# create the new schema
CREATE SCHEMA cybertooth_io;
# create a new user for any host with the supplied password
# grant all privileges on the new schema for the new user
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cybertooth_io.* TO 'cybertooth_io'@'%';
Before you even run the following command you must have the appropriate DNS records in place so that Certbot can verify the common name that you supply.
sudo /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto --authenticator standalone --installer apache --pre-hook "service httpd stop" --post-hook "service httpd start"
- You'll be asked for the common name you want on the certificate. Make sure it matches your DNS name for the server.
- When asked what to do with the
, have everything redirect to https (the second option at time of writing this).
cd /var/www/html
# this configuration constant prevents WordPress from auto-magically updating
wp config set --type=constant --raw AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED true
# these configuration constants are for the "WP Mail SMTP"; puts our AWS SMTP
# password into a filesystem configuration file rather than the database in plaintext
# these credentials belong to the AWS IAM user named `aws_ses_mail_user`
wp config set --type=constant --raw WPMS_ON true
wp config set --type=constant WPMS_SMTP_PASS [AWS_SMTP_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
# these configuration constants are used to access the S3 bucket for media asset uploads
# these credentials come from the AWS IAM user named `wordpress-s3`
wp config set --type=constant DBI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID [S3_ACCESS_KEY]
wp config set --type=constant DBI_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY [S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
cd /var/www/html
wp plugin delete akismet hello
wp plugin install wp-mail-smtp velvet-blues-update-urls ga-google-analytics wordpress-seo amazon-web-services amazon-s3-and-cloudfront merge-minify-refresh
Make sure to reset permissions on the wp-content
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/wp-content
sudo chmod 2775 /var/www/html/wp-content
find /var/www/html/wp-content -type d -exec sudo chmod 2775 {} \;