This chart creates Curity on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. For more information on Curity and its capabilities, click here.
The release creates the following resources:
- A runtime deployment
- A runtime service
This chart depends on openssl to update the cluster from within a pod. Therefore the chart will only work with images that have openssl installed.
$ helm repo add curity
$ helm repo update
$ helm install <release-name> curity/idsvr --set <option>=<value>
To install the chart, you must provide a password for the admin user or load an existing configuration. Therefore one of the following must be specified:
- a Secret to load environment variables from
- a Secret containing the configuration that can be mounted
- a password
Take into account that in the latter case your password will be in clear text and may end up in logs. Do use Secrets in production environment. Check out the Configuration chapter below to find the corresponding options.
$ helm delete <release-name>
Tutorials on using the chart and more are available in the Curity Resource library
In the table below you can find information about the parameters that are configurable in this chart.
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
The number of runtime nodes to be deployed | 1 |
revisionHistoryLimit |
The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback | 10 |
image.repository |
Image repository | |
image.tag |
Image tag | 9.7.0 |
image.pullPolicy |
The policy to be applied in the deployment | IfNotPresent |
image.pullSecret |
The secret that is used to fetch images from the docker registry | null |
nameOverride |
Override the name release name used in labels and selectors. If left blank it will be idsvr |
"" |
labels |
Additional labels that will be added to created resources | {} |
fullnameOverride |
Override the full name used to name resources. If left blank it will be generated by helm with the suffix -curity |
"" |
networkpolicy.enabled |
Enable or disable the network policy which isolates port curity.admin.service.port to be accessed only by runtime nodes 1 |
true |
curity.healthCheckPort |
The port to use for the status server | 4465 |
curity.jobsAnnotations |
Extra annotations to add to the batch jobs | {} |
curity.adminUiPort |
The admin UI and API port. Ignored if curity.config.uiEnabled=false and ingress.admin.enabled=false |
6749 |
curity.adminUiHttp |
Controls if admin UI will be on http or https mode after installation if enabled. Ignored if curity.config.uiEnabled=false |
false |
curity.admin.annotations |
Extra annotations to add to the admin deployment | {} |
curity.admin.podLabels |
Extra labels to add to the admin pod | {} |
curity.admin.podAnnotations |
Extra annotations to add to the admin pod | {} |
curity.admin.role |
The role of the admin server | admin |
curity.admin.distributedService.port |
The port used for the distributed service communication | 6790 |
curity.admin.service.type |
The admin service type | ClusterIP |
curity.admin.service.port |
The admin configuration port | 6789 |
curity.admin.service.annotations |
Extra annotations to add to the admin service | {} |
curity.admin.extraEnv |
Extra environment variables to provide to the admin container | [] | |
The name of an existing service account to use on the admin nodes. Defaults to default if not specified. 4 |
null |
curity.admin.initContainers |
Definition of initContainers for the admin service | [] |
curity.admin.extraVolumes |
Extra volumes to add to the admin pod | [] |
curity.admin.extraVolumeMounts |
Extra volumes to mount in the admin container | [] |
curity.admin.livenessProbe.path |
LivenessProbe path for the admin deployment |
/ |
curity.admin.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
LivenessProbe timeoutSeconds for the admin deployment |
1 |
curity.admin.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
LivenessProbe failureThreshold for the admin deployment |
3 |
curity.admin.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
LivenessProbe periodSeconds for the admin deployment |
10 |
curity.admin.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
The admin initialDelaySeconds port |
30 |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.path |
ReadinessProbe path for the admin deployment |
/ |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
ReadinessProbe timeoutSeconds for the admin deployment |
1 |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
ReadinessProbe failureThreshold for the admin deployment |
3 |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
ReadinessProbe successThreshold for the admin deployment |
3 |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
ReadinessProbe periodSeconds for the admin deployment |
10 |
curity.admin.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
ReadinessProbe initialDelaySeconds for the admin deployment |
30 |
curity.admin.logging.level |
The logging level of the admin pod | INFO |
curity.admin.logging.stdout |
Flag to enable/disable extra containers that tail the logs in var/log folder |
false |
curity.admin.logging.logs |
Array of the extra containers that will be included in the admin pod | [] |
curity.admin.logging.image |
The image that will be used to create the logging containers | busybox:latest |
curity.admin.logging.resources |
Resource limits applied in logging containers. When set overrides logging.resources settings only on the admin node. |
{} |
curity.admin.resources |
Resource limits applied in admin deployment. When set overrides resources settings only on the admin node. |
{} |
curity.admin.securityContext.runAsUser |
The user the container in the pod will run as. | 10001 |
curity.admin.securityContext.runAsGroup |
The group the container in the pod will run as. | 10000 |
curity.admin.securityContext.runAsUser |
The file system group for mounted volumes. | 10000 |
curity.runtime.role |
The role of the runtime servers | default |
curity.runtime.annotations |
Extra annotations to add to the runtime deployment | default |
curity.runtime.podLabels |
Extra labels to add to the runtime pod | {} |
curity.runtime.podAnnotations |
Extra annotations to add to the runtime pod | {} |
curity.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable |
Number of pods from that set that must still be available after the eviction, can be either an absolute number or a percentage. | `` |
curity.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable |
Number of runtime pods that can be unavailable after the eviction, can be either an absolute number or a percentage. | `` |
curity.runtime.initContainers |
Definition of initContainers for the runtime service | [] |
curity.runtime.extraVolumes |
Extra volumes to add to the runtime pod | [] |
curity.runtime.extraVolumeMounts |
Extra volumes to mount in the runtime container | [] |
curity.runtime.service.type |
The runtime service type | ClusterIP |
curity.runtime.service.port |
The runtime service port | 8443 |
curity.runtime.service.annotations |
Extra annotations to add to the runtime service | {} |
curity.runtime.deployment.port |
The runtime deployment port | 8443 |
curity.runtime.extraEnv |
Extra environment variables to provide to the runtime container | [] | |
The name of an existing service account to use on the runtime nodes. Defaults to default if not specified. |
null |
curity.runtime.livenessProbe.path |
LivenessProbe path for the runtime deployment |
/ |
curity.runtime.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
LivenessProbe timeoutSeconds for the runtime deployment |
1 |
curity.runtime.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
LivenessProbe failureThreshold for the runtime deployment |
3 |
curity.runtime.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
LivenessProbe periodSeconds for the runtime deployment |
10 |
curity.runtime.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
The admin initialDelaySeconds port |
30 |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.path |
ReadinessProbe path for the runtime deployment |
/ |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
ReadinessProbe timeoutSeconds for the runtime deployment |
1 |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
ReadinessProbe failureThreshold for the runtime deployment |
3 |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
ReadinessProbe successThreshold for the runtime deployment |
3 |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
ReadinessProbe periodSeconds for the runtime deployment |
10 |
curity.runtime.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
ReadinessProbe initialDelaySeconds for the runtime deployment |
30 |
curity.runtime.logging.level |
The logging level of the runtime pod | INFO |
curity.runtime.logging.stdout |
Flag to enable/disable extra containers that tail the logs in var/log folder. |
false |
curity.runtime.logging.logs |
Array of the extra containers that will be included in the runtime pods | [] |
curity.runtime.logging.image |
The image that will be used to create the logging containers | busybox:latest |
curity.runtime.logging.resources |
Resource limits applied in logging containers. When set overrides logging.resources settings only on the runtime nodes. |
{} |
curity.runtime.resources |
Resource limits applied in runtime deployment. When set overrides resources settings only on the runtime nodes. |
{} |
curity.runtime.lifecycle |
These options include settings for startup, shutdown, and other lifecycle events. | [] |
curity.runtime.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Sets the termination grace period for runtime pods spawned by the Kubernetes Deployment. | 30 |
curity.runtime.affinity |
Affinity for runtime pod assignment. | {} |
curity.runtime.topologySpreadConstraints |
Topology spread constraints for runtime pod assignment (requires Kubernetes >= 1.19). | [] |
curity.runtime.securityContext.runAsUser |
The user the container in the pod will run as. | 10001 |
curity.runtime.securityContext.runAsGroup |
The group the container in the pod will run as. | 10000 |
curity.runtime.securityContext.runAsUser |
The file system group for mounted volumes. | 10000 |
curity.config.uiEnabled |
Flag to enable/disable the service for Admin UI and Admin REST API, ignored if ingress.admin.enabled=true |
false |
curity.config.password |
The administrator password. Required if curity.config.skipInstall is true or curity.config.environmentVariableSecrets and curity.config.configuration is not set |
null |
curity.config.skipInstall |
If set to true the installer script will not run3 |
false |
curity.config.encryptionKey |
The configuration encryption key | null |
curity.config.environmentVariableSecret |
DEPRECATED The data from this Secret will be mounted as environment variables | null |
curity.config.environmentVariableSecrets |
The data from this array of Secret names will be mounted as environment variables | null |
curity.config.environmentVariableConfigMaps |
The data from this array of ConfigMap names will be mounted as environment variables | null |
curity.config.configurationSecret |
DEPRECATED The Secret containing configuration which is mounted as a volume | null |
curity.config.configurationSecretItemName |
DEPRECATED The curity.config.configurationSecret 's item name, required if the Secret is set. |
null |
curity.config.configurationConfigMap |
DEPRECATED The ConfigMap containing configuration which is mounted as a volume | null |
curity.config.configurationConfigMapItemName |
DEPRECATED The curity.config.configurationConfigMap 's item name, required if the ConfigMap is set. |
null |
curity.config.configuration |
The array of Configmap and Secret configuration items are mounted as a volume | [] |
curity.config.postCommitScripts |
The array of post-commit scripts are mounted as a volume | [] |
curity.config.convertKeystore |
The array of secrets containing tls certificates that will be converted to Curity format | [] |
curity.config.backup |
If true , the configuration will be backed up in a secret in each commit |
false |
curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.enabled |
If true a persisted volume will be mounted in the admin node to persist config during deployment upgrades |
false |
curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.storageClass |
The StorageClass of the volume |
default |
curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.existingClaim |
If set, an existing persisted volume claim will be used instead of a new one beeing generated. | "" |
curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.accessMode |
The access mode of the volume | ReadWriteOnce |
curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.size |
The size of the persisted volume | 800Mi |
ingress.annotations |
Extra annotations for the Ingress resource | {} |
ingress.runtime.enabled |
Flag to enable/disable the Ingress resource for runtime nodes | false |
ingress.runtime.annotations |
Extra annotations for the Ingress resource for the runtime nodes, overrides ingress.annotations if set |
{} | |
Hostname of the runtime servers (used by the Ingress resource) | curity.local |
ingress.runtime.tlsHost |
Hostname of the runtime servers (used by the Ingress resource) to be able to use wildcard as host | `` |
ingress.runtime.paths |
Paths of the runtime servers that can be accessed externally | {/} 2 |
ingress.runtime.pathType |
PathTpe for the paths defined in ingress.runtime.paths |
ImplementationSpecific |
ingress.runtime.secretName |
Secret which contains the tls cert and key for the runtime TLS connection. If not set, the Ingress will be configured for HTTP | null |
ingress.runtime.tlsEnabled |
Enables TLS for the ingress when set to true . NOTE: if set to false TLS will still be configured if ingress.runtime.secretName is set, this is to keep the old logic and avoid breaking changes |
false |
ingress.admin.enabled |
Flag to enable/disable an Ingress resource for the admin node | false |
ingress.admin.annotations |
Extra annotations for the Ingress resource for the admin node, overrides ingress.annotations if set |
{} | |
Hostname for the admin server (used by the Ingress resource) | curity-admin.local |
ingress.admin.tlsHost |
Hostname for the admin server (used by the Ingress resource) to be able to use wildcard as host | `` |
ingress.admin.secretName |
Secret which contains the tls cert and key for the runtime TLS connection. If not set, the Ingress resource will be configured for HTTP | null |
ingress.admin.tlsEnabled |
Enables TLS for the ingress when set to true . NOTE: if set to false TLS will still be configured if ingress.runtime.secretName is set, this is to keep the old logic and avoid breaking changes |
false |
ingress.admin.paths |
Paths of the admin node that can be accessed externally | {/} 2 |
ingress.admin.pathType |
PathTpe for the paths defined in ingress.admin.paths |
ImplementationSpecific |
resources |
Resource limits applied in admin and runtime deployments | {} |
logging.resources |
Resource limits applied in admin and runtime deployments logging containers | {} |
autoscaling.enabled |
false |
autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas | 10 |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
CPU Utilization persentage that triggers scaling up | 80 |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Memory Utilization persentage that triggers scaling up | `` |
autoscaling.customMetrics |
Custom metric definition | [] |
postHook.enabled |
Enable post hook e.g. for to post message on slack or other | false |
postHook.annotaions |
Extra annotations to add to the post hook | {} |
postHook.image |
Specifies which image to use for post hook container | curlimages/curl:latest |
postHook.args |
List of arguments. Default command is /bin/sh | [] |
postHook.command |
The command for the posthook container | /bin/sh |
postHook.extraEnv |
Extra environment variables to provide to the posthook container | [] |
nodeSelector |
Node selector applied in admin and runtime deployments | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations applied in admin and runtime deployments | {} |
affinity |
Affinity applied in admin and runtime deployments | {} |
ingress.ingressClassName |
IngressClassName is the name of an IngressClass cluster resource. Ingress controller use this field to know whether they should be serving this Ingress resource. | null |
1 The network policy within the cluster will not have any affect unless there is a network policy provider that can enforce network policies. Check out kubernetes official documentation for more guidance on how to install network providers: Install Network Policy Provider - Kubernetes
2 When using Helm's --set
option, lists can be expressed by enclosing values in {
and }
. For
example, --set ingress.runtime.paths="{/foo, /bar}"
translates to:
- /foo
- /bar
3 The unattendedinstall
script runs by default on the admin node if an admin PASSWORD
is set, either by the value or some other environment variable. The installer creates default keys and enables the Admin UI so this configuration option shall be used if that config is either not necessary or loaded in some other way (i.e using curity.config.configuration
or embedded in the docker image used).
5 If curity.config.backup
is enabled, the assigned service account must have access to update secrets.
To get started and test this helm chart run the following commands:
$ helm repo add curity
$ helm repo update
$ helm install <release-name> curity/idsvr --set curity.config.password=<admin_user_password>
In order for the configuration to be backed up in each commit, the flagcurity.config.backup
must be set to true
When this is the case, a script is mounted into the admin node which runs in each commit and dumps the full
(minus the clustering configuration which is handled by this chart) and adds it to a secret which by default has the
name{{ include "curity.fullname" . }}-config-backup
. The key for the configuration is <DATE>-<TRANSACTION_ID>.xml
So, in order to update your deployment and use a previous backup of the configuration, you need to reference it in curity.config.configuration
- secretRef:
name: `{{ include "curity.fullname" . }}-config-backup`
- key: <DATE>-<TRANSACTION_ID>.xml
path: config-backup.xml
helm upgrade <release-name> curity/idsvr -f myValues.xml
It is possible to set the curity.config.persistentConfigVolume.enabled
which will create a PersistedVolumeClaim
using the defined storageClass
, accessMode
and size
The volume will be mounted to the admin Pod under /opt/idsvr/var/cdb
When this is enabled, the cluster keys are not rotated between deployment upgrades. Instead only a single key is generated during installation and will be kept for the lifetime of the deployment.
Also, any configuration that is stored in /opt/idsvr/etc/init
either by curity.config.configuration
or by included files in the image will be ignored for subsequent upgrades except the first installation.
Although enabling this setting is perfect for experimenting with the Curity Identity Server, it is not something that we suggest to be used in production as it can lead to issues that are difficult to overcome.
If curity.admin.logging.stdout
is true
, the Chart will add extra containers in the pods, that will tail any
additional log files defined in curity.admin.logging.logs
and pipe them to stdout. The same applies
for curity.runtime.logging.stdout
Use the curity.config.configuration
to mount several files from configmaps and secrets into etc/init
- configMapRef:
name: cfg-configmap-name
- key: item-1
path: item-1.xml
- key: item-2
path: item-2.xml
- secretRef:
name: cfg-secret
- key: scrt-1
path: scrt-1.xml
- key: scrt-2
path: scrt-2.xml
- secretRef:
name: cfg-secret-2
- key: cfg
path: configuration.xml
Use the curity.config.configuration
to mount several files from postCommit into post-commit-scripts/
- secretRef:
name: curity-idsvr-config-backup
- key: latest.xml
path: latest.xml
- postCommit:
- name: custom-script-name-1
script: |
- postCommit:
- name: custom-script-name-2
script: |
echo "Run cutom script"
Enable the post hook postHook.enabled=true
to start a post hook container.
Example: Post message to slack.
enabled: true
- -ec
- curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"username":"HelmRelease","text":"`$(APP_NAME)`, version `$(APP_VERSION)` (`$(CHART_NAME)` ) in `$(RELEASE_NAMESPACE)` has been deployed"}' "$(SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL)"
name: curity-idsvr-secret
Built in variables are that are exposed as environment variables in post hook container :
- Curity fullnameAPP_VERSION
- Image tagCHART_NAME
- Chart name and versionRELEASE_NAMESPACE
- Target namespace
Please visit curity.iofor more information about the Curity Identity Server.
Copyright (C) 2020 Curity AB.