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308 lines (238 loc) · 11.8 KB




类别 大小
微对象 tiny object (0, 16B)
小对象 small object [16B, 32KB]
大对象 large object (32KB, +∞)

Golang中内存管理的层级从最下到最上可以分为:mspan -> mcache -> mcentral -> mheap -> heapArena。golang中对象的内存分配流程如下:

  1. 小于16个字节的对象使用mcache的微对象分配器进行分配内存
  2. 大小在16个字节到32k字节之间的对象,首先计算出需要使用的span大小规格,然后使用mcache中相同大小规格的mspan分配
  3. 如果对应的大小规格在mcache中没有可用的mspan,则向mcentral申请
  4. 如果mcentral中没有可用的mspan,则向mheap申请,并根据BestFit算法找到最合适的mspan。如果申请到的mspan超出申请大小,将会根据需求进行切分,以返回用户所需的页数,剩余的页构成一个新的mspan放回mheap的空闲列表
  5. 如果mheap中没有可用span,则向操作系统申请一系列新的页(最小 1MB)
  6. 对于大于32K的大对象直接从mheap分配



// file: mheap.go
type mspan struct {
	next *mspan     // 指向下一个mspan
	prev *mspan     // 指向上一个mspan

	startAddr uintptr // 该span在arena区域起始地址
	npages    uintptr // 该span在arena区域中占用page个数

	manualFreeList gclinkptr // 空闲对象列表
	freeindex uintptr // 下一个空闲span的索引,freeindex大小介于0到nelems,当freeindex == nelem,表明该span中没有空余对象空间了
	// freeindex之前的元素均是已经被使用的,freeindex之后的元素可能被使用,也可能没被使用
	// freeindex 和 allocCache配合使用来定位出可用span的位置

	nelems uintptr // span链表中元素个数

	allocCache uint64 // 初始值为2^64-1,位值置为1(假定该位的位置是pos)的表明该span链表中对应的freeindex+pos位置的span未使用

	allocBits  *gcBits // 标识该span中所有元素的使用分配情况,位值置为1则标识span链表中对应位置的span已被分配
	gcmarkBits *gcBits // 用来sweep过程进行标记垃圾对象的,用于后续gc。

	allocCount  uint16     // 已分配的对象个数
	spanclass   spanClass  // span类别
	state       mSpanState // mspaninuse etc
	needzero    uint8      // needs to be zeroed before allocation
	elemsize    uintptr    // 能存储的对象大小

// file: mheap.go
type spanClass uint8 // span规格类型

span大小一共有67个规格。规格列表如下, 其中class = 0 是特殊的span,用于大于32kb对象分配,是直接从mheap上分配的:

# file: sizeclasses.go
// class  bytes/obj  bytes/span  objects  tail waste  max waste
//     1          8        8192     1024           0     87.50%
//     2         16        8192      512           0     43.75%
//     3         32        8192      256           0     46.88%
//     4         48        8192      170          32     31.52%
//     5         64        8192      128           0     23.44%
//    64      27264       81920        3         128     10.00%
//    65      28672       57344        2           0      4.91%
//    66      32768       32768        1           0     12.50%
  • class - 规格id,即spanClass
  • bytes/obj - 能够存储的对象大小,对应的是mspan的elemsize字段
  • bytes/span - 每个span的大小,大小等于页数*页大小,即8k * npages
  • object - 每个span能够存储的objects个数,即nelems,也等于(bytes/span)/(bytes/obj)
  • tail waste - 每个span产生的内存碎片,即(bytes/span)%(bytes/obj)
  • max waste - 最大浪费比例,(bytes/obj-span最小使用量)*objects/(bytes/span)*100,比如class =2时,span运行的最小使用量是9bytes,则max waste=(16-9)512/8192100=43.75%


mcache持有一系列不同大小的mspan。mcache属于per-P cache,由于M运行G时候,必须绑定一个P,这样当G中申请从mcache分配对象内存时候,无需加锁处理。

// file: mcache.go
type mcache struct {
	next_sample uintptr // trigger heap sample after allocating this many bytes
	local_scan  uintptr // bytes of scannable heap allocated

	// 微对象分配器,对象大小需要小于16byte
	tiny             uintptr // 微对象起始地址
	tinyoffset       uintptr // 从tiny开始的偏移值
	local_tinyallocs uintptr // tiny对象的个数

	// 大小为134的指针数组,数组元素指向mspan,SpanClasses一共有67种,为了满足指针对象和非指针对象,这里为每种规格的span同时准备scan和noscan两个,分别用于存储指针对象和非指针对象
	alloc [numSpanClasses]*mspan

	stackcache [_NumStackOrders]stackfreelist // 栈缓存

	// Local allocator stats, flushed during GC.
	local_largefree  uintptr                  // 大对象释放的字节数
	local_nlargefree uintptr                  // 释放的大对象个数
	local_nsmallfree [_NumSizeClasses]uintptr // 大小为64的数组,每种规格span是否的小对象个数

	flushGen uint32 // 扫描计数
// file: malloc.go
if size <= maxSmallSize {                // 如果size <= 32k
	if noscan && size < maxTinySize { // 不需要扫描,且size<16
		if size&7 == 0 {
			off = round(off, 8)
		} else if size&3 == 0 {
			off = round(off, 4)
		} else if size&1 == 0 {
			off = round(off, 2)
		if off+size <= maxTinySize && c.tiny != 0 {
			// The object fits into existing tiny block.
			x = unsafe.Pointer(c.tiny + off)
			c.tinyoffset = off + size
			mp.mallocing = 0
			return x
		// Allocate a new maxTinySize block.
		span := c.alloc[tinySpanClass]
		v := nextFreeFast(span)
		if v == 0 {
			v, _, shouldhelpgc = c.nextFree(tinySpanClass)
		x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
		(*[2]uint64)(x)[0] = 0
		(*[2]uint64)(x)[1] = 0
		// See if we need to replace the existing tiny block with the new one
		// based on amount of remaining free space.
		if size < c.tinyoffset || c.tiny == 0 {
			c.tiny = uintptr(x)
			c.tinyoffset = size
		size = maxTinySize
	} else { // 16b ~ 32kb
		var sizeclass uint8
		if size <= smallSizeMax-8 {
			sizeclass = size_to_class8[(size+smallSizeDiv-1)/smallSizeDiv]
		} else {
			sizeclass = size_to_class128[(size-smallSizeMax+largeSizeDiv-1)/largeSizeDiv]
		size = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
		spc := makeSpanClass(sizeclass, noscan)
		span := c.alloc[spc]
		v := nextFreeFast(span)
		if v == 0 {
			v, span, shouldhelpgc = c.nextFree(spc)
		x = unsafe.Pointer(v)
		if needzero && span.needzero != 0 {
			memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(v), size)
} else {// > 32kb
	var s *mspan
	shouldhelpgc = true
	systemstack(func() {
		s = largeAlloc(size, needzero, noscan)
	s.freeindex = 1
	s.allocCount = 1
	x = unsafe.Pointer(s.base())
	size = s.elemsize



type mcentral struct {
	lock      mutex // 锁,由于每个p关联的mcache都可能会向mcentral申请空闲的span,所以需要加锁
	spanclass spanClass // mcentral负责的span规格
	nonempty  mSpanList // 空闲span列表
	empty     mSpanList // 已经使用的span列表

	nmalloc uint64 // mcentral已分配的span计数


  • 获取时候先加锁,先从nonempty中获取一个没有分配使用的span,将其从nonempty中删除,并将span加入empty链表,mcache获取之后释放锁。
  • 归还时候先加锁,先将span加入nonempty链表中,并从empty链表中删除,最后释放锁。



type mheap struct {
	// lock must only be acquired on the system stack, otherwise a g
	// could self-deadlock if its stack grows with the lock held.
	lock      mutex
	free      mTreap // 空闲的并且没有被os收回的二叉树堆,大对象用
	sweepgen  uint32 // 扫描计数值,每次gc后自增2
	sweepdone uint32 // all spans are swept
	sweepers  uint32 // number of active sweepone calls

	allspans []*mspan // 所有的span

	sweepSpans [2]gcSweepBuf

	_ uint32 // align uint64 fields on 32-bit for atomics

	pagesInUse         uint64  // pages of spans in stats mSpanInUse; R/W with mheap.lock
	pagesSwept         uint64  // pages swept this cycle; updated atomically
	pagesSweptBasis    uint64  // pagesSwept to use as the origin of the sweep ratio; updated atomically
	sweepHeapLiveBasis uint64  // value of heap_live to use as the origin of sweep ratio; written with lock, read without
	sweepPagesPerByte  float64 // proportional sweep ratio; written with lock, read without
	// TODO(austin): pagesInUse should be a uintptr, but the 386
	// compiler can't 8-byte align fields.

	scavengeTimeBasis     int64
	scavengeRetainedBasis uint64
	scavengeBytesPerNS    float64
	scavengeRetainedGoal  uint64
	scavengeGen           uint64 // incremented on each pacing update

	reclaimIndex uint64

	reclaimCredit uintptr

	// Malloc stats.
	largealloc  uint64                  // bytes allocated for large objects
	nlargealloc uint64                  // number of large object allocations
	largefree   uint64                  // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
	nlargefree  uint64                  // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
	nsmallfree  [_NumSizeClasses]uint64 // number of frees for small objects (<=maxsmallsize)

	arenas [1 << arenaL1Bits]*[1 << arenaL2Bits]*heapArena
	heapArenaAlloc linearAlloc

	arenaHints *arenaHint
	arena linearAlloc

	allArenas []arenaIdx

	sweepArenas []arenaIdx

	curArena struct {
		base, end uintptr

	_ uint32 // ensure 64-bit alignment of central

	// 各个尺寸的central
	central [numSpanClasses]struct {
		mcentral mcentral
		pad      [cpu.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(mcentral{})%cpu.CacheLinePadSize]byte

	spanalloc             fixalloc // allocator for span*
	cachealloc            fixalloc // allocator for mcache*
	treapalloc            fixalloc // allocator for treapNodes*
	specialfinalizeralloc fixalloc // allocator for specialfinalizer*
	specialprofilealloc   fixalloc // allocator for specialprofile*
	speciallock           mutex    // lock for special record allocators.
	arenaHintAlloc        fixalloc // allocator for arenaHints

	unused *specialfinalizer // never set, just here to force the specialfinalizer type into DWARF


heapArenaBytes = 1 << logHeapArenaBytes

logHeapArenaBytes = (6+20)*(_64bit*(1-sys.GoosWindows)*(1-sys.GoosAix)*(1-sys.GoarchWasm)) + (2+20)*(_64bit*sys.GoosWindows) + (2+20)*(1-_64bit) + (8+20)*sys.GoosAix + (2+20)*sys.GoarchWasm

// heapArenaBitmapBytes is the size of each heap arena's bitmap.
heapArenaBitmapBytes = heapArenaBytes / (sys.PtrSize * 8 / 2)

pagesPerArena = heapArenaBytes / pageSize

type heapArena struct {
	bitmap [heapArenaBitmapBytes]byte
	spans [pagesPerArena]*mspan
	pageInUse [pagesPerArena / 8]uint8
	pageMarks [pagesPerArena / 8]uint8


在64位linux系统,runtime.mheap会持有 4,194,304 runtime.heapArena,每个 runtime.heapArena 都会管理 64MB 的内存,所有golang的内存上限是256TB。