": { ".read": "!root.child('/rooms/' + $roomId + '/endedAt').exists()", ".write": false, "$questionId":{ ".read": true, ".write": "auth != null && !root.child('/rooms/' + $roomId + '/endedAt').exists() && (!data.exists() || data.child('author/id').val() == auth.uid)", "likes": { ".read": true, ".write": "auth != null" } } } } } } }
- Click on the
button to save the rules:
- Paste the following rules in last screen input: