All notable changes to this project (DataCROP Model Repository) will be documented in this file.
- Implementation of endpoints pertaining to Iot Systems (Asset Management). Version for MongoDB. ~ Milestone
#10, #11, #13, #14, #15, #16, #24 Implementation of classes pertaining to IoT Systems and Locations on modules "commons", "mongodb", "persistence", "services" and "api". (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
#17, #18 Implemented automated tests pertaining to IoT Systems and Locations on modules "mongodb" and "api". (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
Added Dockerfile and .dockerignorefile to define containerization. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #28 Created two docker-compose files: one to deploy only the databases for development and one to deploy locally a MongoDB - API pair. (The API is being pulled from DockerHub.) (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
#19 Created Postman collection and environment. Exported and placed in documentation file. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
#20 Created API documentation pertaining to IoT Systems and Locations in .docx and .pdf format. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
#21 Configured automatic creation of Swagger UI. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
#23 Generated documentation using the Javadoc tool. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #29 Created first request and response sample Systems in .json format. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #28 Renamed to "deployment-scripts". (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- Instantiation of the Spring Boot Project with multiple properties files for different databases. ~ Milestone
- #8 Instantiated the Spring Boot Project as a Maven Project with six modules: API, services, persistence, mysql, mongo, commons. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #9 Created the following files: one generic, one for Mongo configurations, one for H2 JPA database and one for MySQL JPA database.
- #9 Created docker-compose.yml file for local installation of a MongoDB and a MySQL container for development purposes. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- Creation of the outer folder structure of the repository.
- #1 Created folder hosting documentation of the component's API, as well as a Swagger export in JSON format. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #2 Created folder hosting pictures for the documentation. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #3 Created folder hosting quick setup helpers for development-only purposes on local machine. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #4 Created folder hosting sample data models of the basic logical entities in JSON format, as well as an exported collection of sample Postman HTTP requests for the API. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #5 Created the present document to keep track of the notable versions of the Model Repository component. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #6 Created a document with details on the licensing scheme of the Model Repository component. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)
- #7 Created a documentation file describing the component's purpose, contents and status. (@AngelaMariaDespotopoulou)