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Build Status

A prototype MPI/CUDA stencil halo exchange library

Quick Start

Install MPI, CUDA, and CMake 3.17+, then

git clone [email protected]:cwpearson/stencil.git
cd stencil
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test

Design Principles

  • Maximal communication overlap: each GPU communicates with neighbors in a point-to-point scheme with all communication overlapped
  • Fast intra-node communication: communication can occur entirely through CUDA even for different ranks on the same node.
  • CUDA-aware MPI support: Can be enabled if desired (cmake -DUSE_CUDA_AWARE_MPI=ON)
  • Automatic partitioning: partition data to minimize communication volume
  • Topology-aware data placement: place data to maximize communication bandwidth for large messages
  • Communication/Computation Overlap: API to query grid regions that can be used concurrent with communication.
  • Friendly: Access data in terms of grid coordinates, not memory offsets.


stencil optimized communication with CUDA, NUMA, and MPI, depending on whether those are available in the environment. Depending on availability, the following compiler defines exist:

Capability Available Not Available


Tested on

  • CUDA 10.1 / 10.2 / 11.0
  • OpenMPI 2.1

Using different MPIs

Create a toolchain file, like cmake/toolchains/deneb-openmpi-4.0.5.cmake

clear your build directory, and invoke CMake like this

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchains/deneb-openmpi-4.0.5.cmake ..


Install MPI and CUDA, then

make && make test

To run specific tests

test/test_cpu "<case name>" -c "<section name>"

With USE_CUDA_GRAPH=ON, errors may be reported inconsistently, very late, or be nonsense (e.g., 715 invalid instruction when a stream was on a wrong device). Using a newer CUDA version can improve aspects of error reporting. If there is an error, it probably indicates an actual problem, just not necessarily the problem CUDA reports.

It may be useful to run tests under cuda-memcheck. cuda-memcheck may report spurious errors from cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess, so we disable reporting API errors. All API calls are checked at runtime at all optimization levels, so errors will always surface. With USE_CUDA_GRAPH=ON, cuda-memcheck may not report errors.

cuda-memcheck --report-api-errors no test/test_cuda

Some tests are tagged:

MPI tests only

test/test_all "[mpi]"

CUDA tests only

test/test_all "[cuda]"

Profiling with nsys

With the default profiling settings, we sometimes see a crash on Nsight Systems 2019.3.7 on amd64. Restrict profiling to CUDA, NVTX, and OS calls.

nsys profile -t cuda,nvtx,osrt mpirun -n <int> blah

to enable IP sample, backtrace, and scheduling data collection

sudo sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'

Use the Nsight Systems application to view the resulting qdrep file.

Make sure your nsight-sys version at least matches the nsys version used to collect the profile.


Nsight Systems 2019.5.2 allows -t mpi, but on amd64 it causes the importer to hang.


nsys profile -t nvtx,cuda,mpi mpirun -n <int> blah

Profiling with nvprof

mpirun -n <int> nvprof -o timeline_%p.nvvp ...

To mount a remote directory (where there are nvprof files to load):

sshfs -o IdentityFile=/path/to/id_rsa user@host:/path /mount/location

Choosing a different MPI

cd build
rm -f CMakeCache.txt
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path/to/mpi ..

mpiexec from the MPI will be soft-linked into the build directory for convenience This mpiexec should be used to launch any binaries.

./mpiexec -n 2 bin/<exe>

MCA Parameters

Setting an MCA param

mpirun --mca mpi_show_handle_leaks 1 -np 4 a.out

Checking for CUDA-Aware MPI support:

ompi_info --parsable --all | grep mpi_built_with_cuda_support:value

Bulding OpenMPI 4.0.5 with CUDA

./configure --prefix="blah" --with-cuda=/path/to/cuda

Building Mvapich 2.3.4 with CUDA

apt-get install bison
./configure --prefix="blah: --enable-cuda --with-cuda=/path/to/cuda

may need a quick patch for CUDA 11:

src/mpid/ch3/channels/mrail/src/gen2/ibv_cuda_util.c:844:37: error: ‘struct cudaPointerAttributes’ has no member named ‘memoryType’
  844 |                 is_dev = (attributes.memoryType == cudaMemoryTypeDevice) ? 1 : 0;

the struct member should be attributes.type

may also need

--disbale-mcast --enable-fortran=no

Run with MV2_USE_CUDA=1.

Building MPICH 3.4a3 with CUDA

./configure --prefix="blah" ---with-device=ch4 -with-ch4-shmmods=gpudirect

uncertain of the difference between ch4 and ofi.

may also need



Run scripts are in scripts/hal

srun --partition=gpu --time=4:00:00 --ntasks=2 --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --sockets-per-node=1 --cores-per-socket=8 --threads-per-core=4 --mem-per-cpu=1200 --wait=0 --export=ALL --gres=gpu:v100:2 --pty /bin/bash

SpectrumMPI with CUDA-Aware MPI

module load spectrum-mpi

Show reservations: scontrol show res

Show queue: swqueue

On OLCF Summit

Suggest using the latest version of CUDA:module load cuda/11.0.3. Earlier versions work but have poor error reporting from CUDA graphs and cannot overlap CUDA graph execution and data transfer.

Run scripts are in scripts/summit.

nsight-systems 2020.3.1.71 can crash with the osrt or mpi profiler turned on. Disable with nsys profile -t cuda,nvtx.

To control the compute mode, use bsub -alloc_flags gpudefault (see

To enable GPUDirect, do jsrun --smpiargs="-gpu" ... (see, "CUDA-Aware MPI")

To run tests, do bsub or get an interactive node (bsub -W 2:00 -q debug -nnodes 1 -P csc362 -alloc_flags gpudefault -Is /bin/zsh) and run that script.

During configuration, you may see an error like this which causes cmake to fail:

CMake Error: Remove failed on file: /ccs/home/cpearson/repos/stencil/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeFiles/cmTC_50eb9.dir/.nfs000000001473310900000eaf: System Error: Device or resource busy

Re-run cmake again.

ParaView (5.8.0)

jacobi3d after 1000 iterations

First, get some paraview files: for example, mpirun -n 2 bin/jacobi3d 60 60 60 --paraview --iters 1000.

  • File > Open. Open individually, not as a group
    • Ensure the delimiters are correct (,), then hit Apply on the Properties tab of the Pipeline Browser. This may hang for a while while the files are loaded.
    • Select the two files, then Filters > Common > Group Datasets.
    • Apply. This will create a new combined GroupDatasets1 in the pipeline browser.
  • Select the dataset and Filters > Alphabetical > Table to Points
    • Select the x,y,z columns in the Properties tab (should be X, Y, and Z respectively).
    • Click on the vizualization window
    • Apply. A bunch of points should appear.
  • In the Coloring section of the Properties tab, choose the name of the data field.
  • Select the TableToPoints and add the Glyph filter.
    • Glyph type Box
    • Scale Factor 1.0
    • Glyph Mode All points
    • Use the eye in the Pipeline browser to turn off the TableToPoints and leave the glyph turned on

Astaroth Simulator

Experimental implementation of the sataroth code using this library for halo exchange.

  • mpirun -n <N> astaroth/astaroth

The astaroth configuration is defined in astaroth/astaroth.conf

Design Goals

  • v1 (iWAPT)

    • joint stencils over multiple data types (Astaroth)
    • uneven partitioning
    • edge communication (Astaroth)
    • corner communication (Astaroth)
    • face communication (Astaroth)
    • overlap MPI and CUDA
    • Same-GPU halo exchange with kernels
    • Same-rank halo exchange with kernels
    • Same-rank halo exchange with cudaMemcpyPeer
    • co-located MPI rank halo exchange with with cudaIpc... and cudaMemcpyPeer
    • automatic data placement in heterogeneous environments
    • Control which GPUs a distributed domain should use
      • DistributedDomain::use_gpus(const std::vector<int> &gpus)
    • Control which exchange method should be used
  • v2 (Thesis)

    • ParaView output files DistributedDomain::write_paraview(const std::string &prefix)
    • support uneven radius
    • "Accessor Object" for data
      • Index according to point in compute domain
    • Support overlapped computation and communication
      • interface for extracting interior/exterior of compute region for kernel invocations
    • cudaMemcpy3D
    • CUDA runtime timer
    • pitched allocation
    • sort communication for weak scaling?
  • v3

    • Message bundling
      • Improved performance by sending all data for a remote node in a single message?
    • allow a manual partition before placement
      • constrain to single subdomain per GPU
  • future work

    • Autodetect CUDA-Aware MPI support
      • testing at build time with ompi_info
      • MPI_T_cvar_read / MPI_T_cvar_get_info ?
    • N-Dimensional data
    • selectable halo multiplier
      • fewer, larger messages and less frequent barriers
      • larger halo allocations
    • factor out placement solver code
  • needs info

    • exchange subset of quantities
      • this would potentially split some of the operation bundling opportunities (pack, CUDA graph, ...)
      • exchange is not async now, e.g. CPU polls communicators. May want a worker thread or something.
    • mesh refinement
      • we would rely on the user to specify the conditions
      • inferface for asking for refinement?
      • how to rebalance load and communication
      • would require test machine with non-homogeneous intra-node communication
    • mapping multiple subdomains to each GPU
  • wontfix

    • Non-rectangular regions
      • probably getting to close to a general task-based runtime at that point (like Legion)
    • Remove requirement of CUDA (HPCG)
      • research vehicle for CUDA + MPI

Interesting Things

Reference-Counted Resource Manager for CUDA Streams


A C++-style class representing a shared CUDA stream. The underlying stream is released when the reference count drops to zero. Each stream can be explicitly associated with a device.

GPU Distance Matrix


The Distance Between GPUs is computed by using Nvidia Management Library to determine what the common ancestor of two GPUs is. This is combined with other NVML APIs to determine if two GPUs are directly connected by NVLink, which is considered the closest distance.


Various repeated communication patterns are accelerated through the CUDA graph API.

Passthrough GPU and MPI timers with compiler barriers

A construction like this can inadvertently time evaluation of argument expressions:

auto start = get_wall_time();
auto elapsed = get_wall_time() - start();

use stencil/include/rt.hpp to time only the cuda operation after arguments have been evaluated:

rt::time(cudaDoSomething, a.lots_of_work())

Similarly, for MPI operations

mpi::time(MPI_Isend, srcBuf, ...);

The timers (include/stencil/timer.hpp) use compiler barriers to prevent reordering of instructions around the system calls.

C++ Guidelines this project tries to follow

