🐢🚀 A Node.js Kit with TypeScript, REST, TypeORM, PostgreSQL and awesome tools.
- Using TypeScript.
- Setup Babel, ESLint and Husky.
- Setup a basic RESTful API.
- Using TypeORM and PostgreSQL.
- Integrating Docker.
yarn start:dev
docker network create node-kit-net
docker run --name node-kit-db -it -p 5432:5432 --network=node-kit-net -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres postgres
docker build . -t 103cuong/node-kit
docker run --name node-kit -it -p 9000:9000 --network=node-kit-net --env-file ./.env 103cuong/node-kit
node-graphql-kit - 🧘🚀 A Node.js Kit with GraphQL, Prisma, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and awesome tools.
node-boilerplate - 🌏🚀 A Node.js boilerplate with RESTful, GraphQL, Prisma, PostgreSQL and awesome tools.
node-rest-boilerplate - 🌌🚀 A Node.js boilerplate with RESTful, Prisma, PostgreSQL and awesome tools.
MIT © 103cuong