All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Started extending Parameters with additional attributes and types (#162)
- Bumped Cassandra to 3.11.7 (#161)
- Introduce a parameter to set annotations for the external service (#164)
- Add OpenSSL and zlib to Medusa Docker images (#163)
- Fix warnings when running 'kubectl kudo package verify' (#157)
- Use Toggle Task for deployment of Cassandra exporter (#140)
- Rework Readiness and Liveness Probes (#155)
- Add architecture/repair/decommission docs (#154)
- Create simple Operator for Workload generation (#151)
- Allow definition of node tolerations for tainted k8s nodes (#153)
- Add resources and production docs (#126)
- Add v1 dashboard (#141)
3.11.6-1.0.0 - 2020-06-04
- Bumped Cassandra Prometheus Exporter to 2.3.4. (#56)
- IP addresses are now managed using a custom bootstrap binary. (#94)
- Bumped Cassandra to 3.11.6. (#116)
- Minimum required KUDO version is now 0.13.0. (#123)
- TLS encryption for node-to-node and client-to-node connections. (#31)
- External service to allow access to Cassandra from outside the cluster. (#46)
- Multi-Datacenter configuration. (#55)
- Allow JMX rpc to be accessed from within the cluster. (#58)
- Ability to tune podManagementPolicy to enable parallel deploy. (#72)
- Ability to automatically install service account and roles. (#71)
- Liveness probe. (#73)
- Repair plan. (#77)
- Nodetool SSL access via JMX. (#74)
- Password authentication. (#88)
- Backup and restore to/from S3 using medusa. (#60, #124)
- Support for Cassandra clusters spanning multiple Kubernetes clusters. (#97)
- Support for custom prometheus exporter configuration. (#93)
- Ability to start new Cassandra nodes when a Kubernetes Cluster node fails via custom recovery controller. (#96)
3.11.5-0.1.2 - 2020-01-22
- Make the KUDO Cassandra operator work with KUDO 0.10.0. (#34)
- Fix issue that prevented setting a custom volume storage class. (#42)