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-| Key | Value |
-| `DAGSTER_CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT_NAME` | The name of the Dagster+ deployment.
**Example:** `prod`. |
+| Key | Value |
+| ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `DAGSTER_CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT_NAME` | The name of the Dagster+ deployment.
**Example:** `prod`. |
| `DAGSTER_CLOUD_IS_BRANCH_DEPLOYMENT` | `1` if the deployment is a [branch deployment](/dagster-plus/features/ci-cd/branch-deployments/index.md). |
#### Line breaks and lists in tables
diff --git a/docs/docs-beta/docs/dagster-plus/deployment/management/settings/customizing-agent-settings.md b/docs/docs-beta/docs/dagster-plus/deployment/management/settings/customizing-agent-settings.md
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--- a/docs/docs-beta/docs/dagster-plus/deployment/management/settings/customizing-agent-settings.md
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-{/* TODO move from https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-plus/deployment/agents/customizing-configuration */}
+This guide is applicable to Dagster+.
+{/* /deployment/dagster-instance */}
+The Dagster+ Agent is a special variant of the Dagster instance used in [Dagster Open Source](/todo.md) and is configured through the same `dagster.yaml` file. You can customize your agent with these settings.
+{/* /dagster-plus/deployment/agents/kubernetes/configuring-running-kubernetes-agent */}
+For [Kubernetes agents](/todo.md) deployed with the Dagster+ Helm chart, you'll need to refer to the Helm chart's config map for customizing the agent.
+## Enabling user code server TTL
+User code servers support a configurable time-to-live (TTL). The agent will spin down any user code servers that haven't served requests recently and will spin them back up the next time they're needed. Configuring TTL can save compute cost because user code servers will spend less time sitting idle.
+To configure TTL:
+# dagster.yaml
+ module: dagster_cloud.instance
+ class: DagsterCloudAgentInstance
+ agent_token:
+ deployment: prod
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
+ class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
+ config:
+ server_ttl:
+ enabled: true
+ ttl_seconds: 7200 #2 hours
+## Streaming compute logs
+You can set up streaming compute logs by configuring the log upload interval (in seconds).
+# dagster.yaml
+ module: dagster_cloud.instance
+ class: DagsterCloudAgentInstance
+ agent_token:
+ deployment: prod
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
+ class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
+ module: dagster_cloud
+ class: CloudComputeLogManager
+ config:
+ upload_interval: 60
## Disabling compute logs
-{/* NOTE this is a placeholder section so the Hybrid deployment index page has somewhere to link to */}
\ No newline at end of file
+You can disable forwarding compute logs to Dagster+ by configuring the `NoOpComputeLogManager` setting:
+# dagster.yaml
+ module: dagster_cloud.instance
+ class: DagsterCloudAgentInstance
+ agent_token:
+ deployment: prod
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
+ class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
+ module: dagster.core.storage.noop_compute_log_manager
+ class: NoOpComputeLogManager
+## Writing compute logs to AWS S3
+{/* /api/python-api/libraries/dagster-aws#dagster_aws.s3.S3ComputeLogManager */}
+You can write compute logs to an AWS S3 bucket by configuring the [dagster_aws.s3.compute_log_manager](/todo.md) module.
+You are also able to stream partial compute log files by configuring the log upload interval (in seconds) using the `upload_interval` parameter.
+Note: Dagster Labs will neither have nor use your AWS credentials. The Dagster+ UI will be able to show the URLs linking to the compute log files in your S3 bucket when you set the `show_url_only` parameter to `true`.
+# dagster.yaml
+ module: dagster_cloud.instance
+ class: DagsterCloudAgentInstance
+ agent_token:
+ deployment: prod
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
+ class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
+ module: dagster_aws.s3.compute_log_manager
+ class: S3ComputeLogManager
+ config:
+ bucket: "mycorp-dagster-compute-logs"
+ local_dir: "/tmp/cool"
+ prefix: "dagster-test-"
+ use_ssl: true
+ verify: true
+ verify_cert_path: "/path/to/cert/bundle.pem"
+ endpoint_url: "http://alternate-s3-host.io"
+ skip_empty_files: true
+ upload_interval: 30
+ upload_extra_args:
+ ServerSideEncryption: "AES256"
+ show_url_only: true
+ region: "us-west-1"
\ No newline at end of file
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-{/* TODO move from https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-plus/managing-deployments/deployment-settings-reference */}
+# Dagster+ deployment settings reference
+This guide is applicable to Dagster+.
+{/* /dagster-plus */}
+This reference describes the settings that can be configured for full deployments in [Dagster+](/todo.md).
+{/* /dagster-plus/managing-deployments/managing-deployments#configuring-deployment-settings */}
+Refer to the [Managing deployments in Dagster+ guide](/todo.md) for info about configuring settings in the Dagster+ interface or using the `dagster-cloud` CLI.
+## Settings schema
+Settings are formatted using YAML. For example:
+ max_concurrent_runs: 10
+ tag_concurrency_limits:
+ - key: "database"
+ value: "redshift"
+ limit: 5
+ start_timeout_seconds: 1200
+ cancel_timeout_seconds: 1200
+ max_runtime_seconds: 7200
+ max_retries: 0
+sso_default_role: EDITOR
+## Settings
+For each deployment, you can configure settings for:
+- [Run queue](#run-queue-run_queue)
+- [Run monitoring](#run-monitoring-run_monitoring)
+- [Run retries](#run-retries-run_retries)
+- [SSO default role](#sso-default-role)
+- [Non-isolated runs](#non-isolated-runs)
+### Run queue (run_queue)
+The `run_queue` settings allow you to specify how many runs can execute concurrently in the deployment.
+ max_concurrent_runs: 10
+ tag_concurrency_limits:
+ - key: "database"
+ value: "redshift"
+ limit: 5
+| Property | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| run_queue.max_concurrent_runs | The maximum number of runs that are allowed to be in progress at once. Set to 0 to stop any runs from launching. Negative values aren't permitted.