Go内部有两个互斥锁,一个用户态的,暴露出来给我们使用,一个是runtime的。用户态的mutex,即sync.Mutex,它使用semaphore实现的,最终会导致未抢到锁的goroutine休眠,锁的级别是G,即会发生goroutine switches,它的时延是ns级别。runtime态的mutex使用的futex,锁的级别是M,即会发生thread switches,它的时延是μs级别的。下面是两种mutex锁GMP情况。
锁类型 | G | M | P |
runtime.mutex | Y | Y | Y |
sync.Mutex | Y | N | N |
runtime态mutex使用futex实现。当没有竞争时,futex操作不会陷入内核,直接拿到锁,否则futex陷入内核,进行sleep操作,线程上下文发生切换。需要注意的是go采用的是混合型的futex,陷入内核之前会先自旋spin一会。futex系统调用使用了一个hash表来管理等待的 thread,这个hash表每个bucket也需要一个 lock,内核使用spinlock来实现。
// Mutual exclusion locks. In the uncontended case,
// as fast as spin locks (just a few user-level instructions),
// but on the contention path they sleep in the kernel.
// A zeroed Mutex is unlocked (no need to initialize each lock).
type mutex struct {
// Futex-based impl treats it as uint32 key,
// while sema-based impl as M* waitm.
// Used to be a union, but unions break precise GC.
key uintptr
// This implementation depends on OS-specific implementations of
// futexsleep(addr *uint32, val uint32, ns int64)
// Atomically,
// if *addr == val { sleep }
// Might be woken up spuriously; that's allowed.
// Don't sleep longer than ns; ns < 0 means forever.
// futexwakeup(addr *uint32, cnt uint32)
// If any procs are sleeping on addr, wake up at most cnt.
const (
mutex_unlocked = 0
mutex_locked = 1
mutex_sleeping = 2
active_spin = 4
active_spin_cnt = 30
passive_spin = 1
// Possible lock states are mutex_unlocked, mutex_locked and mutex_sleeping.
// mutex_sleeping means that there is presumably at least one sleeping thread.
// Note that there can be spinning threads during all states - they do not
// affect mutex's state.
// We use the uintptr mutex.key and note.key as a uint32.
func key32(p *uintptr) *uint32 {
return (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
func lock(l *mutex) {
gp := getg()
if gp.m.locks < 0 {
throw("runtime·lock: lock count")
// Speculative grab for lock.
v := atomic.Xchg(key32(&l.key), mutex_locked)
if v == mutex_unlocked {
// wait is either MUTEX_LOCKED or MUTEX_SLEEPING
// depending on whether there is a thread sleeping
// on this mutex. If we ever change l->key from
// MUTEX_SLEEPING to some other value, we must be
// careful to change it back to MUTEX_SLEEPING before
// returning, to ensure that the sleeping thread gets
// its wakeup call.
wait := v
// On uniprocessors, no point spinning.
// On multiprocessors, spin for ACTIVE_SPIN attempts.
spin := 0
if ncpu > 1 { // 多核cpu才进行自旋,否则没意义
spin = active_spin
for {
// Try for lock, spinning.
for i := 0; i < spin; i++ {
for l.key == mutex_unlocked {
if atomic.Cas(key32(&l.key), mutex_unlocked, wait) {
procyield(active_spin_cnt) // procyield是汇编语言实现。函数内部循环调用PAUSE指令。PAUSE指令什么都不做,但是会消耗CPU时间
// Try for lock, rescheduling.
for i := 0; i < passive_spin; i++ {
for l.key == mutex_unlocked {
if atomic.Cas(key32(&l.key), mutex_unlocked, wait) {
osyield() // 执行sched_yield系统调用,主动让出cpu时间片
// Sleep.
v = atomic.Xchg(key32(&l.key), mutex_sleeping)
if v == mutex_unlocked {
wait = mutex_sleeping
futexsleep(key32(&l.key), mutex_sleeping, -1) // futex系统调用
func unlock(l *mutex) {
v := atomic.Xchg(key32(&l.key), mutex_unlocked)
if v == mutex_unlocked {
throw("unlock of unlocked lock")
if v == mutex_sleeping {
futexwakeup(key32(&l.key), 1)
gp := getg()
if gp.m.locks < 0 {
throw("runtime·unlock: lock count")
if gp.m.locks == 0 && gp.preempt { // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
gp.stackguard0 = stackPreempt