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Overview of the Energy Application Domain Extension

Motivation and design objectives

The CityGML Energy Application Domain Extension (Energy ADE) aims at extending the CityGML 2.0 standard with energy-related entities and attributes necessary to perform energy analyses at urban scale, such as energy demand diagnostics, solar potential study, simulation of low-carbon energy strategies etc...

In accordance with the philosophy of CityGML, the Energy ADE aims to be flexible in terms of compatibility with different data qualities and levels of details. His design is driven by the following objectives :

  • store and manage energy-related data collected at urban scale, based on the standard data specification of INSPIRE Directive of the European Parliament, as well as the recent US Building Energy Data Exchange Specification (BEDES).
  • provide information data required by different urban energy models and simulation (e.g. from standard energy balance methods as of ISO 13790, to sub-hourly dynamic simulations by means of software programs like CitySim or EnergyPlus)

General structure overview

Its structure is conceived to be modular, so as to be potentially used and extended also for other applications (e.g. module Occupancy for socio-economics, module Construction and Materials for acoustics or statics, etc). It consists of 5 modules:

  • Building Physics module,
  • Temporal Data module,
  • Construction and Material module,
  • Occupancy module,
  • Energy Use and System module,

The Building Physics module is the core of the Energy ADE. It extends the existing CityGML objects (Abstract Building, BoundarySurface and Opening) and relate them to new thermal entities (ThermalZone, ThermalBoundary, resp. ThermalComponent). Its central object is the ThermalZone, which is the reference volume for heat/cool energy demand calculation.

The Occupancy module is related to the CityGML model (AbstractBuilding) and Building Physics Module (ThermalZone) through its central object : UsageZone. The latter is the spatial unit for user-depending energy use study (e.g. domestic hot water, electrical appliances) and can provide usage boundary conditions for the heat/cool energy demand calculations.

The Construction and Material, Energy Use and System, and Timeseries and Schedules modules are independant « floating modules » which may be connected to different CityGML and Energy ADE CityObjects.

This document is intended to explain the characteristics and purposes of each module, their entities and attributes. It provides also a number of XML examples, illustrating how and where the Energy ADE entities and attributes may be embedded into CityGML.

Building Physics Module

Module overview and main relationships

Class diagram of Building Physics Module

...and its types and codelists Types and Codelists of Building Physics Module

Main purpose of this module is building thermal modeling (e.g. calculation of space heating and space cooling demands).

Thus, it extends the existing CityGML objects _AbstractBuilding, _BoundarySurfaceand _Opening with energy-related attributes, and define new thermal building objects ThermalZone, ThermalBoundary, respectively ThermalComponent related to them.

The ThermalZone is the reference volume for heating and cooling demand calculation. A Building may have several ThermalZone, for instance in the case of mixed-usage building, or to distinguish rooms or zones with different orientations (i.e. solar gains) and/or thermal behaviour.

These ThermalZone objects are separated from each other and from the outside by ThermalBoundary objects. These ThermalBoundary objects may or not correspond to the CityGML _BoundarySurface.

If occupied, a ThermalZone must be related to at least one UsageZone, which contains the usage boundary conditions required for the heating and cooling demand calculation (see Occupancy Module). One ThermalZone may be related to several UsageZone for simplified modelling of mixed-usage space, in which case the usage boundary conditions of the UsageZone should be aggregated or weighted according with their floorArea.

Extension of CityGML building objects


The Energy ADE extends the CityGML _AbstractBuilding by a number of energy-related attributes, e.g with regards to the geometrical characteristics (referencePoint, volume, floorArea, heightAboveGround), to the available energy certificates (energyPerformanceCertification) and refurbishment measures (RefurbishmentMeasureOnBuilding), and other building information useful for building typology categorisations (buildingType, constructionWeight,isLandmarked).

All these attributes are optional. Some of them, like volume, floorArea and
energyPerformanceCertification, have a cardinality [0..*] and may consequently be attributed several times to a building, specifying different values for different kinds of VolumeType, FloorArea and EnergyPerformanceCertification respectively.

Finally, because _AbstractBuilding inherits from _CityObject, further objects may be assigned to it, like WeatherDataand EnergyDemand (see Module Energy and Systems).

In the following, an extract of CityGML file for a building is given, included some of its Energy ADE attributes.

<!--Examples of Building with Energy ADE attributes-->
<bldg:Building gml:id="id_building_1">
  <gml:description>Description of Building 1</gml:description>
  <gml:name>Name of Building 1</gml:name>
   <gml:Point gml:id="id_building_referencepoint_1" srsName="EPSG:31256" srsDimension="3">
    <gml:pos>2525.5 338567.5 162.6</gml:pos>

   <!--Here come the EnergyPerformanceCertification objects (see later) -->

    <energy:value uom="m">10.0</energy:value>

    <energy:value uom="m">13.0</energy:value>

  <energy:value uom="m3">1050</energy:value>

    <!--Here come all attributes of a RefurbishmentMeasure object (omitted here)-->

  <!--Here may come a list of UsageZone of the building (see Module Occupancy) -->

   <!--Here come the floorArea objects (see later)-->


  <!--Here follow all ThermalZone objects, each inside a "thermalZones" tag-->
   <energy:ThermalZone gml:id="id_thermalzone_1">
    <!--Here come all attributes of the first ThermalZone (omitted here)-->
   <energy:ThermalZone gml:id="id_thermalzone_2">
    <!--Here come all attributes of the second ThermalZone (omitted here)-->


Buildings (_AbstractBuilding) and building zones (ThermalZone and UsageZone) may be characterized by several floorArea, related to several FloorAreaType (e.g. net floor area, gross floor area, energy reference area).

<!--Examples of three floor areas-->
		<energy:value uom="m2">50.0</energy:value>

		<energy:value uom="m2">40.0</energy:value>

		<energy:value uom="m2">43.0</energy:value>


Buildings (_AbstractBuilding) and thermal zones (ThermalZone) may be characterized by several volume, related to several VolumeType (e.g. net volume, gross volume, energy reference volume).

<!--Examples of three volume characterizations-->
  <energy:value uom="m3">900</energy:value>

  <energy:value uom="m3">1050</energy:value>

  <energy:value uom="m3">975</energy:value>


Buildings (_AbstractBuilding) may be characterized by several kinds of HeighAboveGround, related to several ElevationReferenceValue. The parameter value corresponds to the vertical distance between the ElevationReferenceValue and the average elevation of the building-terrain intersection. The following types of ElevationReferenceValue can be specified:

  • bottomOfConstruction
  • entrancePoint
  • generalEave
  • generalRoof
  • generalRoofEdge
  • highestEave
  • highestPoint
  • highestRoofEdge
  • lowestEave
  • lowestFloorAboveGround
  • lowestRoofEdge
  • topOfConstruction
  • topThermalBoundary
  • bottomThermalBoundary


A building may be characterized by several
energyPerformanceCertification related to different certificationName (e.g. PassivHaus, LEED) and/or different certification dates (specificied by certificationId).

<!--Example of two energy performance certifications-->
        <energy:certificationRating>Passive house</energy:certificationRating>


Energy-efficient refurbishment operations and measures may be indicated as attribute of _AbstractBuilding and _BoundarySurface. The RefurbishmentMeasure object contains three information data: the date, level of refurbishment and a description of the refurbishment operation.

The attribute levelOfRefurbishment is a codeList whose elements generally relates to refurbishment measure libraries or to a building typology categorisation.

The attribute dateOfRefurbishment is defined by the GML type DateOfEvent, and may consequently be specified in different manners (see the 3 examples below).

<!--Example of a Refurbishment Measure on a building with a very vague date ("before June 2010") -->
      <energy:instant indeterminatePosition="before">2010-06</energy:instant>
<!--Example of an advanced Refurbishment Measure in the years 1998 and 1999 -->
<!--Example of an usual Refurbishment Measure in June 2012 -->


Time series of measured or processed meteorological or radiation parameters may be related with any feature class of the base standard (e.g. _AbstractBuilding, _BoundarySurface) or the extension (e.g. ThermalBoundary) via the property weatherData. The corresponding type WeatherData has three properties: The type of the weather data (weatherDataType), the time series of its values (values), and optionally the position of the sensor (position). The following types of meteorological and radiation data can be specified:

  • AirTemperature
  • Humidity
  • WindSpeed
  • Cloudiness
  • GlobalSolarIrradiance (see _BoundarySurface)
  • DirectSolarIrradiance
  • DiffuseSolarIrradiance
  • TerrestrialEmission
  • DownwardTerrestrialRadiation
  • DaylightIlluminance (see _BoundarySurface)

Some precisions related to some weather data types:

The globalSolarIrradiance is the sum of the direct, diffuse and reflected irradiance incident on a outside boundary surface and is generally expressed in Watts per square metre. These global solar irradiance is generally used for the thermal calculations within the buildings, but also for the calculation of the energy yield produced by the solar systems (e.g. photovoltaic and solar thermal panels). If it is attached to a surface object (e.g. _BoundarySurface, ThermalBoundary, _opening), the globalSolarIrradiance is defined related to the plan of this surface. If it is attached to a non-surface object (e.g _AbstractBuilding or mere position), the globalSolarIrradiance is defined related to the horizontal plan.

The daylightIlluminance is the sum of the direct, diffuse and reflected solar illuminance incident on a outside boundary surface. It is generally expressed in Lux. Daylight illuminance is typically used for outside and inside daylighting study, as well as the calculation of the energy consumptions of lighting systems required to reach the room illuminance threshold when the daylight illuminance is not enough.


The CityGML abstract class _BoundarySurface is extended by a number of Energy ADE attributes, in order to store construction information (boundarySurfaceConstruction) and refurbishment data (refurbishmentMeasureOnBoundarySurface).

Via the general mechanism of attaching time series WeatherData to CityGML feature types, the incident global solar irradiances and the daylight illuminances may be for instance related with each outside boundary surface of the building.

<!--Example of a Roof object -->
<bldg:RoofSurface gml:id="id_roof_1">
   <gml:description>Description of Roof 1</gml:description>
   <gml:name>Name of Roof 1</gml:name>

       <!-- Specification of the time series temporal extent and values (omitted here) -->

       <!-- Specification of the time series temporal extent and values (omitted here) -->

     <!--Here come all attributes of a RefurbishmentMeasure object (omitted here)-->



The CityGML abstract class _Opening (inherited by the objects Window and Door) is extended in this Energy ADE by a number of optional energy-related attributes.

The attribute openableRatio characterizes the proportion of the opening area which may be opened. An opening may have an indoorShading and/or an outdoorShading, modelled by the ShadingType. This one is characterized by a name, a transmittance (see details in Module Materials and Constructions and a maximumCoverRatio. Finally, material information (AbstractConstruction, see Module Materials and Constructions) may be specified for the opening via the openingConstruction attribute.

As in the Building example shown before, the standard CityGML attributes have been omitted for better readability.

<!--Example of a Window object -->
<bldg:Window gml:id="id_window_1">
	<gml:description>This is a window with an outside rolling shutter and curtains inside</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Window with rolling shutter and curtains</gml:name>

			<energy:maximumCoverRatio uom="ratio">1</energy:maximumCoverRatio>
			<energy:name>Rolling shutter</energy:name>
					<energy:fraction uom="ratio">0</energy:fraction>

			<energy:maximumCoverRatio uom="ratio">0.5</energy:maximumCoverRatio>
					<energy:fraction uom="ratio">0.8</energy:fraction>

	<energy:openableRatio uom="ratio">0.9</energy:openableRatio>


Thermal zones, thermal boundaries and thermal components


The ThermalZone is a new object introduced in the Energy ADE to realize building heating and cooling demand calculation. A ThermalZone is a zone of a bldg:Building (or of a bldg:BuildingPart) which serves as the smallest spatial zone for building heating and cooling demand calculation. It is generally a "thermal homogeneous" space considered as isothermal, but may also refer to several building rooms and zones with different usage boundary conditions for simplified building energy modelling.

A ThermalZone contains a series of energy-related attributes which characterize its geometry (floorArea, volume,volumeGeometry), its conditioning status (isCooled, isHeated,indirectlyHeatedAreaRatio) and overall building physics properties (additionalThermalBridgeUValue, infiltration rate, effectiveThermalCapacity).

All these attributes are optional. A ThermalZone may optionally contain an explicit volume geometry (specified by volumeGeometry), useful in particular for visualisation purposes, but not necessary for heating and cooling demand calculations. The ThermalZone may also be related to a room (bldg:Room). The actual surface boundaries of a ThermalZone are defined by means of ThermalBoundary objects (see later).

If occupied, a ThermalZone must be related to at less one UsageZone object (see Occupancy Module), which contains the usage boundary conditions for the heating and cooling demand calculation (see Occupancy Module). ThermalZone may even be related to several UsageZone for simplified modelling of mixed-usage space, in which case the usage boundary conditions of the UsageZone should be aggregated or weighted according with their floorArea.

The class ThermalZone inherits from _CityObject, and may therefore be associated to one or more EnergyDemand objects (see module Energy Systems).

In the following, Two XML examples present a ThermalZone, with and without explicit volume geometry.

<!--Example of a ThermalZone without explicit volume geometry-->
<energy:ThermalZone gml:id="id_thermalzone_1">
   <gml:description>Description of Thermal Zone 1</gml:description>
   <gml:name>Name of Thermal Zone 1</gml:name>
   <energy:additionalThermalBridgeUValue uom="W/(K*m^2)">0.5</energy:additionalThermalBridgeUValue>
   <energy:effectiveThermalCapacity uom="J/K">500</energy:effectiveThermalCapacity>
     <energy:value uom="m^2">55.0</energy:value>
     <energy:value uom="m^3">200.0</energy:value>

     <energy:value uom="m^3">180</energy:value>

   <!-- here follows a related usage zone -->
   <energy:contains xlink:href="#id_usagezone_1"/>

   <energy:indirectlyHeatedAreaRatio uom="ratio">0.15</energy:indirectlyHeatedAreaRatio>
   <energy:infiltrationRate uom="1/h">1.2</energy:infiltrationRate>

   <!--Here follow all ThermalBoundary objects, each inside a "boundedBy" tag-->
    <energy:ThermalBoundary gml:id="id_thermalboundary_1">
     <!--Here come all attributes of the first ThermalBoundary (omitted here)-->
    <energy:ThermalBoundary gml:id="id_thermalboundary_2">
     <!--Here come all attributes of the second ThermalBoundary (omitted here)-->

<!--Example of a ThermalZone with explicit volume geometry-->
<energy:ThermalZone gml:id="id_thermalzone_2">
   <!--Additional attributes of the ThermalZone (omitted here)-->


     <gml:Solid gml:id="id_thermalzone_volume_geometry_1" srsName="EPSG:31256" srsDimension="3">
           <gml:posList>0 0 0 0 10 0 5 10 0 5 0 0 0 0 0</gml:posList>
           <gml:posList>0 0 4 5 0 4 5 10 4 0 10 4 0 0 4</gml:posList>
       <!--Here come further surfaceMember objects-->

   <energy:boundedBy xlink:href="#ThermalBoundary_1"/>


A ThermalBoundary represent the physical relationship between two ThermalZone, or one ThermalZone and the building environment. Its geometrical representation is a planar, or quasi planar, surface.

Each ThermalZone is geometrically closed by its whole set of bounding ThermalBoundary (specificied in the relationship boundedBy).

A ThermalBoundary object must refer to its one or two corresponding ThermalZone objects via the ordered relation delimitsBy.

In the case where the ThermalBoundary delimits one ThermalZone from the building environment, corresponding then to the external boundary of a building, its geometrical representation coincides with the external surfaces of the related outer wall/roof/basement floor. In this case, the ThermalBoundary is linked to the bounded ThermalZone through the relation delimitsBy, and may be linked to the corresponding _BoundarySurface object (e.g. a WallSurface, a RoofSurface, a GroundSurface in LoD2) if existing, through the relationship "correspondsTo". It may however occurs that such ThermalBoundary does not match with any _BoundarySurface (e.g. basement ceiling, attic floor).

In the case where the ThermalBoundary separate two adjacent ThermalZone, corresponding then to an intermediate floor, ceiling, or a shared wall, its geometrical representation coincides with the plan laying at the middle of this construction thickness. In this case, the ThermalBoundary is linked to the two bounded ThermalZone through the ordered relation delimitsBy, and may be linked to the two (or more) corresponding _BoundarySurface (only for LoD4 Building). The order of the two related ThermalZone objects is significant, because it characterized the order of the different material layers of the ThermalBoundary and ThermalComponent constructions (see paragraph ThermalComponent for further details).

The following figure represents these 2 different cases in a building side section, relating the Energy ADE objects ThermalZone and ThermalBoundary to the CityGML objects Room and _BoundarySurface.

Schema of adjacent thermal zones

ThermalBoundary may contain attributes characterizing their type
(thermalBoundaryType), orientation (azimuth and inclination), size (area) and explicit geometry (surfaceGeometry). All these attributes are optional. Thus, a ThermalZone may optionally contain an explicit surface geometry (specified by surfaceGeometry), useful in particular for visualisation purposes if the ThermalBoundary does not coincide with any _BoundarySurface, but not necessary for heating and cooling demand calculations.

The ThermalBoundaryType type is slightly different to the types of _BoundarySurface from CityGML, integrating further thermal boundaries like AtticFloor, BasementCeiling, BasementFloor or SharedWall.

Each ThermalBoundary is composed of ThermalComponent (e.g. wall construction, windows etc.) which holds information on the corresponding material layers .

In the following, two XML examples of ThermalBoundary, with and without explicit geometry are given.

<!--Example of a ThermalBoundary corresponding to a building roof, delimiting a thermal zone -->
<energy:ThermalBoundary gml:id="id_thermalboundary_1">
  <gml:description>Thermal Boundary 1</gml:description>
  <gml:name>Thermal Boundary 1</gml:name>
  <energy:azimuth uom="deg">135</energy:azimuth>
  <energy:inclination uom="deg">55</energy:inclination>

    <energy:ThermalComponent gml:id="Thermalcomponent_1">
      <energy:area uom="m2">100</energy:area>
       <energy:construction xlink:href="#RoofConstruction"/>

    <energy:ThermalComponent gml:id="Thermalcomponent_2">
      <energy:area uom="m2">20</energy:area>
      <energy:construction xlink:href="#RoofWindowConstruction"/>

  <energy:delimitsBy xlink:href="#AtticThermalZone"/>

 <energy:relatesTo xlink:href="#RoofSurface_1"/>
<!--Example of a ThermalBoundary with explicit surface geometry, separating two thermal zones -->
<energy:ThermalBoundary gml:id="id_thermalboundary_2">
 <!--Additional attributes of the ThermalBoundary class (omitted here)-->

     <gml:MultiSurface gml:id="id_thermalboundary_2_surface_geometry" srsName="EPSG:31256" srsDimension="3">
              <gml:posList>0 0 0 0 10 0 5 10 0 5 0 0 0 0 0</gml:posList>

   <partOf xlink:href="#id_thermalzone_1"/>
   <partOf xlink:href="#id_thermalzone_2"/>


A ThermalComponent object is a part of the thermal boundary corresponding to a homogeneous construction component (e.g. windows, wall, insulated part of a wall etc.) and either entirely above or below the terrain. Each ThermalComponent must be characterized with its area, its position relative to the terrain (attribute relativeToTerrain which it inherits from _CityObject), and its related AbstractConstruction (see Construction and Material module), defining the order of the ThermalComponent's different construction layers. This may be done either inline or by means of xlinks (see example below). In this way, ThermalComponent provides the physical properties of the building envelope to calculate the heating and cooling demand.

The ThermalComponent objects thus define the construction layer order of a ThermalBoundary object. For simulating the energy transfer between two ThermalZones or between a ThermalZone and the environment, it is essential to know which ThermalZonei s in contact with which layer. This information is indicated by the order of the ThermalZone objects related with a ThermalBoundary (relation delimitsBy). The order of the layers in the AbstractConstruction of a ThermalComponent and the order of the related ThermalZone objects must obey the following rules:

  • For exterior ThermalBoundary objects, the first layer is facing the exterior environment, and the last layer the building interior.
  • For ThermalBoundary objects of type IntermediaryFloor or BasementCeiling, the first construction layer is facing the lower ThermalZone and the last layer the upper ThermalZone. The first relation delimitsBy points to the upper ThermalZone, and the last relation delimitsBy points to the lower ThermalZone.
  • For all other interior ThermalBoundary objects, the first relation delimitsBy points to the ThermalZone facing the last construction layer, and the last relation delimitsBy points to the ThermalZone facing the first construction layer.
<!--Example of a Facade with 20% window to wall ratio -->
 <energy:ThermalBoundary gml:id="Id_Facade_1">

    <energy:ThermalComponent gml:id="id_Wall_1">
     <gml:description>Part of the facade of wall</gml:description>
     <energy:area uom="m^2">120.0</energy:area>
     <energy:construction xlink:href="#id_WallConstruction_1"/>    

    <energy:ThermalComponent gml:id="id_Window_1">
     <gml:description>Part of the facade of windows</gml:description>
     <energy:area uom="m^2">10.0</energy:area>
     <energy:relates xlink:href="#opening_window_1"/>
     <energy:construction xlink:href="#id_WindowConstruction_1"/>     

   <energy:delimitsBy xlink:href="#thermalZone_1"/>


Temporal Data Module

This module introduces the two new types _TimeSeries and _Schedules, essential to model the time-depending inputs and results of urban energy analyses. These types are used in other Modules of the Energy ADE, in particular the module Occupancy and module Energy and Systems.

As theses types are actually not domain-specific, we are collaborating with the development team of the CityGML 3.0 to integrate them in the new CityGML 3.0 to come (as Dynamizer).

Time Series

Class diagram of ADE Energy Core - Time Series

Time series are homogeneous lists of time-depending values. They are used in the Energy ADE to store energy amount or an occupancy schedule, for instance.

All time series share some common properties, gathered in the TimeValuesProperties type object. This object specifies optionally the acquisitionMethod (e.g. simulated with software X, measured with heat meter), interpolationType (based on the WaterML ADE to know for instance if measured data are "Average in Preceding Interval", or "Instantaneous Total"), qualityDescription and source of the time series data. Additionally, _TimeSeriesmay contain the the usual GML type attributes name and description.

Time series can be either regular or irregular. RegularTimeSeries contain values generated at regularly spaced interval of time (timeInterval), over a given temporalExtent (i.e. start, end and duration time). They are used, for instance, to store automatically acquired data or hourly/daily/monthly simulation results. In IrregularTimeSeries, data follows a temporal sequence, but the measurement points may not happen at a regular time interval (IBM knowledge Center). Therefore, each value must be associated with a data or time.

Time series values may be also stored on an external file (e.g. csv or text), both for regular (RegularTimeSeriesFile) and irregular time series (IrregularTimeSeriesFile). A number of attributes must be detailed to retrieve the file, interprete the formats and values inside it (decimalSymbol, recordSeparator, fieldSeparator, numberOfHeaderLines, uom), and know which values of the file should be read (timeColumnNumber for irregular time series and valueColumnNumber for both of them). One file with different records may be reused by different RegularTimeSeriesFile or IrregularTimeSeriesFile with the corresponding valueColumnNumber.

In the following, four examples of time series illustrates the four types of time series. The variableProperties and gml attributes are presented in the first example but not always repeated in the following examples for better readibility.

Example of RegularTimeSeries object:

<!--Example of RegularTimeSeries object with daily values-->
 <energy:RegularTimeSeries gml:id="id_timeseries_electricity_demand_1">
   <gml:description>Description of the time series id_timeseries_electricity_demand_1</gml:description>
   <gml:name>Name of the  time series id_timeseries_electricity_demand_1</gml:name>
     <energy:qualityDescription>Accurate (+/- 0.2 kWh)</energy:qualityDescription>
     <energy:source>Subcontracting company X</energy:source>
   <energy:timeInterval unit="day">1</energy:timeInterval>
   <energy:values uom="kWh">11.2 11.4 10.2 9.6 6.3 11.5 12.7 ... (truncated, set of 365 values) </energy:values>

Example of IrregularTimeSeries object:

<!--Example of IrregularTimeSeries object listing one value per year-->
<energy:IrregularTimeSeries gml:id="id_timeseries_electricity_demand_1">
			<energy:acquisitionMethod>Manual read on electrical meter</energy:acquisitionMethod>
	<energy:uom uom="kWh"/>

Example of RegularTimeSeriesFile object:

<!--Example of RegularTimeSeriesFile object with hourly values contained in a file-->
<energy:RegularTimeSeriesFile gml:id="id_regulartimeseries_file_1">
	<energy:uom uom="W/m^2"/>
	<energy:timeInterval unit="hour">1</energy:timeInterval>

Example of IrregularTimeSeriesFile object:

<!--Example of IrregularTimeSeriesFile object-->
<energy:RegularTimeSeriesFile gml:id="id_regulartimeseries_file_1">
	<energy:uom uom="W/m^2"/>
	<energy:recordSeparator> </energy:recordSeparator>


Class diagram of ADE Energy Core - Schedules

The type _Schedule is used in the Energy ADE for different kinds of schedules related to the building usage: heating and cooling schedules (set-point temperatures), ventilation schedules (mechanical air change rate), occupancy rate and facilities operation schedules.

Schedules can be modelled in 4 possible "semantic levels of detail", depending on the available information and the application requirements. These levels of detail range from a simple constant value to a detailed schedule characterised by a _TimeSeries object.


The simplest level of detail, this Schedule is defined by a constant measure (averageValue), generally corresponding to the average parameter value.

<!--Example of a ConstantValueSchedule-->
<energy:ConstantValueSchedule gml:id="id_constant_schedule_1">
	<energy:averageValue uom="degree Celsius">26</energy:averageValue>


A two-state schedule. This schedule is defined by a usageValue for usage times, and an idleValue outside these temporal boundaries. Usage times are characterized by the numbers usageHoursPerDay and usageHoursPerDay (usage hours per usage days). This schedule complies in particular with the data requirements of the codes and norms describing the monthly energy balance (DIN 18599-2, ISO 13790).

<!--Example of a DualValueSchedule-->
<energy:DualValueSchedule gml:id="id_dualvalue_schedule_2">
	<energy:usageValue uom="degree Celsius">20</energy:usageValue>
	<energy:idleValue uom="degree Celsius">16</energy:idleValue>
	<energy:usageHoursPerDay uom="hour">17</energy:usageHoursPerDay>
	<energy:usageDaysPerYear uom="day">365</energy:usageDaysPerYear>


This more detailed schedule is composed of one or more periodOfYear, being itself composed of dailySchedule associated to recurrent dayType (e.g. weekday, weekend). These daily schedules are of type _TimeSeries, as described above.

<!--Example of a daily pattern schedule for a standard week composed of weekday and weekend days-->
<energy:DailyPatternSchedule gml:id="id_dailypattern_schedule_3">

       <energy:RegularTimeSeries gml:id="id_cooling_daily_timeseries_1">
        <energy:timeInterval unit="hour">1</energy:timeInterval>
        <energy:values uom="C">25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20
               20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25</energy:values>

       <energy:RegularTimeSeries gml:id="id_cooling_daily_timeseries2">
        <energy:timeInterval unit="hour">1</energy:timeInterval>
        <energy:values uom="C">25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20
               20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25</energy:values>



This type is the most detailed of all _schedule levels of details. It consists of a unique time series, without patterns.

<!--Example of a time series based schedule with hourly values for one year-->
<energy:TimeSeriesSchedule gml:id="id_timeseries_schedule_4">
	<energy:RegularTimeSeries gml:id="id_occupants_timeseries4">
			<energy:timeInterval unit="hour">1</energy:timeInterval>
			<energy:values uom="ratio">1 1 1 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 ... (truncated, set of 8760 values)</energy:values>

Construction and Material Module

Class diagram of Construction Module

The Construction and Material module of the ADE Energy characterizes physically the building construction parts, detailing their structure and specifiying their thermal and optical properties.

The central feature type of the module is Construction, which may either be used directly or as ReverseConstruction, modelling a baseConstruction with inverted order of layers. The abstract feature type AbstracConstruction, being used in ThermalComponent and in extended properties of _BoundarySurfaceand _Opening, is the common super class of Constructionand ReverseConstruction.


This is the central object of this module, which holds the physical characterisation of building envelop or intern room partition (e.g. wall, roof, openings). Each Construction object may be characterised by optical and/or physical properties.

The OpticalProperties type specified the emissivity, reflectance, transmittance and glazingRatio of the construction and its surfaces:

  • Emissivity is the ratio of the infrared (also called long-wave) radiation emitted by a specific surface/object to that of a black body. It is specified for a given surface (SurfaceSide). According with the Kirchoff and Lambert law, for a diffuse grey body the aborptance and the emittance are equal for a given wavelength range.

  • Reflectance is the fraction of incident radiation which is reflected by an object. It is specified for a given surface (SurfaceSide) and for a given wavelengthRange type ("Visible", "Infrared", "Solar" or "Total" spectrums).

  • Transmittance is the fraction of incident radiation which passes through a specific object. It is specified for a given wavelengthRange type . For example, the total transmittance of a window correspond to its g-value (also called Solar Heat Gain Coefficient). The transmittance value is included between 0 (completely opaque object) and 1 (completely transparent object).

  • the glazingRatio corresponds of to proportion of the construction surface which is transparent and for which the transmittance is defined. For the modelling of window, glazingRatio corresponds to the proportion of window surface not cover by the window frame.

The thermal properties of the Construction may be characterized with two possible "levels of details" : either with the heat transmission coefficient uValue for steady-state thermal modelling, or by detailing its different Layer of materials and their thermal behaviour.

In this last case, the Construction may be defined as an ordered combination of Layer, containing possibly several LayerComponent made of materials.

In the following, several examples of Construction objects are presented, with different levels of complexity.

A simple wall characterised with its U-value :

<!--Example of a wall construction simply characterised with a U-value-->
<energy:Construction gml:id="id_construction_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Construction 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Construction 1</gml:name>
	<energy:uValue uom="W/(K*m^2)">1.2</energy:uValue>

A window characterised with its U-value, its emissivity, its g-value and its visible transmittance.

<!--Example of low-emissivity window Construction object-->
<energy:Construction gml:id="id_construction_2">
	<gml:description>Description of the windows Construction</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of the window Construction</gml:name>
	<energy:uValue uom="W/(K*m^2)">1.9</energy:uValue>
					<energy:fraction uom="ratio">0.04</energy:fraction>
			<!-- Here follows the g-value (or SHGC) characterization-->
					<energy:fraction uom="ratio">0.65</energy:fraction>
			<!-- Here follows the visible transmittance characterization-->
					<energy:fraction uom="ratio">0.55</energy:fraction>
			<energy:glazingRatio uom="ratio">0.8</energy:glazingRatio>


This class defines a Construction object with reverted layer order. This may be necesssary because the same construction, if common to different zones or buildings, might be orientated in two different directions.

<!--Example of ConstructionOrientation object-->
   <gml:description>Description of a reverted Construction</gml:description>
   <energy:baseConstruction xlink:href="#id_construction_1"/>

Layers and layer components

A Construction may be defined as an ordered combination of layers, themselves composed of one or more LayerComponent. A LayerComponent is a homogeneous part of a Layer (composed of a unique material) covering a given fraction (areaFraction) of it.

The materials of each LayerComponent may be specified either inline or by means of xlinks (more adapted to materials reused in different constructions).

The XML example below characterizes a insulated outer wall construction with three layers. The materials are referenced with xlinks (the material characterization of ID_Material_Concrete follows in the paragrap Material).

<!--Example of a three layered construction-->
<energy:Construction gml:id="ThreeLayeredMaterial">

     <energy:thickness uom="m">0.12</energy:thickness>
     <energy:material xlink:href="#ID_Material_Polyurethan"/>

     <energy:thickness uom="m">0.24</energy:thickness>
     <energy:material xlink:href="#ID_Material_Concrete"/>

     <energy:thickness uom="m">0.02</energy:thickness>
     <energy:material xlink:href="#ID_Material_Plasterboard"/>


Three layer Construction



_AbstractMaterial is the abstract superclass for all Material classes. A Material is a homogeneous substance. We distinguish solid materials (with mass) from gas (without mass).


SolidMaterial is the class of materials which have a mass and a heat capacity.

<!-- Characterisation of the material Concrete-->
<energy:material gml = "ID_Material_Concrete">
                <gml:name>Concrete 2100</gml:name>
                <energy:conductivity uom="W/(K*m^2)">2.035</energy:conductivity>
                <energy:density uom="kg/m^3">2100.0</energy:density>
                <energy:specificHeat uom="J/(K*kg)">920.0</energy:specificHeat>


Gas is the class of materials whose mass and heat capacity are neglectable in comparison with SolidMaterial.

<!--Example of a gas material with neglectable mass and heat capacity-->
		<gml:name>non-ventilated air gap</gml:name>
		<energy:rValue uom="K*m^2/W">4.5</energy:rValue>

Occupancy Module

Class diagram of Occupancy Module

...and its enumeration and codelists Codelists of Occupancy Module

The Occupancy Module contains the detailed characterization of the building usage, it means the people and the facilities. It is related to the rest of the ADE Energy and CityGML model through the class UsageZone. One building may have several UsageZone. Due to the type of information it allows to store, the Occupancy Module may be used also for multi-field analysis (socio-economics, demographics etc.).

Usage zones and building units

UsageZone and BuildingUnit are the two occupancy-related spatial partitions of a building in the CityGML Energy ADE. A mixed-use building will be modelled with several UsageZone. Each of this UsageZone may contain several BuildingUnit, related to the premises (dwellings, offices etc.) located inside the defined UsageZone.

The picture below illustrates this concept, showing a mixed-use building corresponding to a single Building entity in a CityGML model file (although several real adresses). It consists in 3 different uses : company office on the first floor at the left of the main entrance, residential on the first floor in the opposite side of the building, and a post office covering the whole ground floor and the part of the first floor just above the main entrance ("Post"). Both UsageZone of type office and residential have two BuildingUnit, corresponding to different private offices ("O1" and "O2"), respectively different dwellings ("D1" and "D2").

3D representation of mixed-use building

The CityGML+Energy ADE model of this example is detailed below:

<!--mixed-use building example-->
<bldg:Building gml:id="ExampleMixedUseBuilding">
		<energy:UsageZone gml:id="Post">
			<energy:usageZoneType>Post office</energy:usageZoneType>
			<!-- Further attributes of usage zone "Post-Office" -->
		<energy:UsageZone gml:id="Offices">
			<energy:usageZoneType>Company office</energy:usageZoneType>
			<!-- Further attributes of usage zone "Offices" -->
				<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="O1">
					<!-- Further attributes of building unit "O1" -->
				<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="O2">
					<!-- Further attributes of building unit "O2" -->
		<energy:UsageZone gml:id="Dwellings">
			<!-- Further attributes of usage zone "Dwellings" -->
				<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="D1">
					<!-- Further attributes of building unit "D1" -->
				<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="D2">
					<!-- Further attributes of building unit "D2" -->


The UsageZone is a new object introduced in the Energy ADE to realize building usage analyses, and in particular to calculate the energy demand related to occupant-depending end-uses such as domestic hot water, electrical appliances, cooking etc. When related to the ThermalZone, it allows also to provide the zone usage conditions (e.g. internal gains, HVAC schedules) for the space heating and cooling demand calculations.

UsageZone is a zone of a Building (or of a BuildingPart) with homogeneous usage conditions and indoor climate control settings. Minimally defined by the mandatory attribute usageZoneType of type CurrentUseValue, it is a semantic object, with an optional geometry (volumeGeometry), which may be or not related to a geometric entity (Building, BuildingPart, Room etc.).

Beside the volumeGeometry attribute, the building storeys occupied by this UsageZone may be also indicated by means of the attribute usedFloors (0 corresponding to the ground floor). As for _AbstractBuilding and ThermalZone, UsageZone may be characterized by several floorArea attributes of different types (e.g. net floor area, brutto floor area).

Its HVAC schedules are characterized by the optional attributes heatingSchedule, coolingSchedule and ventilationSchedule (respectively for the heating and cooling set-point temperature schedules, and air ventilation schedules).

Its optional averageInternalGains attribute corresponds to the sum of the energy dissipated from the occupants and the facilities inside the zone. Its type HeatExchangeType allows to detail the proportion of the different heat exchanges.

The following XML example describe the modeling of a mixed-usage building.

<!--Example of a UsageZone-->
<energy:UsageZone gml:id="id_usagezone_1">
	<gml:description>Description of UsageZone 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of UsageZone 1</gml:name>
			<energy:convectiveFraction uom="ratio">0.6</energy:convectiveFraction>
			<energy:latentFraction uom="ratio">0.1</energy:latentFraction>
			<energy:radiantFraction uom="ratio">0.3</energy:radiantFraction>
			<energy:totalValue uom="kW/m^2">80</energy:totalValue>

	<!--Here follow all BuildingUnit objects, each inside a "contains" tag-->
		<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="id_buildingunit_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the first BuildingUnit (if needed) -->
	<!--Add more BuildingUnit objects here (if needed) -->

	<!--Here follow all Occupants objects, each inside a "occupiedBy" tag-->
		<energy:Occupants gml:id="id_occupants_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the Occupants object -->

	<!--Here follow all Facility objects, each inside a "has" tag-->
		<energy:DHWFacilities gml:id="id_dhwfacilities_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of a Facility object -->
		<energy:ElectricalAppliances gml:id="id_electricalappliance_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of a Facility object -->
		<energy:LightingFacilities gml:id="id_lightingfacility_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the Facility object -->


UsageZoneType and CurrentUseValue

The attribute UsageZoneType allows the categorization of the UsageZone in different single usages, related to occupancy profile and the associated hvac operation requirements.

Its type CurrentUseValue is a extendable hierarchical CodeList which is online available (CurrentUse online registrery). Its first and second level elements are:

  • commerce and services
    • Office
    • Institutional
    • Private Services
    • trade
  • industrial
    • Factory
    • Laboratory
  • residential
    • residence for communities


The type HeatExchangeType characterizes the contributions of the different types of heat or cool exchange (convective, radiant and latent) through its attributes convectiveFraction, radiantFraction, latentFraction and the total emitted energy value totalValue at nominal conditions.

For cool exchanges, the totalValue will be a negative number.


The BuildingUnit is an object introduced in the Energy ADE mainly to hold ownership information of a single usage zone for building usage analyses or energy demand calculation.

A BuildingUnit is a part of a single UsageZone which can be defined as a subdivision of a Building with its own lockable access from the outside or from a common area (i.e. not from another BuildingUnit), which is atomic, functionally independent, and may be separately sold, rented out, inherited, etc (source: INSPIRE Data Specification Buildings, v3.0, p.29).

A BuildingUnit is related to one or more occupant entities, such as a dwelling or a workplace. Owner information attributes (as ownerName and ownershipType) are specified in this class. Its further optional attributes are numberOfRooms, floorArea and energyPerformanceCertification. The BuildingUnit may also be related to one or more addresses. It inherits from class _CityObject.

The following XML example describes a BuildingUnit of 2 rooms of 40m² in total owned by a private person (OccupantPrivate) called “Lilli’s Donuts” (Occupants and Facilities are not specified here).

<!--Example of a BuildingUnit-->
<energy:BuildingUnit gml:id="id_building_unit_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Building Unit 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Building Unit 1</gml:name>

	<energy:ownerName>Lilli's Donuts</energy:ownerName>

			<energy:value uom="m^2">40</energy:value>

	<!--Here follow all Occupants objects, each inside a "occupiedBy" tag-->
		<energy:Occupants gml:id="id_occupants_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the Occupants object -->

	<!--Here follow all Facility objects, each inside a "has" tag-->
		<energy:DHWFacilities gml:id="id_dhwfacilities_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of a Facility object -->




An Occupants class identifies a homogeneous group of occupants of a UsageZone or BuildingUnit, categorized in one occupancyType (e.g. residents, workers, visitors etc.).

Occupants are characterized by a given number of persons (numberOfOccupants) which occupied the corresponding zone following a certain time schedule (occupancyRate). For the zone thermal modelling, heat dissipation (heatDissipation) of this occupant group is also specified.

For residential occupants (occupancyType = residents), Occupants may contain one or more Household objects.

The following XML example describes occupants characterized by 3 persons living in 2 resident households, and dissipating 80W/person during a certain time schedule.

<!--Example of a Occupants object-->
<energy:Occupants gml:id="id_occupants_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Occupants 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Occupants 1</gml:name>

			<energy:convectiveFraction uom="ratio">0.1</energy:convectiveFraction>
			<energy:latentFraction uom="ratio">0.1</energy:latentFraction>
			<energy:radiantFraction uom="ratio">0.8</energy:radiantFraction>
			<energy:totalValue uom="W/person">80</energy:totalValue>


		<!--Add here the Schedule data -->


	<!--Here follow all Household objects, each inside a "consistsOf" tag-->
		<energy:Household gml:id="id_household_1">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the first Household (omitted here)-->
		<energy:Household gml:id="id_household_2">
			<!--Here come all attributes of the second Household (omitted here)-->


OccupantType and OccupantTypeValue

The attribute OccupantType allows the categorization of the Occupants in different occupant profiles, related to different occupancy schedules (OccupantRate).

Its type OccupantTypeValue is an extendable CodeList:

  • Patients
  • Residents
  • Students
  • Visitors
  • Workers
  • OthersOrCombination


A Household class identifies a group of persons living in the same dwelling, in the case where occupants are residents. They are defined by a type (householdType: one family, a lonely adult, etc.) and a residence type (residenceType: main residence, secondary residence or vacant).

The following XML example describes a household characterized by a secondary residence of unrelated adults.

<!--Example of a Household object-->
<energy:Household gml:id="id_household_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Household 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Household 1</gml:name>

HouseholdType and HouseholdTypeValue

The attribute HouseholdType allows the categorization of the Household in different categories, related to the age, number, relationship and possibly family link between the different members of the household.

Its type HouseholdTypeValue is an enumeration:

  • LoneAdult
  • MultiFamily
  • OneFamily
  • PensionerCouple
  • UnrelatedAdults
  • Vacant
  • WorkerCouple

This categorization might be useful to model the occupancy profiles and occupant interactions.


Facilities objects are any kind of devices, except HVAC systems (which are modelled in the Energy Use and System module), which consume and dissipate energy. Each UsageZone or BuildingUnit object can have one or more Facilities objects.

There are three types of facilities (domestic hot water: DHWFacilities, ElectricalAppliances and LightingFacilities). Each of them is characterised by a period of use (operationSchedule) and a emitted heat (heatDissipation), as well as some specific attributes depending on the facility type.

In the following, two XML examples are presented:

  • domestic how water facilities dissipating 40W/m² during a specific time schedule
  • electrical appliances of 1kW dissipating 10W/m² during a specific time schedule. Please note that the lighting facilities object shares the same structure and attributes than the ElectricalAppliances.
<!--Example of a DHWFacilities object-->
<energy:DHWFacilities gml:id="id_dhwfacilities_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Domestic Hot Water Facilities 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Domestic Hot Water Facilities 1</gml:name>

			<energy:convectiveFraction uom="ratio">0.5</energy:convectiveFraction>
			<energy:latentFraction uom="ratio">0.3</energy:latentFraction>
			<energy:radiantFraction uom="ratio">0.2</energy:radiantFraction>
			<energy:totalValue uom="W/m^2">10</energy:totalValue>

		<!--Add here the Schedule data -->

	<energy:waterStorageVolume uom="m^3">0.8</energy:waterStorageVolume>
<!--Example of an ElectricalApplicances object-->
<energy:ElectricalAppliances gml:id="id_electricalappliance_1">
	<gml:description>Description of Electrical Applicance 1</gml:description>
	<gml:name>Name of Electrical Applicance 1</gml:name>

			<energy:totalValue uom="W/m^2">10</energy:totalValue>

	<energy:electricalPower uom="kW">1</energy:electricalPower>

		<!--Add here the Schedule data -->


Energy Use and System Module

Class diagram of Energy System Module

The Energy System Module contains the energy forms (energy demand and sources) and energy systems (conversion, distribution and storage systems) to realize energy demand and supply analyses. It allows also to calculate CO2 emissions or primary energy balances.

It is related to the Energy ADE and CityGML model through the object EnergyDemand, which can be related to any _CityObject. The EnergyConversionSystems may be additionally related to the _AbstractBuilding and _BoundarySurface where, respectively on which, they are installed.

The Energy System Module follows a "star structure", with the EnergyDistributionSystem, _StorageSystem and EnergyConversionSystem all related to the central object EnergyDemand, defined for different end-uses (e.g. space heating, electrical appliances) and acquisition methods (e.g. measurements, simulation).

Energy demands


The EnergyDemand is the central object of the Energy System Module.

It is the useful energy required to satisfy the specific end-use (e.g. space heating, space cooling, domestic hot water) of a given object (_CityObject to which it relates). Beside its attribute endUse, this object is characterized by its energyAmount (time-depending energy demand values) and its maximum yearly load (maximumLoad) used for the sizing of the energy systems.

Every _CityObject (typically _AbstractBuilding, ThermalZone, UsageZone and BuildingUnit) may have one or more EnergyDemand, related to its different endUseType, and possibly to different acquisitionMethod and sources (both attributes of the TimeValueProperties defining the time series energyAmount) such as "measurements", "simulations" etc.

The XML examples below detail the two end-uses of a same building.

<!--Building characterized with its Domestic hot water and electrical appliances demands-->
					<gml:description>DHW demand of Mr X for year 2016</gml:description>
							<energy:source>Company X, year 2016</energy:source>
					<energy:uom uom="kWh"/>
					<!-- here come the values of the time series -->
			<energy:maximumLoad uom="kW">8.0</energy:maximumLoad>

					<gml:description>Simulated electrical demand of Mr X for typical year</gml:description>
							<energy:source>Research Institut Y</energy:source>
					<!-- here come the file reading information -->
			<energy:maximumLoad uom="kW">5.2</energy:maximumLoad>

Energy distribution and storage


System in charge of delivering the energy inside the building, from the place of energy production to the place of end-use. Power and Thermal distribution systems are differentiated. They all share a distributionPerimeter that is described by the DistributionType and a serviceLife described by the ServiceLife type. Each EnergyDemand can have maximum one EnergyDistributionSystem.

Distribution Type

An enumeration list of dsitribution types that are supplied by EnergyDistributionSystem:

  • Building
  • Dwelling
  • GroupOfBuildings
  • Room
  • Staircase
  • Storey


Type for thermal distribution systems with attributes for circulation isCirculation (circulating system or not), the used medium of MediumType, nominalFlow, returnTemperature and supplyTemperature and thermalLossesFactor.

  <energy:nominalFlow uom="m/s">0.5</energy:nominalFlow>
  <energy:returnTemperature uom="degC">40</energy:returnTemperature>
  <energy:supplyTemperature uom="degC">60</energy:supplyTemperature>
  <energy:thermalLossesFactor uom="W/(mK)">0.035</energy:thermalLossesFactor>


Type for electrical distribution systems, described by current and voltage.

  <energy:current uom="A">16</energy:current>
  <energy:voltage uom="V">230</energy:voltage>


This enumeration list is a collection of medium types:

  • Air
  • Steam
  • Water


Type to describe the service life for lifecycle analysis. It contains of attributes to describe lifeExpectancy, mainMaintenanceInterval and startOfLife.


System storing energy. A same storage may store the energy of different end-users and different end uses. Power and Thermal storage systems are differentiated, all share a service life described by ServiceLife type. An EnergyDemand can have several StorageSystems.


Thermal storages with a medium of MediumType, preparationTemperature, thermalLossesFactor and a volumeof type Volume.

  <energy:preparationTemperature uom="degC">61</energy:preparationTemperature>
  <energy:thermalLossesFactor uom="W/(mK)">0.04</energy:thermalLossesFactor>
  <energy:volume uom="m3">2</energy:volume>


Electrical storages with a string to describe the batteryTechnology and a powerCapacity.

  <energy:powerCapacity uom="Wh">4000</energy:powerCapacity>

Energy conversion


System converting an energy source into the energy necessary to satisfy the EnergyDemand (or to feed the networks). It is the central element describing energy conversion.

EnergyConversionSystem have common parameters regarding technical properties (efficiencyIndicator, installedNominalPower, nominalEfficiency (in reference to an efficiency indicator)) and general properties (yearOfManufacture, model (name of the model), number (a serial number), productAndInstallationDocument (a reference to manufacturer's installation documents and optionally refurbishment measures) and refurbishmentMeasureOnEnergySystem). They may be one or more (in this case, the nominal installed power corresponds to the totality).

EnergyConversionSystem features several specific energy conversion systems that may have in addition specific parameters:

A same system may have several operation modes (e.g. heat pump covering heating and domestic hot water demands).


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for heating or cooling networks substations. Adds attributes for network ID and network node ID.


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for heat pumps to add carnot efficiency and heat source. Heat source is described using a HeatSourceType.

In the following example, a 5 kW heat pump is described with a technical efficiency of 0.4 and a carnot efficiency defined between the source and target temperatures 2°C and 35°C. The heat pump depicted satisfies the EnergyDemand.

<!--Heat pump satisfying an EnergyDemand -->
							<energy:installedNominalPower uom="W">5000</energy:installedNominalPower>
							<energy:nominalEfficiency uom="ratio">0.4</energy:nominalEfficiency>


List of heat source types for heat pumps, e.g. ambient air, aquifer and exhaust air.


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for electrical resistances. Comes without additional attributes.


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for ventilation systems with attributes heat recovery (with or without) and recuperation factor.


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for CHP systems. Utilizes a string describing the technology type.


Subtype of EnergyConversionSystem for boiler. Defines if it is a condensation boiler or not. The following example defines a 5 kW condensation gas boiler with an efficiency of 96%.

<!--Boiler satisfying an EnergyDemand -->
							<energy:installedNominalPower uom="W">5000</energy:installedNominalPower>
							<energy:nominalEfficiency uom="ratio">0.96</energy:nominalEfficiency>


Subclass of EnergyConversionSystem for solar energy systems. Has attributes for collector surface, azimuth and inclination. Differentiates into solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.


Subtype of SolarEnergySystem for thermal systems. Uses a string to describe the technology type.


Subtype of SolarEnergySystem for photovoltaic systems. Defines the material type of photovoltaic cells with a string.

The XML example below shows how to define a PV panel in a surface of a building. The Roof surface 'Roof_57' is equipped with a Photovoltaic system 'PV_1'.

<bldg:Building gml:id="Bldg-1">
						<gml:Polygon gml:id="b1_p_r_57">
										289.255402 140.755798 18.5
										286.830322 199.945572 20.1746292
										242.470306 199.945572 20.1746292
										240.200317 140.755798 18.5
										289.255402 140.755798 18.5
		<bldg:RoofSurface gml:id="Roof_57">
					<gml:surfaceMember xlink:href="#b1_p_r_57">
				<energy:PhotovoltaicSystem gml:id="PV_1">
					<energy:nominalEfficiency uom="ratio">0.102035273</energy:nominalEfficiency>
					<energy:collectorSurface uom="m2">1843.81055</energy:collectorSurface>
					<energy:panelAzimuth uom="deg">180</energy:panelAzimuth>
					<energy:panelInclination uom="deg">88.3794785</energy:panelInclination>
					<energy:installedOn xlink:href="#Roof_57"/>


Final energy consumed (and sometimes produced) by the EnergyConversionSystem. It is defined by an energyAmount, a time series containing the amount of consumed or produced energy, and an energyCarrier of type EnergyCarrier.

FinalEnergy is linked to EnergyConversionSystem via produces or consumes. Each EnergyConversionSystem can have multiple FinalEnergies that it consumes or produces. With produces and consumes, it is possible to link multiple EnergyConversionSystem if one consumes energy produced by another.

The XML example below shows a typical use of FinalEnergy.

<!--Heat pump and CHP with EnergySource objects-->
       <energy:installedNominalPower uom="W">2000</energy:installedNominalPower>
       <energy:nominalEfficiency uom="ratio">0.5</energy:nominalEfficiency>
       <energy:consumes xlink:href="#Electricity_CHP"/>

       <energy:installedNominalPower uom="W">2000</energy:installedNominalPower>
       <energy:nominalEfficiency uom="ratio">0.5</energy:nominalEfficiency>
           <energy:co2EmissionFactor uom="g/(kWh)">201.6</energy:co2EmissionFactor>
           <energy:primaryEnergyFactor uom="">1.1</energy:primaryEnergyFactor>
        <energy:EnergySource gml:id="Electricity_CHP">
           <energy:co2EmissionFactor uom="g/(kWh)">100.8</energy:co2EmissionFactor>
           <energy:primaryEnergyFactor uom="ratio">0.55</energy:primaryEnergyFactor>


Energy carrier for FinalEnergy, described by co2EmissionFactor (with unit of measure), primaryEnergyFactor (with unit of measure and energy carrier type, see example.

    <energy:co2EmissionFactor uom="g/(kWh)">201.6</energy:co2EmissionFactor>
    <energy:primaryEnergyFactor uom="">1.1</energy:primaryEnergyFactor>


Enumeration list of energy carriers for type of EnergyCarrier:

  • ChilledAir
  • ChilledWater
  • Coal
  • Electricity
  • FuelOil
  • HotAir
  • HotWater
  • NaturalGas
  • Propane
  • Steam
  • WoodChips
  • WoodPellets


It details the operation of the energy conversion system for a specific end-use and operation time. For instance, a reversible heat pump may have 3 operation modes: heating production in winter, cooling production in summer, and hot water production during the whole year. Attributes are end use type, a schedule for operation time and yearly global efficiency.
