Smart inputmethod Switcher like a ghost.
It is an smart switcher of language input source for no-en users of Max OS X. It will help you to change the inputsource when current active application changed.
Mac OS X 10.8 or above
- 1. automatically change input source by app according profile setting.
- 2. icloud syncing for config files.
- 3. multiple profiles.
- 4. set shortcuts for each input source.
There is something to do to make GhostSKB work correctly.
- Enter GhostSKB, Preferences->Install press "read system shortcuts" button. The red TODO would be turned to DONE with green color.
- Copy GhostSKB/switch.scpt file in the project to ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.dmx.GhostSKB/
- Enter System setting, Keyboard->Shortcuts->Input Sources, Enable "Select the previous input source" and "Select next source in input menu" shortcuts.
Only by doing this can make GhostSKB work correctly.