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Wire Protocol

Ben Olden-Cooligan edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 7 revisions
  1. Communication.
  • Communication is performed using packets.
  • The contents of a named pipe message are a single packet.
  • A packet may contain any number of TransportMessage protos or raw payloads in sequence with no delimiting.
  1. Data representation.
  • Like gRPC itself, this wire protocol uses protobufs for protocol messages.
  • The TransportMessage proto is defined here and includes several types of messages in a oneof:
    • RequestInit, Headers, PayloadInfo, RequestControl, Trailers
  1. Initialization.
  • Once the pipe connection is initiated, the client sends a RequestInit message with the fully qualified name of the method to call, and optionally a deadline.
  • The client then sends a Headers message with any gRPC request headers.
  • For unary and server-streaming methods, the client also sends the payload for gRPC request message (see 4).
  • Pipe connections currently cannot be reused for multiple calls, a new pipe connection must be made for each. (This may be changed in the future.)
  1. Payloads.
  • A PayloadInfo message includes the number of bytes in the payload as well as an in_same_packet flag.
  • If in_same_packet is true, the bytes of the payload immediately follow the PayloadInfo message.
    • e.g. Packet 1 { PayloadInfo 1, Payload 1, PayloadInfo 2, Payload 2 }
  • If in_same_packet is false, the bytes of the payload are in a separate packet on their own.
    • e.g. Packet 1 { PayloadInfo 1, PayloadInfo 2} Packet 2 { Payload 1 } Packet 3 { Payload 2 }

Performance notes. Where possible, multiple messages (aside from large payloads) should be combined into a single packet. Choosing to use a payload in a separate packet should be done for large payloads, e.g. >15 kiB.

For Mac/Linux we currently use dotnet's named pipe abstraction which uses a fifo. The protocol is the same except that rather than using message-based transport to delimit packets, instead each packet is prefixed with 4 bytes (using system endianness) that is an int32 indicating the number of subsequent bytes in the packet.

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