March 13, 2019 via IRC (#datprotocol)
- Review last meeting/action items
- Open discussion
- Prep nomenclature DEP for merging (@joehand)
- jhand: punt again... spent time finishing and rreleasing:
- Find more permanent home for and redirect (@joehand)
- jhand: Think we're just going with
- jhand: I put that redirect on docs.datprroject not datproject; will do that now
- (resolved)
- Merge Wire Protocol DEP (@bnewbold)
- Done!
- Meet to discuss core work priorities for handshake
- Done
- pfrazee: we created some repos and issues for discussing that
- pfrazee: plan currently is to figure out what's in the scope of "core work" to be funding priorities
- pfrazee: we're also discussing long-term governance models
- jhand: We're moving things around within the nonprofit for Dat to ensure it has more independence and internal governance wrt nonprofit board. Goal is to do this before the next large grant comes in